Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

The problem with the drug being planted is that it is NOT a drug that is easily available outside of hospitals - so not easily available to "plant". With 2 separate sets of tox results, the truth should be found.

Regardless, if it WAS used, the responsibility for this is on the doctor alone.

for the right amount of money....anything is possible.
i have read in a mag where countless doctors are available to overstep their bounds, with marijuana, for a price. that might not be the same exact thing, but it's the same general thing. i'm just not going to give benefit of the doubt to people in high places just because they are people in high places. i can no longer do that.
you have seen the 2003 trial. people can plant anything, set up anything.

look..i have a right to say what i want about this.

you have your right. it's not your right to tell me what and what not to write. i'm not worried about annoyance at this point.

and...providing 'balance' is quite an artifical thing to do.

i'm not mimicking the enemies. that's just your view.

I'm not telling you what to write and what not to write. I'm just giving you my thoughts because that's what the board is for. If you make an accusation on here, or have a theory, expect points and counter-points.

Yes, everything I write is my view.. that much is a given. I don't remember evidence being planted in 2003. I remember there being evidence that was weak. So, I'm not sure where you're going with that. These are two entirely different, unrelated incidents.
TMZ has been reporting this.
I was just about to ask, "Isn't this old information?" But I figured maybe I was wrong. I guess I wasn't.

Some of y'all really need to calm down. "I knew it!" You knew what? So far, what I've heard is what has already been reported by the likes of TMZ regarding this drug being found in the home. Unless and until toxicology confirms that it was also in his system, you know nothing. Patience is a virtue.

If this is even true: if they found it, doesn't that mean he didn't use it?

See, this is what I hate about these little hateful leaks. And that's only if the information is accurate.

That medicine isn't something you can get a prescription for. There are protocols in place even for Drs. to get it and it is usually given in hospital /ambulatory settings. Its in a kinda small bottle. So if they found it, he didn't use it.

I remember them having 'solid sources' that the doctor gave him a shot of demerol. Look how that turned out.

I say wait for concrete verification. We're MJ fans. We should know better.
whisperrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Co-signing the bolded part.
I'm not telling you what to write and what not to write. I'm just giving you my thoughts because that's what the board is for. If you make an accusation on here, or have a theory, expect points and counter-points.

Yes, everything I write is my view.. that much is a given. I don't remember evidence being planted in 2003. I remember there being evidence that was weak. So, I'm not sure where you're going with that. These are two entirely different, unrelated incidents.

in the general scheme of things they are not unrelated.
it's the same basic principle. there was the idea of planting evidence in the mind of the kids. that's as far as i'm going to go with that.

if u r applying a counterpoint, just to give the impression of 'Hardball' the tv program, that's where i say u r being artificial, just for the sake of argument, and upsetting me. if there were no history of hate towards MJ, the way i described it, i could understand ur 'Hardball' premise. but since there is, it's hard for me to see this point/counterpoint, any other way.

so...could u answer this question, more specifically, than anything else we are speaking of, here? what do u think of the lyrics to 'In The Back'? why do u think he wrote them?
We must remember that Michael went to the dermatologic doctor many times and he always left the center with those bags. What were in those bags?

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Thank you! this is the most sense I've seen in this thread and I would like to add my two cents on.

The DEA was seen coming out of Michael's home with a huge bad of medications that Mike had supposedly taken, now although the meds were in his home, at some point he had to have taken them either once or more than others because what would be the point of it being there? (IMO) I mean did he need them for display? decorations? what? think common sense about this.

On the other hand, it could and I'm taking this with a grain of salt, been a set as a result of stating that Mike abused his meds, yet see that's not the picture I'm getting, his present doctor with him at the time supplied mike with meds that he should'nt have had in his system just so the pain would ease. I don't think the doctor monitered mike, I don't think he was at his side 24/7 and I don't think Mike was aware of the doctor's intentions, he thought he had found someone who will help him. This is what makes the doctor suspecious (IMO), when paramedics arrived, why was'nt he present? why did he flee and it took one or two days for authorities to catch up with him? and when they did catch up with him, he had his lawyer by his side, it was'nt because he was nervous that he lost a patient and not just any patient, he was nervous bcause he know what he did was wrong and he know it was'nt no accident.

