Did MJ Find Love In The Dark (continued)

Hey, ashtanga, time for you to put on your private detective thinking cap and help me solve another little mystery. O.k. Sherlock?:cheeky:
This may seem a little off topic, but at the same time, maybe it isn't. I know that someone brought this up a while ago, but it's something that has remained unanswered and I've been curious about. Well, what has got me curious is a certain line in the chorus of the song "Threatened." The line is the one that is bolded below:

You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me

So, whaddya think about that? What exactly is he inferring here? Is he saying that he is interested in some other guy's lady or perhaps this other guy's lady is interested in him and he's taunting the other guy with this info or what? I know that it's a strange and unique song, but I know you have a pretty sharp mind. Lemme know what you think.

Hi, I just had a thought. I'm new here...so pardon my Hello.

Everytime the Lady speaks to him...what about Lady Justice?

Sorry for going back in this thread, but I just thought about it for a while- legal troubles, feeling threatened- Lady Justice! And well with "Dom Sheldon" I would feel a heck of a lot troubled too.
Gee, and here I thought, hey I'll joing another MJ Board, people there are usually kind of mellow, sad, but human. Boy oh boy...I've been on different boards for years (not just MJ) but I've never seen people refer to each other as that. Oh well, I better go and sniff some more Bal a Versailles to mellow the mood.
Yeh i know its disgusting . I just wish there wasnt any fighting here
This is very unusual. Don't let it scare you off. Mods will take care of it.

As for you, rock my world person. What nerve. You need to apologize for that completely inappropriate and undeserved outburst. How ignorant.
As for you, rock my world person. What nerve. You need to apologize for that completely inappropriate and undeserved outburst. How ignorant.

I agree ape! :clapping::clapping:

How are u btw ape?
I just cleaned up a name calling section - really not necessary. Please consider the feeling behind each word and others feelings.

thank you.
you are welcome - thank you for bringing issues like that to our attention.... - keep to topic everyone, without the name calling - especially now...
Other than feeling anger at the moment for what I just read here, I am doing really well, thank you :). Life has somehow taken a turn for the better just lately...today mostly.

Thank you Ms Snoop for deleting that. Not sure what was going on there.

Modulation Alert, that's a very creative interpretation and one that seems like it could make sense. I like it!
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Hi, I just had a thought. I'm new here...so pardon my Hello.

Everytime the Lady speaks to him...what about Lady Justice?

Sorry for going back in this thread, but I just thought about it for a while- legal troubles, feeling threatened- Lady Justice! And well with "Dom Sheldon" I would feel a heck of a lot troubled too.

*Hmmm ... seems like I missed some excitement here. Well, whatever happened, I'm glad it got resolved. Have to wonder though, who would say something offensive in the "Love in the Dark" thread, lol! Ah, well, I guess strange things have happened in here before.*

Anyway ... Welcome Modulation!:) Hope you come back. I really like that interpretation. Very interesting! I never thought of that, but it could really fit. "Threatened" is a very dark, mysterious and unusual song. I'm still trying to unlock the mysteries in it. I also always thought the placement of the song on the CD was also unusual. I mean, here you have all these love songs and then BAM! you get hit with this song that talks about a monster and feeling threatened and all. It's like, whaaaa ...???:scratch:Well, thanks for the input! Looking forward to more!
i reckon "threatned"could have been a warning to sneddon or many of mjs enemies, with mj like saying " when the day comes in my death i will haunt you and haunt you- like the way u did in my living life!"
hey MP, *waves*

Would I be oversimplifying too much or overstating the obvious too much to say that I have always seen the entire song as purely a metaphor, perhaps of the same guy he had dedicated other songs to whom he wanted to know get the message over to that he (MJ) was bigger and badder than him (Sneddon) in every conceivable way.....noting all the other metaphoric lines in the rest of the song? eg., a similiar message as the Ghost shortfilm?

