Dame Elizabeth Taylor twitter about Klein

I just saw this on twitter so I came right over here and all I've gotta say is GO MISS TAYLOR!!! That woman has got some sass! Put that old coot Klien on blast 'cause he so deserves it.

If Klien thought he had Liz on his side, Miss Taylor has now knocked him into reality!

Always apprecate Ms. Taylor.

BTW...I understand what ginvid is saying in his/her post, we have seen what happens when one does not speak clearly their thoughts and leave responses open to interpretation when it comes to Michael i.e. Janet for example. I can see how the same could be interpreted by some from Miss Taylors words, but its clear to me she was being her feisty self.

BTW.....just now seeing some of the news reports on this and I see how some of them are pushing this as Liz slamming Klien for breaking confidentiality. Spin as per usual.
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I just saw this on twitter so I came right over here and all I've gotta say is GO MISS TAYLOR!!! That woman has got some sass! Put that old coot Klien on blast 'cause he so deserves it.

If Klien thought he had Liz on his side, Miss Taylor has now knocked him into reality!

Always apprecate Ms. Taylor.

BTW...I understand what ginvid is saying in his/her post, we have seen what happens when one does not speak clearly their thoguhts and leave responses open to interpretation when it comes to Michael i.e. Janet for example. I can see how the same could be interpreted by some from Miss Taylors words, but its clear to me she was being her feisty self.

When Michael was alive, Elizabeth made a twitt praising Klein, but after Michael's death with all that sperm donor BS, she deleted the twitt she had done on Klein.

Elizabeth Rocks!!!!
God bless this woman!

A true friend! The only true friend of Michael!

Thank you Dame Elizabeth.
finally reaction from his famous HOLLYWOOD CLIENTS. How can they ever trust this snake.? They should be on a mission to put him out of business.
I understand what you say, but do not forget that Elizabeth Taylor was REALLY and TRULY the BEST FRIEND of Michael.

Probably before the birth of his kids, Elizabeth was the person who Michael more TRUST and who have a true unconditional love for him.

If I understand you, I think you were afraid that the media made a BIG MESS with her words. But from what I'm seeing from the reports, the media understood VERY WELL the message Elizabeth sent.


Sorry but that would be Katherine Jackson his mother!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael worshipped the ground his mother walked on.

But thank you Liz.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf - Getting Angry, Baby?



Dame is fierce in ^^ I can't even watch the whole movie:no:

finally reaction from his famous HOLLYWOOD CLIENTS. How can they ever trust this snake.? They should be on a mission to put him out of business.

It surprises me that he still has a practice. Who'd want to go to a guy that doesn't respect patients rights/privacy.:no:

I am surprise he hasn't run his mouth in response yet.
Cool to see her slamming Klien, but I can see how ppl could take it....

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Elizabeth Taylor used Twitter messages Thursday to blast Dr. Arnie Klein for recent statements he made about their mutual friend, the late pop star Michael Jackson.

Taylor, like Jackson, was a patient of the Beverly Hills dermatologist.

"I thought doctors, like priests took an oath of confidentiality," Taylor tweeted. "May God have mercy on his soul."

The legendary actress, who often communicates with fans through Twitter postings, is currently on vacation in Europe, according to a spokesman.

Taylor expressed her anger with Klein for an interview he gave to the TV show "Extra," in which he supported claims by one of his male employees that the employee had an intimate relationship with Jackson.

"It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient," Taylor wrote, including the parenthetical reference in her message.

Debbie Rowe, who married Jackson and gave birth to his two oldest children, was a nurse in Klein's office when she met Jackson.

Celebrity gossip site TMZ quoted Klein last week as saying his comment that Jackson was involved in a homosexual relationship was not a betrayal because it was intended to shoot down rumors Jackson was a pedophile.

"Just what we want in our doctors," Taylor wrote. "And then to say he did not betray Michael's confidence. No wonder he has death threats."

TMZ quoted Klein saying as he and the former employee have received "horrible death threats" since the story was first reported.