I may be wrong, but wasn't it confirmed that the doctor rode in the ambulance to the hospital, and WAS in the ER at the hospital. Irregardless, major warning flags went up in my head as everything unfolded from the 911 call onward.
I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. This is wrong. So the nurse was right if the report is true. This drug is suppose tobe used in the hospital. I was given it last year for my day surgery. This is a shame. This could have been avoided. IT makes sense. Michael was doing fine and then all of sudden cadic arrest (Michael did not have no heart problem, was not over weight or inactive, no high blood pressure, no dibates, and PASSED a 5 hour physical with NO PROBLEM). This is disgrace. I would not be surprise if this doctor did not give it to him. It would explain the delay in calling 911. DAM

Its all so so sad...and it makes perfect sense.

Did ya'll see what tmz is now reporting: they spoke with the head honchos that provided the insurance coverage for the concerts and they said that unlike what Phillips said, it does not cover death from accidental overdose!!! Ooops looks like someone slipped!

TMZ is also posing a very good question: If Mike had injection marks on his body, a clear sign of a problem, then how were they able to go through with getting coverage? Instead of helping him they helped dig his grave.

AEG effed up, whoever supplied him with Diprivan and said it was safe effed up, the physician that let him continue after the physical effed up, and they all need to acknowldge the wrongs they committed becuz right now there are 3 children without a father!!!
Its all so so sad...and it makes perfect sense.

Did ya'll see what tmz is now reporting: they spoke with the head honchos that provided the insurance coverage for the concerts and they said that unlike what Phillips said, it does not cover death from accidental overdose!!! Ooops looks like someone slipped!

TMZ is also posing a very good question: If Mike had injection marks on his body , a clear sign of a problem, then how were they able to go through with getting coverage? Instead of helping him they helped dig his grave.

AEG effed up, whoever supplied him with Diprivan and said it was safe effed up, the physician that let him continue after the physical effed up, and they all need to acknowldge the wrongs they committed becuz right now there are 3 children without a father!!!

where did you get that info from (in bold)?

was it that FAKE autopsy that was found on the internet?
he never said he had insomnia.

i do.

Michael was used to performing, his entire life. it's not cool to assume that his body is like ours. except in one way..the body adapts to changes, to help it's immune system. if you lose an eye, your hearing gets stronger.

MJ's body must have adapted to his art. and when you consider all the hate, through the years, and the premise for the 2003 trial, and when the kindest person on earth gets killed, i am allowed to suspect a LOT of people in high places. and the 'nicer' they get, the more i will suspect them. it's too late to change course, now.

Trust you to say that they planted the drugs. You just keep getting sillier. I remember you once compared Michael's ability to perform with him being able to dodge the media. You can man make so much sense at times and then at times you just sound like a 7 year old. Its not like they found crack!
if u r applying a counterpoint, just to give the impression of 'Hardball' the tv program, that's where i say u r being artificial, just for the sake of argument, and upsetting me. if there were no history of hate towards MJ, the way i described it, i could understand ur 'Hardball' premise. but since there is, it's hard for me to see this point/counterpoint, any other way.

Sorry you feel that way. You think he was set up, or that drugs were planted. I'm saying I don't believe that. I'm not telling you what to post or what not to post, or what to believe or what not believe, just offering my thoughts on your conspiracy theory to provide some balance. I'm not playing "Hardball" or whatever. I do, however, find it incredulous that people are coming up with these things when so little is known.

so...could u answer this question, more specifically, than anything else we are speaking of, here? what do u think of the lyrics to 'In The Back'? why do u think he wrote them?
I don't know why he wrote a song called "In The Back", maybe because his friends sue him and are motivated by cash? I don't play the game of six degrees so I don't know exactly what this has to do with anything.

He also wrote a song called "Morphine", just to prove my point...
Its all so so sad...and it makes perfect sense.

Did ya'll see what tmz is now reporting: they spoke with the head honchos that provided the insurance coverage for the concerts and they said that unlike what Phillips said, it does not cover death from accidental overdose!!! Ooops looks like someone slipped!

TMZ is also posing a very good question: If Mike had injection marks on his body, a clear sign of a problem, then how were they able to go through with getting coverage? Instead of helping him they helped dig his grave.

AEG effed up, whoever supplied him with Diprivan and said it was safe effed up, the physician that let him continue after the physical effed up, and they all need to acknowldge the wrongs they committed becuz right now there are 3 children without a father!!!
I think you're drawing all sorts of conclusions based off of unsubstantiated and ill-received information.
I was just about to ask, "Isn't this old information?" But I figured maybe I was wrong. I guess I wasn't.

