Dame Elizabeth Taylor twitter about Klein

Klein is a dead man. He doesn't have job anymore. Nobody will go to see this asshole.

A liar, who sold lies! He makes his own funeral this bastard!

And I liiiiiiiiiiiike the way Dame Elizabeth ridiculised him! lol!

She's the best!
Let us please be careful about what we say here. Everybody is frustrated and angry with Mr Klein but let us not go down the road of wishing death on another person.
She usually stays quiet for Michael but sometimes enough is enough. Michael is gone and these people are selling him out and it's getting too much. When are people like Klein will leave Michael alone? These people have no respect, class or dignity. Very sad.
Not even if a harem of ladies would come forward to say they had a relationship with MJ would change anything for the media IMO. Actually facts, like his porn collection that was presented on the trial, remain completely ignored by the media when discussing MJ's sexual orientation because that wouldn't lead to the conclusion they'd like to draw. So the media made up their minds and not even facts would change that. I think it's just better to ignore them.

I agree.
So you wanted her to say nothing while he said whatever he liked? We don't know what Klein gave Michael all we know of is muscule relaxers in O8. Liz took up for her friend who has no voice now good for her

Exactly. I would rather her have said nothing. Or spoken on it while it was still new. To speak about it now, that it is forgotten, just brought it back to the fore. The story was forgotten largely and now she made it fresh again. If she was not going to speak immediately, why come out (has it been 3 weeks if not it has been over 2 weeks) now when Klein was retiring to Whocaresville. He only replied to her to keep the story going even longer and start something up. Some things are better left alone. I have said this same thing I don't know how many times.

Maybe I need to say I am not so frustrated with the people here as I am at the circumstances. It just makes me very angry. it was like he was surrounded by a bunch of simpletons with no common sense or decorum. They shut up when they should talk. They talk when they should be quiet. they say the wrong things. The say the right things at the wrong time. It makes me feel like ... It makes me sad. I don't know how to explain. It makes me feel like spitting.
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Yo, listen up, Doc!
Hm, maybe Jason and Klein could sing this song?


Exactly. I would rather her have said nothing. Or spoken on it while it was still new. To speak about it now, that it is forgotten, just brought it back to the fore. The story was forgotten largely and now she made it fresh again. If she was not going to speak immediately, why come out (has it been 3 weeks if not it has been over 2 weeks) now when Klein was retiring to Whocaresville. He only replied to her to keep the story going even longer and start something up. Some things are better left alone. I have said this same thing I don't know how many times.

Maybe I need to say I am not so frustrated with the people here as I am at the circumstances. It just makes me very angry. it was like he was surrounded by a bunch of simpletons with no common sense or decorum. They shut up when they should talk. They talk when they should be quiet. they say the wrong things. The say the right things at the wrong time. It makes me feel like ... It makes me sad. I don't know how to explain. It makes me feel like spitting.

agreed i can't get mad at your reply
I hate the fact that since Michael's death Klein has been the #1 person in the news associated with Michael. I hate it! It makes me feel ill. People need to stop giving this low life attention, ignore him! People need to stop giving this man attention so he can go away! If I hear one more reference to that pig, I'm going to throw up!
He will not go away until someone makes him go away. I have always felt his comments are about two things. An underling anger at Michael and his chance for reasons only known to him to get at Debbie. He knows Debbie can't talk about Michael or the kids so he says things like I might be the kids father despite the fact he is gay and no one I am sure knows that better then Debbie and Michael was openly gay which he knows is not true and with this claim he totally acts like Debbie is not in the picture. Hence Liz's comments mentioning Debbie. Klein knows no one in the media worth a damn will pay him any attention so he knows to run to TMZ and shows like extra the lady who reported the story knows Klein so there you go. He will shut up when we the DEA shuts him down for his practices
It's not explicitly stated anywhere.
she stated that "It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too"

She doesn't say that Mike would not be interested in men, or that he isn't gay/bi.

As I said, I don't care what sexual orientation he was, it's none of my business and it has no impact on his music or achievements, but I do find it interesting that such a close and loyal friend would not just issue a straight denial of the claim that Mike could have been gay/bi.

Problem is his family and other friends have emphatically denied that he was Gay, Bi, or Trance. So I doubt she was mad at Klain for merely spitting confidential info. But rather for outright lying about him.
I love what she said, or tweeted rather, about him, sometime around his death:

RT @DameElizabeth: Dearest Elizabeth, You make the sun shine, the clouds move and the world spin. So many people love you and so do I. Love Always,______

I just don't believe that Michael would want me to share my grief with millions of others. How I feel is between us. Not a public event.

I've been asked to speak at the Staples Center. I cannot be part of the public whoopla.

I will always love Michael from the depth of my being and nothing can separate us.

I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself which says, "To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever." And I will love HIM forever.

I can't imagine life without him. But I guess with God's help I'll learn.

I don't think anyone knew how much we loved each other. The purest most giving love I've ever known. Oh god! I'm going to miss him.

My heart...my mind...are broken. I loved Michael with all my soul and I can't imagine life without him.

