Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes

why would they not??? MJ gained new fans from T25 prob. Old fans that probably 'gave up on him' might have rediscovered him. People are inching to see what mJ's REAL next move is. the little tastes of MJ here and there is what is building the momentum...and the momentum is coming from people curious about MJ in general.

After a few months of MJ being everywhere, but MJ himself NO WHERE TO BE's gonna make people so compulsive to get mj's new album when he really comes out with guns blazing. I don't think people have a problem having the best of MJ in their collection and the latest of MJ in their collection lol
^^^^ You make great points on that post KOPV, the one thing people keep missing is the fact that he's situation is not like the rest of the performers out there, he's not just working on an album but on a comeback, if he only puts out an album with no detailed and though out plan for touring, short films etc...then we have a Britney type of 'comeback'.
I don't think anything ever happened with the talks with Kenny Ortega or Simon Fuller. I actually think that was for publicity
I don't think anything ever happened with the talks with Kenny Ortega or Simon Fuller. I actually think that was for publicity

of course you will say that. but the fact that they met several times and the fact that they were photographed together and the fact is the last two times michael did concert tours kenny choreographed and the fact that kenny even made statement to the press about it means something happened. kenny never said what. he said we will know when its right for everyone involved.

also it was apparantly simon fuller (the man who guided the spice girls to fame a decade ago and then guided them to fame once again for their reunion tour amongst a host of other large scale successes including the idol, xfactor and think u can dance fanchises) who advised MJ against any kind of public Thriller dedication performances at the Grammys. It wasnt well publicised but someone in Fuller's camp said Simon advised MJ to stay away from the stage until he had new material ready to promote alongside those older hits. That way the first time Michael hits the stage, the bang will be all about his new album, not Thriller (which has already sold more than 100million copies). Makes sense to me.
If there has been no announcement of a tour or anything yet, I doubt it will happen. Kenny Ortega or Simon Fuller would've said something by now. It just seems virtually impossible that no one is talking about Michael's projects. We've always had some sort of leak or rumor or something but all of sudden we have nothing and you all actually think he is working? Is every musician, or choreographer all remaining mum? that is impossible. The entertainment reporters don't even know nothing. I think they are ignoring MJ in general
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wha whhhhhhhhhaaaaaa

jay. Listen to me. think about this.

MAaaaaybe we haven't heard anything because MJ has learned his lesson in the past as to what happens when things get leaked out too soon. Maaaayybbbee MJ has taken EXTRA precaution this time to PREVENT that from happening. Maaaayybbee thats why you keep hearing Akon, Will, and Neyo SWEAR to silence, SWEAR on their momma almost, that they wont say anything about anything out of respect for MJ...which is something that has not been said by any collaborators before his past albums (usually they'd just yap away). Maaaayyybeee MJ's gotten tired of having surprises planned only for them to be blown out a year prior. I mean, that's just a hunch jay lol
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wha whhhhhhhhhaaaaaa

jay. Listen to me. think about this.

MAaaaaybe we haven't heard anything because MJ has learned his lesson in the past as to what happens when things get leaked out too soon. Maaaayybbbee MJ has taken EXTRA precaution this time to PREVENT that from happening. Maaaayybbee thats why you keep hearing Akon, Will, and Neyo SWEAR to silence, SWEAR on their momma almost, that they wont say anything about anything out of respect for MJ...which is something that has not been said by any collaborators before his past albums (usually they'd just yap away). Maaaayyybeee MJ's gotten tired of having surprises planned only for them to be blown out a year prior. I mean, that's just a hunch jay lol

Although it happens few and far between, it makes me smile when i stumble across someone on MJJC who uses their brain to rationalise. J5, you do this well haha.

