Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

I was wondering if you were going to tie it in to the rest of what's been said in this thread or if it was just a fun and very cool story to share.

I want to ask you questions but don't want to pry into things because I am sure you want to keep some things private for yourself. But how about I ask, and you can feel free to not answer :D ..lol. How well did you get to know Michael? Or was it just a few scattered chance meetings? Or something else?
sure you want to keep some things private for yourself. But how about I ask, and you can feel free to not answer :D ..lol. How well did you get to know Michael? Or was it just a few scattered chance meetings? Or something else?

:cheeky: that's right, Apee, .

don't pry :lol: :lol: :lol:

okay I guess at this point it can't hurt to say...

LET'S PRY ALREADY!!!!! :wild:

yeh AllforMJ what about that um I mean those things ... :popcorn: huh?

:lmao: :toofunny:

sorry Apee.....:angel:please don't feel embarrassed by your cute questions (so boldly to ask all those in one shot lol i love it!! .....surely we're all curious about these things or some other things according to our own curiosities ....i just love how you worded your questions and like me, you surely missed your calling...u shoulda been (or should be) a talk show host lol in all seriousness...it was so brilliant and noone woulda thought anything if it hadn't crakkked me up so badly :toofunny:

u and i could have a dynamite talk show ... Podcasts with APE and STATEOFSHOCK ... :D :D .

all over the world ...we'd never run out of topics....oh sorry O/T lol

yeh AllforMJ come satisfy the curiousites here .... we know you'll be careful to keep the REAL Limo story to yourself :cheeky:

J/K!! J/K!!! J/K!!!!!! :wild::cheeky::)

but do hurry back :giggle:

....its Saturday night and its getting to be Sunday! :lol:


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:lol: That sounds like it could be fun. I can't help my curious nature. Why beat around the bush when we can just ask outright.:p
Ooooooo!! You two are too MUCH!! Fo real tho!! :lol: :lol:

I don't know MJ all like THAT!! Wouldn't mind knowing. lol But I don't know him like that. I think my friend could have had a chance to find out more about him, but she got cold feet when he asked her if she would come to his hotel to visit him once his day was over. Now that I'm thinking about it, he probably didn't go directly to the airport and leave after completing his schedule. If he was scheduled to leave that day, he would not have told her to come to his hotel and see him that night. My friend was 18 when he was in town and she's the one that started the whole thing when she asked him if she could have a kiss and he told her yes. He would not have said to me what he had said to her about coming to see him. He could tell that I was several years younger than him. Don't forget, he was around 21 years old when he released "Off The Wall." Also, I got a chance to spend time with him one on one. He's super shy one on one

I've learned different things about him from being a long-time fan, seeing him go from being a kid to being a man, listening to the deep things he's been saying from then to now, and from those scattered chance meetings. Even though he's become a much bigger star, he really hasn't changed that much over the years. In some ways he has changed, but in many ways he hasn't. For example, look at what he's saying in the poem "Mark of the Ancients" from "Dancing the Dream" that came out many years after "Off The Wall." "My teacher gave me a glance to ask if I understood this lesson. I sat very still, and my silence told him I did." When I was sitting with him in the limo, he was sitting very still and he was sitting there in silence. He only said a few words. This shows he's very much like what he's saying in that poem. He was acting totally different from the way he was an hour or so before. He was very much like what he said in the poem, "Courage." "When I step out on stage in front of thousands of people, I don't feel that I'm being brave. It can take much more courage to express true feelings to one person." Overall, I was saying that what I experienced with him that day I can see in things he's saying in writing. His poetry is a reflection of how he views things and how he is in many ways.

Also, MJ isn't reclusive like the media has been saying he is. He gets around and he's been very open over the years too, as well as very approachable. We are those regular people he wants to get to know better. Sometimes, just by luck, some people may get a chance to see different sides of him. I guess I caught him on a good day. He was moving around from place to place, but he really wasn't acting like he was in a major rush. If he were in a major rush that day, he would have left immediately after coming out of the radio station, but instead, he hung around for a little while.

Description of the Places MJ Visited in 1979 While Promoting "Off The Wall" on the East Bay side of the San Francisco Bay Area

Location of the Autograph Signing

MJ's autograph signing took place at "Leopold Records" in Berkeley near the UC Berkeley Campus in an area that is fun to walk around in. In this area of Berkeley, many would hang out on the campus, listen to music outdoors, visit the rose garden that's not far from there, museums, play video games at the arcade that was next door to the record store and other things. There were lot's of fun things to do in the area. Just checking out the people is fun. We used to call this area of Berkeley "Hippie Town."


