Did you ever see Michael in person?

I saw him in concert bad tour 1988 the best was going to see him again 21 september very sad miss u michael jackson
I saw him twice during HIStory World Tour. The first time was in Moscow in 1996. I saw him arriving and greating us at the hotel and and at the concert. But I can hardly remember the concert, because it was such a huge shock for me, it was like this huge flash that blinded me and afterwords I didn't remember a thing. And the second time was a year later in Tallinn. I was in the front row there and remember every tiny detail from that concert. Those are the memories I will treasure forever.
in holland and belgium the concerts.....

i,m so honoured to be a aprt of that piece of history, in all of it kinds....

in belgium i threw a red rose on stage while you are not alone.
Michael picked up the rose, pointed with the rose to me and kept the rose close to his heart for the rest of the song.......
My dearerst memory of sweet michael.

Oh jenny! I feel so thankful to watch this :x :x OMGGG!!!! It's the best YANA live I've ever watch!!! Everyone should take a look!!!! He's really sexy and amazing!!!!!

Lots of times.

But I never met him, which was probably a good job (for him). lol
I have seen him twice in concert but I was going to meet him and be introduced to him after years of waiting. I was invited to Neverland and even other shows like the Beacon theather. He was always getting sick or I was getting sice and cancellations happen, now look, he is gone. At least I know he recieved my comments on things and I was told how he would react to them.
this is the best thread ever ..................its so comforting.......... those who met him ,can u describe it please..............this means so much to all of us.
I saw Michael in 1997 during the HIStory tour. Then saw him in 2005 in California during the trial. I was outside the courthouse for 2 weeks and I'll never forget the first time I saw him inside the courthouse. I don't remember who it was but there was a fan next to me who was really sweet and 'preparing' me for the moment MJ walked in. He looked amazing and to me it was like seeing a cartoon figure that had come to life. I also got to say hello to Michael once outside the Neverland gate, and he signed me an autograph from inside his car. It was truly an amazing experience, and I am forever thankful.

After that I saw Michael almost everytime he came to London.....last time being March 2009. On Sunday, March 8 2009, Michael left London and there were only about 15 of us there to say goodbye to him. Michael rolled down the window of his car and shook hands & said goodbye to us. Me and 4 friends followed Michael to the airport in a taxi, and we saw him through the back window of his car. He was animatedly talking and reading the notes we gave him just before he left.

If only we had known we would be the last fans to see him alive in the UK....... :(
Wish I'd seen him in person, at a concert...somewhere. But my attentions were elsewhere. I even briefly thought of going to his CD signing for "Invincible" in Times Square but passed because I didn't want to deal with the massive crowds or waiting in line for hours. What a regret. My sister got a glimpse of him in person a few years ago in NYC at some event and she TRIED to see him at Liza Minnelli's wedding but it was too crowded (Diana Ross' big hair blocked her view, as she tells it...heh). She was a bigger fan at the time so she put in the effort.
Not once have I seen him in person.

But I certainly felt his universal energy. For people like me, I thank goodness I have at least being existed in his time line. We're very very lucky.
Not once have I seen him in person.

But I certainly felt his universal energy. For people like me, I thank goodness I have at least being existed in his time line. We're very very lucky.

cant agree more
Not once have I seen him in person.

But I certainly felt his universal energy. For people like me, I thank goodness I have at least being existed in his time line. We're very very lucky.

I agree with You 1000%! We are so lucky being with him at the same time in this earth and now we feeling him every minute in our hearts.

I saw Him in Poland on History tour in 1996. It seems it was so long time ago but i still remember the spirit of this concert. It was amazing, incredible! And I couldn't believe with my eyes that i saw him, live, talking, singing and dancing. I still remember his face and his voice. I felt so much magic energy coming from him. It made cry, happy,smile, everything in one time. I know one thing very well - I will remember this forever.
in holland and belgium the concerts.....

i,m so honoured to be a aprt of that piece of history, in all of it kinds....

in belgium i threw a red rose on stage while you are not alone.
Michael picked up the rose, pointed with the rose to me and kept the rose close to his heart for the rest of the song.......
My dearerst memory of sweet michael.

aaawwww....this is a beautiful memory.....sweet Michael...:cry:
I never got to see Michael in person. Sometimes, when listening to his music or when I watch his videos I do feel this melancholy because I never got to watch him in concert. He was supposed to perform in Puerto Rico back in 93 but when the first molestation allegations were announced, he cancelled the tour the exact day before he was supposed to arrive to Puerto Rico. We even had tickets to go to one of his concerts. Two were scheduled for Puerto Rico. I have this feeling that I missed out on something very special in life and that was seeing Michael perform.
I agree with You 1000%! We are so lucky being with him at the same time in this earth and now we feeling him every minute in our hearts.

I saw Him in Poland on History tour in 1996. It seems it was so long time ago but i still remember the spirit of this concert. It was amazing, incredible! And I couldn't believe with my eyes that i saw him, live, talking, singing and dancing. I still remember his face and his voice. I felt so much magic energy coming from him. It made cry, happy,smile, everything in one time. I know one thing very well - I will remember this forever.

aaaaaw thats exactly like my memories of seeing him:)
I'm crying reading these stories. I never did get to see Michael in person... God bless him.
I agree with You 1000%! We are so lucky being with him at the same time in this earth and now we feeling him every minute in our hearts.

I saw Him in Poland on History tour in 1996. It seems it was so long time ago but i still remember the spirit of this concert. It was amazing, incredible! And I couldn't believe with my eyes that i saw him, live, talking, singing and dancing. I still remember his face and his voice. I felt so much magic energy coming from him. It made cry, happy,smile, everything in one time. I know one thing very well - I will remember this forever.

I wonder if we've met - I was there, too.
Met so many people that day, and I agree - it was just the most incredible, unforgettable experience.:yes: