Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

:wild: subliminal messages!!!

I wonder if you're referring to the written copy shown at the end of the memorial. I've heard other fans talking about that message that scrolled up on the screen abot "I'm Alive ....." ...but we know MJ didn't write that ... I mean we don't know that but what I'm saying is, it was the producer/director's choice what words to use, doncha think? :)

I heard someone else say that he added an 's' to the word "pain" in the spoken WYBT bit, but imho there's no telling when he did a remaster of the song for his family to use that just happened to include the 's'. Maybe its one of the ones Latoya grabbed or maybe it was from a demo.

Some have mentioned how interesting it is that they used his pic from Liberian Girl video where it turned out he was directing this "real life" situation himself ... I dunno about that being "subliminal" but I guess it could be? :scratch: Is that what you mean?

Barring things like that though ... :popcorn: please ..... I'm learning a lot about subliminal messages ... so feel free to share away ! ;)

Well, what I can say is that "everything" that Michael has made a subliminal message. In all he did have something hidden that only those who are more observers can see. About: "I'm Alive", the "s" in the word "pain" (if you look at the original song is pain... pains is wrong.), "Liberian Girl"... everything has a subliminal message as in all the work Michael. A great example is the cover of the album "Dangerous" which is full of messages. Each item has a cover that meant for Michael we'll never know. We do not know what he wanted to say through that cover. Perhaps the intention was this: that each person to interpret your way on that cover. Another great example is the video "Leave me alone", and carefully watch this video and you will see many things. On second thought... I better not talk about these things. I'll keep quiet about it.

But what I can say is that each artist through their work puts subliminal messages so we can try to understand what that means. I think a great example is the paintings. When I see any painting, I see several paintings within a painting. It is pure subliminal message and paintings are very difficult to figure out the message that painting. Well, this thing of subliminal message is pure interpretation, attention and observation to get to see what is hidden. :)
^ well that's exactly pretty much what we've been saying about this thread! :giggle:

I get your point :yes: Yes, with Michael we do have to read over, above, beneath and between the lines! You are right about that.

, It was when Lily posted the quote you had been trying to think of when you said this:

Ape, to answer your question, I dont think you missed it, you may have just forgotten cause we had dialogue about it.

ok lemme explain, lol. Remeber that official site after( i think) MJ made the 02 announcement
in London? It had a new quote from Michael talking about, one in love, one in pain and blah blah blah?

My question was, what is the reasoning (indication/evidence/song or whatever) connecting this quote Lily posted ...

here ...

Here you go Moddie.....:)
The Time Has Come
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again,
To be part of a music that will not just connect but,
Make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain
One in love, one in service and in consciousness"

with what you said here ...

There was a little more and We interpreted that to mean, it sounded like Michael wanted "her" to be part of the shows somehow.
I can't find the quote or link right now. But do you remember that now?
I was just wondering what you'd meant or what had prompted you all to interpret this from that quote of MJ's ..
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Well with ''WYBT'' i think mike was asking ppl around him,the ppl he thought he could trust ''will you be there for me? in my darkest painful days and also in my joyous days where we will give out love..will you be there for me?''
I really can't be 100% sure MJbabe21, but those of us in here who have a really profound spiritual connection to the theory of this thread and are open to recieving messages that may not be in "word" or "physical" form, just may be able to spot her when a clue tell us its time too.

Ok that's what i was thinking but i wasn't sure, thats why i asked. :)
Ok StateofShock, This is why I believe he wanted to somehow incorporate "her" with the shows.

We learned the shows would be called "This is it". Many wondered then and now, where did that title come from. It seemed off and different from what we knew from Michael as far as hsi tours go. But in this thread we all knew, the direction of his clues and messages had taken a very intimate, romantic and direct approach that seemed to personable to be ALL about us fans.

