Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes

Moving on..

Q: Does anyone here think we will get a new album after the T25 promotional campaign is fully over? (hence at the VERYYY earliest we would see the album in Nov/Dec this year - when Thriller 25 Podcasts and such are finishing up).

Or, do you think we'd get an album while the Thriller 25 promotional campaign is taking place i.e. definately sometime this year.

Personally, I believe they are going to absolutely milk Thriller 25 for all it's worth - and as a result, I don't believe we'll see the new album until atleast November (and beyond) this year.

What are your thoughts? Think business / marketing / promotional strategies, and what would best yield full profit maximisation to Sony and Michael, and from that, tell me when you think the album would most likely come out.
To get an album in the middle of T25 can mean two different things: either "too early" or "just right". Who knows? But yeah I believe they're milking T25 until there's no more milk from the cow's udders on that b*tch! :lol:
To get an album in the middle of T25 can mean two different things: either "too early" or "just right". Who knows? But yeah I believe they're milking T25 until there's no more milk from the cow's udders on that b*tch! :lol:

To get an album in the middle of T25 can mean two different things: either "too early" or "just right". Who knows? But yeah I believe they're milking T25 until there's no more milk from the cow's udders on that b*tch! :lol:

I agree that they will milk it until dry.
If Thrillercast is the ONLY thng still running for T25 promo then i dont think there is any problem releasing new album, as long as its announced long enough in advance to cause hype and attention, take peoples mind off thriller and onto the fact MJ is actually releasing something new, and give MJ the time to do the magazine covers and all the standard promo artists do to make their work well known in advance of its release.

It would be cool to get one of them personal letters to the fans where he tells us what he has been up to and what to expect and signs it himself. That would be cool.
you guys are ruining my thread here. arguing about child molestation and lawsuits and civil cases. this was designed to share with you the info the collaborators have publicly spoken about. can i requst a mod remove all talk about the other insignigicant crap. thanks.

I wouldn't say it's all insignificant crap but I can see your point that it doesn't belong in this thread. The problem is someone will make a particular comment and that provokes off-topic/slightly unrelated shifts in responses. The little report button to your left is your friend tho. That might help getting your thread cleaned...or a PM. :flowers:
Ok folks,

I cleaned this thread from all the suggestions and offtopicness in regards to the Arvizos as they don't have a bearing on MJ's future releases, and they don't have a bearing on this topic :)

Thanks :)
Ok folks,

I cleaned this thread from all the suggestions and offtopicness in regards to the Arvizos as they don't have a bearing on MJ's future releases, and they don't have a bearing on this topic :)

Thanks :)

Very much appreciated.:)
I dont understand why thriller 25 needs to be milked for all its worth.

When the original thriller album was released sales of off the wall went up dramatically as well due to an interest in his previous work. There is no reason to believe that sales of thriller 25 (or even invincible) won't go up when the new album is released, so holding off the new album to maximise the thriller 25 campaign is a stupid idea.
I dont understand why thriller 25 needs to be milked for all its worth.

When the original thriller album was released sales of off the wall went up dramatically as well due to an interest in his previous work. There is no reason to believe that sales of thriller 25 (or even invincible) won't go up when the new album is released, so holding off the new album to maximise the thriller 25 campaign is a stupid idea.

Totally agree.

He really just needs to bring out the new album in the next 4 months and make the most of the spotlight T25 has given him.

Waiting until next year would be a bad move.
I’d like to add another quote to the collection by Akon. He is currently in Dubai he held a concert and I bet he performed WBSS. Checkout the following quotes on today’s newspaper:

"Asked why he hadn't won any awards prior to this one he said: "Hey, we just keep making music. It's always political though. If we are talking about stats, I'd probably be walking off like Michael Jackson," he said.

Speaking of Jackson, an album was recently released with covers of the legend's songs and Akon was one of the artists to be picked for the job.

"That was always one of my favourite records. Michael Jackson reached out to me to do it. It was funny because this whole time I was trying to figure out how the hell I can get to Michael Jackson. Then one day my phone rings. That's how crazy it was. I thought it was a joke, a prank caller. So now I'm working on his new album," said Akon."

I’d like to add another quote to the collection by Akon. He is currently in Dubai he held a concert and I bet he performed WBSS. Checkout the following quotes on today’s newspaper:

"Asked why he hadn't won any awards prior to this one he said: "Hey, we just keep making music. It's always political though. If we are talking about stats, I'd probably be walking off like Michael Jackson," he said.

Speaking of Jackson, an album was recently released with covers of the legend's songs and Akon was one of the artists to be picked for the job.

