Debate is Jason Malachi actually Michael Jackson

who is treating you like the enemy? you are not in my train of thought. i think this enemy stuff comes from me having a different opinion than You.

just because i vehemently state that i have a problem with what malachi is does not have anything to do with you. i am presenting the other side of the story. that is all.

it didn't cross my mind that u were my enemy when ur opinion was different than mine. i don't know why it would cross ur mind in the vice versa. me referring to enemies of MJ is a totally different matter..those enemies being those who would like to use this situation to end MJ's career...those in the media who would like to pass him off as MJ and such.

this has nothing to do with Ape and whether or not Ape is the enemy of vncwilliam
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Jason Malachi is MJ? Hell no!! Unless MJ's been smoking too much of something he shouldn't have....:lmao:
Then perhaps I misunderstood you, which is common on a forum to do but
"^^^^^i know that it is fun for some to start a carnival blasting fans for being defensive against imitators..especially since, usually, an attempt like this is designed to usurp the original, but, in this case that has not been successful(and since it has not been successful, it's time to blast the fans)" This quote, pointing towards my post seemed to indicate that I was blasting fans and having fun doing so. If that is not the case then I did misunderstand, as you have misunderstood me for thinking you were treating me as YOUR enemy. I meant you seemed to be insinuating that I am an enemy of Michael Jackson for expressing what I thought.
If you can clarify why you pointed to my post and said what you did, then that would be great. Or's fine either way.
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What the.....???Can't you hear the difference between the voices!Michael is definitely not Jason Malachi!
Then perhaps I misunderstood you, which is common on a forum to do but
"^^^^^i know that it is fun for some to start a carnival blasting fans for being defensive against imitators..especially since, usually, an attempt like this is designed to usurp the original, but, in this case that has not been successful(and since it has not been successful, it's time to blast the fans)" This quote, pointing towards my post seemed to indicate that I was blasting fans and having fun doing so. If that is not the case then I did misunderstand, as you have misunderstood me for thinking you were treating me as YOUR enemy. I meant you seemed to be insinuating that I am an enemy of Michael Jackson for expressing what I thought.
If you can clarify why you pointed to my post and said what you did, then that would be great. Or's fine either way.

no...don't think i was treating you as the enemy for going after fans who have a problem with Malachi....but i did have a problem with feeling like, if a fan has a real problem with Malachi, then it is not ok to state it..or..that a fan has to have an 'honest' opinion, as opposed to one wanting to be protective of Michael against imitators. while i do not see you as the enemy..i think it is a divisive thing for you to determine how a fan should feel about Malachi and other imitators. if anything perhaps we are both accusing one another of trying to be divisive.

i don't think of you as an enemy of Michael, by a long shot.

but..i think it is wrong of you to call fans out for their feelings about Malachi.

fans should be allowed to be passionate about their feelings on imitators of this type..which is in a whole different ballpark of people who do tribute type things, like Chris Brown, Usher, and the like...
this thread is b******s, it aint doing anything important, i mean if anything it suggests michael is using an alias? why? all this thread is doing is causing more arguments about the Malachi thing which was over ages ago...............i will call this thread Fred
The quality & voice of Malachi is for me clearly evident. As for the first time I`ve heard him I`ve noticed very quickly that he can never be Michael.

I hear no any similarity - so, I cannot understand why people believe he`s Michael.
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It is simply in my nature to stand up for someone being picked on, whomever they may be. It wasn't said to be divisive or even reprimanding..ok maybe reprimanding a bit. I felt bad for the guy seeing all these comments.

Really what he is doing is just not smart. Anyone who appreciates that style of music will already be a fan of Michael Jackson, or at least admirer and MJ fans are not the fans to cross. It's a tough lot. We are tough to please, and very opinionated for the most part. This is to be expected as we have had to fight to stand up for him for a long time through many battles along side him. So if he thought he would piggy back on Michaels fame and win the hearts of Michaels fans for being similar in sound and style, then the guy is a fool because there are no substitutes when it comes to Michael Jackson and his music, but to say that he cannot sing or sounds like crap...I don't think he does. I DO think he needs to find his own style though. If he wants to go beyond myspace fame, he will have to remove the imitation of Michaels trademarks and come up with something that is purely his own. Why not give advice to him instead of stoning him? He is a circus act otherwise if he stays on this path because the only interest will be to compare him to Michael which anyone will fall short of as an imitator. The real thing always will overshadow an imitator no matter how close one can come.

He needs to be himself..

BUT... when practicing and learning art forms, one often will imitate a master....those are the learning stages. One eventually does have to move on from that and find themselves in their art and let go of the parts that came from the master whom they fashioned themselves after as a way to learn and improve.
i'm agree with 'justice' his voice is completely diffrent,its not like mj's voice
Bottom line: Jason Malachi is Jason Malachi and Michael Jackson is Michael Jackson. Two very different-sounding vocalists.

I joke about Justin, Usher and Ne-Yo being swagger jackers but I'll be damned if Jason has people thinking he swagger-jacked MJ's style, lol.
It is simply in my nature to stand up for someone being picked on, whomever they may be. It wasn't said to be divisive or even reprimanding..ok maybe reprimanding a bit. I felt bad for the guy seeing all these comments.

Really what he is doing is just not smart. Anyone who appreciates that style of music will already be a fan of Michael Jackson, or at least admirer and MJ fans are not the fans to cross. It's a tough lot. We are tough to please, and very opinionated for the most part. This is to be expected as we have had to fight to stand up for him for a long time through many battles along side him. So if he thought he would piggy back on Michaels fame and win the hearts of Michaels fans for being similar in sound and style, then the guy is a fool because there are no substitutes when it comes to Michael Jackson and his music, but to say that he cannot sing or sounds like crap...I don't think he does. I DO think he needs to find his own style though. If he wants to go beyond myspace fame, he will have to remove the imitation of Michaels trademarks and come up with something that is purely his own. Why not give advice to him instead of stoning him? He is a circus act otherwise if he stays on this path because the only interest will be to compare him to Michael which anyone will fall short of as an imitator. The real thing always will overshadow an imitator no matter how close one can come.

