Did you cry? Smile? Laugh? Dance? What?

Girl, you should have ignored her and sang even louder... :lol:
I'm a guy LOL ;)
Jeez I would have just given her the nastiest look. I would have wanted to tell her to get her butt out of the theater because if she was too busy talking on the phone she wasn't an MJ fan because I mean really, who in the world does that?!
There were parts of the movie where I wanted to sing and wave my hands but there was seriously only 12 people in the theater and they were all older or just not into that kind of stuff.
She wasn't talking on her phone, just playing with it all the time, looking at it. She was chatting and gigling with her b/f ;)

Anyway I don't like too busy theaters, but it was good to see so many people came to see MJ :) A lot of clapping and a standing ovation from a lot of people at the end of the movie.

Too bad most people left during the credits and missed the piece afterwards ;)
I cried. I smiled. I laughed. I danced. I clapped. It was all in celebration to the greatest human being that's ever lived.
I smiled a lot. I laughed a lot. I bopped to the beat a lot. I quietly sang a lot (wanted to scream and shout and sing loud but the crowd was waaaay too quiet and reserved).

I started to well up inside during the intro with the dancers speaking and at the end with the "love is forever" thing. But besides that, no tears. I don't cry much so this was no surprise. Although I did cry some during the memorial a few months ago (during Paris' speech).

God bless you Michael. You did it all for LOVE.......L.O.V.E.
I cried thorughout the whole movie, happy tears and sad tears, I smiled while crying, I laughed while crying, I just didnt want it to end.... he was so alive! oh Michael...
I thought I would cry. But I didn't.

It wasn't that sort of a movie.

It was uplifting to him alive singing and dancing.

I'm glad the theatre I went to [which was a 10am show on a school day/work day]; had about 30 'golden oldies'.................no kidding
most had white hair!

So no singing and dancing......................at my theatres. Guess I was with the wrong crowd! lol
i smiled when
1. Flip flap move
2. MJ Airlines joke
3. "fist in my ear"
4. TWYMMF slow begininng sound check

i was "WOW!!!" when
1. Jam dance
2. DRill TDCAU 3D
3. Smooth criminal begining
4. TWYMMF slow begining sang LIVE
5. Dance in "Dance and shout"

I cryed when
-i didn't cry

This is it - amazing movie
i smiled when
1. Flip flap move
2. MJ Airlines joke
3. "fist in my ear"
4. TWYMMF slow begininng sound check

i was "WOW!!!" when
1. Jam dance
2. DRill TDCAU 3D
3. Smooth criminal begining
4. TWYMMF slow begining sang LIVE
5. Dance in "Dance and shout"

I cryed when
-i didn't cry

This is it - amazing movie

I was the only one laughing at that moment.. I was like ok I guess I'm the only member of an MJ board in here.. :blush: :lol:
I thought I wouldnt cry but I was wrong. I started cryin at the beginnin when the message was rollin.
I miss Michael so much :cry:

After that, I was sobbin and smilin and laughin through out the show.
I guess I will never met a person like Michael anymore.
He is one of a kind.

I love you Michael :heart:
I smiled a LOT. Laughed couple of times, too :) I really thought I would've cried more but I only broke down in the very end (this was the first time I stayed in the theatre til the last second) though I teared up in the beginning when the dancers were speaking.. it was an amazing experience.
I thought I was gonna :cry: but I didn't. I smiled a lot, I sang every song, I screamed like crazy, I danced, I laughted in some parts: "MJ Airlines" :lol:, when Mike is checking the crane in Beat It
I absolutely loved TII, the only thing I didn't like: "MICHAEL DIDN'T DO THE MOONWALK" :eek:
I cried a lot, I smiled a lot, a laughed at the funny bits ("weeeeeeeeeeeee...oh hi." :D).

... :cry:
All your posts have me even more EXCITED about seeing the movie. I'm going in 5 hours and 11 minutes!!! :punk::woohoo::jump:

Glad to hear about all the funny parts and how much they show Michael talking. Not nervous anymore. :)

now 5 hours and 10 minutes :timer:
it was great, i sang i dance on my seat, everybody was aplauding after each song like in a real concert. it was amaizing!!!!
I was in absolute hysterics, I laughed, I smiled, I sang, bopped and danced in my seat!! EVERYTHING!! I clapped and cheered after evey performance :clapping:

For Beat it when Michael was doing OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH! I was shouting in reply, just like they do in the actual concert. For the J5 Medley, Michael said, 'erybody clap yo hands now!' I DID IT :clapping: When Michael waved his hands in the air for I'll be there....I DID IT. For me this was the concert I never had, so I made the MOST of the experience.

I am surprised that I did not cry at all! I thought I would, but the film has captured SO many FUNNY and poingnant moments, it's hard NOT to be delighted with the whole thing.

