Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes

And I don't undertand why some fans have this notion that Michael won't be releasing another album this year because he doesn't want to hinder the sales of T25. Are you kidding me? I have seen many artist release two albums in one year. And I don't think that Michael is concerned about sales of T25 competing with the new album. If peeps want both, they will buy both. If they want one or the other, they will buy one or the other. One's success will not hinder that of the other.

I agree with you...the two albums could work in eachothers favor. When people go to the store they might feel inclined to buy both, hey they could even be marketed together, giving customers a deal if they bought the new album+ Thriller 25. It is definitely not a bad idea to release the new album at the same time. But whatever Michael feels is the best...I'm sure we will all be happy in the end with his final decision.
And I don't undertand why some fans have this notion that Michael won't be releasing another album this year because he doesn't want to hinder the sales of T25. Are you kidding me? I have seen many artist release two albums in one year. And I don't think that Michael is concerned about sales of T25 competing with the new album. If peeps want both, they will buy both. If they want one or the other, they will buy one or the other. One's success will not hinder that of the other.

that was really well written:)
I live in Australia and the other week I went to the Gold Coast to stay at my unit. Now this is how much MJ's music catalogue has an impact here..

This all happened in 1 day - I went down the shops, firstly to the shopping center and I swore I heard MJ playing.. I listened more carefully and went up to the speakers and Stranger in Moscow was playing.

I then went into a surfshop and Smooth Criminal was playing.

I then went to meet my parents at Gloria Jeans and umm what? Tabloid Junkie was playing.. in GLORIA JEANS!!! haha, to say I was shocked is an understatement. Guess which song played next? 2BAD.. yep that's right, I then figured out they were playing the whole frikkin MJ album.

Couldn't believe how much MJ I heard that day.. Does it finish there? No, it didn't..

I walked back to my Unit and my neighbours next door were having a party, and what were they all drunkenly singing along to? Beat It.. They ended up playing the whole Thriller 25 Album.

Anyway, thought I'd share that.. haha
Truth is, everybody is waiting on this album. And that is what is gonna make it sell at least 2 mil in the first two months. And don't say it can't happen because that is exactly what happened with Invincible. That means that Invincibel was moving at a rate of about 250,000 copies per week! And I believe that if Michael's new album is really, really good, it will be able to hold this weekly level for at least 3 months.

This is what I think Michael is counting on. He knows how strong his albums come out of the gate. I think his album will have a loong opening run and hit the 3 mil mark in its first 3 months.
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And I don't undertand why some fans have this notion that Michael won't be releasing another album this year because he doesn't want to hinder the sales of T25. Are you kidding me? I have seen many artist release two albums in one year. And I don't think that Michael is concerned about sales of T25 competing with the new album. If peeps want both, they will buy both. If they want one or the other, they will buy one or the other. One's success will not hinder that of the other.

didn't they say that about Billie Jean & Beat It as singles. ^_^
I'd be more likely to buy both. When your mind is on something, you are more likely to buy. T25 got the minds back on MJ..a new album will only help I think. They each would help the other because one is old music (though still relevant) and the other is new, you'd want both. most people would I think.
I live in Australia and the other week I went to the Gold Coast to stay at my unit. Now this is how much MJ's music catalogue has an impact here..

This all happened in 1 day - I went down the shops, firstly to the shopping center and I swore I heard MJ playing.. I listened more carefully and went up to the speakers and Stranger in Moscow was playing.

I then went into a surfshop and Smooth Criminal was playing.

I then went to meet my parents at Gloria Jeans and umm what? Tabloid Junkie was playing.. in GLORIA JEANS!!! haha, to say I was shocked is an understatement. Guess which song played next? 2BAD.. yep that's right, I then figured out they were playing the whole frikkin MJ album.

Couldn't believe how much MJ I heard that day.. Does it finish there? No, it didn't..

I walked back to my Unit and my neighbours next door were having a party, and what were they all drunkenly singing along to? Beat It.. They ended up playing the whole Thriller 25 Album.

