Did you ever see Michael in person?

in holland and belgium the concerts.....

i,m so honoured to be a aprt of that piece of history, in all of it kinds....

in belgium i threw a red rose on stage while you are not alone.
Michael picked up the rose, pointed with the rose to me and kept the rose close to his heart for the rest of the song.......
My dearerst memory of sweet michael.
I saw him twice in Finland on HIStory Tour and then at the Carlton Towers hotel 2007.
the last time i saw him was on 27.06.1999 in munich (mj and friends). nearly exactly 10 years after, he died.
no... and unfortunately i'll never see him...

i really wanted to say to Michael how much I love him
I've seen him in concert once on the 'Bad', 'Dangerous' and got the experience to travel around on the 'History' tour, in Munich for MJ and friends concert, Liz Taylor's London tribute concert, saw him at 2 MJ Days in London, many times at his London hotels and the New York MJ special concert. The last time I saw him was at the World Music awards in 2006.
The greatest moment I saw him well close when he was on the London open top bus at the Sony demo.
I'll always remember these special moments I've seen him, and will treasure those great days! Will miss you Michael!!! xxx
i was always too young to be taken to his concerts. i had 4 nights this time round. i needed to see him.. i will miss you michael, your my inspiration
in holland and belgium the concerts.....

i,m so honoured to be a aprt of that piece of history, in all of it kinds....

in belgium i threw a red rose on stage while you are not alone.
Michael picked up the rose, pointed with the rose to me and kept the rose close to his heart for the rest of the song.......
My dearerst memory of sweet michael.

my God this is sooo sweet...u must have been head over heels that night... :wub:
i saw him on the history concert in gelsenkirchen germany in june 1997 and i saw him in london on the red sightseeing bus in 2002...
My husband was at that show. It's his favorite of the 3 HIStory shows he saw. He said Michael smiled a lot.

I saw one Bad Tour show in 1988 from about what would be like the front of B1 (if we're using O2 seating as a guide). One time. Twenty one years ago.

I was about 6 feet away from him when he was in a limo in Denver. But I couldn't see in.

The summer before that we went to Disneyland and I swear I saw him there. I looked right into his eyes while he and I believe other Jacksons were on the trolly thing on Main Street. I looked to my left, recognized someone as he took his sunglasses off for a second to wipe them. The eyes looked at me. I looked in them, transfixed, my heart going through the clouds, I was in awe for those 3 seconds. WOW. But it happened so fast I was never 100% sure inside. I've always had doubts about what I experienced, about if it was really him or I just thought it was him, lol. But later that night, in line for Captain EO, I overheard others saying it was so crazy that MJ had been there that day. So I think I really looked into his eyes. It was an incredible experience, from mere feet away. And if it wasn't him, I don't ever want to know it. Let me believe it in bliss. If it really was him, thank you God for arranging that my family's one and only ever trip to Disneyland coincided with a visit from Michael and that you let me see his beautiful eyes. What are the chances?
I will never get the chance now.
can't handle this :(
do you people REALISE HOW LUCKY YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!???

omg. after 14 years I thought it was my turn, but no!!!! :( NOPE. gonna go and cry some more.
i wish i had gone to the press conference for the THIS IS IT tour at the o2.. i could have been there and celebrated michaels return... but i decided to wait and see the actual performance
^^me too. I HATE MYSELF.
I was just in london a week earlier. then left. and Mj arrived 2 days later. that's why mum would NOT let me go again THAT soon. and I thought I was gonna see him anyway! as I knew it was about a tour.
I didnt. But thats just what Topflux says.

Oh, I thought this thread is about meeting him...
First time was the Dangerous Tour in Roundhay Park, Leeds (August 1992) though i was not that close to the front, went by myself when i was 19.
Saw the HIStory tour in 1997 about 12 times throughout UK/Europe with my MJ mate David - was the best summer ever!!! Camping outside hotels with fellow hardcore MJ fans will be a memory i will never forget.
Have also seen MJ at MSG in 2001 plus a couple of fan parties in London, NYC and LA which MJ showed up at!
Got inside Neverland Valley Ranch for 3 hours on 31/08/03 though MJ was not present at the time.

I have been living in NZ since 2004 so haven't seen him since 2003.

world music awards 2006, it was amazing

i watched it on youtube snd i thought he did really well i dont get why the news etc were saying that it was a shambles and was one iof the reasons why ppl thouight he wouldnt be at his best for the concerts. it wasnt meant t be a performance performance, with dancing and full blown vocals, it was a communal performance. why would it be called a shambles? his voice was good!
Just one time---the HisTory concert, Brisbane, Australia.
I thought at age 58--I was too old--for a Michael Jackson concert---but I am so glad I was in the same arena as this "amazing" man.
Wonderful memories.
Never and I can't stand it. I want him back so bad even if it meant never seeing him in life I want him on earth. At first i didn't care if I met him in person I just wanted him in the same building as me. Now I just want him on plant earth with me.

july 13 so close I could taste it and now soooooooo far. I ll never see him ever in this life. *sigh*
i have seen him several times in Europe over the last 13 yrs....now these concerts, meetings, and just the fun at his hotel mean even more and more for me :(
Nope I never saw my baby :(

maybe we will get to in heaven. :angel:
Never and I can't stand it. I want him back so bad even if it meant never seeing him in life I want him on earth. At first i didn't care if I met him in person I just wanted him in the same building as me. Now I just want him on plant earth with me.

july 13 so close I could taste it and now soooooooo far. I ll never see him ever in this life. *sigh*

i feel exactly the same as you... i can't believe that i waited for this since i was 4 and then just a month before the dream coming true,it all just... turned to dust :(
Michael played Glasgow Green in 1992, just 25 minutes from my home. Unfortunately my parents tried in vain to get tickets and by the time touts had their hands on them the prices had rocketed beyond what they could afford.

I had just turned 13 when Michael played Glasgow Green, which is a large public park, so the closest I could get was sitting on the streets outside the perimeter fence and listening to the music as best I could and taking in the roar of the crowd at every move Michael made.
I remember when Michael stayed at Dorchester a few years ago and i spent days outside his hotel,and then one day he came out you couldn't see him..he wasn't far but the amount of people there it was crazy..then he quickly got in the car and went.Fans went crazy at the car :| can't get over that and i just stood there thinking Michael is in that car and watched it drive past me..who know's maybe he saw me standing there.

But i did see him in 06 when he came to do WMA outside his hotel he kept coming out onto the balcony waving,smiling..ah he is beautiful.(still can't speak past tense) and then ofcourse the actual WMA awards,i don't care what they say about that show everyone was there for Michael,you would have thought it was his concert.And then he said his speech (eventually-after all the we love you..no i love you more) and then ofcourse he done We are the World.I will never forget his smile.