Among the things I had said, was we usually say "This is it"( This is the one) when we are about to take that official leap before God with the ONE, whom he has chosen for us. When we have found the ONE for us and we know it. We typically want to scream it from the roof top.
Then comes the statement on the official "This is it" website, written by Michael. He repeats something 4 times before the statement even began. What is it? He says:
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come
Is he screaming? Is shouting it from the roof top? Can you feel his excitement? Until I read the statement, I knew the excitement wasn't all about us. He said:
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect but make all feel one, one in joy,
ONE IN PAIN, ONE IN LOVE, one in service and in conciousness".
bY placing these words together in this form( one in pain, one in love), showed me, Michael was revealing and telling us he was in fact IN LOVE and wanted to be ONE with her officially). BY giving us two very key clues connected with the 'this is it" tour, also revealed to me, he somehow was planning on MERGING the two. His love life with her and this tour
I believe he was planning on revelaing her to the world during the "This is it" Tour.
She was going to be there, this statement reveals he wanted her there too. His goal was to have us, his music, his dancing and her to ALL be together and share in this time with him Together.
Everything was going to be final and official with the THIS IS IT TOUR.
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Ok StateofShock, This is why I believe he wanted to somehow incorporate "her" with the shows.

We learned the shoes would be called "This is it". Many wondered then and now, where did that title come from. It seemed off and different from what we knew from Michael as far as hsi tours go. But in this thread we all knew, the direction of his clues and messages had taken a very intimate, romantic and direct approach that seemed to personable to be ALL about us fans.

Among the things I had said, was we usually say "This is it"( This is the one) when we are about to take that official leap before God with the ONE, whom he has chosen for us. When we have found the ONE for us and we know it. We typically want to scream it from the roof top.
Then comes the statement on the official "This is it" website, written by Michael. He repeats something 4 times before the statement even began. What is it? He says:
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come
Is he screaming? Is shouting it from the roof top? Can you feel his excitement? Until I read the statement, I knew the excitement wasn't all about us. He said:
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect but make all feel one, one in joy,
ONE IN PAIN, ONE IN LOVE, one in service and in conciousness".
bY placing these words together in this form( one in pain, one in love), showed me, Michael was revealing and telling us he was in fact IN LOVE and wanted to be ONE with her officially). BY giving us two very key clues connected with the 'this is it" tour, also revealed to me, he somehow was planning on MERGING the two. His love life with her and this tour
I believe he was planning on revelaing her to the world during the "This is it" Tour.
She was going to be there, this statement reveals he wanted her there too. His goal was to have us, his music, his dancing and her to ALL be together and share in this time with him Together.
Everything was going to be final and official with the THIS IS IT TOUR.
Oh, ok thanks Moddie for that! I get the "one in ... and one in ... suggesting to you a merging ... I can see that if I try but now (and please don't think me too dull lol I'm trying ... I really am, I'm good at observing but sadly, not interpreting)

EDIT: I just got finished watching the Trailer for This Is It and looking at it from your point of view (or that of this romantic thread lol ) I can see it that way too!

"His dream inspired the world, but there was still ONE dream he wanted to share with everyone ..."

uncanny!!!! :wild: check out the trailer at 00:22!! http://www.thisisit-movie.com/

That makes what you're saying fall right into place! :D

and now Moddie ... about his statement,

... I'm still having trouble with this part ..
She was going to be there, this statement reveals he wanted her there too
which part of the statement? could you bold it for me?

sorry to be so slo :giggle:

or am I not the only one not catching it? :unsure:

maaan I feel so .... I dunno :scratch:

:lol: Moddie help!

... I can't believe MJ left us so much to keep this thread going .. and going .. LOL!!!
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An uncanny find is right Stateofshock!!!! Amazing! Truly Amazing!!!

I don't know how to bold, you guys need to teach a sista. I am the one slow, as a matter of fact, I often feel like I have "Adult A.D.D.(attention defysite disorder). No joke, lol.

