Dame Elizabeth Taylor twitter about Klein

She does not have to be careful with her tweets if you did not get it then your fault
No you don't get it, my post that is. Go back and read what I wrote and explain to me how I was speaking on behalf of myself? I was speaking about the media.

Some fans love to jump on their high horses so quickly they do even bother to read properly.
Which was another lie by that fat bastard BTW, because just one day before it was aired he was proudly advertising the program on his Twitter.....

oops... my bad I didn't mean to imply that I believed him, cause I don't! I should have said he was acting like he was surprised!

That's why he was backtracking...u know cause of those Japanese fans threats....not! lol
I love that Elizabeth Taylor finally dumped on Klein. I have been wondering for so long since MJ died, ' what does Elizabeth think of what Klein is doing '. Her statement is clear, in that she thinks Klein is a scumbag. Her statement is also ambiguous in that I don't understand at all why she is bringing Debbie Rowe into this, and her statement could be viewed as indirectly saying that MJ had a homosexual relationship. But whatever, that's not the main point. The main point is that she dumped on Klein, and I love that!!
As much as I love Liz, she should know she has to be careful with what she tweets. The media are low and lame and can easily twist something to make a headline and they just have.

Because of Liz's tweet, Michael ex wife was not the headline, the whole gay story was. The morning host loved the fact that "She didn't deny that he was gay...", completely dismissing the sarcasm. Some things are better left unsaid.

I'm already used to the fact that the media for some wierd reason wants to believe he was gay. So what? Nothing new there. And actually whatever Liz would have said that wouldn't change it. Not even if a harem of ladies would come forward to say they had a relationship with MJ would change anything for the media IMO. Actually facts, like his porn collection that was presented on the trial, remain completely ignored by the media when discussing MJ's sexual orientation because that wouldn't lead to the conclusion they'd like to draw. So the media made up their minds and not even facts would change that. I think it's just better to ignore them.
I love that Elizabeth Taylor finally dumped on Klein. I have been wondering for so long since MJ died, ' what does Elizabeth think of what Klein is doing '. Her statement is clear, in that she thinks Klein is a scumbag. Her statement is also ambiguous in that I don't understand at all why she is bringing Debbie Rowe into this, and her statement could be viewed as indirectly saying that MJ had a homosexual relationship. But whatever, that's not the main point. The main point is that she dumped on Klein, and I love that!!

I don't think her statment can be viewed as her saying MJ had a homosexual relationship. It's scary how much Klein and the media managed to infect people's minds! Or how much people don't understand sarcasm....

My opinion is that she brought Debbie Rowe into it because probably that thing was Klein's idea taking advantage of the desperation of Michael to have kids. And maybe Liz didn't like that whole thing - and I can see it why if that's the case. From this tweet I can tell Liz doesn't like Debbie (just like she doesn't like Klein and Pfeiffer).
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I don't think her statment can be viewed as her saying MJ had a homosexual relationship. It's scary how much Klein and the media managed to infect people's minds! Or how much people don't understand sarcasm....

My opinion is that she brought Debbie Rowe into it because probably that thing was Klein's idea taking advantage of the desperation of Michael to have kids. And maybe Liz didn't like that whole thing - and I can see it why if that's the case. From this tweet I can tell Liz doesn't like Debbie (just like she doesn't like Klein and Pfeiffer).

Hmm, yeah I see what you're saying. I sensed that her tone was not quite happy towards Debbie Rowe. I understand that she was being sarcastic - but I didn't see that she was specifically being sarcastic re Klein saying MJ is gay, just sarcastic re Klein's integrity in general. I couldn't get from Liz whether she was indicating gayness re MJ or not gayness - it was ambiguous, but who cares - that wasn't the intention of her statement (ie it wasn't her intention to clarify her view of MJ's sexuality). I love that she called Klein out!
jeeez lighten up, and stop reading more into what she is saying:doh:

Its just a SARCASTIC dig at Klein, dont forget Elizabeth is BRITISH not American.

As a matter of FACT she is both. She has dual citizenship:- British because she just happened to be born in London and US because BOTH her parents were AMERICAN. The sarcasm is hers alone - nothing to do with any "Britishness". After all, where do you think she has lived most of her life?
I'm already used to the fact that the media for some wierd reason wants to believe he was gay. So what? Nothing new there. And actually whatever Liz would have said that wouldn't change it. Not even if a harem of ladies would come forward to say they had a relationship with MJ would change anything for the media IMO. Actually facts, like his porn collection that was presented on the trial, remain completely ignored by the media when discussing MJ's sexual orientation because that wouldn't lead to the conclusion they'd like to draw. So the media made up their minds and not even facts would change that. I think it's just better to ignore them.

Agree. Liz is hitting Klein where it hurts - in the pocket, by reminding people i.e. patients, that he is a doctor who ignores one of the main tenets of medicine - keeping your mouth SHUT about your patients. I'm surprised the loser has any patients left, in fact he probably doesn't hence Pfeiffer-gate to generate some ill-gotten gains.

I don't think Liz needs to comment on MJs private life, the fans know the truth and those who want to believe he's gay - well, a denial from Liz is unlikely to change their minds - they'll believe what they want to believe, and frankly, who cares about them?
Agree. Liz is hitting Klein where it hurts - in the pocket, by reminding people i.e. patients, that he is a doctor who ignores one of the main tenets of medicine - keeping your mouth SHUT about your patients. I'm surprised the loser has any patients left, in fact he probably doesn't hence Pfeiffer-gate to generate some ill-gotten gains.

I don't think Liz needs to comment on MJs private life, the fans know the truth and those who want to believe he's gay - well, a denial from Liz is unlikely to change their minds - they'll believe what they want to believe, and frankly, who cares about them?

