Diprivan WAS found at MJ home

well if the doctor did give him that drug then he should be charged with murder the world has lost a legend, the king of pop why oh why
it only is a short acting drug tho... so why would it be used for sleep =/

It continues to cause sedation/sleep/anesthesia as long as it is infusing, it is very short acting hence the ability to awaken rapidly.
uYou can even check out Michael jackson private home movies, its on the net, where he says himself that it's difficult for him to sleep at night because of the adrenaline. He finsihed that night at 12:30. It's recommended you dont exercise for many hours before bed. Have you tried sleeeping right after exercising, and he was rehearsing for hours. Maybe it would have helped if rehearsal times simply finished much earlier.

Dancing and exercising will help with sleep, but at least no heavy exercise for 4-6 hours before sleep, this is especially true for ppl with insomnia
it also could have been planted.

Would you believe anything though? I mean, if there was ever a celebrity to get a free pass for using drugs of any sort, it would be MJ. Heck, even f he had died from a heroin overdose it would be understandable given the immense pressure he was under his entire life, let alone some prescription drugs to help him rest or ease pain.

Obviously, I'm not saying that this is fact yet or anything, and we should wait for facts, but will you believe anything they come out with?

I am usually skeptical of a lot of stories myself, but this is probably the story that makes the most sense: he was taking some stuff to help him rest. That is not that hard to believe nor does it make him a bad person or anything, so I don't see the need for conspiracy theories at this point.
Isn't this diprivan non addictive, which means he was not an addict.And that Indian dr gupta from CNN said that it cannot be given out of a hospital settings.

Everytime the media gets a supposed lead on their theory about MJ they always get some creep coming out the woodwork to validate it Like in 93' with the allegations.
uYou can even check out Michael jackson private home movies, its on the net, where he says himself that it's difficult for him to sleep at night because of the adrenaline. He finsihed that night at 12:30. It's recommended you dont exercise for many hours before bed. Have you tried sleeeping right after exercising, and he was rehearsing for hours. Maybe it would have helped if rehearsal times simply finished much earlier.

Dancing and exercising will help with sleep, but at least no heavy exercise for 4-6 hours before sleep, this is especially true for ppl with insomnia

he never said he had insomnia.

Would you believe anything though? I mean, if there was ever a celebrity to get a free pass for using drugs of any sort, it would be MJ. Heck, even f he had died from a heroin overdose it would be understandable given the immense pressure he was under his entire life, let alone some prescription drugs to help him rest or ease pain.

Obviously, I'm not saying that this is fact yet or anything, and we should wait for facts, but will you believe anything they come out with?

I am usually skeptical of a lot of stories myself, but this is probably the story that makes the most sense: he was taking some stuff to help him rest. That is not that hard to believe nor does it make him a bad person or anything, so I don't see the need for conspiracy theories at this point.

i do.

Michael was used to performing, his entire life. it's not cool to assume that his body is like ours. except in one way..the body adapts to changes, to help it's immune system. if you lose an eye, your hearing gets stronger.

MJ's body must have adapted to his art. and when you consider all the hate, through the years, and the premise for the 2003 trial, and when the kindest person on earth gets killed, i am allowed to suspect a LOT of people in high places. and the 'nicer' they get, the more i will suspect them. it's too late to change course, now.
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I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT. This is wrong. So the nurse was right if the report is true. This drug is suppose tobe used in the hospital. I was given it last year for my day surgery. This is a shame. This could have been avoided. IT makes sense. Michael was doing fine and then all of sudden cadic arrest (Michael did not have no heart problem, was not over weight or inactive, no high blood pressure, no dibates, and PASSED a 5 hour physical with NO PROBLEM). This is disgrace. I would not be surprise if this doctor did not give it to him. It would explain the delay in calling 911. DAM
If this is even true: if they found it, doesn't that mean he didn't use it?

See, this is what I hate about these little hateful leaks. And that's only if the information is accurate.