If you look at key words in that statement and bare in mind, the words he seemed to be shouting from the roof top ( The Time has come, 4 times), you'll start to see, how he is telling us, he wanted to share his love for "her" to the world right along side of all the fans
who would be there in support of these triumphant shows.

Also, don't forget what he titled the shows: "This is it". We usually say those 3 words when we have found the one we wish to settle down with and make it official. We say, "This is it. This is the one".

He uses the word "one" over and over in that statement. There are no doubts with whats on his mind. no doubts at all. He is ready!

Key words in order from his statement that confirms to me, he wants and expects to merge her and his love for her with these shows are: a music, connect, all feel one, one in pain, one in love.

Notice how he says, "One in Love". He is applying these words to his upcoming shows where he expects to entertain Thousands upon Thousands of fans a night. Can he really be in love with each and everyone of them? Don't you have to intimately know a person to be in love with them? Shouldn't you have a "one" on "one" personable relationship first? Is it possible he is having personable relationships with every fan who purchased a ticket before the shows would even began? Is that possible? No. Its not. He loved us, no doubt he cares for us in a special way and we can all feel that appreciation he had for us but he could not have been "In love" with us.

He wanted his Music( 02 shows), to bring all things together (connect) Everything in his life that meant the most to him during this time of his life, His children, His fans and her ( all feel one). He wanted under one roof. This was his Dream. This was his plan.
"one in pain, one in love", is his admission of how he recognized something had caused him or both of them, pain but they were still in love.

This is what he wanted to share with the world.............
I almost forgot this:

I'm not sure how he was going to incorporate "her" in the shows. It could have been as simple as having her picture as part of a montage of other pictures behind him on a big projector screen, or having her name mentioned in a song, or openly dedicating a song to her and having her come out on stage with him or simply having her in the front row as he performed.

I am certain, Michael wanted her there with all the fans as well as his children. It was all suppose to be one big happy family of love.

There has to be a clue or two in that 'this is it" dvd, unless they edited out alot of good stuff.

My bet is, we may have more answers sadly now that our Michael is gone than we did when he was living. sniff, sniff.
An uncanny find is right Stateofshock!!!! Amazing! Truly Amazing!!!

I don't know how to bold, you guys need to teach a sista. I am the one slow, as a matter of fact, I often feel like I have "Adult A.D.D.(attention defysite disorder). No joke, lol.

If you look at key words in that statement and bare in mind, the words he seemed to be shouting from the roof top ( The Time has come, 4 times), you'll start to see, how he is telling us, he wanted to share his love for "her" to the world right along side of all the fans
who would be there in support of these triumphant shows.

Also, don't forget what he titled the shows: "This is it". We usually say those 3 words when we have found the one we wish to settle down with and make it official. We say, "This is it. This is the one".

He uses the word "one" over and over in that statement. There are no doubts with whats on his mind. no doubts at all. He is ready!

Key words in order from his statement that confirms to me, he wants and expects to merge her and his love for her with these shows are: a music, connect, all feel one, one in pain, one in love.

Notice how he says, "One in Love". He is applying these words to his upcoming shows where he expects to entertain Thousands upon Thousands of fans a night. Can he really be in love with each and everyone of them? Don't you have to intimately know a person to be in love with them? Shouldn't you have a "one" on "one" personable relationship first? Is it possible he is having personable relationships with every fan who purchased a ticket before the shows would even began? Is that possible? No. Its not. He loved us, no doubt he cares for us in a special way and we can all feel that appreciation he had for us but he could not have been "In love" with us.

He wanted his Music( 02 shows), to bring all things together (connect) Everything in his life that meant the most to him during this time of his life, His children, His fans and her ( all feel one). He wanted under one roof. This was his Dream. This was his plan.
"one in pain, one in love", is his admission of how he recognized something had caused him or both of them, pain but they were still in love.