Some of y'all really need to calm down. "I knew it!" You knew what? So far, what I've heard is what has already been reported by the likes of TMZ regarding this drug being found in the home. Unless and until toxicology confirms that it was also in his system, you know nothing. Patience is a virtue.

whisperrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Co-signing the bolded part.
LOOK, when I said, "I knew it", I was talking about all the inconsistings with a 50 year old man who is NOT overweight, NOT inactive, DO NOT have no heart problems, DANCING his tail, ENERGENTIC and now DEAD. SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. GOT IT. IT is clear by now a drug is involved (DEA and the FED do not come out to nothing).
I think you're drawing all sorts of conclusions based off of unsubstantiated and ill-received information.

Maybe...and I keep telling myself to just wait for validation, but its difficult cuz more and more stuff keeps coming out and it gits overbearing...

Thanks for putting me on check though...
I afraid he used it. And probably the doctor should have waken him up but I dont know what happened. This drug is dangerous because the user is better to wake up, like doesnt wake necessarily by himself... :(
LOOK, when I said, "I knew it", I was talking about all the inconsistings with a 50 year old man who is NOT overweight, NOT inactive, DO NOT have no heart problems, DANCING his tail, ENERGENTIC and now DEAD. SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. GOT IT. IT is clear by now a drug is involved (DEA and the FED do not come out to nothing).

Heart attacks can happen to anyone.
I'm not telling you what to write and what not to write. I'm just giving you my thoughts because that's what the board is for. If you make an accusation on here, or have a theory, expect points and counter-points.

Yes, everything I write is my view.. that much is a given. I don't remember evidence being planted in 2003. I remember there being evidence that was weak. So, I'm not sure where you're going with that. These are two entirely different, unrelated incidents.
Don't waste your time with him, Supe.
LOOK, when I said, "I knew it", I was talking about all the inconsistings with a 50 year old man who is NOT overweight, NOT inactive, DO NOT have no heart problems, DANCING his tail, ENERGENTIC and now DEAD. SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. GOT IT. IT is clear by now a drug is involved (DEA and the FED do not come out to nothing).
terrell, this is the second time in the past two days that you have gone off at me specifically. You weren't the only one who said "I knew it." There is really no reason for the hostility. Your thinking is valid. The thinking of some others, IMHO, is not. Please, pull back. Thanks.
conspiracy ideas will abound. Always have, always will. Sometimes with basis, sometimes without.

What matter to me is:

1. Daily use of prescription painkillers or having them in the house in my opinion does not equal prescription drug abuse. If they were needed for pain, it's not abuse.

2. There has also been mentioned anti-depressive meds - again not abuse if needed. Millions of people use the same daily.

3. Diprivan. If found, what on earth would be the point of planting it?? There is absolutely NO WAY that is Michael's responsibility, if that is what he was given. That would be the sole responsibility of the doctor who administered it without the proper safeguards. It does not matter how much Michael may have wanted it, if true. It was the doctor's responsibility to use it safely - which should never have been done at home - especially without proper monitoring/rescusitative equipment.

So if it was Diprivan - the only person to blame is the doctor. And if it WAS ditrivan - I would like to know if the doctor revealed that to emergency personnel and the doctors at the hospital.

Anyway, it's all speculation at this point until tox results are in, and no matter what, it doesn't bring Michael back.
Maybe...and I keep telling myself to just wait for validation, but its difficult cuz more and more stuff keeps coming out and it gits overbearing...

Thanks for putting me on check though...
I hear you, Spidey. It's hard, but we're just going to have to wait for more information. :flowers:
It remains to be seen that this drug was in Michaels system and more importantly, that it was the actual cause of death.

Lets just wait for the tox reports and in the mean time keep an open mind about everything you read and hear. Theres a lot of nonsense going around about everything to do with Michael just now, a lot of it just cannot be trusted.
Heart attacks can happen to anyone.
Yes but there are things that causes them.. You do not get a heart attack by being healthy than all of sudden BOOM. SOmething caused it regardless if it is natural cause or unnatural.
right now it doesn't even matter... what stories are said...

Michael will always be remembered by the fans and people who loved and cared for him the same way...

this news development will not change the tributes and hurt in people's hearts of this loss..........

I've found away to be no longer upset by the stories, rumours or even when the toxicology report when it comes out....
conspiracy ideas will abound. Always have, always will. Sometimes with basis, sometimes without.

