Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes

Why Akon, lol. Why doesn't he get someone with some actual talent - like Jill Scott or Chrisette Michele? I guess they're not popular enough.
Michael always announces an album just a couple months prior to it's release.. He's never been the type to announce it, and let the talk boil down then release it..

He announces it, right away releases a single.. couple months later.. ALBUM..

He gets people to buy his album off that RUSH... WHen ppl are still hyped..

PPL are very fickel and buy for THE moment..

that's why so many people buy stuff right when it comes out and regret it..

We are so damn compulsive..

It's just our nature and Michael uses that for PR and sales...

it's smart!
really? I guess that's odd for me cuz the only 'era' i participated in as a fan is the Invincible era, and we knew about that album in 1999, 2 years prior.
what is slow about 2 years working on an album??? lol!

that is very normal when it comes to a REAL album, and I'm not talking about the people that drop an album every year.. that's stupid, you cannot reach anywhere near perfection like that..

a masterpiece takes time.. 2 years is not THAT long. damn!

Especially considering that the many from the music industry wants to work with Michael.. Even if Michael has all the tracks he think he'll use..

he's not going to shut out others chances of coming up with something great.

MJ usually works on over 100 songs per album..

he does not just do the 10-15 tracks that make the album.. Many that he made will not make the album.. this process takes time.. give him a break, damn..

let just say he worked on 50 songs thus far (HALF of what he usually does for an album).. Well it's only been 23 months of working on the album. (not even a full 2 years). that is 2-3 songs a month..

not counting breaks, travel, other projects etc..

You do make alot of sense. I think Michael is not in any rush at all. At this stage of his career he should not have to work to anyone's deadline but his own. He has kids. They need his attention too. I think its smart by not telling us ANYthing. This way by setting no date, people dont have an expectation (except the fans who expect something based on their personal wishes).

I think we will know the release date about 6 - 8 weeks in advance of release. That seems to be the popular trend amongst artists.

I do however wish Michael would make a plain and simple letter to us stating "dear fans, i would like to confirm i am working on a new album and more details will be released as i see fit". Those words would satisfy so many people.
Michael always announces an album just a couple months prior to it's release.. He's never been the type to announce it, and let the talk boil down then release it..

He announces it, right away releases a single.. couple months later.. ALBUM..

He gets people to buy his album off that RUSH... WHen ppl are still hyped..

PPL are very fickel and buy for THE moment..

that's why so many people buy stuff right when it comes out and regret it..

We are so damn compulsive..

It's just our nature and Michael uses that for PR and sales...

it's smart!

So if I go by your analysis here, KOPV, then I can safely assume that we will not see the new album in May or June. Cause that's two months out.
I don't have house nor children. So I'll just bet my MJ CDs.

Anyway, I have faith to believe that we will be shocked some time this year. I truly believe that it will come out no later than August. I think Michael is gonna wanna be included in the Grammy nods in Spring of 09.
Just get cryogenically frozen until it comes out. That way you can deal with the anticipation easily!

That's my solution.

At least it sounds as though there really is an actual NEW album in the works which is exciting :) (first one to come out since I became a fan)
I still have a feeling that the CD will come out some time between Sept and Dec of 2008. :)
I still have a feeling that the CD will come out some time between Sept and Dec of 2008. :)

i would guess the same thing. lets wait and see:) probably close to xmas. sales wise thats the best time. november i would predict.. but at end of day, no ones guess is better than the next person's. we simply do not know anything.
at EARLIEST we will get a confirmation this summer.. But no album.. the actual album would (at earliest) come Q3 of this year.. And that is pushing it..

But as soon as we get a single we'll get an album SOON after that.. I mean SOON in our words not Michaels. lol!

*The first single from 'OFF THE WALL' released July 28.
The album came out in August..
(not even a month after)

*The first single from 'THRILLER' released October 23.
The album came out December 1st..
(JUST over 1 month)

* The first single from 'BAD'released July 22.
The Album realease August 31.
(1 month)

* The first single from 'DANGEROUS' released November 2.
The album released November 21.
(19 days)

* The first single from HIStory released May 19.
The album released June 15.
(UNDER 1 month)

* The first single from 'INVINCIBLE' was released September 21.
The album released October 30.
(JUST over 1 month)

So we should hear music SOON before it's release.. Just 1 month prior.. So if you think the album will come out this year, it's still possible.. But it will be a few months after an announcement..