Anyway, thought I'd share that.. haha

Was that at Pacific Fair? Pac Fair is like MJ music central.
I'm from Adelaide and live close to Marion shopping centre. He is on in the boutique shops all the time over here, and in the shops in town too - he's omnipresent really. Oh, have I mentioned to everyone that I really neeeeeeeeeeed MJ to release his new album?
Ok guys, I didnt know where to post this and its not for sure enough to create its own thread..but I have a story to tell:

My mom is a real estate agent in Alliston, Ontario.....she is working with a big shot bodyguard from Toronto. His name is Chris...and he is the president of a fairly large bodyguarding company as well as the owner of a limo company here in Toronto. He travels all around the world, meeting with celebrities and other big bodyguarding firms. Anyways...he was talking to my mom today and he mentioned that he gets the opportunity to meet lots of celebrities. He apparently sits down to dinner with Prince every few months and the two are friends. Chris told my mom that if your kids wanted to meet Prince then he could arrange it no problem. He also offered my mom a free limo to see any concert that comes to Toronto equipped with a backstage pass to meet the singer/band.... mom asked him "How about Michael Jackson"...and he paused for a second and called up the vice president of the bodyguard company. It was on speakerphone and my mom was listening to the conversation. Apparently according to Chris and his company...MJ has alerted their company that he plans to visit Toronto in 2008. In fact, MJ has been invited for a top secret special appearance at the Alysha Keys concert in June in Toronto. Chris said they are still waiting for MJ's final word on whether he will need them for security at the concert. He still has not committed 100% but the word will be in within the next week. Chris then went on to say that Michael is not one of the celebrities he knows well because of course MJ is very private and does not travel to Canada that often. He said that its well known in the entertainment world that Michael is planning a huge return to the industry in late 2008 and 2009. Apparently Michael has alerted bodyguards in several countries, including the US for a series of planned events in relation to a brand new album. Chris told my mom that he will pull some strings and get a possible meeting set up with myself and MJ!!!! My mom told him I belong to the fan community and he said he will do his best to set something up.

Again...I didnt know whether this warranted a new thread but its basically hearsay so theres no documents proving this...its just information. Anyways..I am very excited to see what this guy can pull through, theres no question about it that he is a big shot and talks as if this thing is normal. I will keep you all updated on everything I shared with you!!

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Ok guys, I didnt know where to post this and its not for sure enough to create its own thread..but I have a story to tell:

My mom is a real estate agent in Alliston, Ontario.....she is working with a big shot bodyguard from Toronto. His name is Chris...and he is the president of a fairly large bodyguarding company as well as the owner of a limo company here in Toronto. He travels all around the world, meeting with celebrities and other big bodyguarding firms. Anyways...he was talking to my mom today and he mentioned that he gets the opportunity to meet lots of celebrities. He apparently sits down to dinner with Prince every few months and the two are friends. Chris told my mom that if your kids wanted to meet Prince then he could arrange it no problem. He also offered my mom a free limo to see any concert that comes to Toronto equipped with a backstage pass to meet the singer/band.... mom asked him "How about Michael Jackson"...and he paused for a second and called up the vice president of the bodyguard company. It was on speakerphone and my mom was listening to the conversation. Apparently according to Chris and his company...MJ has alerted their company that he plans to visit Toronto in 2008. In fact, MJ has been invited for a top secret special appearance at the Alysha Keys concert in June in Toronto. Chris said they are still waiting for MJ's final word on whether he will need them for security at the concert. He still has not committed 100% but the word will be in within the next week. Chris then went on to say that Michael is not one of the celebrities he knows well because of course MJ is very private and does not travel to Canada that often. He said that its well known in the entertainment world that Michael is planning a huge return to the industry in late 2008 and 2009. Apparently Michael has alerted bodyguards in several countries, including the US for a series of planned events in relation to a brand new album. Chris told my mom that he will pull some strings and get a possible meeting set up with myself and MJ!!!! My mom told him I belong to the fan community and he said he will do his best to set something up.

Again...I didnt know whether this warranted a new thread but its basically hearsay so theres no documents proving this...its just information. Anyways..I am very excited to see what this guy can pull through, theres no question about it that he is a big shot and talks as if this thing is normal. I will keep you all updated on everything I shared with you!!