He had just prior, in his last album, let Sneddon have a piece of his mind in his (Sneddon's) very own song with his name strewn throughout, then he did the short film Ghosts, depicting Sneddon's look and attitude and making the point of scaring this Sneddon-like character half to death in retaliation for the things he'd been saying about him.

Remember during the online chat session (Invincible promo) MJ said he expected to do lots of shortfilms for Invincible?

I'm thinking maybe he had visions of this being one of them, something similiar to Ghosts ... and like Ghosts, his references are allegorical. (or is this to over simplified? lol )

A monster had arrived in the village
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person or thing is soon to be met
He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I?
I forgot to introduce you to the monster.

You’re fearing me, ‘cause you know I’m a beast
Watching you when you sleep, when you’re in bed
I’m underneath
You’re trapped in halls, and my face is the walls
I’m the floor when you fall, and when
you scream it’s ‘cause of me
I’m the living dead, the dark thoughts in your head
I heard just what you said
That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me

You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you
should feel threatened by me

You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt
I’m not a ghost from hell but I’ve got a spell on you
Worst nightmare, it's me I'm everywhere (everywhere)
In one blink I’ll disappear, and then
I’ll come back to haunt you
I’m telling you, when you lie under a tomb
I’m the one watching you
That’s why you've got to be threatened by me

i reckon "threatned"could have been a warning to sneddon or many of mjs enemies, with mj like saying " when the day comes in my death i will haunt you and haunt you- like the way u did in my living life!"

^ or stated much more briefly :lol:

we must've been posting around the same time
i reckon "threatned"could have been a warning to sneddon or many of mjs enemies, with mj like saying " when the day comes in my death i will haunt you and haunt you- like the way u did in my living life!"

I think he could have been directing it towards all those who brought MJ down.. like Sneedon, or it could be about what MP said as well.
*Hmmm ... seems like I missed some excitement here. Well, whatever happened, I'm glad it got resolved. Have to wonder though, who would say something offensive in the "Love in the Dark" thread, lol! Ah, well, I guess strange things have happened in here before.*

Anyway ... Welcome Modulation!:) Hope you come back. I really like that interpretation. Very interesting! I never thought of that, but it could really fit. "Threatened" is a very dark, mysterious and unusual song. I'm still trying to unlock the mysteries in it. I also always thought the placement of the song on the CD was also unusual. I mean, here you have all these love songs and then BAM! you get hit with this song that talks about a monster and feeling threatened and all. It's like, whaaaa ...???:scratch:Well, thanks for the input! Looking forward to more!

Thanks for the welcome!

Now "Threatened" seems more and more interesting to me.

I actually like the placement on the CD- "Invincible" ist all about light coming in, "cry at the same time tonight", Angels etc- Love. But by the end of the day you have go to sleep again. And your personal nightmare will show up- no matter how nice the day, every day will end and whatever personal demon is haunting you. So you get to face stuff again at the end of the day, I like the placement on "Invincible."

Also, if you look into Rod Serling who is "the speaker", the Ghost Story Teller- he was the producer (if I am not mistaken!) of the Twilight Zone- characters there were haunted by whatever inner demon was going after them. They had to overcome whatever was chasing them- their conscience, they biggest fears in life etc.

Makes perfect sense. To me anyway.

Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction
A monster had arrived in the village
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person or thing is soon to be met
He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster.

"Threatened" reminds me of the movie "The Village" by M N Shymalan. (sp?)
The "monsters" that are hunting the village folks are the manmade creations of the village elders. They actually don't exist but yet the monsters are hunting, knowing your fears. The monsters are a way to keep the village "in check", a way to control their society to keep it from breaking apart. These elders control their society because they deluded themselves into thinking that this is "for the best"- because they are afraid the deal with society themselves they way it was.

"Threatened" is structure just like a Twilight Zone episode in the 50ies.

You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
Why you sleep, why you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks to me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me

You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt
I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you
Your worst nightmare, it's me, I'm everywhere
In one blink I’ll disappear, and then I’ll come back to haunt you
I’m telling you, when you lie under a tomb
I’m the one watching youg
That’s why you got to be threatened by me

The "lady" was a threat for him. Lady Justice was certainly blinded but not in a neutral, "justice is being served" way. He was constantly sued left and right by somebody wanting their piece of Michael Jackson.
The last he got threatened with Lady Justice wasn't pretty. Wouldn't you start to fear "the lady" if all she brings is pain and slander?

It wouldn't be far fetched to say that these horrific child abuse allegations could be described as his worst nightmare, they were everywhere, wordwide. They might have gone away for a while after 93 but they came back. It's like Michael knew that somebody would try that again.

The unknown monster is about to embark
From a far corner, out of the dark
A nightmare, that’s the case
Never Neverland, that’s the place
This particular monster can read minds
Be in two places at the same time
This is judgement night, execution, slaughter
The devil, ghosts, this monster is torture
You can be sure of one thing, that’s fate
A human presence that you feel is strange
A monster that you can see disappear
A monster, the worst thing to fear.

The "monster" came back alright. A nightmare, that's the case. Yes, his court case would be a nightmare, very true.
Never Neverland, that's the place alright. Turned into the place of nightmares.

What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare.
It isn’t. It’s the beginning.

No, 93 wasn't the end, it was just the beginning and he knew it. How you live with that kind of monster omnipresent, I don't know. His nightmare was just starting in 2001 and he knew it.

I honestly don't think "Threatened" is the message to Sneddon. He got part of that out with DS on HIStory, gun shot.

I thing "Threatened" is his personal monster, his demons chasing him. The fear of another exortion/slander scheme. 93 opened the door.

Wondering right now how it would be possible to interpret "never neverland" in Regards to the book, I chose interpretation based on Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. I am sure interpration based on Peter Pan would reveal other possibilies.
who do u guys think his love is for tho?
The question this thread has always asked is whether there is possibly a "someone" period.

AllforMJ (the thread starter) originally began this topic by being drawn to two songs in particular that seemed to her to be connecting the past with the ' present' (Someone In the Dark from 1983, and, The Way You Love Me, from 2004) which is what attracted me to the thread and we began to notice seeming linkages with other songs, so we have all this time, just been analyzing any 'links' or 'messages' of all the songs in between, seeing if it is one 'story' or more than one being told. If there is one, then, whether the 'love' is old, or 'new', but not delving so much into who in respect of MJ's (and any possible "someone"'s) privacy. We only analyze and interpret what is being "communicated" via song.

There are varying interpretations and some interpretations are mixed, sometimes mixed renditions even come from the same interpreter possibly because of the 'mixed' or 'mixture' of messages within the songs themselves, the time lines of the songs etc. That's my take.

It will probably help for all newbies to this thread to read about the first 3 or 4 pages or so.

Modulation Alert I welcome you too! :hiya: ... and even though we do veer off topic a lot, this extended Threatened analysis might probably get a lot more discussion in the MJ Groove Theory thread :giggle: I'm no mod, I'm only saying that would apply only if these are the beginnings of an extended discussion within itself.

I believe it was introduced by MP to explore any relevance, if any, 'the lady' may have to "her" (see prior discussion) or perhaps "someone" else.

And imho what you said does make sense :yes: although it seems like so many of these 'song interpretation' topics at the end of the day leaving us in ultimate mystery.

I had to take a break from this ADDICTIVE thread topic ( :giggle: ) to put things into order, I'm giving myself another chance to be disciplined so eventually I'd love for the girls to get back to ...

remenscing :wub: (never could spell that word lol )

it sure was doing my heart good ;D

As for Threatened though, I don't know about the others in the "dark" thread, I personally don't mind touching on Threatened and maybe he was talking about himself ... I just don't see him having such a turmultuous struggle with himself in public expressed via his music ... but then, the poem Two Birds in his book Dancing the Dream, was patterned from an ancient writing of The Upanishads where man is struggling within the Self and there was the song Morphine ... so ... maybe ... but I get the feeling this desire to scare someone is directed outwardly...toward ...a target ... and remember in D.S. although he ended Sneddon with a gunshot, it was not altogether catharic because he went on talking (singing) about him in 2 Bad and This Time Around in 1997 and I see no resolution of the situation by the time of Threatened?
*Hmmm ... seems like I missed some excitement here. Well, whatever happened, I'm glad it got resolved. Have to wonder though, who would say something offensive in the "Love in the Dark" thread, lol! Ah, well, I guess strange things have happened in here before.*

Anyway ... Welcome Modulation!:) Hope you come back. I really like that interpretation. Very interesting! I never thought of that, but it could really fit. "Threatened" is a very dark, mysterious and unusual song. I'm still trying to unlock the mysteries in it. I also always thought the placement of the song on the CD was also unusual. I mean, here you have all these love songs and then BAM! you get hit with this song that talks about a monster and feeling threatened and all. It's like, whaaaa ...???:scratch:Well, thanks for the input! Looking forward to more!
:smilerolleyes: "Threatened"....

I hope you've managed to unravel the mysteries of song. :yes:

*Modulation is very welcome here! :D
Thank you Ashtanga, Mysterious Phoenix, State of Shock and everyone for the welcome. It's always tricky to be the newbie on another board...I've been on different boards for years, I forget we're all the news ones at some point.

I had lurked for a while reading around, I"ll go check out the "Groove" Section that came recommended, thank you. I confess to not having read all 389 pages...I go to bed way to late as is while my toddler is snoring on the couch next to me while my notebook is glowing at 2 am in the morning...

I confess to only reading the first couple pages and then jumping to the end- where "Threatened" caught my eye. Don't get me wrong, I love "Break of Dawn" and "Speechless" just as much as any Gold Pants discussion any time of day...:wild::wild::wild:, but I was mulling over songs like "Threatened", "Is it scary", "Ghost" just as much. It's so nice to be able to dissect these with others.

There's no right or wrong, that's why it's called "Interpretation." Looking forward to more reading, everyone!:cheers:
yeh i;ve been listening to "ghost" alot lately. I think its bout all the "sharks" that surronded mike, hes like asking why u so jeaouls of me? why u trying to take my diginity away from me?
I don't know if i want to continue joining in on this convo with you guys. its great doing this but if this poster is going to keep on calling me immature names that are really uncalled for im NOT coming back on here. its really unfair. i don't know this poster and she has the nerve to come on here and talk crap about me and call me names. She doesnt know me and im really tired of her harassing me :angry: this needs to stop. i come here to have fun and enjoy talking with you guys about mj.
^ who's bothering you Babe?

:doh: why can't I see all the drama?

Is it part of what was deleted? (I missed it whatever it was)

If they come back the Mod Squad'll get 'em Babe ..

.. don't let them keep you out of this thread!

They're not worth it.
I don't know if i want to continue joining in on this convo with you guys. its great doing this but if this poster is going to keep on calling me immature names that are really uncalled for im NOT coming back on here. its really unfair. i don't know this poster and she has the nerve to come on here and talk crap about me and call me names. She doesnt know me and im really tired of her harassing me :angry: this needs to stop. i come here to have fun and enjoy talking with you guys about mj.

Hunny dont let that person bother u!

We all love u here, and want u to keep joining us here in this thread! :hug:
^ who's bothering you Babe?

:doh: why can't I see all the drama?

Is it part of what was deleted? (I missed it whatever it was)

If they come back the Mod Squad'll get 'em Babe ..

.. don't let them keep you out of this thread!

They're not worth it.

yourockmyworld is bothering me... she hasnt stopped. she harrassed me on another board.. i dont know who she is. I dont know her. Im tired of it. I want to post here but i gt tired of her always quotng my posts and calling me immature names that IM am definately NOT!!! Im sick of it. i hope the mods do something. this is clearly harrassment.