That medicine isn't something you can get a prescription for. There are protocols in place even for Drs. to get it and it is usually given in hospital /ambulatory settings. Its in a kinda small bottle. So if they found it, he didn't use it.

I remember them having 'solid sources' that the doctor gave him a shot of demerol. Look how that turned out.

I say wait for concrete verification. We're MJ fans. We should know better.
Stupid question: What is diprivan? Apparently a general anesthetic of some kind but what would make it lethal?
he never said he had insomnia.

Actually, he HAS said this, many times. With all that's going on I just don't have time to hunt up the interviews, but yes, he's said that and I've heard it, that after a show he'd be so wired he'd have trouble getting to sleep. That is wholly understandable, that he couldn't just go from being so energized and "on," to a restful sleep. So, yeah. However, if he was given that medication, it still does not discount the possibility of a conspiracy. We just have to wait and see for toxicology and other reports to come out. Just wait and see. . . . . .

WHISPERRRRRR!!! Welcome back!! Oh man I'm seeing more and more of the oldies. Wow:)

Yes, I agree it is important to take the news within context and that is the disturbing thing about the 'leaks'; it is out of context and leads people down the wrong road.

I say wait on confirmation, within context.
And may I ask why? What proof do you have for people to have planted drugs in the home? I mean, you're just throwing darts into the air.

what proof is there that MJ was irresponsible?

the only proof i need is the history of hate from high places. my darts will probably be more accurate.
If this is even true: if they found it, doesn't that mean he didn't use it?

See, this is what I hate about these little hateful leaks. And that's only if the information is accurate.

That medicine isn't something you can get a prescription for. There are protocols in place even for Drs. to get it and it is usually given in hospital /ambulatory settings. Its in a kinda small bottle. So if they found it, he didn't use it.

I remember them having 'solid sources' that the doctor gave him a shot of demerol. Look how that turned out.

I say wait for concrete verification. We're MJ fans. We should know better.

I agree, we can't make decisions on what truly happened until final tox reports come out. But if Diprivan was found in the home, who's to say that either there were used bottles there and they also found, or that someone discarded used bottles before the homicide/dea officials came in several days after the fact.

Ultimately, we won't know until the toxicology reports, and even then, it may not show conclusively what took Michael's life, although it will show what was in his system/tissues at death.
But insomnia and trouble going to sleep after a such adrenaline rush are two different things!! Insomnia is when you are not able to sleep at all. I never heard MJ say he can't normally sleep. We know he is a night owl and sleep in the day that could just be a reversal of sleep cycle for him; not necessarily insomnia.

Again, I really don't trust that nurse, and then this info coming out like this. I am suspicious.
News just in on CNN, the drug Diprivan was found. This might be the reason we lost him. Now who the hell supplied it for him!! ARGH!

I knew it I knew it!!!! That is why yesterday I posted in a thread that I thought they would find it and that the Doctor was suppose to wake him up but he didnt, That is why the doc was spending the night there. OHHH it is all coming out now..That doctor is in big trouble....we all new that Michael was not a big drug head now it is all comeing out....the media sucks. now we just sit back and wit for that doc to get his. He is such a big liar and that will come out.
what proof is there that MJ was irresponsible?

I am not going to go there because it's just going to needlessly upset a lot of fans on this board.

But I tend to believe this report because, oddly enough, the press isn't beating us over the head with this. It's like "oh, they found something, the feds are involved. But more about the kids and the memorial service...."

He was not perfect, he was only a human being, and it's a VERY plausible scenario that he was taking something to help him sleep. It's not about the condition of his body. A fitness buff can have trouble resting or who knows what else.

I mean, you're not going to be convinced of anything, that much is clear. The thing is though, by going through with all of these theories, it's no different than the Diane Dimonds and all these others who pull stories out of their arse. You're playing the different side to the same coin.

I admire your fandom and certainly nobody wants to believe Michael Jackson of all people is dead, but there's really no need to be pulling conspiracy theories out of the air.
I wish everyone would take a breath. CNN is still a competative news outlet.

