Did you ever see Michael in person?

Dangerous tour when I was very young :)

was fortunate enough to see him live from barely 12 feet away at MSG! Section 2 Row B DEAD center of the stage and 2nd row still remember that :) So close I could literally see the sweat on his face. The girl next to me passed him a boquet of roses and he actually reached out and took it (while on stage) from her hand. She nearly fainted!

Other than that in Cleveland 97 Detriot 98, and MJ Birthday party/ neverland in 2003. Webster Hall 2002 (twice that day) what a night in the club that was! During the night one of the impersonators played She drives me wild. Mj got up from his seat and popped his shoulders/neck left right and back on the beat. The whole club including the impersonator stopped. haha

oppertunties missed. In 2001 in NY for rock hall of fame induction and In 2001 6th sep again for brief VMA performance :(
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at his only solo Scottish gig, at the Glasgow Green, August 18th 1992 Glasgow Scotland. A day I will remember and cherish forever.
I've seen Michael in person a few times.. two times were the Marcel Avram case in Santa Maria. One time was his 45th birthday celebration in LA, and then his This IS It speech at the O2 Arena in London. I was right in front..:( I miss him. I have been to Neverland twice... I am really sad right now.
what upsets me is that I was always to young.. the cd signing..concert in new york..history tour.. (I became a fan in 95, i was 5..)so instead I just saved every penny I got from everyone on my own MJ account..
and I said, when I'm old enough (18) I'll go wherever he is. cause I've saved the money for it..
when the press conferance was happening I HAD JUST GOT BACK HOME FROM LONDON!!!! he arrived 2 days later..omg..typical my luck..geeze!!
But we all knew it was about concerts..at least we had the feeling so I thought I'll save my money for the tour/concerts because I want THAT to be my first MJ experience.the moment he'd walk on that stage would be the day that I died. No kidding.

Yes! my mom and i went to his 30th anniversary celebration concert :wub:
I saw him perform at the History-tour in Amsterdam, but I so much wanted to tell him that I love him.........Now I can only tell his picture, I hope he somehow knows it though......
The first concert I ever went to was Dangerous, Wembley 1992.
I can remember every moment of that day, it was a magical day.
We managed to be standing in the first 10 rows, because we arrived 8-10 hours early for the show and made an effort to get to the front. The atmosphere inside was electric, there was a real buzz in the air. (I've been to many concerts since and never experianced anything like it).

When MJ popped up through the stage floor and just stood there. The Place errupted. The audience went crazy and I was just stunned. I actually couldn't believe that was him there about 10-12 feet away from me. MJ stood still for what seemed like forever before launching into Jam. The concert was simply amazing, the man really was something incredible - even now I'm getting a lump in my throat thinking about how amazing that concert was, it really was. If I could live one day again, just as it was - it would be that day.

After that I saw loads of other concerts by other people but was waiting for MJ (I couldn't get to the history shows :( )

Then had exclusive tickets to a fan organised event in London where MJ was coming, but it was cancelled at the last minute.

I saw MJ at the WMAs and although he wasn't performing it was still great to see him.

I had amazing seats for This is IT :(
Well, It's not as cool as that sounds, but it means everything to me. Sorry it's so long - I still can't get over the guilt/regret/shock factor and I needed to let it out somewhere. :cry:


Prncess your story is incredible!!!!! It's like the world was upside down!! I am sorry the you-now was not the you-then (if that makes any sense at all....), but at least you saw him, so felt his energy, wooww, that is also great!!!!
Thanks for sharing!
The first concert I ever went to was Dangerous, Wembley 1992.
I can remember every moment of that day, it was a magical day.
We managed to be standing in the first 10 rows, because we arrived 8-10 hours early for the show and made an effort to get to the front. The atmosphere inside was electric, there was a real buzz in the air. (I've been to many concerts since and never experianced anything like it).

[....] I had amazing seats for This is IT :(

Dangerous was incredible, I totally agree with you, once on stage, MJ had us ALL on the palm of his hand at once.

I didn't have ticket for TII shows... but I was anyway making my plans to visit London in February 2010 and to buy any ticket at eBay or whatever. At least I would sit right outside the O2 to listen to his music of feel closer... I was so sure and positive I would get at least one ticket, I had that feeling from the heart. Living in Chile, it was a tremendous effort to go there, but that would be his final curtain call... and yes, that was the final :-(
I saw him three times at Wembley, twice on the Dangerous tour and once on the HIStory tour. I consider myself very lucky to have seen him live :)
(Sorry this is so long...)
Okay, I'm pretty sure I've got the only story where I just happened to run into him at work.

