Did you cry? Smile? Laugh? Dance? What?

Re: Anyone cry?

Yes, I was shaking and when I saw him I started crying!

i just sat there stunned with my mouth wide open i had never seen him that close up before and omg his hands are like baseball mitts, they are so big i didnt know that. he really was a big guy.in my head i always though little michael cuz i known since childhood but forget that he was bigger than life.
Re: Anyone cry?

The first time I saw it, a tear dropped from my eyes now and then. I also had a feeling that it wasn't supposed to be this way, a movie in a theatre:(. The second time after it ended I felt an urge to cry real hard, but I kept it in, because I too don't want to cry in public.
Re: Anyone cry?

I cried, especially during Human Nature. However, I was happy at the same time. I was feeling very strange.
Re: Anyone cry?

I cried during WBSS and was sad during I'll Be There. I thought I'd cry again, and I almost did somewhere near the end, but I didn't.
i did a bit of everything, saw the movie with my parents and we all cried, my dad started crying during ill be there as did i and then we all had tears in our eyes with man in the mirror. Michael was hilarious throughout the movie, his charm and charisma, he was a wonderful human being and im glad i was alive when he was on this earth, he will forever have a special place in my heart!
Hey everyone! I just joined this forum! I am a HUGE Michael fan! from Canada and have been since I was little...I saw TII twice already with my sister who is also a huge fan, and through most of the movie I was smiling, laughing and dancing, but the end really got me because I know he is gone, but he's always in our hearts...I can't express myself about Michael as much as I am feeling inside, because my feelings for him are so vast..I'm sure you all understand, he has a special place in my heart that will never fade..I love you Michael!!
I was very surprised by my reaction.

Thought I was gonna cry and be on the brink of holding it together. And through the intro of "for the fans..." thing I was preparing for it..hearing the orchestration in the background, i'm just thinking in my head, "ok, here it comes..." But then you see the dancers talk first, then you see Michael...

And alll I did was freeze. A 'deer in headlights' thing. Finally! On the Big Screen I am seeing Michael! I knew in the back of my head it was bittersweet because it took his death to get him here in front of me. But I guess I had already dealt with those thoughts.

All I could see was Michael in his element. And I think I just had this stupid grin on my face most of the time! Watching his ideas come to life, his movements (dance moves and normal body moves), his voice! All of it seemed so surreal.

Finally, I did tear up after the credits seeing Michael's children's names. That kind of broke my trance.

Still, I walked out of the theater feeling inspired and renewed.
Did any else feel wierd?

That when he finished preforming a song there wasn't like screaming or fans yelling or anything. It just felt weird at least there was clapping
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

not me personally. It was a rehearsal
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

I do not think there would be screaming. They was lots of whistling and clapping and crying in one of the showing I went to.
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

I meant in the movie. Like his concerts would be so loud and now these rehearsal are like silent so the mood is different
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

I think the audience made up for that when I went to go see it! lol!
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

yes, it felt soooo wierd!!

Michael meant to present This Is It to the world with his hundreds of thousands of screaming fans yelling their lungs out.

Not in a movie theatre with some clapping.

so yes, it was wierd.
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

People in my theatre screamed thier lungs out lol
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

That when he finished preforming a song there wasn't like screaming or fans yelling or anything. It just felt weird at least there was clapping

Maby the dancers were screaming and stuff , I didn't hear a audience or something , if thats what you mean
Re: Did any else feel wierd?

I meant in the movie. Like his concerts would be so loud and now these rehearsal are like silent so the mood is different[/QUOTE

when a song would end i wanted to scream and clap and i looked around and everyone was silent so i felt out of place but i clapped anyway eventhough i wanted to do more:clapping:
I cried only in the beginning when the dancers got emotional and at the very end when Michaels pic with KING OF POP was showing. During the movie I was pretty much excited, happy and laughed at some of the parts. I was amazed at how much work was put into this concert, it was definitely beyond my expectations.