But things are running normally and smoothly.

P.S. you know people that mention.. 'but Thriller was made in 4 months'.. well that is not 100% true..

1) They had a deadline to fallow.. If it were up to them it would not have been just 4 months

2) Michael and Quincy started working together in April.. meaning 4 months.. But Michael worked on music before getting in the studio with Quincy.. for example in MARCH, 6 months PRIOR to getting in the studio with Quincy, MJ and McCartney recorded 'The Girl Is Mine'..

the 4 month number is JUST the primary recording between MJ, Quincy and the gang.
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I seriously don't see anything happening until 2009-2010.
YES... troubleman lol! editing now.. HA HA
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every year we keep saying this year is MJ but i have a feeling that you have a feeling that we may not get a new album this year...So who knows when we may get a new album.
Good info there, KOPV.

I am gonna stick with an 08 release. I just think that the hold up is that Michael is working on how he is gonna present himself to the public and he wants all of this stuff syncronized.....the first single release, the live performance, the video, the announcements, etc. He wants to surprise with a feavored pitch and then keep the momentum high.
Good info there, KOPV.

I am gonna stick with an 08 release. I just think that the hold up is that Michael is working on how he is gonna present himself to the public and he wants all of this stuff syncronized.....the first single release, the live performance, the video, the announcements, etc. He wants to surprise with a feavored pitch and then keep the momentum high.
I haven't read this whole thread lately, and my memory with dates is not great, but someone said somewhere around here something like (is that vague enough? lol) that it's happened in the past that MJ has released a new album not too long after re-releasing Thriller. Well it makes sense to me that he would want to use the high created by Thriller 25 to 'introduce' his new album. So I'm still hopeful for before the end of this year as well. He's already started some solid momentum with Thriller 25, and I would think he'd want to use that as a springboard for the new album.

Maybe? :unsure:
That would be the most logical move...Im really feelin that "The Future" album title along with that cool futuristic/pyschadelic cover of Mj as a cartoon could the ticket to success. I just got this huge gut feeling.
I haven't read this whole thread lately, and my memory with dates is not great, but someone said somewhere around here something like (is that vague enough? lol) that it's happened in the past that MJ has released a new album not too long after re-releasing Thriller. Well it makes sense to me that he would want to use the high created by Thriller 25 to 'introduce' his new album. So I'm still hopeful for before the end of this year as well. He's already started some solid momentum with Thriller 25, and I would think he'd want to use that as a springboard for the new album.

Maybe? :unsure:

Heh, yeah that is true but it'd be bizarre if we approach, say, September, and nothing new comes out. You can hope that by summer, as KOPV said, that something would come out about the album. Until then it's all speculation.
I haven't read this whole thread lately, and my memory with dates is not great, but someone said somewhere around here something like (is that vague enough? lol) that it's happened in the past that MJ has released a new album not too long after re-releasing Thriller. Well it makes sense to me that he would want to use the high created by Thriller 25 to 'introduce' his new album. So I'm still hopeful for before the end of this year as well. He's already started some solid momentum with Thriller 25, and I would think he'd want to use that as a springboard for the new album.

Maybe? :unsure:
That is interesting and it would be smart marketing. I could learn lots about business from him I think. It would make sense, what you said. Let's hope that's what happens.
I don't remember "every year" being the year for MJ knight56.

in 2005-2006 I don't remember anyone saying that "this is the year for MJ" because it was obvious he was still recuperating/resting from the trial. 2007 sure there were murmurs in the first part of the year, first part we KNEW he was working on something, but I don't think anyone predicted a year that things were gonna start happening...the second half of the year people (cough)Akon, Ne-Yo, Will (cough) started opening their mouths to both the new album and T-25. Akon said with a lot of conviction that MJ will take over 2008. I believe him. Or at least, I have a good feeling that MJ is trying his hardest to make something happen this year.

So really it hasn't been "every year is MJ's year". I think a lot of people on this board love to over exaggerate in order to make things worse than they really are in the MJ world -_-
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Being that MJ released Thriller 25 this year and got a good response from that I could see MJs new album being released this year to capitalise on it. However it may be asking too much to expect the mainstream world to buy 2 MJ albums in one year especially being that the world doesnt know if this new album will be any good. They already knew for 25 years that Thriller was the tops.