Debate is Jason Malachi actually Michael Jackson

Jason Sounds like Michael to People & Fans who don't know Michaels voice, anyone with the understanding of how his vocals work knows this is NOT MIchael, he isn't even close

very well said. Thank you :agree:
Add my Amen to that. Don't understand why his name keeps popping up. Is it a kind of 'viral' campain from the Malachi camp to gain some momentum?
This guy does a good job of imitating Michael's phrasing and vibrato. That's it. The timbre of his voice is nothing like Michael's and that's easy to tell. Anyone who thinks this could even possibly be Michael need's to get their ears cleaned out.

A lot of people, fans included, miss the dimention of Michael's voice. He probably has the richest voice in terms of differing layers and colors that I've ever heard, it can sound different note to note, not to mention his control and timing is unsurpassed. This Jason guy has a thin voice.
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Poor guy.. I think he can probably sing better than most of us on this board can. I know at least the guy can sing better than myself. But I suppose he must have known what he would have to walk into with Michael fans, being he has fashioned such a similar style to MJ. He would have to be a fan himself and must know how harsh we all can be...but a bit more support for the guy might be nice.

(I haven't listened much because my computer doesnt seem to like it and keeps freezing up so I don't know how close he is to sounding like MJ, but I just oh my..if it really was him. Just not a perfected recording because it is a demo...and maybe threw the mix Foot in mouth moment perhaps for many here?) But you all speak your mind. I liked the songs I heard, what I heard of them. MJ or not. But I do think that MJ can (in the words of his sister) do so much better.

^^^^^i know that it is fun for some to start a carnival blasting fans for being defensive against imitators..especially since, usually, an attempt like this is designed to usurp the original, but, in this case that has not been successful(and since it has not been successful, it's time to blast the fans) but, the reason why fans defend against imitators, like this, is because of a story i know of..where a person was replaced by an imitator. and now the original, no longer has a career. that person shall remain nameless this time.. but, suffice it to say, that person is not Michael Jackson.

but, anyway..i agree with you and Michael's sister about MJ doing so much better.
It wasn't about having fun blasting fans. I am simply putting myself in another persons shoes in different possible circumstances. 1. being this Jason Malachi guy. If I was starting out singing and read all of this it would be very upsetting. The guy does have a decent voice. I don't know if he was trying to pass himself off as MJ. I do agree that he needs to find his own style though instead of adopting such a unique one as Michael Jacksons. It should almost be considered plagiarism. 2. If the far fetched possibility of MJ having been the actual one who did ..even one of these songs. How awful he would feel to see his song trashed. If these are honest opinions, and not just fans trying to protect their idol, then it is all fair. I just don't like the idea of people trashing something simply because it is another artists. Guess it all has to do with the intent of the critique.

btw..I have to clarify something before I put something in someones mouth unintentionally. I was only referring to Janet Jacksons new song "So Much Better" which wasn't written about this situation, I just used it for the situation.
There is definitely something Michaelish about the guy's voice, I could hear it a little even when he spoke. But it's sooo not the real thing. In addition, I thought the first song he sang was really incredibly boring. Couldn't hear much of the second song. Michael would (hopefully!) never sing something like that!

This guy does a good job of imitating Michael's phrasing and vibrato. That's it. The timbre of his voice is nothing like Michael's and that's easy to tell. Anyone who thinks this could even possibly be Michael need's to get their ears cleaned out.

A lot of people, fans included, miss the dimention of Michael's voice. He probably has the richest voice in terms of differing layers and colors that I've ever heard, it can sound different note to note, not to mention his control and timing is unsurpassed. This Jason guy has a thin voice.

True. Remember how shocked many fans (including myself) were when they first heard 2000 Watts?
hahaha I like your story, indeed Jason is not Michael and I don't think Michael has anything to do with him. But wouldn't it be nice and weird at the same time if Michael heard these songs, like listening to himself :| I would find it very strange but also very funny! :D Does anyone know if Michael knows about this guy??
Nothing against the guy, but if he considers himself a real artist, he shouldn't try to sound or come across like someone else. He should find his own sound and material with his own unique sound.
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:unsure: Jeez, I don't even now where to put a thread like this. Yikes. I guess lets see what happens :blink: :blink:

For the first time I see Momma not knowing what to say or do! :eek: :lol:

No but seriously what makes one to think Malachi and Michael would be the one and same person? :blink:
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For the first time I see Momma not knowing what to say or do! :eek: :lol:

No but seriously what makes one to think Malachi and Michael would be the one and same person? :blink:

LOL Reeta. :lol:

And agreed. :blink:
Hey people its only speculation lol No biggie

Speculation when it is proven that it is not Michael? I find this a biggie. A person pretending be MJ when he is not is wrong. People who are not fans, like all of us, wouldn't know if that was MJ or not. I mean his stuff was played on a radio station and assumed that it was MJ. That stuff is not cool.