The best evidence of MJ instructing his producers to silence is Rodney Jerkins. Michael Jackson worked with Jerkins on a number of tracks for Invincible. Jerkins' mouth was running 100miles per hour for a LONG time before that record ever hit stores. It kind of ruined the whole mystery of the album when the producer is out there day after day telling the world about the sound of the entire album. This time, Jerkins has been silent. He has not given a single comment on Mike's new record, which is admirable. Michael has obviously put his foot down. The collaborators seem genuinely scared to talk about it, and they all claim Mike was that shock value when it comes out.
ur definitely right. And i remember how OUT of HAND leaks got when it came to invincible. U had people that were in the studio posting on fan boards FREQUENTLY giving BIG DETAILS several months before the album. Half the album was leaked i think waaayyy too earlier. I remember having to restrain myself from ruining the surprise lol
He definately seems to wanna restrict leaks, but what the heck happened with T25 LOL!! That was leaked like 1 or 2 months before the album came out. He didnt seem to care too much about the release of info on that one, with Sony inviting the MJ fanclub presidents to come and hear it and tell all the fans about them in detail. The new album is completely opposite. Its been a no go zone for collaborators and MJ himself to talk about since the outset. Hope it stays that way because if there was a leak i dont know if i could restrict myself from peeking!
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yeah t25 seemed like a different story. And he did invite people to listen to it beforehand. I wonder what the strategy was in regards to being lenient with leaks, letting people listen beforehand, for t25.

And ur right the new album...DIFFERENT ball game there.
He definately seems to wanna restrict leaks, but what the heck happened with T25 LOL!! That was leaked like 1 or 2 months before the album came out. He didnt seem to care too much about the release of info on that one, with Sony inviting the MJ fanclub presidents to come and hear it and tell all the fans about them in detail. The new album is completely opposite. Its been a no go zone for collaborators and MJ himself to talk about since the outset. Hope it stays that way because if there was a leak i dont know if i could restrict myself from peeking!

If there was a leak, there's no way I could restrict myself from trying to find the song.. And if a song were to be leaked, I'd say there'd be a high chance MJ would be so pissed off he'd scrap it from the album.
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If there has been no announcement of a tour or anything yet, I doubt it will happen.

Why would anyone announce a tour when theres no album to back that tour yet? There wouldnt be a tour til at least a year after the album is out.
He definately seems to wanna restrict leaks, but what the heck happened with T25 LOL!! That was leaked like 1 or 2 months before the album came out. He didnt seem to care too much about the release of info on that one, with Sony inviting the MJ fanclub presidents to come and hear it and tell all the fans about them in detail. The new album is completely opposite. Its been a no go zone for collaborators and MJ himself to talk about since the outset. Hope it stays that way because if there was a leak i dont know if i could restrict myself from peeking!

Ok, this is :eek:fftopic: but dude, you look almost like Jim Carrey in your avatar, lol. It's a compliment. ;)
Here is proof i look nothing like him lol:lol:
hmmmm..... let me see...... nah... Your a handsome gent, undeniably, but Jim Carrey has nothin on your awesome hair Damo!

(I know Damien, and he is way better than Jim Carrey, and way skinny too!)
hmmmm..... let me see...... nah... Your a handsome gent, undeniably, but Jim Carrey has nothin on your awesome hair Damo!

(I know Damien, and he is way better than Jim Carrey, and way skinny too!)

suck on THAT to jim carrey's hair. HAH!
Michael always announces an album just a couple months prior to it's release.. He's never been the type to announce it, and let the talk boil down then release it..

depends what you mean by announcment? like someone else said we knew that he was recording vince back in 99 and we had song titles etc maybe 6 months b4.mj talked about the album in march of 01 saying its nearly done ect. the problem with this album is there is no news what so ever. to the point where it wouldnt be hard to believe that there is nothing more than a few songs/melodies that have been worked on in the sudio and nothing more. going by past releases you would expect it be around 6 months from when some sort of real news gets released interms of song titles etc to when it will actually gets released so going by what is happening now or by what isnt happening now you would need some real news/anouncements within the next couple of months at the most for there to be any hope for an album to come this year.
depends what you mean by announcment? like someone else said we knew that he was recording vince back in 99 and we had song titles etc maybe 6 months b4.mj talked about the album in march of 01 saying its nearly done ect. the problem with this album is there is no news what so ever. to the point where it wouldnt be hard to believe that there is nothing more than a few songs/melodies that have been worked on in the sudio and nothing more. going by past releases you would expect it be around 6 months from when some sort of real news gets released interms of song titles etc to when it will actually gets released so going by what is happening now or by what isnt happening now you would need some real news/anouncements within the next couple of months at the most for there to be any hope for an album to come this year.

like its been stated already - mj is working with new people - he has instructed these people to be totally silent - no leaks - no info - no song titles - no descriptions - silence - and the collaborators, all of them, are obeying mikes rules. it wont be the same this time round as invincible.
yeah its different but not just talking about vince with all the other albums aswell. its difficult to know what is going on when we know so little. this time to our knowledge there is no label pushing him to meet a deadline. hes just doing as he pleases so it makes the timeline even harder to work out and until theres real news about song titles and ppl saying they have finished working on xy and z instead of just saying they have talked to mj on the phone and we might do something or theres news about him being with a lable its impossible to work out when we might get a new album or if the music worked on will ever see the light of day.
yeah its different but not just talking about vince with all the other albums aswell. its difficult to know what is going on when we know so little. this time to our knowledge there is no label pushing him to meet a deadline. hes just doing as he pleases so it makes the timeline even harder to work out and until theres real news about song titles and ppl saying they have finished working on xy and z instead of just saying they have talked to mj on the phone and we might do something or theres news about him being with a lable its impossible to work out when we might get a new album or if the music worked on will ever see the light of day.

I wonder if there's a growing trend of producers and current R&B stars to be asked if they're working with Mike and them going "oh I spoke to him on the phone, we MAY do something" or "yeah we finished THREE tracks". :lol: MJ likes to keep people waiting on anything. Like Marvin said, "please don't procrastinate". ;)
like its been stated already - mj is working with new people - he has instructed these people to be totally silent - no leaks - no info - no song titles - no descriptions - silence - and the collaborators, all of them, are obeying mikes rules. it wont be the same this time round as invincible.


I completely understand the deafening silence is frustrating for fans. The silence and waiting is probably just as hard on the haters and saboteurs, but it is GOLDEN nonetheless. It might even be frustrating for MJ for all we know. He might be excited and WANT to share things with us, but in order for the element of surprise and shock to work (without anyone prejudging and knocking anything before the music is even released), he realizes silence is a must. I trust that it will be worth the wait and that's what keeps my patience halfway in tact. :lol: Heck, I'm human and a tad anxious as well to see what our mad musical scientist has been working on BUT in the grander scheme of things, it's not hard to understand WHY he wants things quiet. He probably also has a host of other priorities/business to tend well as be a father.

I just keep telling myself as long as there is no bad news, it's all good. ;)
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this time to our knowledge there is no label pushing him to meet a deadline. hes just doing as he pleases so it makes the timeline even harder to work out

The record labels all had to push MJ to release an album and with this not being the case here then MJ will take a long time to get this album perfect.
this time to our knowledge there is no label pushing him to meet a deadline. hes just doing as he pleases so it makes the timeline even harder to work out

Firstly, Michael should not have to work to ANYONE's deadlines but his own.
And he probably wants the timeline to be hard to figure out.
Plus if he HAD announced a deadline and for some reason it got delayed, then he would cop flack.
Silence is the smart way to go.
and to what Damien said..
about silent etc...

OK.. we first have a spread sheet of FACTS surrounding the album

then we get people working for him saying they cannot talk about it...

and THE we have fans.. "There is no updates, no news, no one saying anything.. THERE IS NO ALBUM"..

Well they JUST TOLD YOU they CAN'T talk about it.. that's why ur not hearing anything.. So don't expect to know..

If I have to see one more.. "I'll believe it when it comes out"

I'm gonna................................................................................

say this again.. lol!