Dame Elizabeth Taylor twitter about Klein

Is not this strange respect 77 that Debbie always has bad bad motivations to marry MJ and LMP did not ...i hate double standard !!

It's not double standards. Debbie received money to have Michael's kids.....
@DameElizabeth Dearest Elizabeth Michael CHOSE whom he loved; I only SUPPLIED medical care. May God bless you and Michael. Your friend Arnie
Oh no he didn't...
btw, awkmd? that's like "awkward" :D
Every time I seen his face I wonder, honestly, "what is this man smoking"? He looks like he's on heavy drugs, no wonder he says crazy things.

I think Elizabeth is concerned for real, and she should. What will "Arnie" say about her when she passes?

Oh gods! When will we get rid of all these leaches?
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people don't call arnie an ass ...................u r insulting poor donkey (u know what i mean).
I'm so sick of people like Klein, he should be in the dock with Murray. Murray might have administered propofol but who started Mike on these drugs.

I've always admired Elizabeth Taylor and she hasn't disappointed or let Mike down.