Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death! - NOW CANCELLED!

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Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

dnt you think the family knew about it well before we did. cause im sure the estate told them abt it. n im sure if the estate told them that they couldnt stop it also

The Estate found out about it the same time we did, I believe. Because according to certain reports, they tried to stop it, but couldn't so they'll be monitoring the program instead.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

what kills me many of you complain y'all going to be the same ones watching it! blah
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

Same here... They're sure to make it creepy too, to depict him like a monster. A self-injecting killer of self too, by Murray's defense. I'm trying to fathom how all this can be possible.. this much use, abuse, disrespect and sick obsession over a human being, much less one as special as Michael. How distorted and twisted fabrications and lies are in his case. I fail every time. The devil is far worse than imagined.

Those poor 3 children of his, hopefully, won't know about this. Hopefully.

sorry to say his , but his family ,parents , brother and sisters , close friends , ex-lovers and long time doctors do this before Discovery ,,,, this is why only his fans and Estate are fighting this alone... and no one from his high profile family and friends are helping us or doing anything!

i do not think we can win this battle ,,,becuse everyone is trying to paint MJ as a drug addict ,, and Discovery will help them and support thier lies ! they are happy about it !

and his children are always the last thing these people think about ,,,,Unfortnatley, his kids will suffer on the hands of the same people who made their father suffer all these years !
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

The Estate found out about it the same time we did, I believe. Because according to certain reports, they tried to stop it, but couldn't so they'll be monitoring the program instead.

i still think it was before esp. since they are using mj's name. im sure somebody had to tell them something hten they tried to stop it n realized they cant. the reason i say tht is because alot of legal things have to go before you can even start filming. but i dunno
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

sorry to say his , but his family ,parents , brother and sisters , close friends , ex-lovers and long time doctors do this before Discovery ,,,, this is why only his fans and Estate are fighting this alone... and no one from his high profile family and friends are helping us or doing anything!

i do not think we can win this battle ,,,becuse everyone is trying to paint MJ as a drug addict ,, and Discovery will help them and support thier lies ! they are happy about it !

and his children are always the last thing these people think about ,,,,Unfortnatley, his kids will suffer on the hands of the same people who made their father suffer all these years !

like i said before, im sure they found out before we did. n they know nothing can happen legally. all they can say is say to not watch the show.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

what kills me many of you complain y'all going to be the same ones watching it! blah

so true. thts exactly why they need to chill. n if the estate with two very poweful lawyers cant stop the show, then what makes them think they can. i say just dont watch it
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

n i think some of you need to take a deep breath and realzie that this is the discovery channel, not et, vh1 or e. this channel shows things of this nature all of the time. i stated earlier that they have a whole show based on autopsies. there was nothing sensationilized about it either. the show is about using pathology to come to the conclusion to how they died. it also paint the events that led up to death. i hope they dont sensationilize the documentary and stick to the facts cause it could be good.

n they wont be disecting anything on tv. all they show is probably show is someone who lokks like him lying on a table fully clothed. n on the show i think the lady autopsies are filmed cause they do block things out. n it would be impossible to have that footage cause im sure they didnt film his autopsie.

Everyone should youtube dr.g: the medical examniner and see what kind of show it is
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

i would just like to add that discovery does things like this all the time. i used to watch a show called dr.g the medical examiner and its about autopisies. they only show the real peoples pictures and the body in the morgue looks like them. they also show a dramatization of the events that led up to death. i think this could be done in good tatse like they do that show. then again its mj so they may or probablt will try to sensationalize it

That they do it all the time doesn't make it right or any less perverted IMO. Really this is what people want? Autopsies as TV shows? What's next? Executions broadcast live? I'm sure that would make great ratings as well.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

That they do it all the time doesn't make it right or any less perverted IMO. Really this is what people want? Autopsies as TV shows? What's next? Executions broadcast live? I'm sure that would make great ratings as well.

i never sai dit makes it right, but some people are tryin to make it seem like they are only doing this to mike which is not true. like i said they have done this many times before. n it is not an autopsy shown on tv. it is about using pathology to find out the cause of death. they also show a dramatization of what led up to death. they dont show any cutting or anything at all really. all they show is a clothed body laying there. thats really it. most of it is dramatization. like i keep saying EVERYONE NEEDS TO YOUTUBE DR.G:MEDICAL EXAMINER AND SEE WHAT IT IS ABOUT.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

i never sai dit makes it right, but some people are tryin to make it seem like they are only doing this to mike which is not true. like i said they have done this many times before. n it is not an autopsy shown on tv. it is about using pathology to find out the cause of death. they also show a dramatization of what led up to death. they dont show any cutting or anything at all really. all they show is a clothed body laying there. thats really it. most of it is dramatization. like i keep saying EVERYONE NEEDS TO YOUTUBE DR.G:MEDICAL EXAMINER AND SEE WHAT IT IS ABOUT.