"Hippie Town" is located on the side of the UC Berkeley Campus where the entrance called "Sather Gate" is located. Some of you have probably seen this entrance in person and some of you may have seen it many times on television or in other ways. Here are some pictures of "Sather Gate" so you can see what side of the campus MJ's autograph signing took place on when he was at the record store. Please note, he wasn't on the campus, he was at the record store across from the campus.



Here's a very creative aerial shot of the UC Berkeley Campus so you can see the whole place at a glance..sorta. You'll soon see why I said sorta. Warning, it may make some of you feel dizzy. lol Someone was really trippin' when they created this, but anyway... lol You'll have to turn your head to the extreme right and upside down to see where "Hippie Town" is, but I would not advise you to do it because you will probably fall out of your chair! LOL


See what I mean? Now, enough of that crazy stuff! LOL

Location Where MJ Performed "Rock With You"

I posted the pictures of the UC Berkley Campus so you'll have a general idea of where MJ started his day of meeting his fans in the San Francisco Bay Area while promoting "Off The Wall." After he finished his autograph signing in Berkeley, he went to the teen club called "The New Age" which was located in downtown Oakland on Broadway. Here's a picture of downtown Oakland. It's not a current picture, but it still allows you to see his next scheduled stop.


"The New Age" was located near two theaters. One is called the "Fox Theater" and the other is called the "Paramount Theater." The "Paramount Theater" is where "The Wiz" was performed live on stage once it became a Broadway play and was touring the country. The "Paramount Theater" is still open for concerts and plays. The "Fox Theather" is being turned into an art school. The place where the teen club called "The New Age" used to be has been turned into a large condominum. When "The New Age" was there, it was the hottest spot in town for teens to go out and dance on Saturday nights. It was a bowling alley that was turned into a teen club. It had a huge dance floor and the floor was filled with rows of different colored lights from one end of the club to the other. The rows of lights were placed down into the floor in the same direction that the lanes were when the place was a bowling alley. It was a very fun spot!

Since "The New Age" is no longer there, here are some pictures of the "Paramount Theater" and the "Fox Theater" so you can get a feel of the area of downtown Oakland that MJ went to after leaving Berkeley.



Did you guys notices that light green building in the picture? The one to the right of the "Paramount?" "The New Age" used to be on the other side of it on the next street over.

This link shows the "Fox Theater."


This is a picture of the inside of the "Paramount Theater" so you can see where "The Wiz" was performed live on stage when it came to Oakland years later.


The theaters are located just a couple of blocks from a placed called "Lake Merritt." I'm posting a link to show you a picture of the lake as well to give you a better feel of the area where "The New Age" used to be.


The next link shows an aerial view of downtown Oakland and "Lake Merritt." In this picture, you can really get a feel of where MJ was when he visited Oakland while promoting "Off The Wall." "The New Age" was located on the other side of the tall office buildings to the upper far right side of the picture. The theaters are over there too. At the top of the picture you will see the "Oakland/San Francisco Bay Bridge" in the distance. After leaving downtown Oakland, MJ went in that direction. That's where "KDIA Radio Station" is located. He had a pretty nice day, didn't he? He was all over the place! lol Do you see that island in the middle of the water? The bridge goes right through it. That's San Francisco on the other side of the bridge.


Location of MJ's Live Radio Interview

When you're looking at the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Bridge from the north side of it, Oakland is on the left side, San Francisco is on the right side. The Bay Bridge is a huge structure and it's also very long. The island that it goes through is called "Yerba Buena Island." When you click on the first link below and look at the top of the page, you will see "Yerba Buena Island," the Bay Bridge, the bay and "San Fransico." Oakland is to the left of "Yerba Buena Island" but you won't see it in this picture. I'm posting the below link so you can get a feel of the location MJ was in once he got to the radio station. It was a very beautiful sunny day and the temperature outside was nice. It wasn't hot, it wasn't cold and it wasn't windy. It was just right. God is the bomb!! lol


Here's a closer view of the Bay Bridge from the Oakland side of it.


KDIA Radio Station, located in Oakland, sits to the right side of the freeway lanes that lead to the "Oakland/San Francisco Bay Bridge" toll booths. There's a road that runs parallel to the free lanes leading to the radio station. In this photo, which seems to have been taken during the morning commute time, you will be able to see the station's radio towers.


That's exactly where MJ was when I sat with him in his limo. I even remember how the limo driver parked the car when they got there. When the limo driver drove into the parking lot, he turned the limo around and backed it in so it would be easier to drive out when they were ready to leave. Because of the direction that the limo was parked, the toll booths were behind the car and the radio station was to the left of it. I'm describing all of this so you can get a better idea of the direction MJ was walking when he went inside the radio station with his bodyguards and when he came out after completing his live interview.

Here's a picture of the toll boths that are by the radio station.


I'm also posting the next link so you can see the Bay Bridge from the San Francisco side leading to Oakland. Although you can't see Oakland in this particular picture, you can still see that MJ's interview at the radio station took place near a large body of water. If you look straight ahead you can get an idea of where Berkeley is too. It's over in that direction. Oakland is in the direction that you see the bridge turning at the top of the picture. To cross the Bay Bridge on your way to San Francisco, you have to pay at the toll booth. So, now you have a feel of where MJ went after he left downtown Oakland.


I'm gonna stop here for now. I'm sure this is a lot for you guys to absorb. LOL. I'm a trip, huh? LOL

Next time, I will post the part about him getting out of the limo to go inside of the radio station, what took place while he was in there being interviewed and what took place after he came out. Keep the visual of him in your minds of the way he was dressed that day and how cute he looks so when I'm telling you the parts about him getting out the limo you'll be able to visualize it. I'll try to be as descriptive as I can so you guys will be there with me. I've reposted jaywonder's picture of MJ to help you out because this is a picture of MJ from that very day.


You know I was feeling like this :wub: lol Just imagine, in one day, while visiting the San Francisco Bay Area, MJ did two interviews, an autograph signing and a performance. Amazing, huh?

Time Frame

I think I may have finally figured out a time frame for when MJ was in Oakland and Berkeley promoting "Off The Wall." I was looking at his "Ultimate Collection" booklet yesterday to see what month he released it. On page 37 it says it was in August of '79. Therefore, MJ released the album somewhere around his 21st birthday. The booklet also said he released "Rock With You" in October of that year. When I had asked some people at "The New Age" what song MJ performed, they said "Rock With You." So, I'm thinking he was in Oakland and Berkeley promoting his album somewhere around October. I know it wasn't in December or anything like that because it wasn't cold outside. None of us had to wear coats that day, not even MJ. As you can see in jaywonder's photo, MJ is wearing a vest.

Well, that's it for now. I'll post the last part later so you can see the cute things he was doing at the radio station. He is such a sweetie.

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Guys, I wanna quickly revisit something Allformj just pointed out recently: The way Michael has been using the words "you" and "your".
Does anyone remember the Christmas video of MJ made at Neverland in 2005 (i think)? I was thinking about those two words and then it hit me just this morning, in that video, Michael overly emphasis the word "You". I haven't seen the video in a couple of years, I think its up on youtube. You have to listen to his tone and pay attention to which words he uses when his tone completely changes. The word that will stick out, will be "You".
I remember he says: 'I'll always love you", he repeats "Your endurance". He is standing by the staircase and it is beautifully decorated with Christmas stuff. He is wearing shades and a nice blue or green suit jacket. At the end of video MJ blows a kiss and gives the piece sign.
With those 2 words, it puts a different spin on that video message. The trial was just months over, The turbelence surrounding Michael was not. He sounds as if he "had" to reassure her of her place within his heart. With conviction he wanted to make it very clear (again) that she is The One who holds his heart. When he repeats the words, "Your Endurance", that tells me now of his acknowledgement of her strong character and strength. Michael knows of her burdens and all of what she had to endure in order to break through the barriers that obviously stood between them creating the distance and time that we have heard him sing about through the years. The cleasing period was just about to take its form during xmas 2005. Many bad people were still very close at hand in MJ's world and he knew it. She had to be strong and he had to see it in order for him to feel safe.
You guys have got to see that video if you hadn't yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys, I wanna quickly revisit something Allformj just pointed out recently: The way Michael has been using the words "you" and "your".
Does anyone remember the Christmas video of MJ made at Neverland in 2005 (i think)? I was thinking about those two words and then it hit me just this morning, in that video, Michael overly emphasis the word "You". I haven't seen the video in a couple of years, I think its up on youtube. You have to listen to his tone and pay attention to which words he uses when his tone completely changes. The word that will stick out, will be "You".
I remember he says: 'I'll always love you", he repeats "Your endurance". He is standing by the staircase and it is beautifully decorated with Christmas stuff. He is wearing shades and a nice blue or green suit jacket. At the end of video MJ blows a kiss and gives the piece sign.
With those 2 words, it puts a different spin on that video message. The trial was just months over, The turbelence surrounding Michael was not. He sounds as if he "had" to reassure her of her place within his heart. With conviction he wanted to make it very clear (again) that she is The One who holds his heart. When he repeats the words, "Your Endurance", that tells me now of his acknowledgement of her strong character and strength. Michael knows of her burdens and all of what she had to endure in order to break through the barriers that obviously stood between them creating the distance and time that we have heard him sing about through the years. The cleasing period was just about to take its form during xmas 2005. Many bad people were still very close at hand in MJ's world and he knew it. She had to be strong and he had to see it in order for him to feel safe.
You guys have got to see that video if you hadn't yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have a link to this video??:)
MJbabe21, I don't have the link. Sorry. But I've been searching on youtube. I can see it! I put in the key words: Michael Jackson video message and fount it on page 3 but i need the update my adobe in order to pull it up and provide a link. When I update, my comp crashes, can someone help us out?
thats ok..thanks anyways Moddie :)... yeah can someone pull the link if they have seen it?please
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILWLgBTbfOI It is hard for me to see that as anything other than a nice message to the fans. Who knows though really. I guess if he were saying "this is a message to the woman I love" then it would be different, but it really just seems to be a message to fans, thanking them for their support and endurance through the trial. They stuck with him to the end and were unwavering. So...have we uncovered his secret form of communication and sending messages to someone, or is it simply him sending a message to his fans who stayed loyal throughout all the hardships and difficulty?
MJbabe21, I don't have the link. Sorry. But I've been searching on youtube. I can see it! I put in the key words: Michael Jackson video message and fount it on page 3 but i need the update my adobe in order to pull it up and provide a link. When I update, my comp crashes, can someone help us out?
Here's a way to show us the video, Moddie777. Go back to the page that you found it own. Highlight the web address that's in your Internet browser. After highlighting it, click copy. Then, come back to the thread and paste the web address into a reply. Also tell us the title of the video. This way, we'll be able to go over to YouTube to watch it. :D

Oh! It looks like Ape has already found it!
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AllforMJ you're quite the tourguide :lol: I can see you standing at the front of the shuttle bus just smiling and pointing

I have a question ..

I don't know MJ all like THAT!! Wouldn't mind knowing. lol But I don't know him like that. I think my friend could have had a chance to find out more about him, but she got cold feet when he asked her if she would come to his hotel to visit him once his day was over. Now that I'm thinking about it, he probably didn't go directly to the airport and leave after completing his schedule. If he was scheduled to leave that day, he would not have told her to come to his hotel and see him that night. My friend was 18 when he was in town and she's the one that started the whole thing when she asked him if she could have a kiss and he told her yes.
I was under the impression this was the friend he'd sent someone to her neighborhood to suss her out which you'd mentioned in a previous thread some time back ...

:scratch: or was that a cousin that had been in the car

Girl you gotz so many peeps! :lol:

As for the message, it seems to me he's speaking to his fans and once again he mentions "on an international level" (in this recent fan message he'd said "from all across the world" I think... )

I can't say I've ever picked this up ... :scratch: I guess when I used you/yours I must have been making a different point ...

Thanks a billion Ape for posting that link :flowers: nice to see

*goes to search own posts more thoroughly while AllforMJ prepares to bring us part II*
Was this your same friend you mentioned from "MJ being a big ol' flirt" thread right? awesome :)..Can't wait to hear the rest of your wonderful experience about your encounter with Michael.
MJbabe21 have you seen the video yet? Thanks for the link ape! I was surprised at how much I remembered but I must point out my error. He didn't repeat the word "Endurance" as I had thought and mentioned in the earlier post. He repeats the word, 'love" instead.
That video is so sweet and Ape your posted response of my theory on this is the exact way any fan would immediately conclude from such a loving message from Michael.
Yeah I did see it...but i could barely hear what he was saying . :)

Nice video though..
:lol: Hi you guys! Look over here! *smiling and waving* I'm the tourguide! :lol:

Yep! She's the one! When we ran into each other in line at the autograph signing, she was with her sisters and I was with my cousins. She's the one that has the picture of her and MJ leaning towards each other for the kiss. My cousin that was driving the car that I was in is the person that has pictures of MJ at the radio station when he's walking without his bodyguards.

You know what I love about the way MJ sounds in the video that was just posted? The tone of his voice shows he's become more focused on love and less focused on hate.

The lines in the song "You Are My Life" that predicted this would happen are the lines, "You help me understand that love is the answer to all that I am," and the line "You opened my eyes when I couldn't see, love was always here waiting for me." Once his eyes were opened so he could see he was loved, as predicted in the song, he would naturally start sounding this way. A couple of years before the time this video was taped, he was sounding and looking like he felt down. He had a case of the blues in '01. Thank God he was feeling uplifted before the time this video was taped. He really needed that boost.
Yes, AllforMJ he did need that boost. The promise of a love requitted through his own prayers provided to him exactly what he yearned for the most.
:lol: Hi you guys! Look over here! *smiling and waving* I'm the tourguide! :lol:

Yep! She's the one! When we ran into each other in line at the autograph signing, she was with her sisters and I was with my cousins. She's the one that has the picture of her and MJ leaning towards each other for the kiss. My cousin that was driving the car that I was in is the person that has pictures of MJ at the radio station when he's walking without his bodyguards.

You know what I love about the way MJ sounds in the video that was just posted? The tone of his voice shows he's become more focused on love and less focused on hate.

The lines in the song "You Are My Life" that predicted this would happen are the lines, "You help me understand that love is the answer to all that I am," and the line "You opened my eyes when I couldn't see, love was always here waiting for me." Once his eyes were opened so he could see he was loved, as predicted in the song, he would naturally start sounding this way. A couple of years before the time this video was taped, he was sounding and looking like he felt down. He had a case of the blues in '01. Thank God he was feeling uplifted before the time this video was taped. He really needed that boost.

oh okay, so hmm I'm still a bit confuzzled by this ...

I think my friend could have had a chance to find out more about him, but she got cold feet when he asked her if she would come to his hotel to visit him once his day was over.
because when they found her in her neighborhood (at a store?) didn't she end up getting to know MJ? :popcorn:
I imagine she did get to know him better, but to what degree, I don't know. She spent time around him and his family.
well tell us that story again Mommy? I mean AllforMJ? :) :popcorn: she overheard them looking for her and was like ... um that's me....then they took her to his house? ( :unsure: or am I pulling an "Ape" here :lol: )

well, you'd told it before, just trying to refresh my memory really :popcorn:
I imagine she did get to know him better, but to what degree, I don't know. She spent time around him and his family.

Oww yes what SOS said...., please tell us again!!:D. Thats if you would like to ;)
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Something was drawing me to take another look at ,"Dancing the dream". I really didn't feel like it but the urge was strong so I knew I should.
I came across something, I really had overlooked. Another sweet little clue Michel wanted to put out.
I must be blind as a bat! On page 84 of DANCING THE DREAM is the beautiful picture of Michael live on stage, with head bowed and heart open; recieving the answered prayer of his brown Angel saving him from the despair, anguish, sorrow and tribulations he felt. How do we know he felt this way? Because he tells us in the song, "Will you be there". This picture is taken from the Live performance of that song, when he is at the ending with those moving & spoken words. Why is this important? ..........look at what poem is on page 85. "Two Birds". A poem Michael speaks in first person acknowledging his love for someone who is not known to the masses, a love whom he tells us is in secret but he no longer wishes it to be. In fact in 'Two birds", he tells us the ball is in her court.
What is Michael doing here? He is connecting his various work to one subject-her! It is clear now, in DANCING THE DREAM ,he is telling us The same love of whom he writes the poem "Two Birds" is the same one he sings and cries about towards the end of '"will you be there". And something elese, The original poem of 'will you be there", starts on page 121 and ends on page 122. It has different words from the song in the dangerous booklet. Here are a few from DANCING THE DREAM:
Call me
Save me and face me
Nurse me
Soothe me, don't leave me
When I'm hurting and bleeding
Bruised and bare
Will you still care?
Kiss me
Face me and kiss me
and when my heart is breaking
will you still care?
Will you be there?
The original poem is clearly about a love he had lost and so desperately needed and wanted to return. He has been waiting for her return for a very very long time.
Michael could've easily put that pic of him and the brown angel with this poem but HE DID NOT.By placing it alongside another poem ,He wanted to show, that his love for this woman was/is so connected to various parts of him that it would become obvious to his public how direct he was/is being.
So now we know for certain she has and will appear in different aspects of Michael's creativity, which is why this thread is so important. It never wouldn't have started if what I just posted wasn't true. Michael Jackson wanted somebody somwhere to see the pattern!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! what a blessed and Lucky woman!
I hope this makes sense, it is very late and I am half asleep, lol.
Wow! I must be out of my mind for being up this late on a work night, but this would not let me go back to sleep! I've been deliberately waiting for the weekend to do the storywriting because it takes more time, thought and effort, but this just popped into my mind...in the middle of the night...so it will be pretty easy to type out and post.

