Did you ever see Michael in person?

KOPV, that and amazing story right there. I know some of you might think im crazy but while reading it I imagined the wall and the music. Than my sister told me hey!! and I stopped reading and she told me I was smiling while reading >.< how embarresing. And that, I didn't even meet him! I just imagined your story! :lol:

Thanks for postin ya'll!
I felt really chosen to be one of the last people to hear him sing/rehears... I felt chosen when I won memorial tickets aswell.. I feel it's all for a reaon.. all within a month period of time.. durring this time.. I MEAN how does that happen? I registered only once, like many people.. and I got the tickets.. I met him 7 days prior to him passing.. MY GOD!! I can't even explain the feeling
I saw Michael on October 12, 2008. Two days after my birthday. He was very kind and gracious to me.
I felt really chosen to be one of the last people to hear him sing/rehears... I felt chosen when I won memorial tickets aswell.. I feel it's all for a reaon.. all within a month period of time.. durring this time.. I MEAN how does that happen? I registered only once, like many people.. and I got the tickets.. I met him 7 days prior to him passing.. MY GOD!! I can't even explain the feeling

That is so amazing, you are very lucky. :)
Michael was visiting the Natural History Museum in London the early nineties (I think I was eight or nine). When I entered the museum the man at the door pointed up some stairs and said "See the man up there in the hat? It's Michael Jackson!". I don't think I believed him until I was looking at some displays in one of the corridors AND HE WALKED RIGHT PAST! I just stood there speechless. I wish I had plucked up the courage to say something.
I'll never forget when I said, "I love you Michael." And he smiled, pointed and whispered, "I love you too."

I've been to neverland. It is absolutely breath-taking and I remember every single detail
I saw him at Wembley Stadium, London 15th July 1997...it was breathtaking, amazing, magical...I was in shock for a month afterwards...that's how brilliant it was. Me and my mate camped out for 36 hours before the concert....I will never forget it :D
On June 17th (my birthday) I drove to Cali, on the 18th I went to Michaels house, noticed cars out there and asked if Michael was home.. they told me yes.. I then noticed Justin 'Waldo' (MJ fan that fallows MJ everywhere) for those who don't know it's this guy:

I walked up to him and asked him what's going on today.. and he said Michael will be leaving soon, he does everyday for rehearsal.. So I waited!! and waited!! and waited!! 4 hours go by.. waited!! I am not sure how long I waited in total, but finally we hear 2 SUV'S turn on.. we all line up, and the gates open.. My girlfriend takes a picture the flash is SO bright and the gates shut.. Justin told her not to take pictures or he'll just drive by.. 15 minutes later the the gates re open.. we go up to the open windo (front passenger side) and look in.. Michael is sitting in the back passenger side, as he puts his hand out of the car to shake peoples hand.. I got the vibe Michael was going to put his hand back in the car so I ask "Michael can I shake your hand?" he held his hand out a bit longer for me to reach it.. I shoke it. (he was wearing a fedora and glasses.. all black) I said "God Bless You." He responded with "God Bless You." I noticed my girl friend did not see him yet, so I pull her to the SUV and she stuck her hand in the car.. Michael reached for her hand. :)

Sorry I didn't believe you in the first place...maybe I was a bit upset because of too much revelation when M clearly wanted to keep it a secret...I was there too, perhaps we overlapped for a while.. we weren't as brave as you to defy security...Wow, such memories....
I will never come out of the shock and tremendous pain I'm in...never :(
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twice in concert the bad tour when his staff was kind enough to make sure i could see by making the people standing in front of me sit down they saw my brother carry me to my seat and in 2001 at msg again his staff made sure i could see and the handicap section were i was siting at got waved to as he walked by my friend yelled hey mike free booty in the handicap section and pointed at me afterword i was never so embarrsed in my life i am so glad he either ingored it or didnt hear the entire section i was siting in was embarssed too
almost...but it didnt happen, sadly now the rest of us will only get the chance visiting his grave. pretty sad.
I hope he'll be buried at Neverland and that it becomes a museum...thats the closest I might get to him, if I go there some day...
I used to think it would be nice for him to be buried there, but he fled that place years ago and I think it was tainted to him. So now I hope that he can rest somewhere else in peace.

I've never seen the man, as I'm not the type of fan to actively seek out a celebrity. And I'm not in the habit of going to concerts so there's no way I would have ever met him anyway. Not that I didn't ever wish for something like that . . .

One of the interesting things I've been finding out about MJ since his death was his fondness for saying "I love you more" . . . how very sweet. That's something my brother often says to my kids ("I love you more", "I love you the most", "I love you the greatest"), so hearing this about Michael is quite touching to me.
I was gonna see him for the first time on the 28th of July...:cry::cry::cry:

I missed the 2 concerts in Romania, in '92 I was 10 so couldn't go and in 96 my dad wouldn't let me.. He wouldn't come with me or let me by myself.. I've always regretted that and I was planning to run away from home (when I was in highschool) if he ever came back....:no:
i was at the world music awards 2006

I'll never forget how he walked towards where i stood, like a star light approaching you softly
17 concerts all over Europe, Wetten Das in Germany, and spent almost a week outside The Grand in Amsterdam. Closest I got was roughly 40 cm away from him, sadly there was still a fence between us. Did get to make a cool photo then.
You don't know how many times i imagined the EXACT moment.. the EXACT words the EXACT way he looked.... but it will never happen. Until I die.

you guys are all so lucky to have met him ONCE!

not in person ;(

I saw him at History concert in Warsaw in 1996 :) the best concert ever !!!

And then in 1997 when he visited Poland for the second time, MJ wanted to build a family theme park in our capital :)
I was waiting at the airport and I saw him :) this was magical :)
i saw michael in sheffield on the HIStory tour. i queued from 6 in the morning to be at the front. it was the most exciting day of my life. i then saw him the week after in wembley. memories i will cherish for the rest of my life xxx