how many people know about the program u r telling? attach Michael Jackson to it and i am sure ratings will go high .that is the only reason they are doing it.why not show autopsy of Elvis or john Lennon ? and there is no waiting court case for them .
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

We fans are disgusted...yet the Jacksons have kept silent.
Exactly, so many tweets and none of those ppl bothered to give it any importance.

They didn't bother commenting on the show, though SEVERAL fans sent them messages on Twitter, DM's, to get their attention yet these ppl were busy sabotaging the album and bitching about 'fake songs'. They were going insane and nearly killing each other on twitter (it it were possible) when it came to those songs, yet no one bothered t comment on this show.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

Exactly, so many tweets and none of those ppl bothered to give it any importance.

They didn't bother commenting on the show, though SEVERAL fans sent them messages on Twitter, DM's, to get their attention yet these ppl were busy sabotaging the album and bitching about 'fake songs'. They were going insane and nearly killing each other on twitter (it it were possible) when it came to those songs, yet no one bothered t comment on this show.

priorities my dear ,we all know that even though jackson think of us as transferable fan base.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

how many people know about the program u r telling? attach Michael Jackson to it and i am sure ratings will go high .that is the only reason they are doing it.why not show autopsy of Elvis or john Lennon ? and there is no waiting court case for them .

Idk how many people watch the show but not that many cause not to many people watch the discovery channel to begin with. N unless I came to this site I wouldn't have known about it either. I don't even think they have previews for it yet. N more people may watch then usual but the general population really doesn't care. The discovery channel is a science n health channel. I don't agree with the show about mike but like I said its a show already like that on tv. N I'm not sure what their families had to do about it either. N they never sensationilize anything but they used pathology to find out what caused death. N I'm not sure how they are gonna do his cause I'm sure they aren't talking to the people who performed his autopsy... so Idk how that's gonna go. I would also like to add that john lennon probably didn't receive am autopsy cause he was shot to death.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

What annoys me is that the family could be tweeting petitions and putting their disgust about it, retweeting petitions. They were quick to take to Twitter to bang on about fake vocals but this, nothing. Sorry but it makes me angry that something as disgusting as this they wont say anything about. Also for the UK media if this had been about John Lennon or Princess Diana for example people would be in uproar and the media behind getting it off the air. But it's Michael so no one cares. What did he do to deserve this treatment. Treated like shit during life and treated like shit in death. It makes me sick.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

Idk how many people watch the show but not that many cause not to many people watch the discovery channel to begin with. N unless I came to this site I wouldn't have known about it either. I don't even think they have previews for it yet. N more people may watch then usual but the general population really doesn't care. The discovery channel is a science n health channel. I don't agree with the show about mike but like I said its a show already like that on tv. N I'm not sure what their families had to do about it either. N they never sensationilize anything but they used pathology to find out what caused death. N I'm not sure how they are gonna do his cause I'm sure they aren't talking to the people who performed his autopsy... so Idk how that's gonna go. I would also like to add that john lennon probably didn't receive am autopsy cause he was shot to death.

john lennon did receive autopsy because it was murder to prove that in court ,they have to do autopsy .
do u really think for 3 minor who are grieving ,two of them are in private school ,are not going to find about it? how their mind is going to process that can u imagine that?
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

That they do it all the time doesn't make it right or any less perverted IMO. Really this is what people want? Autopsies as TV shows? What's next? Executions broadcast live? I'm sure that would make great ratings as well.

True. this is just not respectful at all, and yes perverted. Can't they leave Michael alone for heaven's sake. This is ridiculous. Barbara Kaufman from is driving a petition to have fans
e-mail the appropriate parties to stop this. I have e-mailed all the parties. Everybody please do!!

