Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes

These are a couple of my favourite quotes so far: speaks to reporters at Cannes MidemNet Conference January 2007
Michael Jackson is working day and night on this great, great record. I heard and see him in the studio and he is creating a masterpiece. speaks to Times Online in August 2007
[Jackson's] voice is still incredible. It’s not about crazy beats that are going be here today and gone tomorrow, but melodies that will stay for a lifetime. on German MTV in September 2007
(about jackson's new album) Melodies, it's all about the melodies. About the melodies and the kind of grooves you will play 10 years from now - Anticipate 10 years from now.

Michael Jackson talks to Bryan Monrow from Ebony Magazine November 2007
I'm writting alot of stuff right now. I'm in the studio, like, every day.

Ne-yo speaks to The Voice November 16th 2007
You know we talked about where he wants to go this time and everything and um, the KEY thing he was saying is that to keep it very hush hush.. he don't want no song titles coming out, no nothin. He want's the world to be shocked and surprised when it comes out. He said he definately wants it to come out soon.

Akon talks on radio interview December 2007
(asked why he got in late)I was workin on MJ's new project. Yeah man the guy's about to and take over 2008.

Akon speaks to The Voice Late February 2008
Oh Mike is good.. Mike is so focused. His next project is gonna be amazing.
(Asked: Are you gonna work with him?)
Have you already started working with him?
Absolutely.. So look out for that, its gonna be crazy.

Those quotes are nice to read. I really wish he would hurry up and release something new. I am losing my patience:lol:
If he is making so many songs (more than normal) he may be planning to put more tracks than normal on the album. Imagine an MJ album with 50 songs where each song was off the hook! It wouldn't be so great as mutiple CD's but as digital downloads it would be like the worlds best playlist.
Ne-yo speaks to The Voice November 16th 2007
... He said he definately wants it to come out soon.

^Damien - did Neyo say that quote word by word? if he did.. wow.. so excited.
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Ne-yo speaks to The Voice November 16th 2007
... He said he definately wants it to come out soon.

^Damien - did Neyo say that quote word by word? if he did.. wow.. so excited.

just to clear it up i will not post on this thread unless it is word for word confirmed by a video or official publication. not gossip websites or anything like that. i transcript these quotes from videos myself, word for word:)
if Michael told Neyo he wants the album out now, then where is it? does Michael have any type of distribution deal at this point?
i doubt ppl should take anything neyo etc say as 100% i doubt they know much more than others. they get asked questions in interviews and give answers that the reporters want to hear. or dont know what to say so just say anything imo
Excluding "Thriller" and "Bad"....does anyone know how long Michael worked on "Invincible", "HIStory" and "Dangerous"

Maybe that'll give us a rough idea of when to expect it.
vince started in 99 but according to stories the first version was rejected by sony.

history was a year and a half or less. dunno about dangerous..

i dont think we can compair this album to others because theres no info at all compaired to previous releases and back then he had a label pushing him. where as now he just seems to be plodding along
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who knows is right?? we're definitely not finding much out about this new album

Because MJ doesn't want us to know much abotu it until he's ready :rolleyes:

I think its good Neyo said MJ wants it to come out soon. THAT'S GOOD NEWS. BE HAPPY...FOR ONCE. lol
Because MJ doesn't want us to know much abotu it until he's ready :rolleyes:

I think its good Neyo said MJ wants it to come out soon. THAT'S GOOD NEWS. BE HAPPY...FOR ONCE. lol

Neyo's "soon" quote was from 4 months ago:lol:
Thanx 4 givin dis stuff, availiable 4 all of us!!
Thanx again.. Hope da album will b released soon..
Neyo's "soon" quote was from 4 months ago:lol:

Just because MJ wanted something to happen doesnt mean it's gonna turn out that way. All the quote means is that MJ isn't lolly-gagging. He's working hard to put out the album as soon as he can cuz he wants it out ASAP.
Just because MJ wanted something to happen doesnt mean it's gonna turn out that way. All the quote means is that MJ isn't lolly-gagging. He's working hard to put out the album as soon as he can cuz he wants it out ASAP.

I wouldn't say he's lolly-gagging because I have no idea what he is doing, but things are definitely moving slowly as far as him releasing music
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what is slow about 2 years working on an album??? lol!

that is very normal when it comes to a REAL album, and I'm not talking about the people that drop an album every year.. that's stupid, you cannot reach anywhere near perfection like that..

a masterpiece takes time.. 2 years is not THAT long. damn!

Especially considering that the many from the music industry wants to work with Michael.. Even if Michael has all the tracks he think he'll use..

he's not going to shut out others chances of coming up with something great.

MJ usually works on over 100 songs per album..

he does not just do the 10-15 tracks that make the album.. Many that he made will not make the album.. this process takes time.. give him a break, damn..

let just say he worked on 50 songs thus far (HALF of what he usually does for an album).. Well it's only been 23 months of working on the album. (not even a full 2 years). that is 2-3 songs a month..

not counting breaks, travel, other projects etc..
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I wouldn't say he's lolly-gagging because I have no idea what he is doing, but things are definitely moving slowly as far as him releasing music

Maybe because he was working on T25 in between aaannd thats just how he operates? We all know that MJ makes albums by writing a bunch of he has a good selection to pick from. So when ever he's satisfied is when the album will come out. I think it's been clear that MJ is trying to get to that state where he's satisfied as quickly as possible. Lets give the guy a break here.

give him a break, damn..

HAHAHA great minds think alike :lol:
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what is slow about 2 years working on an album??? lol!

that is very normal when it comes to a REAL album, and I'm not talking about the people that drop an album every year.. that's stupid, you cannot reach anywhere near perfection like that..

a masterpiece takes time.. 2 years is not THAT long. damn!

Especially considering that the many from the music industry wants to work with Michael.. Even if Michael has all the tracks he think he'll use..

he's not going to shut out others chances of coming up with something great.

MJ usually works on over 100 songs per album..

he does not just do the 10-15 tracks that make the album.. Many that he made will not make the album.. this process takes time.. give him a break, damn..

let just say he worked on 5 songs thus far (HALF of what he usually does for an album).. Well it's only been 23 months of working on the album. (not even a full 2 years). that is 2-3 songs a month..

Thank you again. You make a lot of sense, as always.
I think that Michael already knows when this album is going to be released. That's right....I think that a release date has already been determined.

But why are they waiting? T25! This re-release is still being promoted. And I think that Michael and his people want to give it a nice run before the new album comes out. It only makes sense. T25 has only been released for almost 2 months. That is not a lot of time. So I don't expect to hear anything about the new album until the beginning of the second half of the year. That would be July 1st. If I don't start to hear anything by then, then I will assume that Michael has chosen a late Fall or early Jan release date. But I really do believe that it will be this year.
He ain't thinking about T25, lol.

I'm sure when the album comes out ('09) that it'll be worth it. Impatience and impotence is not cool.