I then only cried when Michael did his little speech and the movie was over and the theme This is It song was playing, thats when I lost it... Thats when I realised its all over now and I felt like I was brought back to when I was a child and listened to Michael, all the memories I have of him came back, I didnt even care if I cried infront of others.. Everyone seemed shaken up when it ended, you could see their facial expressions people didnt really know what to say or do, most people tried not to cry and it sort of hits you in the face when the movie is done, its pleasant when its rolling but when its over its sad..

When I walked out crying I saw this guy who sat in his seat curled up trying to hide and I could see he was crying too, he saw me cry too so I felt like I wasnt alone.. We are all in this sadness together.. We all share the same pain. I left the cinema feeling really sad, I only cried because of the song ''This is it'' and when the movie was over, it had some sort of closure for me that this is finally it, this is the end and now I have to accept it.

I cried on the bus on my way home, Ive been supressing so many feelings since I havent cried after the actual funeral service and this was exactly what I needed, I needed to cry. For the first time in SEVERAL YEARS I have watched the full version of Bad and all the extras of the many short films Michael did. Ive been collecting all the DVD's VHS's and albums for years but never sat down to really look at them, Ive been preserving Michaels art but whats the point of collecting something you dont even look at or listen to? I need to not take Michaels work for granted, I need to start using the collection I have of him because one day I will be gone too and I will regret not looking through all the masterpieces of him.

Ive had 3 closures to Michaels passing: Memorial, Funeral, The Movie. And I think the movie was exactly what I needed to make that final closure. Now I can be at peace.. This is it.
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I did cry but I didn't need my tissues that I brought at all lol - I didnt cry alot.
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I saw the movie this evening, I cried only in the beginning when the dancers got emotional and started talking and at the very end when Michaels pic with KING OF POP was showing. During the movie I was pretty much excited, happy and laughed at some of the parts. I was amazed at how much work was put into this concert, it was definitely beyond my expectations.

I then only cried when Michael did his little speech and the movie was over and the theme This is It song was playing, thats when I lost it... Thats when I realised its all over now. That was too much for me.. I didnt even care if I cried infront of others.. Everyone seemed shaken up when it ended... Sort of hits you in the face.. When I walked out crying I saw this guy who sat in his seat curled up trying to hide and I could see he was crying too, he saw me cry so I think we both thought it was OK.

I left the cinema feeling really sad, I only cried because of the song ''This is it'' and when the movie was over, it had some sort of closure for me that this is finally it, this is the end and now I have to accept it.

Ive had 3 closures to Michaels passing: Memorial, Funeral, The Movie. And I think the movie was exactly what I needed to make that final closure. Now I can be at peace.. This is it.

I am glad you went to see it. I was the same at the beginning listening to the dancers and the end too. I smiled when Michael smiled and laughed at cute moments. I don't think I have closure though. I accept that he is gone but I still don't understand why because you see all he wanted to do and it's not fair. I am looking forward to the dvd because then I can watch my favorite parts as much as I want. There won't be anybody like him again.
I was emotional when the dancers were talking & some of the dancers even teared up just talking about it.
....It was a really amazing ...can I say movie.....???? No,I don't think so.....it was a Footage filled with MJ's genius......it would have been a great concert ,if he hadn't died....I'm certain about that...!!!!!!!! :)
I think "This is it" is a proof....that he would be the undenail...."King of Pop"...in the people's hearts...once again....if he hadn't died....!!!!! Still the "movie" can prove that ,even if he's gone,to all the people around the world who were wondering if he could manage to perform perfectly....once again....I'm certain...he could pull this of...even if he was 50 ......he was still.....Great.....nobody ever could move and sing like him........ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MJ rules.....Forever.............
Yes that part got me, when the dancers teared up, and they were males so that made it even more emotional for me because I know it was emotional for them (Im a girl..).

I cant define the word closure but I feel more calm about his passing now than I did on June 25th, back then all I could think of was WHY??? Why??? Why did this happen??? This was supposed to be the greatest show on earth, he did not deserve to die.