Even though they're doing a good job of most of this coverage they have not avoided sensationalism altogether.

No matter what they say, no matter how they spin it before the results come back,

just remember it is for now only heresay, conjecture, speculation,

no matter what is found in the home.
I am not going to go there because it's just going to needlessly upset a lot of fans on this board.

But I tend to believe this report because, oddly enough, the press isn't beating us over the head with this. It's like "oh, they found something, the feds are involved. But more about the kids and the memorial service...."

He was not perfect, he was only a human being, and it's a VERY plausible scenario that he was taking something to help him sleep. It's not about the condition of his body. A fitness buff can have trouble resting or who knows what else.

I mean, you're not going to be convinced of anything, that much is clear. The thing is though, by going through with all of these theories, it's no different than the Diane Dimonds and all these others who pull stories out of their arse. You're playing the different side to the same coin.

I admire your fandom and certainly nobody wants to believe Michael Jackson of all people is dead, but there's really no need to be pulling conspiracy theories out of the air.

the media has always been clever. if u want to believe them, go ahead.

if you want to find the good in these people, by all means, go ahead. but your view of me being like Diane Dimond is way off. you're giving levity to the other side. that's your right. you saying things about MJ(that u think will upset fans)is plausible, is no different than what you are accusing me of. plausible means you are guessing. throwing darts in the air.(and sounding like Dimond)

if u r saying i'm an obsessed fan, have at it. that doesn't make me a person without clarity.

listen to the lyrics of the song 'in the back'. He knew people were after him. if nothing else..believe the lyrics. unless u think something is wrong with MJ's brain, too. please don't come after me, because i will respond, honestly.
There is really nothing to do but wait for toxicology. The good thing about that is that there will be 2 independent sets of results.

As to conspiracy? Well, the only conspiracy that seems apparent to me at this point is that of an incompetent doctor covering his ass. Seems pretty obvious the equipment necessary to use Diprivan safely was not in place - unless the doctor took the time before calling 911 to hide it. But if the equipment was in place, this shouldn't have happened.

Was Michael responsible? I would say not. If what this "nurse" said is true, Michael said he had it done before and safely. Could be that at that time all the proper equipment and safeguards were in place. Having safely used it before and the good result - no grogginess, no usual addictive properties, etc., probably seemed like the best plan to him, and of course, discussing it again with a "doctor" and being told it was "safe" - he would trust the doctor. Just seems that this particular doctor was one that should not have been trusted.

All speculation at this point, though, and heartbreaking.
the media has always been clever. if u want to believe them, go ahead.

if you want to find the good in these people, by all means, go ahead. but your view of me being like Diane Dimond is way off. you're giving levity to the other side. that's your right. you saying things about MJ(that u think will upset fans)is plausible, is no different than what you are accusing me of. plausible means you are guessing. throwing darts in the air.(and sounding like Dimond)

if u r saying i'm an obsessed fan, have at it. that doesn't make me a person without clarity.

listen to the lyrics of the song 'in the back'. He knew people were after him. if nothing else..believe the lyrics. unless u think something is wrong with MJ's brain, too. please don't come after me, because i will respond, honestly.

I am not "coming after you". I don't have anything against you, but you are talking about people setting him up and just pulling stories out of the air, and I am offering a counter. I'm keeping it civil. It's nothing personal. But the drug was found in the home. It doesn't mean he was using, it doesn't mean he was NOT using. It just means it was found. There's no need to accuse people of planting it... it's a baseless claim, and I would think an MJ fan of all people would know how annoying those are.
There is really nothing to do but wait for toxicology. The good thing about that is that there will be 2 independent sets of results.

As to conspiracy? Well, the only conspiracy that seems apparent to me at this point is that of an incompetent doctor covering his ass. Seems pretty obvious the equipment necessary to use Diprivan safely was not in place - unless the doctor took the time before calling 911 to hide it. But if the equipment was in place, this shouldn't have happened.

