Did you ever see Michael in person?

in holland and belgium the concerts.....

i,m so honoured to be a aprt of that piece of history, in all of it kinds....

in belgium i threw a red rose on stage while you are not alone.
Michael picked up the rose, pointed with the rose to me and kept the rose close to his heart for the rest of the song.......
My dearerst memory of sweet michael.

That must have been an amazing experience for you.
I watched the video:

The lady or man (can't tell) who runs up on stage and grabs him(at 03:11) is sooo sweet and hilarious. This thread was making me happy for a few minutes, now I'm really sad. I will never get the chance to meet him. I'm going to cry myself to sleep now :cry:
Guys who have met MJ before, please let me know if he was really so thin and weak in his last days? And how about before?
Not once have I seen him in person.

But I certainly felt his universal energy. For people like me, I thank goodness I have at least being existed in his time line. We're very very lucky.

agree very much with that in bold. Call me crazy all yall want,but I swear i can feel his spirit. I feel blessed I seen him on two tours and to have lived in his time.
Michael was visiting the Natural History Museum in London the early nineties (I think I was eight or nine). When I entered the museum the man at the door pointed up some stairs and said "See the man up there in the hat? It's Michael Jackson!". I don't think I believed him until I was looking at some displays in one of the corridors AND HE WALKED RIGHT PAST! I just stood there speechless. I wish I had plucked up the courage to say something.

I remember that day Spoonie!!!! My brother in law works in the Museum and spoke for a while to Michael and got an autograph for me - then he phoned me at work to say what he had gone...AFTER Michael had left the building! I was so p.......d off as I only work a short distance away from South Kensington and could have been there in minutes - my brother in law has not been forgiven all these years later - he just said "oh I didn't think about it until after"!!!

I have seen Michael many times in concert starting in 1972 with the Jackson 5 and the London concerts and waited outside London hotels and seen him so I know I have been fortunate but it would have made it for me if I had got to the Museum!!!
I went to go see him during his trial in Santa Maria. All I can say was that he was BEAUTIFUL! His hair was the darkest and most perfect black I had ever seen and his skin was glowing and smooth like porcelain. He definitely stood out. :wub: Even his clothes were amazing...the colors were so vibrant. He didn't look thin or anything. His size was normal. He was so nice to even wave at us waiting for him. You could tell he was really tired....such a sweet person. Miss you Mike. :cry:
I went to go see him during his trial in Santa Maria. All I can say was that he was BEAUTIFUL! His hair was the darkest and most perfect black I had ever seen and his skin was glowing and smooth like porcelain. He definitely stood out. :wub: Even his clothes were amazing...the colors were so vibrant. He didn't look thin or anything. His size was normal. He was so nice to even wave at us waiting for him. You could tell he was really tired....such a sweet person. Miss you Mike. :cry:
Wow! While this season has been so bad and sad for Michael, I must confess that it was really beautiful. All the clothes were amazing and flawless in it. The beauty of Michael is infinite, is something that comes from within the beauty of the world. :wub:

And congratulations for you have had the opportunity to be so close! :D
Never got to see him...I was always too young during his tours and never got close to him when he was traveling. :cry:

Meeting Michael is a blessing...cherish those memories; many of us have to live vicariously through others' experiences :weeping:
I wonder if we've met - I was there, too.
Met so many people that day, and I agree - it was just the most incredible, unforgettable experience.:yes:

Maybe :). But it was soo many people there :doh:. I was in front of the stage, but not in the first rows, about the middle at the the beginning and much more closier to the scene later. I lost my jacket and my friend lost his pocketbook. Another girl lost his shoe :tease:. But it seemed so nonessential things.
I also had tickets in Munich in Olympic Stadium performance in 1997 but I had serious problems at home and couldn't went to Germany:cry: .
saw or met him in 1997 2000 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2009.
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saw or met him in 1997 2000 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2009.
*squeal* How did you meet him so often??? I'd like to hear how and what it was like.
Unfortunately I never met MJ. Now I guess I never will in this world, at least. Maybe in God's new system.