"That was always one of my favourite records. Michael Jackson reached out to me to do it. It was funny because this whole time I was trying to figure out how the hell I can get to Michael Jackson. Then one day my phone rings. That's how crazy it was. I thought it was a joke, a prank caller. So now I'm working on his new album," said Akon."

I don't know why I hear the beat of an African drum calling.:D Thank you for the AKON news.:p
Totally agree.

He really just needs to bring out the new album in the next 4 months and make the most of the spotlight T25 has given him.

Waiting until next year would be a bad move.

I dont understand why thriller 25 needs to be milked for all its worth.

When the original thriller album was released sales of off the wall went up dramatically as well due to an interest in his previous work. There is no reason to believe that sales of thriller 25 (or even invincible) won't go up when the new album is released, so holding off the new album to maximise the thriller 25 campaign is a stupid idea.

MJs been doing this for over 40 years now and knows every trick of the trade. He knows what he is doing and when the right time is to release his new album. We dont know what he knows so we cant say anything in terms of when or how he should do anything.
I dont understand why thriller 25 needs to be milked for all its worth.

When the original thriller album was released sales of off the wall went up dramatically as well due to an interest in his previous work. There is no reason to believe that sales of thriller 25 (or even invincible) won't go up when the new album is released, so holding off the new album to maximise the thriller 25 campaign is a stupid idea.

Im thinking in the opposite direction. I think they're holding off so T25 doesnt make the new one sell less. I think that releasing a new album this year may be bad because people may think "oh i already bought a Michael Jackson CD this year". They might be waiting for people to feel like its been a while since MJ released something. Coz lets face it, if you look outside this forum, no one is talking about a new Michael Jackson album yet. It gets mentioned every now and then, like months in between, but there is no real interest or buzz. Thriller 25 is still in the front of people's mind. It has not left the Worldwide Albums Chart Top 10 since it came out. Thats still his "new release".
Im thinking in the opposite direction. I think they're holding off so T25 doesnt make the new one sell less. I think that releasing a new album this year may be bad because people may think "oh i already bought a Michael Jackson CD this year". They might be waiting for people to feel like its been a while since MJ released something. Coz lets face it, if you look outside this forum, no one is talking about a new Michael Jackson album yet. It gets mentioned every now and then, like months in between, but there is no real interest or buzz. Thriller 25 is still in the front of people's mind. It has not left the Worldwide Albums Chart Top 10 since it came out. Thats still his "new release".

iiii disagree. For example just look on Youtube. There are tons of peeps asking "So when is he coming out with a new album" THere's buzz, just not from the media.
iiii disagree. For example just look on Youtube. There are tons of peeps asking "So when is he coming out with a new album" THere's buzz, just not from the media.

all those people would be members on MJ forums lol.
i have never met or spoken to someone who knows michael jackson is working on a new album outside the internet and fan communities. yet, on myspace, i have seen numerous non-fans posting bulletins talking about thriller 25 saying "i just bought michael jacksons new album".. the only people who know about it are reporters who have been told by collaborators and the collaborators themselves. and when the collaborators refuse to comment they just drop the subject. people dont know because thats the way mike is doing it. where is the shock value if the whole world is sitting on the edge of its chair for 2 years waiting for the album. no one will talk about it until there is an actual album to be spoken about in my opinion. a title, cover, release date and all. until then expect more of the last 2 years ahead i reckon :lol:
all those people would be members on MJ forums lol.
i have never met or spoken to someone who knows michael jackson is working on a new album outside the internet and fan communities. yet, on myspace, i have seen numerous non-fans posting bulletins talking about thriller 25 saying "i just bought michael jacksons new album".. the only people who know about it are reporters who have been told by collaborators and the collaborators themselves. and when the collaborators refuse to comment they just drop the subject. people dont know because thats the way mike is doing it. where is the shock value if the whole world is sitting on the edge of its chair for 2 years waiting for the album. no one will talk about it until there is an actual album to be spoken about in my opinion. a title, cover, release date and all. until then expect more of the last 2 years ahead i reckon :lol:

Not necessarily If they were members then they'd know that there isn't any news about a release date, or even if they were hard core fans they'd try looking it up themselves.

I know several friends and family, non-mj fans, who have boasted about buy T25 (with NO prompt from me), who was worried about MJ losing neverland, and who keeps asking me when is the new one coming out (or if there's a new one).