What matter to me is:

1. Daily use of prescription painkillers or having them in the house in my opinion does not equal prescription drug abuse. If they were needed for pain, it's not abuse.

2. There has also been mentioned anti-depressive meds - again not abuse if needed. Millions of people use the same daily.

3. Diprivan. If found, what on earth would be the point of planting it?? There is absolutely NO WAY that is Michael's responsibility, if that is what he was given. That would be the sole responsibility of the doctor who administered it without the proper safeguards. It does not matter how much Michael may have wanted it, if true. It was the doctor's responsibility to use it safely - which should never have been done at home - especially without proper monitoring/rescusitative equipment.

So if it was Diprivan - the only person to blame is the doctor. And if it WAS ditrivan - I would like to know if the doctor revealed that to emergency personnel and the doctors at the hospital.

Anyway, it's all speculation at this point until tox results are in, and no matter what, it doesn't bring Michael back.
Wow...shame.. Michael said he was sleep deprived but I didn't know he would be taking these type of drugs.. :( I wish I could go to the past and tell him not to take it!!! :(
conspiracy ideas will abound. Always have, always will. Sometimes with basis, sometimes without.

What matter to me is:

1. Daily use of prescription painkillers or having them in the house in my opinion does not equal prescription drug abuse. If they were needed for pain, it's not abuse.

2. There has also been mentioned anti-depressive meds - again not abuse if needed. Millions of people use the same daily.

3. Diprivan. If found, what on earth would be the point of planting it?? There is absolutely NO WAY that is Michael's responsibility, if that is what he was given. That would be the sole responsibility of the doctor who administered it without the proper safeguards. It does not matter how much Michael may have wanted it, if true. It was the doctor's responsibility to use it safely - which should never have been done at home - especially without proper monitoring/rescusitative equipment.

So if it was Diprivan - the only person to blame is the doctor. And if it WAS ditrivan - I would like to know if the doctor revealed that to emergency personnel and the doctors at the hospital.

Anyway, it's all speculation at this point until tox results are in, and no matter what, it doesn't bring Michael back.

I agree with this. I do think some personal accountability is there (not necessarily in this case.. we don't even know what he took, if anything. I'm just speaking in general). But the fact remains these should be tightly controlled, regulated drugs. I can't get this drug, neither should anyone else without going through 100% legitimate channels.
This is why i suggested a thread with the truth would help.

The only injection marks found during autopsy were those injected into his heart by the hospital to try and rescucitate him.
The pathologist denied that they were the source of reports concerning exagerations to the autopsy.

The autopsy did not help them figure out why he died, so they await toxology reports.

It's surprising that when this woman says Diprivan, they suddenly say they found diprivan.

Don't forget Diprivan has to be given via IV. The doctor has categorically denied injecting Michael with any drug and has said, any prescription was for an ailment.
Michael did not have an IV in him when the paramedics went there, or else that info would be out by now.

The doctor's lawyer has asked the public to reserve judgement till toxology results are back.

So how did Michael take deprivan if there was no injection or drip on him?

Michael complained he wasn't feeling well and spoke to Frank about this. So his death is unlikely to be because of Deprivan, it most likely is some pain he was experiencing that he took with a pills prescribed to him by the doctor, or it was simply a heart failure.

I think 1993 was like this where everyone was running left right and centre with their wild stories and confirmations.

What helped in 2003 is that Bashir did the doc, fans got the rebuttal and knew the truth such that when the lies broke later, atleast they knew what was true and what was false.

The media needs shock to keep this "drug" story running, otherwise they have to focus on positive Michael news and his legacy. They want to scandalize him and they feel drugs story is the way.

Michael would definitely have lots of medication in his home, as do many people, incase he needs it.
I mean, a doctor employed to stay in the home would make a collection of a variety of drugs for various ailments should they arise.

It's like an engineer coming to fix the tap or do repair work, they come with an entire kit, even with stuff they are not going to use. The guy can have a set of screw drivers but end up using only one of a given size or none. They must be ready for action.

But the media is now taking all this and running with "there were many drugs, bags of drugs".
The two bags they took from his house aren't that much. In any case, we see him with medicine bags coming out of the hospital, so there is nothing "secret" about the bags of drugs.

And the doctor would definitely have drugs in his car as a practicing medic.

And they are trying to blur the line between prescription drugs and illegal drugs.
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