Oh! I feel so jealous of those who have met him. I always knew in the back of my mind I would meet MJ somehow,someday, now that's impossible.

There's no one else worth meeting in this stupid world. MJ was the last man.
I feel like my life is so ... boring, dull and worthless because I didn't see him. It was my lifetime dream. And it almost came true with This Is It.

Just to think - that 5 minutes with someone can mean a lifetime to you... Makes me wanna go crazy.
I've seen him quite alot... at hotels, events, concerts, Neverland, court house... I guess I was pretty blessed... especially to spend time with him in Neverland :( I am so grateful to him for that :( My last memory of him was when he was leaving the Carlton Towers in London and he tried to stop for a photo with me but his security wouldn't let him. :( Instead I gave him my Peter Pan, he thanked me and left... Now, I will never see him again and I am sooooo gutted I didn't make it to the O2 Conference... FIRST time in TEN years I never went to see him in London and now, now... I never will until the day I die.. :( So utterly depressing... :( *sigh*

awww :(
but now we are ALL able to 'see' him in spirit..............death holds no bars.........no boundries anymore...........
Life as we know it has restricitions..............but spirits hold no bounds!! :wub:
MJ can be where u are.............with you and me and everyone now............u gotta believe this!! :)
nah.. my mother saw him two times during bad world tour while she was pregnant with me!

...does that count??? :scratch:

I've got plenty of relatives who have met him.. but I myself haven't :(
This thread makes me so sad...I went to read through all the posts but had to stop. I never met him and it just kills me....:boohoo:
I never got to. :( One of my closest friends had brunch with him a couple of times at a mutual friend's house, and another close friend's godbrother's brother in law is Michael. I always bug them about their stories because I love hearing the stories of those who got to meet him, and I was so sure that I would have the chance to someday because of those connections. :(
*squeal* How did you meet him so often??
97 was history tour and all the others bar once in N.Y were when he was in London on trips. whenever i got that call id jump on the coach and travel down there to see him and stay there aslong as he did

97 was history
2000 was albert hall for liz taylor tribute show
2001 was oxford uni speech trip and in N.Y for MSG concerts
2002 was for killer thriller sony demo exeter etc
2005 was when he came here for well not sure lol recording etc
2006 WMA
2007 when he stopped over on the way back from japan
2009 the press conference at the 02 and his stay in London

i meet him one on one privately in 2001 at the mj day event and had hand shakes taps on shoulders etc during the others.

sometimes i dont know if it would have been better never to experienced anything cause then u dont know what u are missing now that its never gonna happen again. but of course u realise that it wouldnt be better. just makes the grieving harder because of all the good times u had with mj friends outside hotels and shops and theatres etc
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sometimes i dont know if it would have been better never to experienced anything cause then u dont know what u are missing now that its never gonna happen again. but of course u realise that it wouldnt be better. just makes the grieving harder because of all the good times u had with mj friends outside hotels and shops and theatres etc

No, it is definitely better to have experienced it! I will never get over the regret I feel for not saying something or hugging him while we were essentially in a room alone together or slipping him a note when his bodyguard bought from me. :no: I would give anything to have that moment back and do it over. Anything. :cry:
I never got to. :( One of my closest friends had brunch with him a couple of times at a mutual friend's house, and another close friend's godbrother's brother in law is Michael. I always bug them about their stories because I love hearing the stories of those who got to meet him, and I was so sure that I would have the chance to someday because of those connections. :(

Wow those are some connections indeed!
So sad it never worked out though..
I've never even seen him in person, I don't even really want to think about, so depressing..
This is It would have been my chance.
i meet him one one one privately in 2001 at the mj day event and had hand shakes taps on shoulders etc during the others.

sometimes i dont know if it would have been better never to experienced anything cause then u dont know what u are missing now that its never gonna happen again. but of course u realise that it wouldnt be better. just makes the grieving harder because of all the good times u had with mj friends outside hotels and shops and theatres etc