He needs to be himself..

BUT... when practicing and learning art forms, one often will imitate a master....those are the learning stages. One eventually does have to move on from that and find themselves in their art and let go of the parts that came from the master whom they fashioned themselves after as a way to learn and improve.

i agree with most of what you said....but the guy will have to cut his teeth. and harsh criticism is part of that. even you said he'd be a fool to do what he is currently doing. i see what you say is in your nature. and, i never bash the justins and the ushers and such..i appreciate that. but it is in my nature to be harsh with the Malachis of the world. hopefully they will learn. like you said, we have been through a lot...and for me, personally..and i'm entitled to feeling this way....this malachi is just one more attempt at taking things a step back at MJ's expense, which is something his enemies have tried to do. even if malachi is a fan, he's not helping things any... like others have said...some crazy radio jock would probably just love to say this is MJ, and then bash the song..and, in that attempt..hurt MJ.

i have nothing against the guy's talent. which is why i am baffled at him needing to piggyback, if that is what he is doing. and i think he is doing that..what else could it be? i'd be happier if he'd just be malachi, acknowledge MJ in a comment..and remake an MJ song, like a tribute artist..or write a song like ne yo's song, because of you, which ne yo willingly said is inspired by billie jean..

the mixed feeling irony of all this is, that malachi's attempting to do this, keeps MJ in a lot of peoples' minds, which is a good thing. but it just does it in a way that could easily backfire.

in the end..i'm not worried. indeed, there is only one MJ.

i just hope malachi indeed finds his own identity. but i still don't apologize for my initial reaction to what malachi is doing.
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:lol: yes fair enough for sure. I do get what you are saying. People don't want a fake, they want the real thing. A fake can be entertaining, can get excitement up for a while, can remind people what they are missing, but nothing compares to the real thing.
ya just two artists that have nothing to do with eachother....But those of you that say there is absolutely no similarity between Michael's voice and Jason's voice.STOP LYING!
ya just two artists that have nothing to do with eachother....But those of you that say there is absolutely no similarity between Michael's voice and Jason's voice.STOP LYING!

The only similarity is that Jason imitates MJ. If he sang in his own voice there would be no similarity. So it's not a lie. Completely different voices. :yes:
I only read a few post, first included, and.....................................

Patience is a VIRTUE! It's really sad that when michael get's quiet some of yall go off the deep end. How pathetic is it that this thread has reached 5 pages. In the good word of marvin gaye...."WHAT'S GOING ON!":hysterical:
a funny mention relating to this topic.
i was at my local shopping centre called Pacific Fair and there is a shop that practically ALWAYS is playing MJ. i walked past it yesterday and listened for him and at the time they werent playing him.. but then i stopped, and listened again, coz the song was familiar to me.. and they were playing jason malachi's let me let go. when i heard it on that sound system in public and wasnt expecting MJ it was SOOOO clear to me how different MJ and Malachi are. Obviously they fooled to owner of the store though because they're MJ lovers and wouldnt be playing Malachi if they knew it wasnt MJ.
^ Because it just may be possible? :wild: :toofunny:

Yeah I agree :p LOL
^ Yes He is! :wild:


:queen: Jason Malachi! :wild:
:lol: There is no way in hell Jason Malachi is Michael Jackson. The voice is totally different!!!
How can people not tell the difference? :lol:

Oh man.. Is the debate still on? :lol:
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Jason Malachi is good talent don't understand why people are dissin him
He's deffo aint no Michael but then again who is apart from obviously the real deal!
It just happens to be that Jason is influenced by Michael, just like basically everyone on this forum/website :) and has for sounding like Michael I see resembles Michaels style but does'nt sound like him :)
^ That's why Jason's the King Of Pop, you said...

"Jason Malachi is good talent".

Jason Malachi is The King And Queen of Pop all in ONE! :queen: :king:
jeez man..

Jason malachi songs are not reall MJ..

he even posted a video of him singing one of his songs acapella to prove it..

anything else needed to prove it??

ya simularities are definaty there, but it's not an exact sound alike.. it's pretty obvious to me..

maybe one of the better sound a likes I've heard but not close enough for me to actually mistaken it.. THERE IS ONLY ONE MICHAEL JACKSON..
This is hillareous
the guy who started this thread has ONLY that ONE post
it is evident he is a TROLL just trying to stir the pot here
he hasnt replied or even addressed the comments here

This was a HIT a Run .. :LOL:

It is usualy none MJ fans who try and promote
this crap That the Jason Malachi persona is
actually Michael :smilerolleyes:
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So, let me ask a question:

Did this guy purposefully try to put his stuff out there and confuse people that his work was MJ? Or is this just an innocent artist who got tangled up? I mean, his music sounds nothing like MJ and while I guess he's pretty good if he's producing stuff out of his basement, there's nothing really all that great about his music.

I see his stuff wrongly credited as MJ on all kinds of mixtapes on the net, not just the crappy "MJ 2008" mixtapes either. He's on all kinds of R&B Blends and stuff. How and why did this guy's music get out there under MJ's name?
I´m new in this forum and this was my first thread, which I´ve read...LOL...It can´t be a serious question. The german press asks if MJ ist Latoya..The same ****. But it´s funny, that anybody even think that could be true. LOL