Debate is Jason Malachi actually Michael Jackson

This is hillareous
the guy who started this thread has ONLY that ONE post
it is evident he is a TROLL just trying to stir the pot here
he hasnt replied or even addressed the comments here

This was a HIT a Run .. :LOL:

It is usualy none MJ fans who try and promote
this crap That the Jason Malachi persona is
actually Michael :smilerolleyes:

sorry guys,

I didn't mean for this thread to get so convoluted and aggressive. I was asking a "what if.." type question on how MJ maybe promoting his album. I never intended it to sound like I was promoting Jason as the next MJ. I just wanted to know other peoples thoughts because I personally found jason's voice similar sounding to MJ. Since i have seen his name pop up on multiple different sites and his songs actually be aired on radio as MJ's I though it might be interesting to discuss why people like myself are confused.

I had't replied up to know because I felt stupid for even posting a this discussion once I read some of your replies.
Skipper the Dog said:
sorry guys,

I didn't mean for this thread to get so convoluted and aggressive. I was asking a "what if.." type question on how MJ maybe promoting his album. I never intended it to sound like I was promoting Jason as the next MJ. I just wanted to know other peoples thoughts because I personally found jason's voice similar sounding to MJ. Since i have seen his name pop up on multiple different sites and his songs actually be aired on radio as MJ's I though it might be interesting to discuss why people like myself are confused.

I had't replied up to know because I felt stupid for even posting a this discussion once I read some of your replies.

hey, that's ok. I can understand why you would think they sounded similar, especially if Malachi's songs are being played on the radio as if they're actually MJ's. the thread got a little out of hand, but you had an honest question, and you shouldn't feel stupid for asking. have a nice day. don't be afraid to keep posting on the forums. :)
sorry guys,

I didn't mean for this thread to get so convoluted and aggressive. I was asking a "what if.." type question on how MJ maybe promoting his album. I never intended it to sound like I was promoting Jason as the next MJ. I just wanted to know other peoples thoughts because I personally found jason's voice similar sounding to MJ. Since i have seen his name pop up on multiple different sites and his songs actually be aired on radio as MJ's I though it might be interesting to discuss why people like myself are confused.

I had't replied up to know because I felt stupid for even posting a this discussion once I read some of your replies.

ugh! you know what! don't feel stupid at all okay? some people on here just get so aggressive with defending michael on EVERY LITTLE THING that sometimes they don't even stop to think about what ideas they were confronted with...i'm sure michael himself is a little tickled by this jason guy. people make such a big bad deal out of him for nothing. he's a guy who obviously loves michael..just like us...and there are so many people out there that go around impersonating him and they get props for it...the only difference is..none of them are aired on the now so many people are mad/jealous. you have done nothing wrong...the idea you presented doesn't sound too far fetched for michael..he's always got some sneaky ideas ;) ignore the rude comments okay...enjoy other threads too :D and hey, welcome to the site :D. i recommend the Man in the Mirror thread. lots of good ol' pics of mike :D
This is hillareous
the guy who started this thread has ONLY that ONE post
it is evident he is a TROLL just trying to stir the pot here
he hasnt replied or even addressed the comments here

This was a HIT a Run .. :LOL:

It is usualy none MJ fans who try and promote
this crap That the Jason Malachi persona is
actually Michael :smilerolleyes:

bit harsh... I didn't see any trolling. And that's not correct. I know heaps of fans that actually like JM and have speculated that Jason Malachi is an anagram of sorts.

sorry guys,

I didn't mean for this thread to get so convoluted and aggressive. I was asking a "what if.." type question on how MJ maybe promoting his album. I never intended it to sound like I was promoting Jason as the next MJ. I just wanted to know other peoples thoughts because I personally found jason's voice similar sounding to MJ. Since i have seen his name pop up on multiple different sites and his songs actually be aired on radio as MJ's I though it might be interesting to discuss why people like myself are confused.

I had't replied up to know because I felt stupid for even posting a this discussion once I read some of your replies.

Don't feel stupid. Many fans have asked the same thing before. :yes: You're not the only one. Fans are just very passionate one way or the other that either Jason is a poser and doesn't sound a thing like Michael or he does sound so much like Michael it's hard to distinguish the two voices. Don't be put off. :cheeky:
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sorry guys,

I didn't mean for this thread to get so convoluted and aggressive. I was asking a "what if.." type question on how MJ maybe promoting his album. I never intended it to sound like I was promoting Jason as the next MJ. I just wanted to know other peoples thoughts because I personally found jason's voice similar sounding to MJ. Since i have seen his name pop up on multiple different sites and his songs actually be aired on radio as MJ's I though it might be interesting to discuss why people like myself are confused.

I had't replied up to know because I felt stupid for even posting a this discussion once I read some of your replies.

Don't apologise, and definatley don't feel stupid from the responses of others.

It's a legitimate question to be asked (hence why this thread has remain opened even after people started carrying on that the thread should be closed).

We're all Michael fans, hence why we know Michael and Jason are two different people by voice alone....

People who aren't Michael Jackson fans, or even very up to date with the music world, could very well think that Jason is Michael. Heck my mum thinks Robin Thicke is Michael Jackson :giggle:

Michael Jackson fans are also the only people in the world waiting for a "big comeback" There's a lot of people out there who think he's either "retired to bahrain" or "isn't he already back with that re-release and some of those other songs??"

