Did you ever see Michael in person?

I used to dream about being his friend :) Now I look forward to meeting him in heaven.
i caught a glimpse in 2002 when he went to exiter (he got train from london to exiter, and the route passes through my home town!
Yeah tell me about it. I should have lived in the USA I think...didn't see him even once. Not even for a second. I thought my dream would finally come true this summer. Makes me feel quite miserable.

duhh... I live in some freaking hole...
I was so sure that I will finally meet him! I was sure about that! And it makes me angry and upset that I never got a chance to see him, touch him, smell him (btw, how does he smell like?) hug... whatever! just to be in his presence!!!
In Vegas - several times... - and it's never enough.

Holy crap is that you in the photo with Michael???

I just found this thread. Trying to stay connected. All of you are the only ones who understand.
Michael played Glasgow Green in 1992, just 25 minutes from my home. Unfortunately my parents tried in vain to get tickets and by the time touts had their hands on them the prices had rocketed beyond what they could afford.

I had just turned 13 when Michael played Glasgow Green, which is a large public park, so the closest I could get was sitting on the streets outside the perimeter fence and listening to the music as best I could and taking in the roar of the crowd at every move Michael made.

Oh, I just loved reading the last paragraph. *sigh*
I met him and heard him perform/rehears 7 days before he passed.......

When the time is right I will share the audio that I recorded from the rehearsal. audio quality is not good but you'll get them any way.

Um, I saw this and - and :wild: :wild: Need to hurry through the reading to see if you posted it.
Could not have said it better :p haha

I've never seen him :( I was only 6 when he came here for HIStory so I was counting on a world tour... it's really painful knowing it would have happened.
I really regret never sending him the letter I wrote when i was 12, or my drawing of "Bad".

Also, this might sound crazy, but it's weird thinking that he doesnt even exist in the same world as me anyore... I feel lonlier for the absence of someone I never met.

The part of what you said that I bolded is the exact same way that I feel. I'm so thankful for people who say these things because at times I feel like I'm the only one and that it sounds silly.
:cry: Nope. He only came where I live twice, both times before I was born.

I really love reading all the stories of people who WERE lucky enough to see/meet him though. So magical. I get chills reading all of these.
Nope, never saw him live.

As someone who only really cared to see a select few artists live, it quite sucks I'll never get the chance.
This is sort of off topic but he really should've dated a fan. He would've gotten everything he needed from someone like us.
As a kid, I always told myself I HAVE to see him at least once live before I die. Seriously, I used to tell myself that and I'd tell others (esp family) that. But of course now that'll never happen. :(

For that reason, I love to read yalls posts about your experiences and plus I look forward to seeing tribute artists like E Casanova one one of these days...
The only artists I ever cared for to see live are Michael Jackson and The Beastie Boys.
I finally got to see the Beasties a couple of years ago and I was going to see Michael next week the 22nd. :(
I missed al of his concerts in Holland and when he did the O2 press conference I said to my girlfriend: No matter what I have to pay or have to do, I'm GOING!!!!!!
I went totaly crazy after I missed al chances of getting tickets the official way (even with the pre-sale code I couldn't get tickets), so I bought them for a high price off Ebay.
So what, it's only money and it's for Michael!
Now I'm going to London next week not seeing Michael and I'm afraid that the pain is going to get back to me twice as hard.
everyone always says 'its such a small world' if its such a small freakin world why did i never meet michael :boohoo

this thread depresses me even more :( :(
The only artists I ever cared for to see live are Michael Jackson and The Beastie Boys.
I finally got to see the Beasties a couple of years ago and I was going to see Michael next week the 22nd. :(
I missed al of his concerts in Holland and when he did the O2 press conference I said to my girlfriend: No matter what I have to pay or have to do, I'm GOING!!!!!!
I went totaly crazy after I missed al chances of getting tickets the official way (even with the pre-sale code I couldn't get tickets), so I bought them for a high price off Ebay.
So what, it's only money and it's for Michael!
Now I'm going to London next week not seeing Michael and I'm afraid that the pain is going to get back to me twice as hard.

I'm so sorry. The trip may hurt but it also may heal.
HIStory tour dublin 97 i suppose. would have loved to have met him- would have made my life
I saw Michael when he was only 15 years old, when he played the Birmingham Odeon, England with the Jackson 5 in 1973, will treasure that moment for the rest of my life, I also seen him at other concerts BAD, Dangerous and History, I also him in the Thriller days when he visited Madame Tassauds in London.
I love reading all of your stories. I believe this is my favorite thread.
been travelling to see Michael since 1999, have posted some of my stories here on mjjc, search my post history and you will find them......
Nope, i never saw Michael..And i feel so bad about it, he was going to perform here in Venezuela back in 93, but the show was canceled due to the freaking lawsuit so i lost my chance to see him live in my country. Its a pity that i never got the opportunity to tell him "i love you". :(
Your stories are so thrilling, love them!!
The biggest regret in my life, is that I never met Michael. I met Joe in Vegas in 2005, although Michael is the only person I really wanted to meet, talk to ya know, share ideas about music ,art and life in general.

My heart aches a little every day, it's getting better, but knowing that I held this dream for 26 years....the reality is even more painful now than ever.

Thanks for all the stories.
To tell you the truth... I had an oportunity to see him (i would have to go to another city, but i could do that), but I was really scared to meet him... I don't know why... I had this feeling that I would not be able to handle it... I must be the most crazy girl on earth right... but its true.
As a kid, I always told myself I HAVE to see him at least once live before I die. Seriously, I used to tell myself that and I'd tell others (esp family) that.

Same here. He was #1 at the top of my list of performers I wanted to see live. Last time he toured in 97, I was only 12/13 so I wasn't old enough to travel to wherever he performed. But I ALWAYS knew he would tour again someday or do some type of live performance, and I always promised myself, come hell or high water, I would go. Hence why I just knew that I had to make it to London. I was mere days away from finalizing my flight when he passed.
I just can't come to terms with the fact that now I'll NEVER get to see him live. When the news first broke that he was taken to the hospital, I could care less if the tour was postponed or canceled, I just wanted him to be ok first and foremost. Then when I read about the death... and so sudden... I'm telling you, I nearly fainted here at work. I had no words.

I'll never forget that I was so close to the dream... but it just wasn't meant to be I guess.