........:blink::blink::blink:.......I.....I...I hate you so much.:( :lol: Just I'm really excited for you. I hope you get to meet him. *fingers crossed*
Well, it's not top secret anymore. ;) Translation: It's probably not going to happen now...if it was ever planned. I mean, if it was top secret it was probably that way for a reason, right? :unsure:

Edit: And when security has loose lips, that's never a good thing, regardless of the good intentions.
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Now that info is out MJ probably wont go. He does that.
Well, it's not top secret anymore. ;) Translation: It's probably not going to happen now...if it was ever planned. I mean, if it was top secret it was probably that way for a reason, right? :unsure:

Edit: And when security has loose lips, that's never a good thing, regardless of the good intentions.

yeah. i like how fans cant keep secrets to themselves lol. like, we are the ones who spread rumours, leaked songs, and info like this. and thats the reason MJ cancels half the stuff he does. thats why his album has had NO detailed released. invincible was a disaster with the amount of leaks from jerkins and co.
Ok guys its one fanclub forum...its not like I leaked it to every fanclub and media outlet around the world. The news knows nothing...and it might not even be 100% accurate, MJ is fickle as it is. I am just excited and thought you would be interested in hearing. If its going to put me in the spotlight for ruining MJ's plans then I will gladly delete it.

Plus you dont actually think Michael pulls out of every planned event just because somebody finds out...leaks are a part of life and the majority of people would end up being surprised anyway. Not every person on planet earth is logged onto a MJ forum waiting for the next "leak". Like I think Mj knows this and he doesn't care about that is much different then the entire global media printing tons of articles on some rumor/surprise...then the secret is truly blown. Lets try and keep it in perspective here.
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yeah. i like how fans cant keep secrets to themselves lol. like, we are the ones who spread rumours, leaked songs, and info like this. and thats the reason MJ cancels half the stuff he does. thats why his album has had NO detailed released. invincible was a disaster with the amount of leaks from jerkins and co.

I wouldn't put all the blame on fans not being able to keep secrets.:lol:It's only natural that they would get excited and want to share. I think the person who initially gets diarrhea of the mouth should share the majority of the responsibility...i.e. Security, in this case. Not to be a harda$$ but this person is a professional who's part of a security firm/team or whathaveyou. If anyone is going to be tight-lipped, I imagine it would be them...especially if something is to be TOP SECRET. These are the people Michael and his kids rely on to keep them safe and protected.

Edit: And yes, it's a fansite but media DOES troll here and other fansites. It's a known fact. We are NOT ALONE. haha. :wink:
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Ok guys, I didnt know where to post this and its not for sure enough to create its own thread..but I have a story to tell:

My mom is a real estate agent in Alliston, Ontario.....she is working with a big shot bodyguard from Toronto. His name is Chris...and he is the president of a fairly large bodyguarding company as well as the owner of a limo company here in Toronto. He travels all around the world, meeting with celebrities and other big bodyguarding firms. Anyways...he was talking to my mom today and he mentioned that he gets the opportunity to meet lots of celebrities. He apparently sits down to dinner with Prince every few months and the two are friends. Chris told my mom that if your kids wanted to meet Prince then he could arrange it no problem. He also offered my mom a free limo to see any concert that comes to Toronto equipped with a backstage pass to meet the singer/band.... mom asked him "How about Michael Jackson"...and he paused for a second and called up the vice president of the bodyguard company. It was on speakerphone and my mom was listening to the conversation. Apparently according to Chris and his company...MJ has alerted their company that he plans to visit Toronto in 2008. In fact, MJ has been invited for a top secret special appearance at the Alysha Keys concert in June in Toronto. Chris said they are still waiting for MJ's final word on whether he will need them for security at the concert. He still has not committed 100% but the word will be in within the next week. Chris then went on to say that Michael is not one of the celebrities he knows well because of course MJ is very private and does not travel to Canada that often. He said that its well known in the entertainment world that Michael is planning a huge return to the industry in late 2008 and 2009. Apparently Michael has alerted bodyguards in several countries, including the US for a series of planned events in relation to a brand new album. Chris told my mom that he will pull some strings and get a possible meeting set up with myself and MJ!!!! My mom told him I belong to the fan community and he said he will do his best to set something up.

Again...I didnt know whether this warranted a new thread but its basically hearsay so theres no documents proving this...its just information. Anyways..I am very excited to see what this guy can pull through, theres no question about it that he is a big shot and talks as if this thing is normal. I will keep you all updated on everything I shared with you!!

I'm sure you meant no harm in telling us this. *tries not to faint*.....still feeling rather weak

Nothing is carved in stone. At least it's really positive news, and if things do unfold, wow, that would be more than a dream come true for you, and many others. I'm just so happy to hear that Michael is hard at work.