I'm thinking of the saying.. better to have loved and lost or never to have... sigh.. it correlates to what you are saying.
No, it is definitely better to have experienced it! I will never get over the regret I feel for not saying something or hugging him while we were essentially in a room alone together or slipping him a note when his bodyguard bought from me. :no: I would give anything to have that moment back and do it over. Anything. :cry:

You were alone in a room with him?? Details? (lol)

For everyone who did meet Michael you are very lucky, imagine if you never got to experience anything that you did. I know when experiences are special and they are past your mind always wishes for what didn't happen to have happened I think it's just human nature, but the pain of missing out completely is so very hard because you don't have that joyful memory to live in.

Le sigh.
nah.. my mother saw him two times during bad world tour while she was pregnant with me!

...does that count??? :scratch:

I've got plenty of relatives who have met him.. but I myself haven't :(

Yes i would say it counts! :cheeky: My mum went to Dangerous Bad and History tour without me EVIL i thought i would never forgive her but then we had many Michael trips together :wub: I will miss them :no:

Ummmmm let me think!

2005 for the time he was over doing recording i think?? that was a crazy epic time! I miss the dorchester and crazy car trips round London we had three random people in our car with us that still to this day i dont know who they were lol! It was like OMG michael has left GO GO GO and everyone just scrambled i am sure these people asked to get in our car ha ha who knows???
Then we all nearly got arrested for blocking i think Mayfair road trying to get a betta view in Michaels window ha ha! I remember him playing with the light switch he he kept turning them on and off! God bless him! :wub: This was my first Michael trip and i can remember him coming out of the bck of the hotel in his car and he had his window down and this was the first time i touched his hand :wub::wub::wub: God so soft and perfect! I cant remember how long he was over for but i lost my job that week ha ha! Never mind so worth it :D

2006 Was the WMA! That was crazy to! I suppose when Michael is around shit gets crazy ha ha! We queued at Earls court all day and night b4 the show to make sure we were at the front :cheeky: (by the way when i say we it means me and my mum) we went to the hemple hotel a few times which was amazing because the balcony outside his window was EPIC!!!!! He could come right out and see us! I remember he came home from a shopping trip with a peter pan doll and i was just like awwwwwwwwww i wanna hug you so tight!! :wub: Then the world Music awards was wicked! Although the organization was awful i had to suggest to the stewards that they start numbering people because i sware if someone had of pushed infront of me there would have been hell to pay! I was number 15 mum was number 16 yeah i am sad i know i dont care lol! Not that it made a difference when they numbered us because all hell broke lose when those doors were opended but we managed to get to the front! :D However when Michael came on to do his speech i passed out!!! Not good!!! I had not eaten or drunk anything for about 2 days lol so it was kinda my fault never mind! I still saw him! Although someone did mug me that time i was in London EVIL gits stole everything including my FEDORA WTF!!!!!

2009 was the press confrence and some times at the hotel what was funny was the first few days at the hotel we were all shouting up at the wrong window ha ha! Dunno who i was serenading with you are not alone i hope they liked it ha ha! :cheeky:
The press conference was a day i will hold so dearly in my heart and i cant really talk about it to much as it still kills me to think that will be my last Michael adventure :no: but like i said it is a memory i will never forget and i am sure i will be able to talk about it one day!!!!

Sorry i have really gone on and on!!! Didnt mean to got caught up in the moment!
I'm thinking of the saying.. better to have loved and lost or never to have... sigh.. it correlates to what you are saying
true. but i sometimes wonder about that saying.but im so gald i made those efforts to jump on buses within hrs of getting phonecalls etc. tbh i was starting to get abit, bored isnt the right word. but when i started doing the whole mj trips it was mj trips when mj was coming to actually do something so u knew u would see him. the later trips bar 09 and the wma were just ones were mj turned up and u didnt know if u would see him or he would just stay out of site or if he would only be here a day or two or if it would be longer and u didnt know if u should go home after so many days cause of work or that it just wasnt worth staying cause he was there on the quiet..i didnt like those trips as u had to decide as to whether u sould take the chance and go or not. and i didnt have the same desire to jump on a coach as it did when i first started doing it.but then if u werent in london u had a horrible sick feeling that u were missing out on something even if it were just a slight view of an arm in a darkened window that via the message boards suddenly became mj standing on the roof waving at everyone lol.

