Did you cry? Smile? Laugh? Dance? What?

Re: Did you cry?

Yes, I cried as soon as the first bit of Speechless started (I knew I would) I cried during I'll be there,that song always gets me :cry: Human Nature just blew me away and yes I was crying again and Earth song I was really sobbing it was so beautiful :cry:
No one took any notice of me crying and to be honest you just get so into Michael and mezmorised by him that you don't notice people around you :)
Try not to worry its natural to cry :hug:
Wow.. i loved it and had a smile...+ kept on looking to every move of michael... it was hard when they were showing 2 different dance, but, hey, now, it seems people understand why we have been loving and always will love michael, cause he is the greatest artist ever. And of course, i am planning to go see it again and again and again :)
Most movie I had smile on my face and chills, but I had tears in eyes during first reading-part of the movie when there was written on the screen about Michael's comeback etc...
But thank God Michael was doing many funny situations and watching movie wasn't THAT difficult. God bless him!
In the very start of the movie, when everyone had become silent and reading the text in the opening.... I started to realize we all are here for MJ & all have somewhat of the same somber feelings. We all love you MJ - thats such an understatement.
Smiled all the way through, laughed a little, cried a little (during Human Nature, I'll Be There, Earth Song, Man In The Mirror, the end..). The girl next to me went through a whole packet of tissues. :(
I laughed at several points including the flip flop move. I smiled most of the movie, and sang every song. My eyes got a little teary during Beat It. I thought it was odd that Beat It was the song I got teary.
I just sit back and enjoyed the movie! :)
I was so excited that I got some pain in my stomach after a lil' while and had to run to the toilet while Beat It was runnin' but it only took me 3-4min, luckily and I came back to the movie at the right time to continue watching it! :D
Did you cry? Smile? Laugh? Dance? What?

I did everything but cry, though I did get teary-eyed a few times.

THANK GOD I had already seen the dancers after-audtions comments before-hand. Otherwise I surely woulda been in a puddle on the floor from jump :)
I went yesterday.... When the movie starts it was difficult, but I got some tears.... During TDCAU (one of my all time favo's I had again some tears...
After that I tried to block the fact I know he died. So I tried to enjoy the movie, it was not easy for me, but I enjoyed the way Michael was soooo professional. The scene with his in-ears is something I love ! ! ! He never performed with those things, the way he tried to use them was funny. Just after a few seconds he dropped them out of he;s ears..... FUNNY
during the little flashback break in WBSS I had to hold myself watching the TII anouncement and stuff like that 'cause I still can't watch the anouncement footy without getting emotional.
The WBSS beat kicked back in just in time!
i finally watched it today.
to be honest,i was so nervous
even a glimpse of the clips made me cry so badly..i thought i would cry my eyes out when i watch it.
but i didn't.
though there are some sad moments when he said see you in july and when he sang MITM.....i did have a little bit tears but not to the point of crying
most of the time i was smiling and laughing
one thing makes me so happy is that my friend(she's not a big fan of Michael but not a hater) said this movie changes her views towards him. she said to me that she never imagined this man is such a kind and lovely human being!
Michael will have so much more fans after this movie or at least changing some people's negative view towards him.
i don't feel sad after seeing this movie.Seeing Michael's masterwork,i feel happy.
this is what he wanted to do too,to make people happy.
This movie is healing, it shows me the message of Michael. L.O.V.E
This is what the concert is about and we should all remember that.
i couldn't stop smiling. i was as giddy as my 8 year old self watching thriller in 1984. not even close to crying once.
Anyone cry?

I couldnt find a thread like this so if there is one please delete if necessary

but did anyone cry?

i cried the minute it started i had to relax myself otherwise i would of kept going!!
Re: Anyone cry?

I did today....it was my 3rd viewing and now knowing what comes after what when Earth Song started I knew......the magic is soon going to be over....I was sitting in the dark with shades on waiting for the "treasure" at the very end of the credits....:(
Re: Anyone cry?

No I didn't but I started to cry in the pub after when I read the messages that we all wrote on our balloon that we gave to Mike after.
Re: Anyone cry?

the first time i saw it - no, except nearly at the start. the second time, I had lots of near crying and I had tears streaming but I never sobbed. I wanted to though.
Re: Anyone cry?

I thought I was going to cry more than I actually did.
I almost started to cry in the beginning when the message was going and the dancers spoke, but I really started to cry only in the end when Heal the world was playing.. and it was dedicated to Michael's children..

But I didn't cry as much as I'd thought. I smiled and laughed quite much (more than I expected!) and I think for a moment I forgot that.. all that is not going to happen.

And I've only seen the movie once. I'm going to see it at least twice next week so don't know what my reactions will be then.
Re: Anyone cry?

I tried not too. I was really light headed when I was lining up to go in.
Re: Anyone cry?

i had to bat my eyelids a couple of times during the screening..I didn't cry, after the film ended and I read that the film was dedicated to Michael's three children I kinda had to go to the loo and catch my breath.

Since michael's death I have found it extremely hard to listen to his music and I always skip MJ songs on my ipod so TII was hard..it hit me afterwards. I did not cry -- I am tired of feeling this much sadness and anger.
Re: Anyone cry?

I thought I was going to cry more than I actually did.
I almost started to cry in the beginning when the message was going and the dancers spoke, but I really started to cry only in the end when Heal the world was playing.. and it was dedicated to Michael's children..

But I didn't cry as much as I'd thought. I smiled and laughed quite much (more than I expected!) and I think for a moment I forgot that.. all that is not going to happen.

And I've only seen the movie once. I'm going to see it at least twice next week so don't know what my reactions will be then.

:yes: Same here...And I also cried during the earth song...But I laughed much more than I expected!!! I'm going to see it again on Tuesday and I think it's going to be more difficult not to cry....
Re: Anyone cry?

I cried through almost the entire movie.. there were some parts I was just going "WOAH!" and grinning like crazy but I cried a HELL OF A LOT!
Re: Anyone cry?

I properly cried during the first showing with you guys at the o2 Arena. I've shed tears and felt like crying but I was on my own and wanted to not sob in public :cry: Same today with my 3rd showing :cry: