Debate is Jason Malachi actually Michael Jackson

The thing is his voice isnt bad so he should just use MJ as inspiration not for imitation and set his own unique style. fair enough he wants HINTS of MJ, but what hes doing is isnt hints.
Oh and NOOOO he isnt Michael lol
no doubt he has talent to SING. i mean dancing is one thing, but the industry cannot accept someone as a legitimate artist when they're audibly trying their hardest to imitate Michael's vocals.
no doubt he has talent to SING. i mean dancing is one thing, but the industry cannot accept someone as a legitimate artist when they're audibly trying their hardest to imitate Michael's vocals.
Exactly. He can never be taken seriously trying to imitate someone elses style. The people that stand out are the ones that are unique. could you imagine if every singer was like MJ yeah its great but essentially boring. its when something is unique that attracts people. You know thats why you have a USP, SELLING being the important word, the more unique the more likely you are to sell.
How many times did I just say unique :lol:
Exactly. He can never be taken seriously trying to imitate someone elses style. The people that stand out are the ones that are unique. could you imagine if every singer was like MJ yeah its great but essentially boring. its when something is unique that attracts people. You know thats why you have a USP, SELLING being the important word, the more unique the more likely you are to sell.
How many times did I just say unique :lol:
not merely enough, unfortunately!
LOL its funny how people talk trash then when he is actually here everybody praises him. Personally, i think its cool the way he uses his voice like MJs. I'm sure Michael would be very proud.
remember when tatiana went to mjno?
Michael is very aware of the things that are going on. MJ likes to keep things top secret (as you probably already know) I'm doing my job. Either support me or don't. However, in due time, everything will play out, and make perfect sense. Patience is a virtue.

Thanks again........Malachi

Ok if you say so
You are doing your TOP SECRET Job with Michael
and everything will play out ... time will tell ...

All I said it that I hope this is true for your own credibility
after making such a statement ... I am not bashing or
hating _ just confused _ by your statement .. linking
yourself to Michael ...

Good luck in all you do ..
either someone is promoting for Jason Malachi or JM is using MJ to promote himself.
i don't like jason malachi voice!!every body can easily identify his voice from mj
I know this is an old thread, sorry, but it is a new issue for me. Just need to put in my 2 cents. Don't feel obligated to respond by any means, if you prefer for this thread to go the way of the dodo. just gotta speak.

Personal opinion: Jason Malachi is a very different person from Michael Jackson. They are indeed separate people. However, I don't know what to think. Malachi obviously impersonates Michael. I think pretty much all that "NEW" stuff out there is Malachi's, getting passed off as Michael's. I just don't know whether he is wanting to be a separate artist, or if he is a cover to psych people out. I also am not so sure that "CaptainEo1986" is really Malachi. It's extremely confusing.

We all know how playful Michael is. We know he likes disguises of many different kinds (not implying in any way that it's Michael in a physical Malachi suit). We know he likes magic. We know he likes jokes, and surprises. We also know he is a genius. We know that his album is meant to be top secret stuff...he is quite clever enough not to allow leaks unless he did it himself. He said we are gonna be surprised. so...knowing these things about Michael, it wouldn't really surprise me IF he used this Malachi person to confuse us. It would not surprise me if it were an elaborate scheme of his. I think we are all going to be absolutely surprised when Michael's new album hits the scene. These are just big IFs.

I think if Jason Malachi is just trying to be his own artist, a completely separate entity from Michael, then he needs to find his own style. It's a tough world out there, and he deserves to be recognized for what HE has, not what he is imitating. He needs to find his OWN vocal style, his OWN dance style. So, "CaptainEo1986", if indeed you are really Malachi, I encourage you to do that. Find your own uniqueness, and go with it. that's what will make you great. From one singer to another, I wish you the best of luck. And if you are working for Michael and trying to keep his album top secret, why are you hinting at things? And if you are really Michael posing and posting as Malachi, man, you are such a genius in every way and I really, truly admire what you do in just about everything. So, whether you are Malachi or Michael, or both, may the Lord bless you and go with you.
I've been on the debate of this forever it seems. Someone posted an interview of Malachi on a radio show and I still have doubts. All this can easily be staged. MJ is a professional in the business he knows how to create distractions. I purchased the Revelation from Malachi's website. Honestly not bad music at all. It definately has the MJ flavor. I feel these are all demos and not the finished product. He could be using this as a way to test out what fans would think of the new tracks.
Jason Malachi is even posting a recent performance of him on his blog

everybody who still thinks he's Michael under a pseudonym is nuts, so to say
Hey guys,

First off just want to say's my first post!

I hate to bring this malachi fello back up in discussion but it's just been on my mind latley as things just don't seem to add up. I've read numerous posts of about the fact people being confused by the music Jason has on his myspae page and whether it is michaels or not and it is just confusing the me. Just going to post some interesting facts first that most of you have probably already read.

- the letters used in the name Jason Malachi are very similar to that of Jackson Michael. They also have similar initials JM vs. MJ

- Jason sound eerily similar though not spot on to mike. He has song a few songs like mamcita, let me let go and Don't walk away have been confused as being Michael's

- Jason seemed to appear on the radar a few months after it was announced that Mike was working with will i am on a new album. Could the duo have come up with the ultimate publicity/promo for a new album?

Now I've done a bit of research myself because i've become obsessed with it :)

- The picture on his my space page here is similar to MJ's Off the wall pic's with the red wall

- If you scroll through the songs in the player on his myspace page some wording comes up under the pic for the song don't walk away "Revelation 2008". hmmmmm

- If you watch the video on the myspace page of him singing live he also dances similar to mike (only not very well) but he is also clearly lip synching. It's true that he's dancing like a madman so he would use it to sound coherent but why would you do that so close to an audience and cameras where it is so obvious.

- More interestingly, also in the video at time 1min 50-2min 12 of the video you can quite clearly hear someone shout out Michael Jackson and people start pointing at something off camera. A little girl also asks "Is that Michael Jackson, Dad?". This guy looks nothing like Mike, Is it possible that Mike was there. hmmm....what if they were paid actors similar to how they use extras when performing magic tricks to createan illusion? Is mike playing with us? We know he likes magic right?

- All the artists that mike has worked with have been sworn to secrecy. Maybe they know what's going on?

- If Mike is doing this as a promo for the new album is he trying to get something across to the world? If hatrers don't know Michael is singing a song will they like it?

There you go....well if you are as bored as I am right now and can't sleep you'll want to add you're two cents to the discussion.

So you sugest that michael has hired actors to play like him, and playback on some of his new songs or ?
Hmm i think you coould be right in some way... IF hes working on new material, he's going for another voice like he did on Invinvible.
Well interesting theory :)
Some sounds actually ALLOT of the sounds of the video shown below on his page, are from michael songs.
For example the glass break from jam..
WHY is this thread still here? I'm getting sooooooooo tired of that name coming up again and again (and I'm putting the thread right back on top, but I do hope someone will see the light and move it out of the general mj discussion) ;)
Michael is Michael jackson the king of pop no one can be like him even if we live 3000 years later and that malashi will never attend him.