Did you ever see Michael in person?

same here...........................

saw him 7 times in concert, once outside the hotel in london during the history tour

bad tour leeds, dangerous tour wembley, history tour amsterdam, sheffield and all the wembley nights

memories will never fade. so sad i never got to the 8th concert this summer
I was at Glasgow green in 92, ten rows from the front, at eleven years old, getting crushed to fuck and people fainting every 5 seconds around you is scary, but it was the most exciting thing Ive ever been involved in, pure adrenaline.
I have very clear memories of that gig, especially Billie Jean descending from the top of the stage and Will You Be There, there was a clear sky that night with the lasers shooting out above the crowd. The choir intro always sticks in my head, when I looked up I could see the stars in the sky above the stage, stunning. I like listening to the Glasgow bootleg now and again, still gives me goose bumps.

Then I seen MJ at wembley in 97, that was a different experience. Not as intense as Glasgow Green but still totally bangin, and still girls passing out everywhere I looked! My best memory from that night was his robot on Stranger In Moscow. I still have the HIStory Tour binoculars :)

If any performer had the ability to have the crowd by the balls before they even reached the stage it was MJ :)
No :( I never got the chance to meet him or even see him in person. I always said that I would see him before I died, the thought of him dying never crossed my mind
Me too :cry:

I had so many chances and I took them all for granted. I always said "Next time" and now there will be no next time! :no:

That's like me. :( I'm so pissed at myself for not going to see him every time he was in London and especially at the world music awards. What the hell is wrong with me?!? Something I will regret forever.
If any performer had the ability to have the crowd by the balls before they even reached the stage it was MJ :)

Could not have said it better :p haha

I've never seen him :( I was only 6 when he came here for HIStory so I was counting on a world tour... it's really painful knowing it would have happened.
I really regret never sending him the letter I wrote when i was 12, or my drawing of "Bad".

Also, this might sound crazy, but it's weird thinking that he doesnt even exist in the same world as me anyore... I feel lonlier for the absence of someone I never met.
i saw him twice.
The first time at the World Music Awards and the second at the O2 where i was really close to him.
Yes... been near him like 5 times or so.... stood by his side and etc... gosh so despressing to think about that but also I have an awesome memory anyway
I never got to see Michael. I dreamed of seeing him like all of you who never got to see him eather. Ive waiting to see him since 91 and now its never going to happen and its the worst pain ever! I miss him soo much!
I never saw him....missed the opportunity to see him in NYC during the 30th anniversary special and will never forgive myself. I just wish that I had been able to tell him how much I love him :(
I have never seen him and like others said never will. :no:

The one and only time I saw him was at his 30th Anniversary Special at MSG... best day of my life.

I've seen the YouTube Clips and I bet that was amazing to be there in person! My favorite is when he performs Billie Jean.

Yes. And met. And hugged. And spoken to on the phone... :(

But these are memories I will cherish forever. I know I'm lucky. I just miss him so much.

I would love to know also. You can leave out personal information.
When he was at Wembley in 1992 on the 'Dangerous' tour. We arrived and were waiting for the big moment of him appearing on stage when it was announced he would not be performing due to an ear infection. I couldn't believe it. The show was resheduled for August and it was something I will NEVER EVER forget. His engergy on stage was like no other performer I have seen. Just breathtaking. I am so very, very sad.
I did and didn't know it lol, I was in Solvang on holiday and we went to this market there and this guy had just walked past me(I didn't take much notice) then the market stall holder said 'that guy that just walked away was Michael Jackson in a disguise' we turned around but he was gone :(
When I heard he had passed, my first thought was I never met him. I know I'm only 18, but Michael has always been my favorite. My dad used to kid that he taught him how to dance. I was convinced until I was about 5. He always tells that story. Man... I have to make a trip to Neverland sometime soon.
There is a fair in my county with one of the rides from Neverland! I'm going to see it today. =)
i never seen him :( the closest i got to him was when he did the world music awards in london and i was there on a college trip and drove past the arena. Didnt see anyone but at least i was near him some how
no :(

i was supposed to see him on the dangerous tour when i was 7 in 1993, but he cancelled. then my auntie got tickets to the history concert when he came again in 96 but my dad didn't let me go, and all i got was a t-shirt :lol:

i thought this is it would be 3rd time lucky as i had tickets to the 9th of jan :(
I so wish I had!!! I had tickets to the London concert and was SO psyched to see him in person but ALAS it will never be! :cry:
That is so UNFAIR... A lot of fans got the chance to meet him like 100 times! And some of us never met him! N E V E R! Not even a glimpse! I know it's never enough of him but come on!!!!
That is so UNFAIR... A lot of fans got the chance to meet him like 100 times! And some of us never met him! N E V E R! Not even a glimpse! I know it's never enough of him but come on!!!!

Yeah tell me about it. I should have lived in the USA I think...didn't see him even once. Not even for a second. I thought my dream would finally come true this summer. Makes me feel quite miserable.
Yes, at the court house, Both inside and out side,
Neverland..... Also outside the Omni Hotel
I shout out I Love you to him inside the court out during the T____L.. He
said I Love you back ;) I'm gonna miss him soooooooooooooooo much :boohoo:

R. I. P


Wow all of you who said I love you and got an I love you back in person that is amazing, you are so lucky!
this thread makes me cry cause i never ever got to meet him never ever in my whole life is not far :yes: :cry:
WHY? did GOD take MJ away i'm going to see him soon if i ever go to london :yes:
but why? DO god TAKE HIM AWAY :yes:
my pain hurts me cause i'm so angry at GOD cause my dream was getting closer and closer to see him know my dream is gone, gone, gone FOREVER :yes: :cry:

is NOT FAR, IS NOT FAR, BAD GOD cause he take him away and i never ever meet him in my life know it hurts :yes:
No I haven't seen him and this is the thing that depresses me most so I better get out of this thread before I get suicidal or something.
Not even once i got the chance to see him in person or to even say i love u Michael. Even when he did his concert here in my country, i was too disappointed that i didn't get the ticket for his performances for 2 consecutive days. I still wanted to be close to him, so i went to the stadium, i sat outside, from the start to the end of the concert, i was there listening to his voice, screaming, music, everything. But never got the chance to meet him in live. :(
Remember that moment, lucky guy!!! It's very valuable and won't have other chance to meet him.
I'm so admire who had seen michael before...I've never seen him and i never will.
The chance had gone, and it will not return anymore.
All things about him had changed to memory;
All things about him had gone;
And it will not return, and not come back~~
But i know that he will live in my heart forever,
and maybe appear in my dream...
MyThe summer before that we went to Disneyland and I swear I saw him there. I looked right into his eyes while he and I believe other Jacksons were on the trolly thing on Main Street. I looked to my left, recognized someone as he took his sunglasses off for a second to wipe them. The eyes looked at me. I looked in them, transfixed, my heart going through the clouds, I was in awe for those 3 seconds. WOW. But it happened so fast I was never 100% sure inside. I've always had doubts about what I experienced, about if it was really him or I just thought it was him, lol. But later that night, in line for Captain EO, I overheard others saying it was so crazy that MJ had been there that day. So I think I really looked into his eyes. It was an incredible experience, from mere feet away. And if it wasn't him, I don't ever want to know it. Let me believe it in bliss. If it really was him, thank you God for arranging that my family's one and only ever trip to Disneyland coincided with a visit from Michael and that you let me see his beautiful eyes. What are the chances?

What a cool experience. Sounds to me like there's a good chance it really happened!
I only saw him at the O2 press conference. I'm quite a recent fan by the way.