Somebody I care for very much sent the following note to me with flowers and I wanted to share it with you.

My mind, my soul were transported by his beauty, his voice, his inner being. God has kissed this man and I thank God for it.
that was beautiful, this may sound stupid but i'm always thinking that God has a special affection for Michael. it makes me smile every time i think about it.
that was beautiful, this may sound stupid but i'm always thinking that God has a special affection for Michael. it makes me smile every time i think about it.

I've felt that way every since 2005
I think what she said was wonderful. Michael didn't have enough people defending him, they were all too busy hiding their heads in the sand, and its great that Liz continues to do so.
Liz just said Michael wasn't gay but in a clever way not to offend gays, but it seems many have not noticed. Even i did not realise it till now.

by directly injecting the name DEBIIE ROWE in the response, she is making it known that if MJ was having relationships with Debbie Rowe who came from Klein's office, then how would he be having male relationships from the same place, and therefore it's as if Klein supplies both men and women.

The point being, pointing out that MJ had a relationship with Debbie Rowe, a female who came from Klein's office.

The sick thing about Klein is that when MJ was alive, he never opened his mouth once. Now MJ is gone, the guy talks like he's a tv commentator and not a practicing doctor, all for some form of twisted publicity.

Some guys were so obsessed with MJ's fame they think they can tap into it by slandering him to bring attention to themselves or profit.

But anyway, Liz just called him out by saying in a clever way that if MJ had relations with Debbie Rowe, a female, who came from Klein's office, then how could he be gay?

And in any case, we know how Debbie proposed to MJ, it was after MJ and Lisa broke up. Klein was not involved in "supplying" unless he secretly urged Debbie to approach MJ.

Which means that his "supplying" may be a reference to his efforts to make MJ "gay" by introducing males to MJ to "seduce" him, but MJ thinking that this guy was just introducing people to him the same way Uri Geller introduced Schmuley and Bashir. Of course one can never know the intentions of the other.

People "gay" he introduced came to nothing because MJ was not gay, but now he wants to make something out of his "not so good intentions" that MJ was not aware of at the time.

Hey, if you went somewhere and someone introduced you to a person that was gay but you didn't know, and said "oh, meet so and so" and you met them but did not know the intentions of the other, and just went on with your life.

Then in future when you pass away, that someone comes along and says he "supplied" you with gays, now that's so twisted.

And here it's only being done because MJ is not present to respond, debunk and cut off that slimy Klein. To imagine that Klein his all his slimy nature from MJ since the 80s and MJ thought of him as a friend.

It's just like this friend whom MJ had from the 80s that sold his story to the News Of the World after MJ passed, claiming to be father of his kids, yet MJ had trusted him as a good friend over many years.

That's human nature for you.

Anybody with any sense knows MJ was not gay, he's said it and been very honest about it, and examining his nature and most importantly genuine friends he has had, one would see that

If he was gay, he would be having such relationships with
Frank Cascio
Brett Barnes
Wade Robson

all close friends. But they have made it clear he is not gay, he likes women and if he was gay, he would have influenced them into being gay but we know that all of them have girlfriends, not to mention the briefcase of Frank that was found with heterosexual "girlie" magazine that was then used against MJ in the trial and MJ complaining about Frank accessing his room when he was not there, as we now know Frank used to bring girls back to the ranch, spending it on Mike's largese.

And by the way, if he was gay, what's the big deal? Elton is gay, George Michael is gay, move on, they keep on harping about it, why not go and talk about those who are actually gay, than trying to make out another person who's not even here into being gay.

Who does it benefit other than exploitation for publicity? If he wanted he would have said it when MJ was alive and gotten a good response back, like "losing as a client, the world's No1 star".
I hate the fact that since Michael's death Klein has been the #1 person in the news associated with Michael. I hate it! It makes me feel ill. People need to stop giving this low life attention, ignore him! People need to stop giving this man attention so he can go away! If I hear one more reference to that pig, I'm going to throw up!

Exactly. Attention. That's exactly what they want! Let's all stop giving it to them because until we do they won't stop!
Of course, that's was Liz meant. She knows better than we do. I think that she means that Debbie is not a loyal friend but just a woman who wanted to make some cash from Michael. And probably it means that this idea was born in Klein’s office and those two Debbie and Klein took advantage of Michael. This is what I believe Liz tried to say using different words and being sarcastic. Definitely he knows how those kids were born and what kind of deal was it and it was for money and such. All she means I think, that Debbie was on the same boat with Klein and those two knew what they have been doing.

Yes, I agree.
@DameElizabeth Dearest Elizabeth Michael CHOSE whom he loved; I only SUPPLIED medical care. May God bless you and Michael. Your friend Arnie

this man needs serious help !

He lost the other's trust and become a joke ,even the worst MJ enemies in the media did not stomach this story , not because they want to accuse MJ with other things , but honestly no one liked or believed this story...

and with the help of Liz comment, it is going to die forever...

do not give this devil any chances to talk about it anymore, and no body will.