Klein has not responded to CNN calls to his medical office or his publicist for a response to Taylor's tweets.

I can see how some people could take as if she's saying Klien was telling the truth, but I don't see it that way. Maybe someone could ask her to expound...
I can see how some people could take as if she's saying Klien was telling the truth, but I don't see it that way. Maybe someone could ask her to expound...

No one should ask her to expound on anything if her sarcasm went over any one's head and Michael he was not gay was not enough for someone then oh well there fault. Stop worrying about what other people think
No one should ask her to expound on anything if her sarcasm went over any one's head and Michael he was not gay was not enough for someone then oh well there fault. Stop worrying about what other people think
Umm...hold on there. I'm not worrying about what people think. I just said if people are confused, they should ask her, that's all
It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors. And then to say he did not betray Michael's confidence.

Wooo the first view that i've got with this ''he did not betray Michael's confidence'' is that she's saying that Michael had a gay relationship, Klein know about and betrayed Michael talking about the relationship to the press... lol

But I understand what she's saying. This make sense when is about Dr. Klein...

Liz always talk nice things on her twitter... Elizabeth, I love you!
He is a bloated hairy boar and he deserved every bit of her wrath and more.

He is shameful and a sorry coward! Kliend has said so much stuff from the nasty green jacket that was his, not agift and he wanted it back, to the kids being his, etc..etc... He's nothing but an evil disgusting plotting pig!
I do understand why are confused bout her tweet bout kilen. When i first read i was a lil confused myself, but i highly doubt that liz was impiling that mike was gay . Cuz mike had said it MANY TIMES that he WASNT GAY!
I didn't take it as her saying Michael was gay. I got the sarcasm but am a little surprised at the mention of Debbie in a negative light.
Yeh im surprised bout the mention of debbie as well. I thought that was a bit odd.
It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors. And then to say he did not betray Michael's confidence.

she meant is how can MJ be gay with Dr.rainbow lover when Debbie met MJ through dr. rainbow that's why I started :lol: so i guess Dr.rainbow feels he supply MJ with two of his workers who was MJ lovers go sit down fool?? piggywiggy and jacktheripper can go eat a few burgers
It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors. And then to say he did not betray Michael's confidence.

she meant is how can MJ be gay with Dr.rainbow lover when Debbie met MJ through dr. rainbow that's why I started :lol: so i guess Dr.rainbow feels he supply MJ with two of his workers who was MJ lovers go sit down fool?? piggywiggy and jacktheripper can go eat a few burgers

Bwhahahaah i love that "dr rainbow!!! :lol: :lol:
No one should ask her to expound on anything if her sarcasm went over any one's head and Michael he was not gay was not enough for someone then oh well there fault. Stop worrying about what other people think

Exactly. I really cannot see how anybody, let alone fans, can understand it as Liz saying Klein was telling the truth. I guess, Klein was successful in planting some doubts in people's minds (even fans') after all, which is sad. :(
You know the real funny part about this is that Jason (Arnie's lover boy) was surprised my his own story....O__O lol

Saying that he didn't even know it was gonna be on Extra, that the interview was done 8 months ago and it was taken OUT OF CONTEXTS! LMAO

Which was another lie by that fat bastard BTW, because just one day before it was aired he was proudly advertising the program on his Twitter.....
As much as I love Liz, she should know she has to be careful with what she tweets. The media are low and lame and can easily twist something to make a headline and they just have.

Because of Liz's tweet, Michael ex wife was not the headline, the whole gay story was. The morning host loved the fact that "She didn't deny that he was gay...", completely dismissing the sarcasm. Some things are better left unsaid.
How long have you been a fan? You should know no matter what anyone says people are going to do or say and act the opposite. She does not have to be careful with her tweets if you did not get it then your fault
I can see the confusion. She was saying that Klein betrayed his code of confidentiality in talking about Michael's personal life, not that he was gay. As a doctor, it's illegal to talk about a patient's personal life. Klein falls in the same camp with Murray as being the "Worst Doctors in the World"