Dame Elizabeth Taylor twitter about Klein

Good for Liz, she was a true friend, Michael was a wonderful soul and what his desires were in his most personal life are his business and nobody else's, it didn't matter to me. I just wish he had found his soulmate, whatever gender.
Dame Elizabeth is my hero and idol!! What a woman, I love her!! :give_rose: :thankyou:
So Klein really said that crap, huh how convenient! I thought it was just tabloid bs :angry:
Thanks to Elizabeth for bringing sanity, sense and defending our Michael!
So I'm assuming Liz ain't too friendly with Dr Arnie anymore?
Taking something out of context.

You left out the "how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors." part which makes it very clear she is being sarcastic.

exactly. shes been sarcastic. nice one liz
Me personally, if people are just going to come out with ambiguos statements that fuel the fire, I think it is better not to say anything. The story had been forgotten and Klein and Jason were getting their just desserts in the realm of "Who Cares". Now it is all over the news again because of the tweets and the way she states her comment gives the connotation that MJ was gay and Klein is wrong for only breaking priviledge.

You may not agree with me, that's ok. But sometimes ignoring people is better. Most people wanted to believe his story because they are just stupid. But giving a statement that is not a denial is tantamount in many people's eyes as giving confirmation. Fans see things one way and I guess it does not matter how anyone else sees it. I defend MJ very often and I have to say most times the people around him do not help by opening their mouth, especially with abiguity. With friends like these who needs enemies. It is often MJ's friends that are doing more damage to his legacy than his enemies. Those who hate him just sit back and watch the fiasco take place. It is like watching a snowball roll down an mountainside. They just keep adding to it.

I personally doubt how good a friend Liz was to him. But I guess she did the best she could.

MJ just deserved so much better than the crop of people he had springing up around him. It's so sad. It's rather depressing. and no one will set the record straight. No one.

I know that kind of went OT. But I am so annoyed and upset.
Thanks liz and yes she is being sarcastic, but at the same time MJ said HIMSELF HE WAS NOT GAY that should be enough, we shouldn't wait for someone to say other wise friend or foe because MJ spoke for himself on that matter and that is that!
Me personally, if people are just going to come out with ambiguos statements that fuel the fire, I think it is better not to say anything. The story had been forgotten and Klein and Jason were getting their just desserts in the realm of "Who Cares". Now it is all over the news again because of the tweets and the way she states her comment gives the connotation that MJ was gay and Klein is wrong for only breaking priviledge.

You may not agree with me, that's ok. But sometimes ignoring people is better. Most people wanted to believe his story because they are just stupid. But giving a statement that is not a denial is tantamount in many people's eyes as giving confirmation. Fans see things one way and I guess it does not matter how anyone else sees it. I defend MJ very often and I have to say most times the people around him do not help by opening their mouth, especially with abiguity. With friends like these who needs enemies. It is often MJ's friends that are doing more damage to his legacy than his enemies. Those who hate him just sit back and watch the fiasco take place. It is like watching a snowball roll down an mountainside. They just keep adding to it.

I personally doubt how good a friend Liz was to him. But I guess she did the best she could.

MJ just deserved so much better than the crop of people he had springing up around him. It's so sad. It's rather depressing. and no one will set the record straight. No one.

I know that kind of went OT. But I am so annoyed and upset.

My thoughts exactly.
Me personally, if people are just going to come out with ambiguos statements that fuel the fire, I think it is better not to say anything. The story had been forgotten and Klein and Jason were getting their just desserts in the realm of "Who Cares". Now it is all over the news again because of the tweets and the way she states her comment gives the connotation that MJ was gay and Klein is wrong for only breaking priviledge.

Oh my.... She did NOT say or even suggest Michael was gay! Some people just need to lighten up and understand sarcasm. But people like to take things out of context, I guess. I have seen that even with Joseph's comments in which he said "Michael was not gay" and a couple of sentences later he said Klein shouldn't break his confidentiality oath anyway. And even there I have seen fans worrying about if it doesn't sound like Joseph admitting Michael was gay, simply because of that confidentiality oath part - despite of Joseph clearly stating before that Michael wasn't gay. But people just liked to take out that part about confidentiality and harp on whether that means Klein was telling the truth. I don't think it meant that in Joseph's comments or now in Liz's - it just means a doctor shouldn't be on tabloid sites and programs with stories about his patients' private lives - whether those stories are true or not (like they are not true in this case).
It's sad that some are even thinking that Klein story might be true, don't u see it's what he wanted....DOUBT! I guess MJ word don't mean nothing, maybe because he lied about some things in his life, (like so many of us had) that shouldn't be the kiss of death, no one is perfect.


I'm so over this SH*T!
It's sad that some are even thinking that Klein story might be true, don't u see it's what he wanted....DOUBT!

Ain't that the truth?! It's sad he managed to plant that doubt even in some fans' minds and now people are hearing connotations behind Joseph's words, behind Liz's words, behind everything.....
And then to say he did not betray Michael's confidence. No wonder he has death threats. I thought doctors, like priests took an oath of confidentiality. May God have mercy on his soul."

The part above is what is key. This threatens his financial livelihood.
She is telling her friends not to use him as their doctor. I think Klein is
going to keep his mouth shut for some while now. :yes:
Thanks Liz!!!!:wub:
Oh my.... She did NOT say or even suggest Michael was gay! Some people just need to lighten up and understand sarcasm. But people like to take things out of context, I guess. I have seen that even with Joseph's comments in which he said "Michael was not gay" and a couple of sentences later he said Klein shouldn't break his confidentiality oath anyway. And even there I have seen fans worrying about if it doesn't sound like Joseph admitting Michael was gay, simply because of that confidentiality oath part - despite of Joseph clearly stating before that Michael wasn't gay. But people just liked to take out that part about confidentiality and harp on whether that means Klein was telling the truth. I don't think it meant that in Joseph's comments or now in Liz's - it just means a doctor shouldn't be on tabloid sites and programs with stories about his patients' private lives - whether those stories are true or not (like they are not true in this case).