I totally agree. Doctor-patient relationship is supposed to be the most confidential you can get. Klein is pure scum. Agree that people believe what they want to believe too.
It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient.
I think people really did not understand the sarcasm of Elizabeth, with "... how convenient," she was saying that Klein is not reliable, which he states facts as befits him. She's saying IF he was reliable, he would not be talking about the private life of his patient, after all he is a doctor.

With "he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient" she makes it is clear that NOBODY should take seriously Arnie Klein, he is just another media-whore around Michael, his words have absolutely NO value, that he has his own agenda.
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Elizabeth Taylor showed Arnie! The sarcasm that came through her tweets showed Arnie as just another unreliable opportunist! GO Lizzie!
I think people really did not understand the sarcasm of Elizabeth, with "... how convenient," she was saying that Klein is not reliable, which he states facts as befits him. She's saying IF he was reliable, he would not be talking about the private life of his patient, after all he is a doctor.

With "he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient" she makes it is clear that NOBODY should take seriously Arnie Klein, he is just another media-whore around Michael, his words have absolutely NO value, that he has his own agenda.

:clapping:No words...:clapping:
Liz Taylor is tight the the gay community in the US, because of her involvement in the fight against AIDS, so maybe she's being vague here because she doesn't want to sound like she thinks being gay is a shameful thing one should not be accused of.
I am so glad Michael's Liz showed up to defend Michael again from an under cover rat in a lab coat...How dare he try to stay on Michael's gravy train by stating a flat out LIE, which he knew the public and media would eat up..I expect he is going to get what he deserves, and I can't wait for him to suffer the consequences of his lies and manipulations he is responsible for in the name of Michael..:evil:

Again, Michael never was, never would be GAY!! :no:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being GAY in anyway shape or form, which Michael agreed with, what he didn't agree with was that he was accused of being of the lifestyle himself.:yes:

Michael loved women, and it showed. He didn't have a problem with people being Gay he accepted all lifestyles, it's just not what he was.:clapping:

People have to start respecting Michael's own words, because he wanted everyone to understand the TRUTH about him.:angel::agree:

I see so many people stating "even if he was", or "it wouldn't matter to me if he was"..are just feeding into the media frenzy.:no::doh:

I would NOT want his children to come here one day and see me post this LIE about the man I LOVE and believed in and then call myself a True Fan..:scratch:

It mattered to Michael greatly that people knew the TRUTH and that is he was NOT Gay, how many times does he have to explain and defend hisself, honestly..It hurt him and his Family so much that people actually believed this about him, when he endlessly DENIED this very point!!!:clapping::agree:

I hope those people are listening to him now, and spread the TRUTH!!!:angel::clapping::agree:

I understand that everyone has their own opinion, and their right to express it, but the "Truth" will not change and it is very important to respect Michael himself by listening to his own words..:wub::agree::angel:

I Michael you all for listening to my opinion, and
I thank-you Liz for being a true friend and one example of a real lady for Michael. I will LOVE you for ever for that..:angel::dancin:

MJ TinkerBell
It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors. And then to say he did not betray Michael's confidence.

she meant is how can MJ be gay with Dr.rainbow lover when Debbie met MJ through dr. rainbow that's why I started :lol: so i guess Dr.rainbow feels he supply MJ with two of his workers who was MJ lovers go sit down fool?? piggywiggy and jacktheripper can go eat a few burgers

she's is beeing sarcastical with the whole "supply" thing
well said Elizabeth!

i feel the same about the word "supply". She could have used another word if she wanted to. Way to go Elizabeth! :clapping:
@DameElizabeth Dearest Elizabeth Michael CHOSE whom he loved; I only SUPPLIED medical care. May God bless you and Michael. Your friend Arnie
BTW.....just now seeing some of the news reports on this and I see how some of them are pushing this as Liz slamming Klien for breaking confidentiality. Spin as per usual.

Well who cares what they say, everyone is into the sunflowers story now :D

@DameElizabeth Dearest Elizabeth Michael CHOSE whom he loved; I only SUPPLIED medical care. May God bless you and Michael. Your friend Arnie

It is stuff like this that makes me say it would have been better if she had not said anything. maybe she should denounce his perscription practices instead of picking on Klein calling MJ gay. She just fed fuel to the fire. Klein isn't worth it. Ughhh! We need to let him disappear until it is time for him to be brought to justice. This is all distraction tactics.
@DameElizabeth Dearest Elizabeth Michael CHOSE whom he loved; I only SUPPLIED medical care. May God bless you and Michael. Your friend Arnie

LMAO! GO SIT DOWN KLEIN, his delusional ass doesn't even notice that Liz clearly doesn't see him as a friend anymore! lol

Anyways, for people who still thinks she outed Michael or think that's what it sounded like, you need to think really fast as to what ur saying cause how does it make any sense if Liz says Arnie betrayed MJ and then think she outed MJ too on her tweet? Wouldn't that mean that she betrayed MJ too, if that what u think she meant!

Like for real think about it AND U SEE HOW MUCH THAT DOESN'T ANY SENSE and how Liz didn't mean it in that way!
It is stuff like this that makes me say it would have been better if she had not said anything. maybe she should denounce his perscription practices instead of picking on Klein calling MJ gay. She just fed fuel to the fire. Klein isn't worth it. Ughhh! We need to let him disappear until it is time for him to be brought to justice. This is all distraction tactics.

So you wanted her to say nothing while he said whatever he liked? We don't know what Klein gave Michael all we know of is muscule relaxers in O8. Liz took up for her friend who has no voice now good for her