I remember going to the beauty shop one day and a discussion about Michael Jackson just randomly popped up cuz someone was reading the Ebony magazine. And peoplle talked about the trial (if they thought he was guilty or not) and then, ended up wondering if they'll be a new album and how it'll be a great thing if he gets back into the music scene.

and these are peeps i don't know period.

So i guess that shows there's two perspectives to every coin.
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Coz lets face it, if you look outside this forum, no one is talking about a new Michael Jackson album yet. It gets mentioned every now and then, like months in between, but there is no real interest or buzz.

Excuse me? :D I was out last night and they played Billie Jean in a nightclub. There was a couple of guys standing behind me and I heard the other one saying "I heard Michael Jackson is coming out with a new album..." I tried to listen what they were talking about, but the beats of Billie Jean was louder so I couldn't hear anything more..
Even if people dont know that MJ has a new album coming out, they will do by the time MJ has it ready. MJ will make sure of that.
My mother knows Michael has an album coming out and she is going on 69 years old. And guess what? She brought it up on her own without me mentioning it. She doesn't follow his career closely, but she knows I love my Michael Jackson. When she hears something about MJ, she tells me.
My mother knows Michael has an album coming out and she is going on 69 years old. And guess what? She brought it up on her own without me mentioning it. She doesn't follow his career closely, but she knows I love my Michael Jackson. When she hears something about MJ, she tells me.

That's pretty awesome:) Both my parents despise him:(
aslong as ppl know when the albums actually on its way thats all that matters. at this stage theres no real news other than the odd tidbit and non fans will only pick that up while reading interviews with neyo etc.what matters is when theres real news and anouncements
And u gotta realize, generally, that peeps just don't go walking around talking about stuff like that aaaall the time. I'm a diehard MJ fan but i personally don't go striking up conversation by saying "u know MJ's coming out with an album" lol Or better yet, I'm a Prince fan but i don't go around asking people "when Prince's album coming out" all the time. But when i find out info about it, I'm interested. But they don't always pop up in everyday conversation :lol: i'm sure that's how it is for a lot of people, ESPECIALLY closet fans.
don't forget that people are not supposed to really know MJ is working on an album..

that's kinda the idea.. The fact that some people do, shows how BIG of an impact it will have..

it's supposed to be a bit of a secret.
the hype and the success of thriller 25= strike while the Iron is hot and we all want to see MJ do the thing one Mo time.
everybody I know is all for a new MJ album. Even non-fans still have mad respect for his music. Adults, teens, elderly people, etc all appreciate MJ's talents. My nanna for instance is 64 years old and she is a major country music fan. She hates all modern music in general and only listens to 50's and 60's country with some occasional Elvis. My nanna also has Black Or White, Man In the Mirror, and Heal The World on her computer... She told me that those songs are so universal that it doesnt matter if you listen to metal, country, rock, or have to appreciate them. That is how everyone in Canada views Michael....while some of the immature closed minded people have fun poking at MJ, cracking an occasional joke about his personal life...those same people will be the first to admit he is very talented and a great musician. Im not joking when I say the most influential, popular kids at all high schools and colleges walk around with several Mj songs on their i-pod.

For instance I went to my friends University in Kingston, Ontario (Queens) and they have their own music sharing database where all the kids download music... He wanted some Mj songs so he typed Michael Jackson into the exclusive Queens database (keep in mind that this is only music that the Queens students listen to) and over 100 Michael Jackson songs popped up from over 2000 computers on campus! Not bad I'd say..

Michael's music is played in restaurants, in the malls literally all the time, at my local gyms, at my own college, at dances, at proms (including my own), at clubs, and the list goes on. People got the respect for the music...all Michael needs to do is come out with something hot and he already has people waiting to support it. And no...these people are not exclusively fans but rather everybody who enjoys good music. I've talked to so many people of all ages, and there is an overwhelming concensus that all Michael has to do is release the new material, make it sound good, and he has a huge audience.

When your Michael can dangle 1000 kids over balconies, be accused of virtually any crimes, act like a complete nutcase to the outside world...but in the end people cant help but come back for the great music of a true legend. Michael doesn't need to prove himself in this next album, he's already done that. Now all MJ has to do is come out with some great soundin music and do what he does best...make incredible "universal" music my nanna refers to. Because in the end....thats what makes Michael Jackson..well...Michael Jackson.
And I don't undertand why some fans have this notion that Michael won't be releasing another album this year because he doesn't want to hinder the sales of T25. Are you kidding me? I have seen many artist release two albums in one year. And I don't think that Michael is concerned about sales of T25 competing with the new album. If peeps want both, they will buy both. If they want one or the other, they will buy one or the other. One's success will not hinder that of the other.