This is hillareous
the guy who started this thread has ONLY that ONE post
it is evident he is a TROLL just trying to stir the pot here
he hasnt replied or even addressed the comments here

A troll comes with the intention of causing unrest within a forum, a troll usually has a post history reflecting negative or outlandish comments that aim at creating said "unrest" ... considering this was one of only 2 posts from this member and that the question was a fair one too.... I would hardly draw the conclusion that Skipper the dog is a troll.
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Robin Thicke is Michael Jackson. :lmao: My mum thought I was listening to a new JT cd when I got the last Robin Thicke album. :giggle:

Anyways, well said LJ. :yes:
Robin Thicke is Michael Jackson. :lmao: My mum thought I was listening to a new JT cd when I got the last Robin Thicke album. :giggle:

Anyways, well said LJ. :yes:

hahaha Robin Thicke kind of does sound like Justin Timberlake lol
Heck no, he sounds nothing like him, if you really listen to the songs. Michael is so much better
Don't apologise, and definatley don't feel stupid from the responses of others.

It's a legitimate question to be asked (hence why this thread has remain opened even after people started carrying on that the thread should be closed).

We're all Michael fans, hence why we know Michael and Jason are two different people by voice alone....

People who aren't Michael Jackson fans, or even very up to date with the music world, could very well think that Jason is Michael. Heck my mum thinks Robin Thicke is Michael Jackson :giggle:

Michael Jackson fans are also the only people in the world waiting for a "big comeback" There's a lot of people out there who think he's either "retired to bahrain" or "isn't he already back with that re-release and some of those other songs??"

A troll comes with the intention of causing unrest within a forum, a troll usually has a post history reflecting negative or outlandish comments that aim at creating said "unrest" ... considering this was one of only 2 posts from this member and that the question was a fair one too.... I would hardly draw the conclusion that Skipper the dog is a troll.

I apologise
it just looked that way to me and I was just
voicing my opinion - didnt mean to hurt anyones
feelings ... SORRY :better:
sorry guys,

I didn't mean for this thread to get so convoluted and aggressive. I was asking a "what if.." type question on how MJ maybe promoting his album. I never intended it to sound like I was promoting Jason as the next MJ. I just wanted to know other peoples thoughts because I personally found jason's voice similar sounding to MJ. Since i have seen his name pop up on multiple different sites and his songs actually be aired on radio as MJ's I though it might be interesting to discuss why people like myself are confused.

I had't replied up to know because I felt stupid for even posting a this discussion once I read some of your replies.

Oh Im so sorry for misjudging you
it just seemed that way to me
forgive me :better:
Wanna know what I think..?? I think MJ found this male model thug type picture on, concocted a whole website around a person named "Jason MalachI" then posted HIS OWN SONGS there...yeah, that's the ticket....:lol:

I mean just LOOk at the pic of "Jason Malachi"....looks like a pose from a male models-r-us catalog if you ask me...

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Wow. This thread turned out to be pretty harsh, guys......

No kidding. It's a wonder we ever keep any new members. Wait... is Skipper still with us? Hmmmm. I see he/she never did more than 2 posts.

Sheesh guys. Can't you be a little more gentle with new members?
What a coincidence, I just found out about this Jason guy. That "Mamacita" song of his sounds hella like Michael. All other songs sound nothing like Michael, to be honest. It seems Jason Malachi is striving for Michael's vocal style.

Now let's see if this Jason kid can dance, lol...

EDIT: I just saw a video of him dancing... :mellow:
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^^He's a nice guy too who is a big MJ fan like the rest of us. :lol:
Jason Malachi is one Hell of a Mover. And he's damn good looking, too!!! :)

haha HI JASON!
dont play these games again this time ;) lol!
haha by the way i was being sarcastic when u called me harsh haha.
cant believe people are still not knowing who you are! have they been living under a rock?
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Are we still talking about Jason Malachi? Maybe he should get his own board. Because he is not Michael Jackson.
Maybe Michael is the man behind the whole operation. It's too early for me to confirm or deny that. Regardless, you'll hear more from myself as well as The King of Pop very soon, and things will make a lot of sense...


Jason, is that you? :unsure: Seriously, don't play with me. :lol: I still have crow feet still stuck in my throat becuz of you. :weeping:

All the best to Jason. I will say it again. I enjoy what you do and if you are, that's it.
^ JASON I was trying to get you to visit us a while ago... :)

I even asked you to give us a message regarding the hate MJ fans were giving each other due to the whole thing..

Nice to see you in here..

Is it really u though???? I gotta ask...

Oh and I cannot find that acapella video you put on youtube a while back.. U should re-post it.. I enjoyed it, and it would help PROVE it's YOU..
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Wow I gotta say Jason...I have never heard a singer with such close vocals to MJ's. Like there are certain lines from certain songs that are identical to Michael. You got a great gift...have you ever been able to meet Michael before? Im sure he would get a kick out hearing your music.
Thank you. I'd also like to thank everyone who sent me the nice personal messages. I don't have enough post counts to write back yet :(

G'day mate can you tell me what kind of message you're getting that's preventing you from messages?

There shouldn't be a post count restriction on you being able to send messages to other members. Cheers in advance ;)