Debate is Jason Malachi actually Michael Jackson

That's odd! We have no such restriction. Can you please check now as I asked the admin to up your post count. We have sent you a test message and it looks like you are receiving messages just fine.
:LOL: Cool
Great to have you visit us Jason, Im mean Michale, no Jason :scratch:

are you really Michale Jackson ..... :wild:

Im so glad you came in to clear that up

You sound like you have a good sense of humour
even with all the flak you get ... Welcome :better:

I like your song Mamacita ..
but I sure didnt like all the confusion it caused
with people posting it on youtube as Michael's

When is your Revelation album coming out ??
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I can actually do what Malachi does.. My friends always say I sound almost like Mike especially when I start copying that vibratto.. Its really not that difficult..
I'm just listening now to the album on your website. They never really worked for me on the myspace but this .net site is better. Now I can tell, yes some songs sound really not much like Michael at all, but some sound very much like him. "Let Me Let Go" sounds lots like him. "Don't walk away" parts of it sound like him. "Mamacita" really sounds like him. The slower songs I don't see the resemblance so much. Mostly these three songs I find.
Interesting :)

I wonder where everyone went in this thread.
It says I must have 15 posts or more to send anyone a P.M.
We've fixed that issue. It was one of default options of forum's add-on we've installed. It should work now.


hi Jason and thanks for joining MJJCommunity. :flowers:

When I first heard your songs like Mamacita or Let Me Let Go, I must say I was astonished how much your voice resembles Michael's and I confess at very first listening I though it was Michael since you know you can alter someone's voice in a unnoticeable way with professional voice softwares and then I saw also one of your performances on youtube and you were lip-synching.:shifty:

Do you write your songs on your own?

Maybe Michael is the man behind the whole operation. It's too early for me to confirm or deny that. Regardless, you'll hear more from myself as well as The King of Pop very soon, and things will make a lot of sense...

Interesting. :mello:
LOL its funny how people talk trash then when he is actually here everybody praises him. Personally, i think its cool the way he uses his voice like MJs. I'm sure Michael would be very proud.
God, its a funny idea for a thread.............why cant people just have a sense of humour and at least discuss it as a joke rather than just saying. 'No, it is not Michael Jackson'

There are some boring ass people on these forums.
Folks, let's stop with the generalising and rude comments about fans and forum users...

some posts have been removed from this thread... play nice or play elsewhere.
funny idea... to have several low profile pseudo musicians... it would be cool PR... like a game...

i doubt this Jason is Michael, too *lol*

Maybe Michael is the man behind the whole operation. It's too early for me to confirm or deny that. Regardless, you'll hear more from myself as well as The King of Pop very soon, and things will make a lot of sense...


UM now this comment here is very suspicious
and makes me doubt that you are Malachi.
or makes me think you are the one behind
having your songs posted as Michael ..

Jason, WHY cant you deny if he is not behind it
that makes no sense - I feel like you are playing
games with us now - and that doesnt sit well with
me ... Oh well

yes I guess we will have to wait and see ..
I hope for you that he is or else your statement above
is very mis-leading .. and dishonest

maybe I just misread - but this seems like a very odd statement
and makes me question that you are who you say you are ???
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jason is to much..

i think he is breaking the cool thing, to be michael jackson fan.

sorry :D
CaptainEO1986 are u really Jason??? 4 real? I mean I can myspace him and ask, but...
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i dont no that Guy!

but hey NOBODY is like Michael JAckson you can imitate him but you can´t copy!!!!
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^^^ooooh. Donuts......

uh oh-off topic
ok...ummmm.......I dont think he sounds like MJ???? and good luck????
Michael is very aware of the things that are going on. MJ likes to keep things top secret (as you probably already know) I'm doing my job. Either support me or don't. However, in due time, everything will play out, and make perfect sense. Patience is a virtue.

Thanks again........Malachi
If Michael likes to keep things top secret you aren't doing your job that good.
And honestly, you should get your own style and stop imitating him...if you really are Jason Malachi anyway.
He's not Michael. There's definitely a difference in their voices
There is a video of him online, where he's singin' live and where we can actually see him. The guy is singing a JT song and is pulling some MJ moves after the singing.

I think the guy is really trying to be like Michael, but he's trying too hard.

Thanks for the vid- I have been dying to see this! He sounds different to Michael here. :yes:

If Michael likes to keep things top secret you aren't doing your job that good.
And honestly, you should get your own style and stop imitating him...if you really are Jason Malachi anyway.

That is definitely Jason Malachi. :yes:
I'm very sorry, but this all looks like self promotion. Why come with lines telling things are secret, hinting at things and so on. Then shush until the moment is there.

And even if it's not, why is this thread still here? It's not about Michael Jackson basicly. And that's who this board is for right?
I'm very sorry, but this all looks like self promotion. Why come with lines telling things are secret, hinting at things and so on. Then shush until the moment is there.

And even if it's not, why is this thread still here? It's not about Michael Jackson basicly. And that's who this board is for right?
I totally agree with everything you said.
this thread at least shouldn't be in the MJ main section "General Disussion & News" as it does not even belong to MJ
Well, it was initially a question about "is JM actually MJ" so I'd say that's related to MJ.

And when so many are trashing one person, who is an artist and a Michael Jackson fan (like the rest of us), shouldn't that person have the opportunity to defend themselves? :unsure:
Well, it was initially a question about "is JM actually MJ" so I'd say that's related to MJ.

And when so many are trashing one person, who is an artist and a Michael Jackson fan (like the rest of us), shouldn't that person have the opportunity to defend themselves? :unsure:
When someone comes here and start posting cryptic messages saying that MJ knows what's going on, everything will become clear, etc., and then promote their own sites...well that is very much suspicious.
is JM actually MJ

The question is a silly one to begin with, but alas...

But the thread has turned in to a promotion page for that JM guy. And although he doesn't sing that bad, it doesn't belong in a general Michael Jackson discussion. Escpecially since there apperantly are 'secrets' en 'mysteries' that are hinted at, but not talked about, because it is 'not allowed'. Talk like that only serves to make one important, which fits in again with self promotion.
You guys are so harsh. Like get a grip. Jason Malachi happened to be born with a set of vocals very similar to Michael Jackson. His voice is great and he is just doing what any of us would do if we had MJ's vocals....we would sing! Don't go hatin on the man, maybe he does know something and I dont doubt he has talked to MJ before. His music is good, and if he is lying then in time we will know! In the meantime, just chill lol
he's a commercial artist (or trying to be anyway) - just as i am ever so critical and vocal of the music business nowadays, there will be no exceptions just because it sounds "harsh".

again, some words from a certain person who i think would know more about this than any of us:

"I don't think people are being experimental and innovative enough. -- I think there's too much cookie-cutter stuff."

Michael Jackson; Ebony, Dec 2007

Jason Malachi happened to be born with a set of vocals very similar to Michael Jackson.
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You guys are so harsh. Like get a grip. Jason Malachi happened to be born with a set of vocals very similar to Michael Jackson. His voice is great and he is just doing what any of us would do if we had MJ's vocals....we would sing! Don't go hatin on the man, maybe he does know something and I dont doubt he has talked to MJ before. His music is good, and if he is lying then in time we will know! In the meantime, just chill lol
Oh please if he is very similar then I might aswell join in I can sound like MJ when I'm ready :smilerolleyes:
he's a commercial artist (or trying to be anyway) - just as i am ever so vocal and critical of the music business nowadays, there will be no exceptions just because it sounds "harsh".

again, some words from a certain person who i think would know more about this than any of us:

"I don't think people are being experimental and innovative enough. -- I think there's too much cookie-cutter stuff."

Michael Jackson; Ebony, Dec 2007

I agree lol
The thing is his voice isnt bad so he should just use MJ as inspiration not for imitation and set his own unique style. fair enough he wants HINTS of MJ, but what hes doing is isnt hints.
Oh and NOOOO he isnt Michael lol