Please reread my post and try to understand before you respond. These people making comments mad late without a definite answer, it's like cutting open a healed wound and then spitting in it. When will they learn, when you are dealing with MJ, it is better to be short, sweet, to the point, with no room for error, or leave it alone. everything you say will be twisted to fit the perception of a people that do not view him kindly to start. I said that defending MJ against people (who are usually ignorant and usually ends with the conversation stopping because there is no point in arguing with people who do not know how to reason) is often circumvented because of his supposed friends and family releasing half cocked statements that can be taken any way. We don't need a modern artist with a funny shape that is left open for anyone to interpret. We need Neoclassical art. Who just put it out there and you take it or leave it.

Fans are not upset because they believe Klein (or rather I am not) but I am upset because .. you know what read my post above. If you do not agree with me it is fine. but do not act as if I am less of a fan because I don't agree with what she said.
Dr. Arnie Klein declared on May 2 that he did not betray Michael Jackson by saying publicly that he had a homosexual relationship with someone in "Arnie's" office. It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors. And then to say he did not betray Michael's confidence. No wonder he has death threats. I thought doctors, like priests took an oath of confidentiality. May God have mercy on his soul."


omg she just spill the tea and snatch a wig off Mrs. Arnie Klein better go sit down and have a cup of tea you just been ragged :lol: :toofunny: MJ wasn't hey howudurin he just surrounded him self around them and didn't have a problem being friends with the rainbow club he didn't mind spilling a few tea's and kiki kiki with them either...
Good for her. I am sure she is disgusted with these people as we are. Really what kind of doctor is he? I wish Michael didn't know him. Klein has creeped me out since the first time I saw him after Michael died.
You know the real funny part about this is that Jason (Arnie's lover boy) was surprised my his own story....O__O lol

Saying that he didn't even know it was gonna be on Extra, that the interview was done 8 months ago and it was taken OUT OF CONTEXTS! LMAO

People really shouldn't worry here about the story being true or how others take it because it's CLEAR that it wasn't and too bad for them that they can't see through this B.S!

Liz Taylor joke was quit funny if u got it! lol She was pretty much saying that Arnie Klein thinks his office is some kind of buffet or something where MJ can go there and find love at anytime..."HOW CONVENIENT!" Right Arnie?

Well, that's my interpretation! lol

Maybe that's why some got confused about what Liz wrote? Because Debbie was real, she was MJ's wife and gave him kids but, what Arnie is doing is using that to his convenience because he knew that's how MJ met Debbie in his office so it would be easy for people to believe the Jason story in the same way, really shady of him to do, really!

But, let's be real The Jason story is a COVER UP to hide the fact MJ was going to Kleins office for what people are saying was for "medication" he is trying to cover his ass so he makes up a story for why MJ was going to his office so many times.

Sorry, Klein but your ass is already being investigated by the DEA and nothing is gonna changed that especially a phony story.
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Sorry, Klein but your ass is already being investigated by the DEA and nothing is gonna changed that especially a phony story.

No kidding.

Damn, I worked in similar capacity as Jason. And I didn't get get to hang out shirtless with patients. What a bummer. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I had the wrong boss because my boss would have been beyond just "ticked off" if he had caught me with a patient, are you freakin' kidding me?? Which boss on this planet would go with his Office Manager to a tabloid unless he's planning on retiring anyway??
Which boss is SO thrilled that their employees apparently can't handle themselves and at least keep appropriate boundaries in AN OFFICE during WORK HOURS? That alone tells you how much BS this story is. Because most bosses would like their employees to work, not screw the patient. (although in this case I most certainly would have tried to find another way...:cheeky:)

Man, I am still bummed out, I worked in the wrong office....:D
It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors.

I'm glad she said something, because a while back Klein was "trying" to make it seem like he and The Dame were still on good terms. I believe he said something like "Elizabeth supports me," or some words to that effect.

He did.
Michael already spoke about his own sexuality. Elizabeth did nothing but drop a bomb on Dr. Klein. and i love how she dropped it. HHAhaHA
Please reread my post and try to understand before you respond. These people making comments mad late without a definite answer, it's like cutting open a healed wound and then spitting in it. When will they learn, when you are dealing with MJ, it is better to be short, sweet, to the point, with no room for error, or leave it alone. everything you say will be twisted to fit the perception of a people that do not view him kindly to start. I said that defending MJ against people (who are usually ignorant and usually ends with the conversation stopping because there is no point in arguing with people who do not know how to reason) is often circumvented because of his supposed friends and family releasing half cocked statements that can be taken any way. We don't need a modern artist with a funny shape that is left open for anyone to interpret. We need Neoclassical art. Who just put it out there and you take it or leave it.

Fans are not upset because they believe Klein (or rather I am not) but I am upset because .. you know what read my post above. If you do not agree with me it is fine. but do not act as if I am less of a fan because I don't agree with what she said.

I understand what you say, but do not forget that Elizabeth Taylor was REALLY and TRULY the BEST FRIEND of Michael.

Probably before the birth of his kids, Elizabeth was the person who Michael more TRUST and who have a true unconditional love for him.

If I understand you, I think you were afraid that the media made a BIG MESS with her words. But from what I'm seeing from the reports, the media understood VERY WELL the message Elizabeth sent.