First, I have to say that my biggest regret is that I did not *truly* discover him sooner. I am highly ashamed of the fact that I didn't spend the time to get to know him - the real him - before he was gone. (I'm in the middle of writing something more in depth on this for another thread.)

But - after well well well over a hundred hours (no joke, I'm unemployed. =P) of googling, reading, investigating, researching, watching videos, listening to and pouring over his work...I think it's safe to say that I now know 100x more than the average fan. (Probably not at you guys' level yet...I've got decades and decades of stuff to catch up on!) After seeing and reading so much, I feel I really truly know him now. I'm sure you all can relate.

This ties in with my MJ encounter because, at the time, I didn't "know" him. Had I known him, I'm absolutely positive I'd have had the chance to really really meet him.

Okay, so...I worked for Disney Theatrical Merchandise, at The Lion King on Broadway, for a while and this happened almost exactly two years ago.
I was at work, it was like 8:10pm or something, everyone was already seated, so I came downstairs and was just hanging out in the main gift shop and lobby when I just happened to turn around and see Michael Jackson (less than two feet away) with two big bodyguards on either side of him. I really don't remember the details, what he was wearing, sunglasses or no sunglasses, hair, etc... I so wish I could. I don't even remember him looking at me. (But he had to have seen me. Aside from one other employee who was behind the register, I was the only one in the room with them.) I was just in such a trance. For anyone who has been in his presence, you understand how consuming it is. All I had room for, to take in, was OMFG Michael Jackson is standing in front of me. He walked past me, went up the escalator and I watched him the whole time and then he turned right and I never saw him again.
To make things even more insane and surreal, right as this happened, loads and loads of confetti started falling from the sky. The Minskoff Theatre has floor to ceiling windows all around with panoramic views of the city and when I looked out, all I could see was a snowstorm of confetti EVERYWHERE. (There was a celebration/performance called "Broadway on Broadway" going on down below, that's why. But I didn't know this.) I felt like I was in a snow globe and in a dream. At this time, other employees starting rushing down and we were all in shock. We had no idea he was coming and couldn't believe he just walked right in like that. That was all I could think about the whole time. *Then* during intermission, while I was selling things, someone came up to me and placed an order written on paper, lol, for a LOT of merchandise, like five or six of each doll - Simba, Nala, Pumbaa, Timon, etc, and coloring cards, keychains, magnets...etc...I definitely exceeded my selling goal that night. =) And I have a feeling that I know who all of that was going to. =) [Another reason I love him, I'm sure he could've gotten free loot for his kids, but instead he got it the normal way...kind of, lol.) When the show started back up, I went downstairs and told everyone and they were all excited and said he went to the VIP room during intermission. But that's where my story ends. I didn't see him leave or anything else. =/

The next couple of days the papers were all talking about how he came wearing wacky pants (The fact that I don't even remember what he was wearing leads me to believe whatever it was wasn't "wacky"...) and how his kids were dressed up in crazy disguises. (The cast said they did meet his kids, but they must have split up from him backstage, because he was alone when I saw him. And if they weren't with him, why would they need to wear crazy disguises?...stupid reporters.)

And now that I've fallen completely in love with him, I can't help but be upset that I didn't enjoy it as much as I would now. I was happy and excited, no doubt. But to be honest, I was a little scared. He was quite intimidating because he had such an insanely ginormous energy in his presence. Especially for someone who doesn't know how incredibly sweet he was. All I can think of are the "what ifs" and I'm sooooo mad at my former self for not seeing what an opportunity I had and how different things would be if this were to happen now. Knowing how he is, plus the fact that there was no one else there, no crowd, no rush, nothing, I'm positive that if I'd gone up to him he would have talked to me and I could have gotten a hug out of him. Plus, during intermission, I could've written him a note and left my number and stuff and given it to his bodyguard or slipped it in the bag - and there's a really really good chance he would've responded. =/ This kills me.
I feel like the one thing I want most in this whole world happened before I wanted it. Even after, I had no idea that I would ever want it like this. =(

I'm so sorry, MJ. I love you so much more.

:hug: xxx :heart:
I was blessed to see him many times.... Met him inside of Neverland and hugged him on June 23rd 2009 =(
Went to the Bad Tour and History Tour.
And seen him quite close at the hotel in Amsterdam:


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