Did you cry? Smile? Laugh? Dance? What?

I saw it lastnight & firstly HUGELY enjoyed it, Michael was amazing as usual & i thought the whole film was put together well.
As soon as the dancers starting talking & getting emotional i started to get tearful, i particularly got tearful when he sang Speechless- that song makes me emotional anyway! I didnt think i would be able to cope with the rest of the film tbh, i was holding my emotions in alot, i could have just burst out crying i think. But everytimr Michael smiled i did & when he laughed aswell. I loved it when he was joking around, made me feel happier & you could tell he was enjoying himself. I'll Be There, Earth Song & Man In The Mirror, oh and Human Nature were songs that had me very tearful. I thought IJCSLY was beautiful to. However, i also did alot of tapping my feet & head banging hehe :) Oh & singing of course! I was blown away by the drill, watching Michael put together his choreography is amazing- it looked incredible! Then the end were it froze on him & said "Michael Jackson, King Of Pop" etc. As soon as it ended i just sat there watched the credits & had tears streaming down my face... Michael well & truly blew me away lastnite, he never disappoints and i just cant believe how amazing the show would have been. I love the fact the last thing was "Heal the world, I love you, Michael." - Beautiful Michael.

I adored this movie, it made me feel everything i came out feeling although upset, very uplifted, it was so magical those 2 hours or so it was like you were taken out of the world & put somewhere amazing and magical just to get away from it all. Completly inspiring to, Michael gave alot of love in that film like always and now i just miss him even more...

I love you Michael...
I got very emotional at the beginning, when the dancers were speaking and also at the end, when This Is It was played during credits. I enjoyed this movie so much! Everyone in the theater danced and sand during Smooth Criminal, Billie Jean, Beat it.. most people cried during Earth Song, including myself.
An emotional rollercoaster, an amazing movie.. everyone should see it!
I saw the movie on Friday and I loved it ALL!! I was emotional in the beginning when they showed the light man with all the historical moments and they said Michael was to be revealed when the man opened up. I was sentimental throughout the whole movie and I was so amazed and excited about all the plans MJ had for these concerts. He was literally going to take each and every song and set to the next level. Michael was going to walk the walk and it is just so sad that we will be not be able to see the final product. I cried toward the end during "Man In The Mirror" and during the credits when "This Is It" was playing. For the first time since MJ's passing, it really hit me that he is no longer on Earth with us. The tears flowed like a waterfall. In my head I was saying, "Come back, Michael! Come back! Come back!" I hurt so much and I still do. I have been grieving for months, but this is the first time that it's really felt this heavy. On the upside, the movie did uplift me and it also made me laugh and smile. Michael is so beautiful and he inspires me to be the very best and to always show more love. His creative genius never stops amazing me. I love you and I miss you so much, Michael! I hope you know how much I love you.
I was sad before the movie

But during the movie I had a smile on my face during all the movie cuz it was a delight to watch Michael Jackson there, and all the musicians too, especially Orianthi, the guitar player is way too cool

Just cool, it is like watching a live concert but better becoz you see MJ fully with details at first row, and that doesnt happens in a live concert

Vry very very exciting, well, I am a fan of MJ.
i am going to buy the DVD when it comes out,,,,,,to show my future grandchildren the musical genusis of Michael jackson,,,,anyone know when it comes out?
I saw this for the 4th time today and this time I didn't bring any friends with me. I watched it alone and it may sound selfish of me but this was my favorite screening of the movie. I feel like I took more of it in this time.

I welled up ALOT more than on previous screenings and had tears streaming down my cheeks during various scenes. I think the reason for this was that I had already seen the movie so I wasn't so focused on what new moves MJ was doing or what song to expect next. I was focused on the fact that these were Michael's last ever performances. I watched for every time he smiled or laughed. He seemed so happy and enjoyed it and each time I saw him smile I welled up. When he was singing I Just Can't Stop I was only watching MJ and didn't pay attention to the duet singer. I actually stopped myself from crying cause I didn't want the people sitting behind me to think I was a weirdo for bawling out loud. I know when I get the DVD and sit down at home alone to watch it I wont be able to keep it in.

This is going to sound really strange for all of you but I never mourned Michael's death. I still don't think I have accepted it. But I feel tonight watching This Is It was the first time I have realised the magnatude of Michael's death. He's physically gone. Forever. He'll never have the joy he had creating music, spending time with his family, seeing his fans. The dedication to his children at the end had me teary eyed again even though I had seen the film 3 times before.
I was smiling the whole time and I couldn't stop moving to the beat. There was one small part where I started to tear up and that was when they were all in a circle and Michael was giving them a speech about how there is nothing to fear or be nervous about on stage and how they are all family. It was like a doting father speaking to his children, that was such a precious moment for me.
The last time I saw the movie (up to 3 times now) there was a moment that made me smile and tear up at the same time. Right after Earth Song, when MJ explains to Kenny how the bulldozer should close "in silence" and he mimicks the part the piano should play afterwards. Instantly, Bearden starts to play the part Michael was thinking of and the smile that comes to his face is just awwwww. You kinda smile with him. :cloud9: It looks like a smile of approval and the innocent realization of how well the moment actually works as he imagined it. And then with that smile he says "God bless you", giving Bearden the thumbs up sign. For some reason it made me tear up. He just seemed so pleased and genuinely happy at that moment. Made me a little emotional.

And the Russian Lady with the crotchgrab...hilarious!

Other smile/laughing moment was when Michael almost came out of his seat over one of the female dancers. "She's the one!" Too damn cute! :wub:
I just read this entire thread! LOL! I am going to see the movie tonight for the first time, I haven't seen it yet because I haven't had a ride lol but I'm going with my mom to see it who is also a huge Michael fan! I am soo nervous to see this movie, it looks like everyone has mixed emotions about it and I just know I will cry my eyes out. I'm scared of crying in public too which makes me even more nervous. I know I will enjoy this movie I just don't want to cry :( I still cry while just listening to his music sometimes!!!!
It's a rollercoaster of feelings watchin TII.
The first viewing I couldn't laugh at the funny scenes, I was emotional through the 2 hours. It was almost too much to handle.
But now I can smile and laugh and the funny scenes. I love to see Michael work, I love the new ideas, new intros. It would have been so amazing. I just love seeing Michael. And I still don't get why it happened. But at least I feel like I'm there when I see the movie...
I've seen it 4 times now and it took until the fourth time for me to get through it without crying. The first time it was the whole beginning 20 minutes or so with blurry eyes, the second time I almost lost it and a tear fell during Jam. The third time I ended up with tears falling down my face during Earth Song... But of course I smiled way more than crying :cry: :)