This Jason nut wants attention. Plain and simple. Yeah, he sounds "Michaelish" but, like someone stated on this thread, it was forced whereas MJ's comes off naturally and effortless. I can't understand why this is a thread on this board. I also can't believe that the poster who started this thread spent a lot of time "researching" a fraud. Why can people take something and accept it as it is?
Can we stop talking about someone that obviously doesn't have his own style?
He forces his voice way too much to sound like Michael, but he isn't and will never be Michael.
He'd better start working on his own style and his own voice if he wants to start a real career.
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Man this is gonna happen every time he posts a new song..who keeps spreading it around to people....there must be more people that believe it's really MJ
I Cant even add anything here
Ive been arguing on Youtube for months
about this and Im BURNED OUT on it
Jason is NOT Michael :no: and Michael has
Nothing to do with Jason - there would be
NO reason for him to do That NONE at ALL

Plus as previously posted there is a video
of Jason Malachi performing .. There is
also a few Videos of him on myspace
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This guy is actually Michael Jackson. This is just another fantastic PR trick by MJ.
This guy is actually Michael Jackson. This is just another fantastic PR trick by MJ.

Oh and exactly how does this PR trick work :rofl:
help Michael in any way. When MJ fans hate the
guy and REJECT his Music becuase he uses MJ to
promote himself ...

Looks like theplan backfired on poor Michael DUH!!
Michaael is NOT that STUPID !!!!!!!!!!!
nor dishonest about his ART ..

Jason voice is different than Michaels
similar in some ways but you can definatly
Tell it is NOT Michael if you have been studying
his voice for years .... Plus his songs do not end
with a GREAT Climax like ALL MJ songs do - WHY
becuase Jason couldnt pull that off ..
Yeah I agree with you qbee, that's how I realized it wasn't Michael on Mamacita - no hee-hee , aow and other MJ's signatures... :D
Ladies & Gents...
Artists do have public lives and they have private ones...Some not all, use disquises, secret passages to get from one place to the other, and they also change their names...this is a fact in the industry...

Otherwise, they would never get any privacy...

I doubt that this is Mr.Jackson...
It wasn't about having fun blasting fans. I am simply putting myself in another persons shoes in different possible circumstances. 1. being this Jason Malachi guy. If I was starting out singing and read all of this it would be very upsetting. The guy does have a decent voice. I don't know if he was trying to pass himself off as MJ. I do agree that he needs to find his own style though instead of adopting such a unique one as Michael Jacksons. It should almost be considered plagiarism. 2. If the far fetched possibility of MJ having been the actual one who did ..even one of these songs. How awful he would feel to see his song trashed. If these are honest opinions, and not just fans trying to protect their idol, then it is all fair. I just don't like the idea of people trashing something simply because it is another artists. Guess it all has to do with the intent of the critique.

btw..I have to clarify something before I put something in someones mouth unintentionally. I was only referring to Janet Jacksons new song "So Much Better" which wasn't written about this situation, I just used it for the situation.

first of all..all is fair in the war of fans to protect Michael Jackson. after all..all seemed to be fair for Michael Jackson's enemies. and...this isn't just any other artist. this is someone trying to mooch off of the biggest star in the world. as far as i am concerned, the fans' opinions can be honest or dishonest. it's called 'karma'. Michael has been quiet and kind. we're just tired of being jerked around.

it doesn't matter what we are called for doing it. can we ever please everybody? who isn't a target for criticism?

and..anyway...where is Malachi's dignity? if he has a voice..why doesn't he simply try and search for his own identity. i mean..this is just like a lover chasing somebody who doesn't love him. if the lover catches what he's chasing, the outcome will be only empty for the lover. but, if the lover just waits for somebody who loves him for him, he'll be much better off.
if you would please stop treating me as the enemy for having a different opinion than yours, I would appreciate it. I happen not to like putting anyone down. I also happen to like being open to possibilities. That is me.

It is laughable that this guy could replace Michael in any way shape or form at all anyways. Michael is much more than just a vocal sound.