Did you ever see Michael in person?

especially to spend time with him in Neverland :(
It must have been amazing, would love to hear about it.

When he was in sweden last time I was five years old and didn't go to the concert, now I looked for tickets to This is it every day and planned to buy when I got money, but it turned out different...

:( :( :(
I would love to hear all your stories, or maybe there's already a thread for that subject?
The World Music Awards 2006 :( Novemeber 15th 2006 will be a night i will never ever forget. My only regret is not going to see him at the press confernece this year, as I knew he would be announcing the shows and wanted to hold out to see him!!! :(
I have only seen him once at the WMA 2006.

By accident I didn't enter the building as I was supposed to, but came to stand next to the red carpet. After a short wait he arrived in a limo. When he got out it was like a bomb went off. Everyone arround me started moving and screaming and pushing. A girl next to me all of the sudden bursted in to tears. He walked by at about 5 meters in front of my face.
The immage of his pale skin, smiling face, pitch black hair and reflecting sunglaces is burned into my brain forever.

To see him in real life is truly an unbelievable experience! I was also supposed to be at the July 13th concert.

Sorry for all of you who have missed out on seeing him!
That is sooo adorable...

Those of u who have seen him, be really thankful for it, and cherish it forever cause it is a gift to meet someone like him...

I hope he'll be buried at Neverland and that it becomes a museum...thats the closest I might get to him, if I go there some day...

yeah I would love that to happen, at least then it will be something. It will never replace seeing him in person but at least I can experience what it would have been like meeting him
I was dreaming for many years that I will see him in person... Concert or just somewhere... When I had bad days or painful moments in my life I always thought about Michael and our possible meeting. You know these happy thoughts in the night... I was thinking WHAT would I say ti him, I wanted to say SO many things....
Oh God... :( I don't know what to do know, I love him so much... And I feel like a part of my heart is broken.. And things never be the same again :(
Dangerous and History concerts and I spoke briefly with him. I miss him.
I met him and heard him perform/rehears 7 days before he passed.......

When the time is right I will share the audio that I recorded from the rehearsal. audio quality is not good but you'll get them any way.
I met him and heard him perform/rehears 7 days before he passed.......

When the time is right I will share the audio that I recorded from the rehearsal. audio quality is not good but you'll get them any way.

Can we hear more? I love to here people storys in detail of there meetings with him.
Yes. And met. And hugged. And spoken to on the phone... :(

But these are memories I will cherish forever. I know I'm lucky. I just miss him so much.
i met him a few times and once shoke his hand and spoke for a second was amazing day...
Yes. Saw him twice. In 1996 Bucharest concert. First I got to see him only about 10 feet away when he visited the palace . It was surreal...Everyone aroud me screaming and I thought to myself 'crazy fans, screaming like that, he doesn't even hear them' BUT the moment he came out of the palace and passed by me it just came out of my inner self and shout as hard as I could : ''Michael, I love you!!!'' . He turned his head towards us, the face of an angel, smiled and waved. It was such an unbelievable magical moment.:wub:
The second time was seeing him in concert. Also an incredible experience. :wub:

Now like all of you, I was hoping to see him again in concert....:cry::cry:
On June 17th (my birthday) I drove to Cali, on the 18th I went to Michaels house, noticed cars out there and asked if Michael was home.. they told me yes.. I then noticed Justin 'Waldo' (MJ fan that fallows MJ everywhere) for those who don't know it's this guy:

I walked up to him and asked him what's going on today.. and he said Michael will be leaving soon, he does everyday for rehearsal.. So I waited!! and waited!! and waited!! 4 hours go by.. waited!! I am not sure how long I waited in total, but finally we hear 2 SUV'S turn on.. we all line up, and the gates open.. My girlfriend takes a picture the flash is SO bright and the gates shut.. Justin told her not to take pictures or he'll just drive by.. 15 minutes later the the gates re open.. we go up to the open windo (front passenger side) and look in.. Michael is sitting in the back passenger side, as he puts his hand out of the car to shake peoples hand.. I got the vibe Michael was going to put his hand back in the car so I ask "Michael can I shake your hand?" he held his hand out a bit longer for me to reach it.. I shoke it. (he was wearing a fedora and glasses.. all black) I said "God Bless You." He responded with "God Bless You." I noticed my girl friend did not see him yet, so I pull her to the SUV and she stuck her hand in the car.. Michael reached for her hand. :)

I will tell you he smells amazing, it's crazy because with our hand shake our hands smelled wonderful!! we were smelling it all day.. infact we purposly ate with our left hand so the smell wouldn't go away..

Any way, Michaels car drove off, fans jumped in the car and fallowed.. in reaction and just shock. I fallowed aswell.. we fallowed them to the 'FORUM' where Michael was rehearsing at the time.. We knew he'd get out after midnight so we got a bight to eat etc.. once I got back I met this fan that was telling me all this music he heard from inside.. SO!! I told him I have to hear too.. So he took me to a place where we can get RIGHT near the walls where he's rehearsing on the other side..

I first hear 'Thriller' it had a different opening, and the ending OMG.. once thriller turnned into 'Ghosts' just the part where the gouls slowly come off the ceiling with those soft keys.. then it went into the beat of 'Threatened' then it ended with the Thriller laugh... I heard other songs,Billie Jean, We Are The WOrld, Dirty Diana, Heal The World, Beat It, Will You Be There, Dangerous, and honestly the other ones I cannot remember at this moment I'll have to check with the audio I recorded from the phone.. (quality not good though)

I am telling you guys the songs he sung live were increadable, it was almost identicle to the track.. the only way I knew Will You Be There was LIVE was he messed up the lyric.. instead of saying "skoled me" he said "mold me" and another part in the song he flupped up..

Dangerous was all different too.. It actually started with the first 19 seconds of Morphine.. the dance breaks were different aswell..

With Bille Jean he did not ad lib much though..

Heal the world, he skiped a verse..

We Are The World Micahael did not sing.. it was exactly the way they did it at the memorial.. infact I just figured the back up would sing it for intermission while MJ is changing or something.. I found that interesting.

Dirty Diana sounded simular to the way it was done on BAD tour

OK back to the story.. we got a phone call stating MJ was leaving.. But we responded with "no way, we hear him singing live." So we waited to the end of the song we were on and booked it to the front..

We shared what we heard with the fans outside, Justin told me he heard MJ the other night do Human Nature and wanna be startin somethin'.. We were sharing stories and moments then the SUV's come back out.. Michael was driving away all I saw this time was his fingers.. Since it was my first experience with this I did not position myself smartly.. there were fans that were waiting at the closest stop light.. which I wish I was there cuz when they stopped he talked to fans and shaked there hands etc.. I tried to run up there but was too far and gave up..

2 days later I went back to the house, Kenny Ortega and Travis showed up at the house (seperate times) we saw MJ's SUV leave without the second one.. it came back an hour later and it was getting late no sight of Michael... we saw his driver Fahad leave in his personal car and figured that Michael wont be leaving, so my girlfriend and I desided to drive back to arizona (home) since it was late..

That was my last MJ moment!! JUNE 18th, 2009 the day I MET Michael Jackson

The friend that listened to Michael with me (we are trying) to share each others audio and find the right time to share it.. I was going to share mine about a week ago, but he convinced me not to and wait til the smoke clears.. So you'll be hearing it.. I'll try to get it advanced as possible from a fellow MJ fan that pm'd me to do so.. I also have a small vid of driving back to his house that night as MJ's SUV was infront of us..