This program is to take place only in England so far. Hopefully, it won't come across the pond!
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

has the date of this moved?thought they were showing it at the end of dec. now i see its in january.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

I was flipping through channels late last night....and I saw where Discovery Health 'used to be' and it said OWN And today when I woke up I was surfing again and there it was with more Oprah type programming listed. I thought That it wasn't suppose to take place till 01.01.11 ? I really wish that the documentary wasn't airing.. I am still confused as to where it's being aired... around the whole world or certain countries? Either way it stinks. :(
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

john lennon did receive autopsy because it was murder to prove that in court ,they have to do autopsy .
do u really think for 3 minor who are grieving ,two of them are in private school ,are not going to find about it? how their mind is going to process that can u imagine that?

Well I stand corrected then. I never said anything about pp&b not knowing about it but the GENERAL PUBLIC DOESN'T CARE. The only people I have heard talk about it so far is mj fans. That's what I said. I didn't say anything else that you are talking about but I do think it could affect them so that's why is shouldn't be shown out of respect for them. I was just pointing out that there is a show already like this on the air and what the show is about. NOt that I agree with it
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

What annoys me is that the family could be tweeting petitions and putting their disgust about it, retweeting petitions. They were quick to take to Twitter to bang on about fake vocals but this, nothing. Sorry but it makes me angry that something as disgusting as this they wont say anything about. Also for the UK media if this had been about John Lennon or Princess Diana for example people would be in uproar and the media behind getting it off the air. But it's Michael so no one cares. What did he do to deserve this treatment. Treated like shit during life and treated like shit in death. It makes me sick.

I agree
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

What annoys me is that the family could be tweeting petitions and putting their disgust about it, retweeting petitions. They were quick to take to Twitter to bang on about fake vocals but this, nothing. Sorry but it makes me angry that something as disgusting as this they wont say anything about. Also for the UK media if this had been about John Lennon or Princess Diana for example people would be in uproar and the media behind getting it off the air. But it's Michael so no one cares. What did he do to deserve this treatment. Treated like shit during life and treated like shit in death. It makes me sick.

I agree. N I hate how people try to diminish mikes accomplishments. They try to make it seem as if he is lesser. N he is actually greater
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

You can call it conspiracy or not but I think the ones who did not want him to recieve fair treatment in life would not want him to be treated with respect in death.

I will never watch it on tv nor on youtube or else.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

I remember a horrible book that was written about MJ but in order to Not be sued, they had it published in the UK or somewhere other than the US. Maybe this is the same. Maybe the family has no sayso if it is shown outside the US. This is a possibility. Whether this is the case or not, showing this on TV shows lack of professionalism, it is moribid and is sensationalistic. They should do the right thing and cancel it, but just the fact that the Discovery Channel has allowed someone like Oprah to own OWN shows they are desperate and will do anything to survive in the ratings. It's shameful.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

Well I'm glad it is Not being shown in The USA atleast that's one place it won't be aired.. Just wish No Such Thing as nasty was going to air at all anywhere!
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

I was flipping through channels late last night....and I saw where Discovery Health 'used to be' and it said OWN And today when I woke up I was surfing again and there it was with more Oprah type programming listed. I thought That it wasn't suppose to take place till 01.01.11 ? I really wish that the documentary wasn't airing.. I am still confused as to where it's being aired... around the whole world or certain countries? Either way it stinks. :(

It is airing inthe United Kingdom right now. Hopefully it will stop there.
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

^^^ Yes.. I wish that it would. any and every where.
chanel05;3162461 said:

this is a letter tmz obtained that the estate sent to the people at discovery channel uk. lets pray this work.

Although I am not a fan of TMZ: Mr.Branca & Mr. McClain...Thank You..!*

MJ Estate: Discovery Channel Is 'Debased, Sick'

Michael Jackson 's estate is unleashing its fury on Discovery Channel for advertising an upcoming TV special set to run in the UK featuring a reenactment…

Peace, Happiness, L.O.V.E

God Bless Always :angel:~~~

:rollingpeace: :rollingpeace::
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

one think i don't understand why uk fans are banning the sponsors of that show or channel ,if start boycotting the sponsors they will be mortified because their money comes from them and if consumer boycott sponsor then sponsors will put pressure on them ,so stop sending letter to discovery and start sending letter to sponsor .
if uk fan can find out who is sponsoring this show we all can sent letter to them .
Re: Documentary Being Aired About Events Surrounding Michael Jackson's Death!

Just read the letter from the Estate and its obvious they are trying to stop this. I unfortunately saw the advert they are talking about and I burst into tears. I dont understand how Discovery can justify this.
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