In fact, it's funny, just the other day my nephew was considering taking a course at St. Lawrence College for becoming a Prison Guard. SP? :huh: Then, while at work, I thought to myself, "What about considering a career as a Body Guard? I'm not sure of the training you'd need, obviously there would have to be some type of police-oriented training was just an idea.

This is great news. And btw, if Michael does stop by T.O., can you ask him to make a quick stop in Kingston....or heck, I'll hop on a VIA comfort class and be there in 2 seconds :wub:....:lol: ^_^
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Now that info is out MJ probably wont go. He does that.

yeah. i like how fans cant keep secrets to themselves lol. like, we are the ones who spread rumours, leaked songs, and info like this. and thats the reason MJ cancels half the stuff he does. thats why his album has had NO detailed released. invincible was a disaster with the amount of leaks from jerkins and co.

Well, it's not top secret anymore. ;) Translation: It's probably not going to happen now...if it was ever planned. I mean, if it was top secret it was probably that way for a reason, right? :unsure:

Edit: And when security has loose lips, that's never a good thing, regardless of the good intentions.


A) May not even happen

B)Something to be HAPPY about, not MAD.:D

C)If it happens.... REJOICE!!!!:flowers::flowers::flowers: It'll be the first time we've seen him in how long?

Besides, I know some of you guys are on some of the other threads talking about how people are being too negative about MJ and his "new album"

Again, I'm happy for you, budday and I hope you do get to see him. I've NEVER gotten to see him in person *grumbleluckylittlepoop* :lol:
I was talking to my mom and I may have spoken out of school, I do feel bad now. Apparently this was *top secret* and my mom wasn't even supposed to tell anybody because Michael instructed all the people involved not to say anything. I just got excited. So now that I have heard that...I give permission to the moderators to delete my posting and any reference to it until something is confirmed from the Jackson camp.

A) May not even happen

B)Something to be HAPPY about, not MAD.:D

C)If it happens.... REJOICE!!!!:flowers::flowers::flowers: It'll be the first time we've seen him in how long?

Besides, I know some of you guys are on some of the other threads talking about how people are being too negative about MJ and his "new album"

Again, I'm happy for you, budday and I hope you do get to see him. I've NEVER gotten to see him in person *grumbleluckylittlepoop* :lol:

Okay, I didn't mean to sound MAD, becuz I'm not. :lol: I just have matter-of-fact way of expressing my thoughts and was expressing my "concern". Not mad at all. Peace in the Middle East? :flowers:
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Don't feel bad smooth_criminal05, you didn't intend any harm. Maybe it should be deleted though, just because if Michael want's it kept under wraps, it should be.
yeah If MJ wants it secret, it should stay that way...otherwise he could easily pull out.

A) May not even happen
No it probably wont. And not if morons who work @ Fux News troll the forums. We should all be able to get jobs for Fux if all you have to do is search the net for any info and quote it as factual. Anyway off topic here.................

Well I hope he turns up for Alicia Keys sakes being as she is a MJ fan and seems to have invited him. Now theres someone Id like MJ to work with. Someone with talent, unlike Akon, Neyo, Kanye etc.
Well I know alicia would be excited for sure if mj went especially after watching her sing along to ne-yo's cover of TLIML at the BET Honors.
Okay, I didn't mean to sound MAD, becuz I'm not. :lol: I just have matter-of-fact way of expressing my thoughts and was expressing my "concern". Not mad at all. Peace in the Middle East? :flowers:

No no no no, I wasn't trying to accuse anybody of anything or tell you off or anything like that :flowers: I was just a little worried 'cause it just sounded like everybody was trying to bum out somebody else's (maybe) good news all at the same time and I just wanted to keep it all up beat and happy like it really should be around here.:) I mean now that I think of it, it's probably best if we just talk about album stuff now, in case there are any media people running around in here. So nothing that MIGHT not even happen gets Anywho, I'm really REAAAALLY wired about seeing what MJ's gonna do to top himself.:punk: And think about it, who else can top MJ but MJ? What'chu guys think?
Confirmation on Alicia Keys Concert in Toronto:

Her concert appears to indeed be taking place on Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 7:00 PM at Air Canada Centre in Toronto, ON.

Ok.. now maybe we should close the thread :p