It sure is a fantastic adventure, and Michael is more mindblowing and amazing than ever. He's so IN CONTROL, and FLYING.....MAGIC!!! :D

Some parts were VERY MOVING, like Earth Song, and Man in the Mirror.....also one point after TDCAU when the lights fade out and you see Michael's smile....just beautiful, heart wrenching and sad :cry:

I watched it again today, and I didn't laugh as much, because I wanted to make sure I didnt miss anything! LOL, But some parts I had to giggle. I was more emotional (sad) watching it the 2nd time around.

I will see it again and again, I cannot wait for the DVD.

No words to describe MJ. I love him like CRAZY :wub:
I had a smile in my face during the entire movie!!! I teared up in earth song and i'll be there!!! I sang quietly along in smooth criminal and billie jean!!! It felt so good seeing Michael again and I left the cinema happier than I thought I will be!!!
Got teary eyed when the dancers spoke.
Smiled when WBSS started
Really smiled when Jam Started
TDCAU when Michael smiles at the very end I was extatic
Beat It "weeeeeeeeeee" I cracked up
"Give it a little more booty" "I know exactly what you meant" i cracked up

so many points i had a huge grin on my face.
At the end i shed a tear reading the dedication to MJ's children.

I really expected to ball it through the whole film, i cry so easily at movies but i was really surprised.i laughed and smiled so much which i think was the aim of the movie.

GOD! I know!
The booty part was so funny :lol:
I cracked up too :hysterical::rofl:
I forgot to mention that while I was watching the middle of the movie, I have to pee really bad, but I didn't want to go so I hold it in until the credits.
I started crying as the first words appeared on the screen, and didn't stop until he started WBSS. After that I sang every word to every song with him, though quietly, and "danced" with my hands to the J5 songs, Thriller, Billie Jean etc where he did the classic moves. I laughed every time he made a joke, smiled or was just being our sweet Michael, and I smiled through almost the entire movie. I cried during I'll be there, Earth Song, and all the way from when they were gathered in a circle through to the end. At the dedication to PP&B I really broke down, and I cried all the way home on the bus, which I normally would have been really embarrassed about, but tonight I didn't care. Now I'm listening to his ballads and I just feel really empty inside. I hope the next time I watch it I won't be left feeling so miserable :(
How could I enjoy the movie? I can't! It's too heart-breaking!

Ofcourse I was one the of first people to watch it in my country since I went to the earliest screening. I thought I'll just go and see this wonderful talent at work. I was nervous in the beginning thinking that I might break down and cry but I didn't.

It seems people are celebrating and enjoying the movie but I can't! How could I be happy watching a rehearsal footage of a doomed concert? There is really nothing to celebrate about. If Michael had made it to O2 concerts and successfully finish his tour, then only I could celebrate. But he is not here with us.

And how could I forget that the set of This Is It movie is Staple Centre? The same place where his memorial service was held and the golden casket was brought in? He was just dancing and singing there a few weeks ago.

For me, the movie is just so heart-breaking. I saw so much effort that everyone had put into to make the concert one of the best ever but the magic never happen. Michael would want us to see the finish product instead.

Seing the movie again will just make me more sad. I won't cry because I'd cried enough for him but I'll just feel so miserable for many days. I wish it's not "This Is It" movie that I'm watching, but the real concert.

How does it feel?
How does it feel?

Is there anyone who feels the same?
Re: How could I enjoy the movie? I can't! It's too heart-breaking!

Dear, I don't know how to describe my exact feelings. I saw the premiere, at my theatre, ppl else, MJ fans also, clapped and cheered for Michael's every song. At first, I was not used to it cuz I was aware he has gone after all. About 30 minutes laters, I did the same and gave Michael my credit as well as others. He deserve them all. But I also felt my heart was empty to some extent after that.
Tomorrow I want to go to cinema alone, see "this is it" quietly and try to catch Michael's every moment again.
Re: How could I enjoy the movie? I can't! It's too heart-breaking!

I feel the same. It's like I'm numb/empty and my excitement is minimal. This is the last footage of our MJ :(.
Did you cry?

Did you cry? Im gonna see this movie in two days, after convincing.. Im afraid of crying in public, Im going with my family too and I just dont show these kind of emotions, especially not when it comes to Michael. Im so afraid of crying.. Is it really emotional or will I be able to enjoy myself?
Re: Did you cry?

It's a little sad at the beginning, I went blurry eyed but didn't cry there, throughout the movie I didn't cry, I just laughed and enjoyed myself, but at the end I cried alot. I was sobbing really loudly and everyone heard me *blushes*
Re: Did you cry?

I welled up during Billie Jean of all songs. That song just epitomises MJ to me.
Re: Did you cry?

A bit when I realized Jam was live.... but its very healing and happy to watch.
Re: Did you cry?

I expected to cry a lot, but instead laughed a lot! There's a very good balance between the sad and funny parts. :yes:
The last part got to me though....I just broke down and sat there watching and cried in silence, couldn't believe what happened. The couple next to me were there 'just to see it' and were leaving already, and I felt them watching me...that was so irritating.

Further I welled up at Human Nature, the Curls For My Gurls-shirt, Earth Song, all the amazing special effects, and the bits of interviews with Michael himself, where he told what would be the message of the concerts, and so on.
So beautiful....:cry:
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