Was Michael responsible? I would say not. If what this "nurse" said is true, Michael said he had it done before and safely. Could be that at that time all the proper equipment and safeguards were in place. Having safely used it before and the good result - no grogginess, no usual addictive properties, etc., probably seemed like the best plan to him, and of course, discussing it again with a "doctor" and being told it was "safe" - he would trust the doctor. Just seems that this particular doctor was one that should not have been trusted.

All speculation at this point, though, and heartbreaking.

i could understand what u r saying..except..MJ never said he had insomnia. other people are saying that. so, it's not plausible MJ would put his life in other peoples' hands.

u know..when MJ was here, he was always accused of being financially unstable. now that he is gone, suddenly the media is treating his fortune as if he was a wizard at finance, they are obssessed with who is gunna get it.

so..i don't believe anything that comes across my airwaves.
Sensationalism is at work here. Regardless to what was found, they are AT THIS TIME sensationalizing.



u know..when MJ was here, he was always accused of being financially unstable. now that he is gone, suddenly the media is treating his fortune as if he was a wizard at finance, they are obssessed with who is gunna get it.

No, they still mention the debt... his debt and his estate are two different things.
I am not "coming after you". I don't have anything against you, but you are talking about people setting him up and just pulling stories out of the air, and I am offering a counter. I'm keeping it civil. It's nothing personal. But the drug was found in the home. It doesn't mean he was using, it doesn't mean he was NOT using. It just means it was found. There's no need to accuse people of planting it... it's a baseless claim, and I would think an MJ fan of all people would know how annoying those are.

you have seen the 2003 trial. people can plant anything, set up anything.

look..i have a right to say what i want about this.

you have your right. it's not your right to tell me what and what not to write. i'm not worried about annoyance at this point.

and...providing 'balance' is quite an artifical thing to do.

i'm not mimicking the enemies. that's just your view.
The problem with the drug being planted is that it is NOT a drug that is easily available outside of hospitals - so not easily available to "plant". With 2 separate sets of tox results, the truth should be found.

Regardless, if it WAS used, the responsibility for this is on the doctor alone.
Multiple people including his family members have stated he suffered from insomnia for years. Diprivan is a very rapid acting iv anesthetic, and rapid re-awakening after it is stopped, within minutes one is awake after receiving it.

But it must involve continuous monitoring of cardiac, respiratory, and oxygenation status, with life saving equipment immediately available. It is never given outside a hospital or outpatient surgicenter type setting with MD's present at all times. It is not avaible through prescription, period.

Anything is possible in the dark world of people that could obtain and administer this medication, specifically physicians that could have come into Michael's world.

This is to me one of the seemingly most likely causes of what has happened, but it is truly just my opinion.

(and I use Diprivan daily in my work setting, must be recertified yearly to administer it, and only under the supervision of a on site physician)

Thank you! this is the most sense I've seen in this thread and I would like to add my two cents on.

The DEA was seen coming out of Michael's home with a huge bad of medications that Mike had supposedly taken, now although the meds were in his home, at some point he had to have taken them either once or more than others because what would be the point of it being there? (IMO) I mean did he need them for display? decorations? what? think common sense about this.

On the other hand, it could and I'm taking this with a grain of salt, been a set as a result of stating that Mike abused his meds, yet see that's not the picture I'm getting, his present doctor with him at the time supplied mike with meds that he should'nt have had in his system just so the pain would ease. I don't think the doctor monitered mike, I don't think he was at his side 24/7 and I don't think Mike was aware of the doctor's intentions, he thought he had found someone who will help him. This is what makes the doctor suspecious (IMO), when paramedics arrived, why was'nt he present? why did he flee and it took one or two days for authorities to catch up with him? and when they did catch up with him, he had his lawyer by his side, it was'nt because he was nervous that he lost a patient and not just any patient, he was nervous bcause he know what he did was wrong and he know it was'nt no accident.

Needless to say, I would'nt be surprised if that's what they found in his home and if it was in his system.