This is what he wanted to share with the world.............
Wow Moddie! You sure answered my question - that's for sure! And I do appreciate it! :yes:

In quoting your post, I bolded one in love because reading it gave me another context to view those words ... eg., one (who is) in love, which I guess was your whole point (duh SOS) lol

I'm gonna have to tell you what I told AllforMJ back when she first started this topic in the very first thread ... you either are one of the most insightful people ever born (which I don't doubt) OR you have the most romantic imagination ever!! (which I also don't doubt but don't take that in a bad way) WOW that is quite a plan you've unfolded there, and somehow it sounds just like MJ doesn't it? OMG lol!! Just the thought of that is amazing!! and it makes sense!

quickly about bolding before I forget ..

(to bold you can (if you're typing just one or two words) hold down the ctrl key on your keyboard and type the letter B on the keyboard then release the ctrl key and it will cause everything you type to be bolded until you hold ctrl again and hit B again - then everything you type will then be unbolded - OR - if you want to bold a whole sentence its easier if you use the little toolbar at the top of the texting screen, by selecting the text (y'know, dragging the mouse over it) then when it turns blue, click the B in the upper left of the tool bar underneath the Font dropdown menu and the sentence you selected will show up in bold lettering. Takes a teenie bit of practice but you can get it! :yes:)

Thanks very much for breaking that all down like you did! It fits the spirit of the thread just so! I am amazed! :giggle: Thanks again. I was in such a mystery!

My bet is, we may have more answers sadly now that our Michael is gone than we did when he was living. sniff, sniff.
isn't that something?? :(

Yet somehow the clues and this thread seem to keep going .. and going. . . and going ... that is amazing also, within itself ... or .. veddy interesting as AllforMJ would say. (guess I miss her :blush: I keep talking about her)

AllforMJ started all this :giggle: and like you, opened our "eyes" ... well I can speak for myself, she certainly opened mine. :)

AllforMJ where are you?? This is getting so exciting ... !! ...

in a sadly ironic sort of way :blush:

:heart: :to_clue:*smile though our hearts are aching*
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I almost forgot this:

I'm not sure how he was going to incorporate "her" in the shows. It could have been as simple as having her picture as part of a montage of other pictures behind him on a big projector screen, or having her name mentioned in a song, or openly dedicating a song to her and having her come out on stage with him or simply having her in the front row as he performed.

I am certain, Michael wanted her there with all the fans as well as his children. It was all suppose to be one big happy family of love.

There has to be a clue or two in that 'this is it" dvd, unless they edited out alot of good stuff.

My bet is, we may have more answers sadly now that our Michael is gone than we did when he was living. sniff, sniff.

Maybe if there will be clues on the DVD we can interept it!!
Ok StateofShock, This is why I believe he wanted to somehow incorporate "her" with the shows.

We learned the shows would be called "This is it". Many wondered then and now, where did that title come from. It seemed off and different from what we knew from Michael as far as hsi tours go. But in this thread we all knew, the direction of his clues and messages had taken a very intimate, romantic and direct approach that seemed to personable to be ALL about us fans.

Among the things I had said, was we usually say "This is it"( This is the one) when we are about to take that official leap before God with the ONE, whom he has chosen for us. When we have found the ONE for us and we know it. We typically want to scream it from the roof top.
Then comes the statement on the official "This is it" website, written by Michael. He repeats something 4 times before the statement even began. What is it? He says:
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come
The time has come
Is he screaming? Is shouting it from the roof top? Can you feel his excitement? Until I read the statement, I knew the excitement wasn't all about us. He said:
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect but make all feel one, one in joy,
ONE IN PAIN, ONE IN LOVE, one in service and in conciousness".
bY placing these words together in this form( one in pain, one in love), showed me, Michael was revealing and telling us he was in fact IN LOVE and wanted to be ONE with her officially). BY giving us two very key clues connected with the 'this is it" tour, also revealed to me, he somehow was planning on MERGING the two. His love life with her and this tour
I believe he was planning on revelaing her to the world during the "This is it" Tour.
She was going to be there, this statement reveals he wanted her there too. His goal was to have us, his music, his dancing and her to ALL be together and share in this time with him Together.
Everything was going to be final and official with the THIS IS IT TOUR.

Wow moddie, evertything u said there i reckon could be very true. People say that when one marries their soulmate their souls come into one as a whole. Everything they do- they do it together , everything they have- they share it togther. I think that is what being a couple is supposed to bout
oh! I meant to add a thought to my last post about what you posted here (below) Moddie:

Notice how he says, "One in Love". He is applying these words to his upcoming shows where he expects to entertain Thousands upon Thousands of fans a night. Can he really be in love with each and everyone of them? Don't you have to intimately know a person to be in love with them? Shouldn't you have a "one" on "one" personable relationship first? Is it possible he is having personable relationships with every fan who purchased a ticket before the shows would even began? Is that possible? No. Its not. He loved us, no doubt he cares for us in a special way and we can all feel that appreciation he had for us but he could not have been "In love" with us.
Notice how he says, "One in Love". He is applying these words to his upcoming shows where he expects to entertain Thousands upon Thousands of fans a night. Can he really be in love with each and everyone of them? Don't you have to intimately know a person to be in love with them? Shouldn't you have a "one" on "one" personable relationship first? Is it possible he is having personable relationships with every fan who purchased a ticket before the shows would even began? Is that possible? No. Its not. He loved us, no doubt he cares for us in a special way and we can all feel that appreciation he had for us but he could not have been "In love" with us.
Confessions be made, my first (and lingering) thought about 'one in love'
is that MJ's intention was to let the This Is It concerts and DVD be his once, for all time, stand (up) for LOVE period, meaning for the world to come together "in love".

See? :lol: You and AllforMJ gets us all caught up in the cloud of romance!
(I know, I know - AllforMJ would say don't blame her, blame Michael's romantic self! LOL!!)

Although as I said, it does all 'fit', I do still want to remind us that Michael felt part of his mission was to spread the world-wide message of love. ;)

just wanted to say that :)

Remember, :listeningtomusic: "all the children of the world should be, loving eachother wholeheartedly" :yes:
Yes thank you allformj & moddie for opening our eyes to the romance, cuz mine have definately been open to the love! :)Not just the love he had with his girl-but also the love he so badly wanted to once again share with the world.
You Guys are all welcome and Thanks for the compliments!!!!!!!!! I really Enjoy Interpreting Michael. I don't think I can Interpret any other artist though, MJ makes it so easy, his needs are very simple and I can relate.

Sos Thanks for teaching me how to Bold. I'll have to reread your Instructions when I have more time. Ya know, I am slow. lol.

I miss AllforMJ too.
Your welcome moddie!

I think we all seem to have a very deep understanding of michael and a very special one too. It always was like we were like his "mini family" IMO and he had a very loving soft spot for us in his heart.

Sos, i wanna thank u too for teaching us how 2 do the bold thing, i always wanted to know how 2 do it
Yes thank you allformj & moddie for opening our eyes to the romance, cuz mine have definately been open to the love! :)Not just the love he had with his girl-but also the love he so badly wanted to once again share with the world.

Yup!! Thanks! :clap:
MJ makes it so easy, his needs are very simple and I can relate.

Hummmmmm... I do not think it's so easy and simple. For me it is something very, very, very difficult. Michael has always been a man of mystery, full of mysteries and subliminal messages. Decipher it as something I find very difficult. We are talking about feelings and thoughts that only Michael and no one else knew. Interpreting is very difficult because as you will be absolutely sure of the feelings and thoughts of that person? It is something so intimate and personal that I could say that would be a total invasion of privacy. (It was just a joke!) :wild: I find it so impossible. This is to anyone. I think it's easier (as we do here), speculation and assumptions to create what we "think" be true, than knowing the true reality of thoughts and feelings of Michael Jackson.

*Do not throw stones at me because of my contrary opinion about it... Please! lol! :bugeyed
There is more to come
There is more to come
There is more to come
There is more to come

"There never was a time
When I was not
Or you were not
There never will be a time
When we will cease to be.."

from Dancing the Dream

Keep the faith :yes:
Hello, I've been, *ahem*, lurking for some time now, and I was drawn to this thread and wanted to come out and finally post. need to gather some thoughts together before making a relevent thread contribution, though. But first of all, I wanted to say, HI!
Hi Justus, and hi everyone. I'm mostly "lurking" as well...simply because I enjoy reading the thread, but I don't really have much to contribute so I don't post much on here either. But I'm reading. :popcorn:

About the message Michael posted about being "one in love, one in pain", etc. I too was like "Hmmm..." :scratch: when I read it. And I think it could be understood two different ways...but it actually sounded like two messages in one though: His desire for world peace and unity and people coming together as "one" through music and dance. But then I also thought the "one in love, one in pain" part sounded almost like something out of a "wedding wow" too . Like, "I'm ready to get back to making music and being on stage...but I'm also ready to give love one more chance, one more try, as well". Somewhere along those lines is how it sounded to me. But "knowing" Michael, I'm pretty sure he just meant it in the "heal the world" kind of way, without any "romantic connotations". :yes:
Hi Justus, and hi everyone. I'm mostly "lurking" as well...simply because I enjoy reading the thread, but I don't really have much to contribute so I don't post much on here either. But I'm reading. :popcorn:

About the message Michael posted about being "one in love, one in pain", etc. I too was like "Hmmm..." :scratch: when I read it. And I think it could be understood two different ways...but it actually sounded like two messages in one though: His desire for world peace and unity and people coming together as "one" through music and dance. But then I also thought the "one in love, one in pain" part sounded almost like something out of a "wedding wow" too . Like, "I'm ready to get back to making music and being on stage...but I'm also ready to give love one more chance, one more try, as well". Somewhere along those lines is how it sounded to me. But "knowing" Michael, I'm pretty sure he just meant it in the "heal the world" kind of way, without any "romantic connotations". :yes:

"heal the world" could have been a message to his loved one ( but wasnt like that period the time he was with lisa marie? or just bout to?)
maybe he was saying to her "lets heal the world together with our love & make this a better place for everyone!"
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"heal the world" could have been a message to his loved one ( but wasnt like that period the time he was with lisa marie? or just bout to?)
maybe he was saying to her "lets heal the world together with out love & make this a better place for everyone!"

I'm not sure if I understood you correctly...:scratch: :lol: I didn't mean the song "Heal The World", but that I am assuming that "the time has come...etc." message was probably meant to mean something like "I want us all to unite to heal our planet, to love one another...to love all humanity"..etc. instead of something "romantic". :scratch:But who knows.....:scratch:
There's an excerpt I read in this book a friend gave to me when I had surgery, the books called "Why We Love". The section is called "Special Meaning" and the wording although I know it has no relation to the quote reminded me of it the minute I read it last night probably because of the words.....

One of the first things that happens when you fall in love is that you experience a dramatic shift in consciousness: your "love object" takes on what psychologists call "special meaning". Your beloved becomes novel, unique, and all-important. As one smitten man phrased it, "My whole world had been transformed. It had a new center".......you begin to concentrate your passion on just one. Emily Dickenson called this private world "the realm of you".

He's always had a high level of consciousness about the world but maybe the recent shift towards that calling once again does have something to do with being in love and not only wanting to make a difference in the greater world but for the future that he was in the process of building? Anyway just wanted to add some love before I ruin it all by changing my tune about the quote from romantic love to something else.....:lol:

Here it is again.....

The Time Has Come
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again,
To be part of a music that will not just connect but,
Make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain
One in love, one in service and in consciousness"

I think what Summer said below is probably correct. It's more like Michaels trying to tell people in this world I'll be the messenger (his calling) but you need to wake up, look at that man or woman in the mirror, who do you choose to be in life? are you going to grasp onto a higher level of consciousness? WE ALL suffer pain, WE ALL love, WE ALL experience joy, ONE being humanity as a whole. How else did he reach millions and millions of people with his message, through his music.:)

It's like this quote I posted before.....

"We are seasoned in each other's lives.
our joys and sorrows woven
into the tapestry of shared history". ~Linda Ellerbee~

Michael brought people together, like a universal tapestry and whether it be, one of his songs played on every radio station, the 2 hours he performed a show, the 5 minute video played on tv, every race, religion and gender became ONE in that brief moment in time. He's magical. It didn't matter what our differences are physically, culturally, in our occupations, in our beliefs, even in our interpretations of life, love and happiness...you, me, Michael, we are all ONE in the same, we are all a part of the human race. God put us here for a reason and I think Michaels message was about what are YOU that ONE person going to do to make a difference in this world?

About the message Michael posted about being "one in love, one in pain", etc. I too was like "Hmmm..." :scratch: when I read it. And I think it could be understood two different ways...but it actually sounded like two messages in one though: His desire for world peace and unity and people coming together as "one" through music and dance. But then I also thought the "one in love, one in pain" part sounded almost like something out of a "wedding wow" too . Like, "I'm ready to get back to making music and being on stage...but I'm also ready to give love one more chance, one more try, as well". Somewhere along those lines is how it sounded to me. But "knowing" Michael, I'm pretty sure he just meant it in the "heal the world" kind of way, without any "romantic connotations". :yes:
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I'm not sure if I understood you correctly...:scratch: :lol: I didn't mean the song "Heal The World", but that I am assuming that "the time has come...etc." message was probably meant to mean something like "I want us all to unite to heal our planet, to love one another...to love all humanity"..etc. instead of something "romantic". :scratch:But who knows.....:scratch:

OK , but i was just stateing that "heal the world" was bout that. Uniting ppl together to love all humanity and save our wounded planet.

I think that was mikes true passion, to save our world from evil & total destruction.
I think what Summer said below is probably correct. It's more like Michaels trying to tell people in this world I'll be the messenger (his calling) but you need to wake up, look at that man or woman in the mirror, who do you choose to be in life? are you going to grasp onto a higher level of consciousness? WE ALL suffer pain, WE ALL love, WE ALL experience joy, ONE being humanity as a whole. How else did he reach millions and millions of people with his message, through his music.:)

It's like this quote I posted before.....

"We are seasoned in each other's lives.
our joys and sorrows woven
into the tapestry of shared history". ~Linda Ellerbee~

I think mike truly felt he was a "messenger" of god and through his music , he gave gods messages of love to the world and hoped the world would listen . Some did & some didnt unfortnately
Hi Justus, and hi everyone. I'm mostly "lurking" as well...simply because I enjoy reading the thread, but I don't really have much to contribute so I don't post much on here either. But I'm reading. :popcorn:

About the message Michael posted about being "one in love, one in pain", etc. I too was like "Hmmm..." :scratch: when I read it. And I think it could be understood two different ways...but it actually sounded like two messages in one though: His desire for world peace and unity and people coming together as "one" through music and dance. But then I also thought the "one in love, one in pain" part sounded almost like something out of a "wedding wow" too . Like, "I'm ready to get back to making music and being on stage...but I'm also ready to give love one more chance, one more try, as well". Somewhere along those lines is how it sounded to me. But "knowing" Michael, I'm pretty sure he just meant it in the "heal the world" kind of way, without any "romantic connotations". :yes:

I actually thought differently. Knowing Michael (and not that I know him but..what I think I know of him and what I've seen of him) he would mean it both ways. He always uses double entendres. Even "This Is It" can have many meanings. "These will be my final shows, in London." could have more than one meaning. He often uses vague sort of ideas because of the various meanings that can be gotten from it (I think). It's something that I found quite funny about him.
Just a thought I thought I'd share.

Oh also, Hi JustUs. :) (and hi everyone, Summer :D nice to see you here again)