at the hotel what was funny was the first few days at the hotel we were all shouting up at the wrong window ha ha! Dunno who i was serenading with you are not alone i hope they liked it ha ha! :cheeky:
LOL so true. if we only knew i bet mj was looking out of his window and wondering wheres everyone gone aint i got no fans anymore lol
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true. but i sometimes wonder about that saying

LOL so true. if we only knew i bet mj was looking out of his window and wondering wheres everyone gone aint i got no fans anymore lol

Seriously funny! Bet Michael could hear us but not see us i feel like such a fool! I am suprised someone did not come to the window on the 100th time i shouted I love you michael saying look my name is John i am trying to sleep leave me alone ha ha!!!!!!
Just at the Bad tour - it was amazing but i can't find my ticket!! I have turned the house upside down - i know i had it but it is nowhere to be found - really upset about it. I wanted to put it in my memory box. Was also supposed to be seeing him in Sep. Wish i had made more of an effort to go to America at some stage. Too late now :-(
Yes i would say it counts! :cheeky:

well woohoooo then!! :happy_dance: I've seen michael!!!! :dancing: :dancing:

2006 Was the WMA! That was crazy to! I suppose when Michael is around shit gets crazy ha ha! We queued at Earls court all day and night b4 the show to make sure we were at the front :cheeky: (by the way when i say we it means me and my mum) we went to the hemple hotel a few times which was amazing because the balcony outside his window was EPIC!!!!! He could come right out and see us! I remember he came home from a shopping trip with a peter pan doll and i was just like awwwwwwwwww i wanna hug you so tight!!

aaaw! peter pan doll! that's so sweet! did he notice he had fans outside? I know I'd be sreaming my lungs out for attention! :laugh:
and wow you really had to get there that early just to make sure you got to the front? don't know if I'd have the patiance to wait that long!

2009 was the press confrence and some times at the hotel what was funny was the first few days at the hotel we were all shouting up at the wrong window ha ha! Dunno who i was serenading with you are not alone i hope they liked it ha ha! :cheeky:

:lmao: :toofunny: :lmao:
well woohoooo then!! :happy_dance: I've seen michael!!!! :dancing: :dancing:

aaaw! peter pan doll! that's so sweet! did he notice he had fans outside? I know I'd be sreaming my lungs out for attention! :laugh:
and wow you really had to get there that early just to make sure you got to the front? don't know if I'd have the patiance to wait that long!

:lmao: :toofunny: :lmao:

Yeah u could not miss the fans and he always waved or blew kisses as he walked in :wub: You would not even notice how long you were waiting i met some americans and it was just full on Michael chats for hours and hours! It was amazing :D

Oh and yes you did see Michael :cheeky:
Yeah u could not miss the fans and he always waved or blew kisses as he walked in :wub: You would not even notice how long you were waiting i met some americans and it was just full on Michael chats for hours and hours! It was amazing :D

Oh and yes you did see Michael :cheeky:

aaw man! that sounds so awesome!!! seeing Michael, accidentaly waiting outside a random persons hotel room while singing mj songs, :)laugh:) meeting fellow mj fans... I envy everyone who has had this opportunity! -_-
I've never seen him. And now this dream will never come true :cry: God knows how much this breaks my heart. The first time I'd see Michael would be in July 16th. I was so happy, so happy... :cry:
Seriously funny! Bet Michael could hear us but not see us i feel like such a fool! I am suprised someone did not come to the window on the 100th time i shouted I love you michael saying look my name is John i am trying to sleep leave me alone ha ha!!!!!!

lmao! thank you for helping me laugh. I needed it today xo