Here are more songs with "you" and "your." One I had already posted, but it just dawned on me that "you" is in the title of the song. "You" is actually in the title of more than one.

One More Chance
* Can't go on without you by my side
* I can't stop loving you

Fall Again
* I need you around for everyday to start
* I haven't left you alone
* I need your love in my life
* I want to fall with you again

For All Time
* And if these words could keep you happy, I'd do anything
* And if you feel alone I'll be your shoulder
* With a tender touch you will know so well
* When I say I love you, baby, you gotta know that's for all time
* For this good love undeceiving I'd go anywhere just as long as you are there
* When I say I need you, baby, you gotta know that's for all time
* Say that you'll never go
(The word "you" is repeated many times)

Hold My Hand
* 'Cause I've been there before and you've been there before, but together we can be all right
* So if you just hold my hand baby I promise that I'll do all I can
* Things will get better if you just hold my hand
* I can tell that you're tired of being lonely
* Come to me let me be your one and only

You Are So Beautiful
* You are so beautiful, to me
* Your true love showed me the way
* I walked with you
* Standing strong with you
* You are so beautiful
* You are so colorful
* You are magical
* You are salvation to me
* You near dried my tears
* The hole in my soul was covered up because youyou are so beautiful
* You are all that I am
* You were there

The Way You Love Me
* I was alone in the dark when I met you
* You took my hand and you told me you loved me
* I was afraid of life and you came in time
* You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight
* I like the way how you’re holdin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are holdin’ me
* I like the way how you’re lovin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are lovin’ me
* I like the way how you’re touchin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are touchin’ me
* I like the way how you’re kissin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are kissin’ me
* You'll see
* It won't be long 'til we make vows, I bet you
* I thank the Heavens above that I met you
* The world’s a better place ‘cause you came in time
* You took away the rain and brought the sunshine

Beautiful Girl
* Can't you see that I'm in love with you
* I'm in love with you
* Real love with you
* I love you
(The word "you" is repeated many times)

Love is on Michael's mind big time. He likes her a lot and he wants her to know so now he is singing directly to her. He is serenading his lady.

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Wow! I must be out of my mind for being up this late on a work night, but this would not let me go back to sleep! I've been deliberately waiting for the weekend to do the storywriting because it takes more time, thought and effort, but this just popped into my mind...in the middle of the night...so it will be pretty easy to type out and post.

Here are more songs with "you" and "your." One I had already posted, but it just dawned on me that "you" is in the title of the song. "You" is actually in the title of more than one.

One More Chance
* Can't go on without you by my side
* I can't stop loving you

Fall Again
* I need you around for everyday to start
* I haven't left you alone
* I need your love in my life
* I want to fall with you again

For All Time
* And if these words could keep you happy, I'd do anything
* And if you feel alone I'll be your shoulder
* With a tender touch you will know so well
* When I say I love you, baby, you gotta know that's for all time
* When I say I need you, baby, you gotta know that's for all time
* Say that you'll never go
(The word "you" is repeated many times)

Hold My Hand
* 'Cause I've been there before and you've been there before, but together we can be all right
* So if you just hold my hand baby I promise that I'll do all I can
* Things will get better if you just hold my hand
* I can tell that you're tired of being lonely
* Come to me let me be your one and only

You Are So Beautiful
* You are so beautiful, to me
* Your true love showed me the way
* I walked with you
* Standing strong with you
* You are so beautiful
* You are so colorful
* You are magical
* You are salvation to me
* You near dried my tears
* The hole in my soul was covered up because youyou are so beautiful
* You are all that I am
* You were there