But nowadays I rarely ask myself that anymore... The only thing I can think of is: maybe this was it. This was meant to happen, Michaels passing was meant to happen. Now you might think Im morbid, but the way I see it was, the world was only allowed a small piece of his genious, we were never meant to see his genious in action, Michael left earth in the most spectacular way ever - he left us wondering of what could have been and he will forever live on in our hearts and continue to make questionsmarks and make us use our imaginations about the mystery of him. Someone here said the concert would have made people love him again and all I can say is that he did not need to do a concert to make people love him again, all the world needed was some tiny bits from a rehearsal and people got to see how big and amazing Michael was, thats all it took and now its up to those newcomers to see the rest of him.

I cant say anything else... After watching this I have a feeling god had a plan for him and us, it was meant to be this way and he left earth in a grand way and he left earth making people more curious about him. The only thing that comes to my mind is that Michael is present in a spiritual world and he is here laughing and smiling and having a good time with the idea that he left and made us so curious, I think he is having a ball and I think he is enjoying the fame and appreciation from above. In the end, Michael got what he wanted and that was love and I know he can feel the love from the world.

So lets not be sad. Michael is still with us, he left us pondering and thats Mike in a nutshell.
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I am not at that point yet. If there was a reason I don't see it. For a long time I wanted Michael to be treated with the respect and love he deserves but not because he died. I wanted him to sing and dance and do what he loved to do but not like that either. It's very bittersweet.
Marebare I feel your pain.. It eases for me when I think that way, but I know how you feel too because I have those moments when I think its totally unfair to be ridiculed your entire life and die so young with unfinished work and plans for the future... Sigh.. I wish I had words of comfort.. The movie gave me comfort though.
i did a little of everything. I cried at the beggging and when a little more through the movie. when he said all his brothers names and this kathernine and joe and said i love you and god bless i cried. It was so beautiful and i cant even imagine what was going through their minds when they saw it (meaning mj's brothers) and hoppefully when she;s ready Katherine. It was the most amazing flim and it was really like he was in the room with us in the theather waching and watching the movie made it feel like he was still with us. it was definetly closure for me but i still couldnt help but cry some. when he smiled i smiled, when he laughed i laughed and i just felt good inside knowing that he was having fun during the flim and that he was giving it his all. it was amazing and he did amazing. no one can do what he did. ever. i loved it and seeing the curls for my girls shirt was just so sweet. that made me wanna cry to.
Marebare I feel your pain.. It eases for me when I think that way, but I know how you feel too because I have those moments when I think its totally unfair to be ridiculed your entire life and die so young with unfinished work and plans for the future... Sigh.. I wish I had words of comfort.. The movie gave me comfort though.

Thanks. Most of the time I am fine but when I really start thinking about things I get upset. He was treated so badly in his life. I never understood why it had to be that bad and things seemed to be going his way and then he dies. Nobody is charged or held accountable for that. The movie is healing to watch and I am glad I saw it but it's also a reminder of what could have been. When you watch him you forget he is gone and then it's when it's over you have reality kick in.
i have been a Mj fan for a long long time i watched him when he first preformed on the ed sullivan show and followed him theu to his superstar doom...today is my 50th bday and i went to see the "This is it" movie
i expected to cry alot but i found myself smiling and singing and laughinh=g alonng with MJ
i really enjoyed the movie and i believe that is the way MJ would of wanted us to enjoy his music He truly is a one of a kind artist and human being
i do not know what went on behing the scences and probbaly none of us ever will but i choose to remember Michael for the joy of music he put into my life,,,he will always have a place in my heart and in my music,,,,i will truly miss his musical prescence ....God blessings to you all!
i have been a Mj fan for a long long time i watched him when he first preformed on the ed sullivan show and followed him theu to his superstar doom...today is my 50th bday and i went to see the "This is it" movie
i expected to cry alot but i found myself smiling and singing and laughinh=g alonng with MJ
i really enjoyed the movie and i believe that is the way MJ would of wanted us to enjoy his music He truly is a one of a kind artist and human being
i do not know what went on behing the scences and probbaly none of us ever will but i choose to remember Michael for the joy of music he put into my life,,,he will always have a place in my heart and in my music,,,,i will truly miss his musical prescence ....God blessings to you all!

Happy Birthday!!