The Way You Love Me
* I was alone in the dark when I met you
* You took my hand and you told me you loved me
* I was afraid of life and you came in time
* You took my hand and we kissed in the moonlight
* I like the way how you’re holdin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are holdin’ me
* I like the way how you’re lovin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are lovin’ me
* I like the way how you’re touchin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are touchin’ me
* I like the way how you’re kissin’ me
* It doesn’t matter how you are kissin’ me
* You'll see
* It won't be long 'til we make vows, I bet you
* I thank the Heavens above that I met you
* The world’s a better place ‘cause you came in time
* You took away the rain and brought the sunshine

Beautiful Girl
* Can't you see that I'm in love with you
* I'm in love with you
* Real love with you
* I love you
(The word "you" is repeated many times)

Love is on Michael's mind big time. He likes her a lot and he wants her to know so now he is singing directly to her. He is serenading his lady.

One more chance (to) fall again, for all time. Hold my hand. You are so beautiful, the way you love me, beautiful girl. :lol:

OK some thoughts here spurred from your post.
* You are all that I am ~ Quite close to the "U R I" "you are I" found in the booklet of Invincible. The drawing that is in the booklet.
* You were there ~ Like an answer to the song "Will you be there". Yes she will, and yes she was, it seems. :)

Also seems as though he got one more chance. It does seem more and more like a progressing story.

On a side note, I was watching the pilot episode of the Jackson 5 cartoon the other day with my son and found it very interesting that even way back then there are parallels to later on in his life. For one, and it's a simple one, when they were each listing the things they wanted to be, rather than musicians, he said he wanted to be a cowboy and own a ranch with all these animals (Neverland?) and it also showed this one picture of his eyes, just like the ones on the Dangerous cover. So I think his art does parallel his life. Maybe he really hasn't changed all that much since he was a little boy. He has been singing about love his whole life, and now, instead of it being sad as it had in many of his CDs, it seems he is full of hope. I guess we will have to see what he has in store on his next CD (or whatever form he decides to release it in)
* You are all that I am ~ Quite close to the "U R I" "you are I" found in the booklet of Invincible. The drawing that is in the booklet.
* You were there ~ Like an answer to the song "Will you be there". Yes she will, and yes she was, it seems. :)

Also seems as though he got one more chance. It does seem more and more like a progressing story.

Ape! This is Genuis and very much on point with the Theory of this thread. Good work. I too had noticed the 'U R I" from the dangerous booklet and had wondered for years about it but had long since forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding us.
It's not spoiling it. That's who drew the drawing but he writes about what I wrote there in the explanation of the drawing on his website. So both parts have meaning. I guess he put his name in there because he drew it, but also for that reason that he wrote. It wasn't my own discovery (you are I = URI) but I just mentioned it because of the similarity to that one line. (Moddie, URI is in the dangerous booklet??)
I went back to try and count how many times MJ said "you" in "Beautiful Girl," "For All Time" and "The Way You Love Me."

In "Beautiful Girl" he said "you" around 18 times
In "For All Time" he said "you" around 16 times (you, you've, you'll)
In "The Way You Love Me" he said "you" around 42 times. (you, you're, you'll)

Do you guys think he's getting his point across to her? LOL

Also, I just remembered that in "For All Time" he said, "For this good love undeceiving I'd go anywhere just as long as you are there." I've gone back into the above post to add this line. I'm adding it because the word "you" is in it and also because he said the words "you are there." He's now gone from "Will you be there?" to "You were there" to "You are there."

Also, if you all want to get a sense of how he feels about her listen to "Beautiful Girl" from 3:32 - 3:53. It's in his voice. Listen to the way he sounds.

And yeah, it is interesting that "URi" is in the drawing. What did he say about the word "peace" and the heart that's between the man and the woman? Is it simply peace and love?
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Not just that no. What I got from it, and from what he says about it is that the two people bring peace to the world, and an end to war which is represented by the gun that is unable to fire bullets anymore or something. I won't discount the possibility. Sometimes it seems more possible to me than others. I can find it again and post it again if you'd like, though it is in this thread somewhere as well.
It's not spoiling it. That's who drew the drawing but he writes about what I wrote there in the explanation of the drawing on his website. So both parts have meaning. I guess he put his name in there because he drew it, but also for that reason that he wrote. It wasn't my own discovery (you are I = URI) but I just mentioned it because of the similarity to that one line. (Moddie, URI is in the dangerous booklet??)

OOOOps made a goof. I meant Vincible.