Confirmed New Album Collaborations & Info/Quotes

Well, it's not top secret anymore. ;) Translation: It's probably not going to happen now...if it was ever planned. I mean, if it was top secret it was probably that way for a reason, right? :unsure:

Edit: And when security has loose lips, that's never a good thing, regardless of the good intentions.
I was going to say the same thing but you got there before me.:punk:
yeah If MJ wants it secret, it should stay that way...otherwise he could easily pull out.

If Mike wanted to keep it secretive, he should've told the people posting about it to keep their mouth shut or face a suit but we know Michael's too nice so he won't do that. :lol:
right, i don't think he told neyo or will i am that they'll get slapped with a lawsuit....

...buuuut maybe he did.....:lol: And all this "he's the KOP, u gotta respect the KOP" some BS cuz they don't wanna get sued :lol:
no doubt that once you're in any sort of relationship with Mike, then so will be his and your lawyers. i'm sure they'd become quite close lol leave the dirty work to those trained to handle it and dish it out (and sometimes bathe in it).
right, i don't think he told neyo or will i am that they'll get slapped with a lawsuit....

I dont think that they needed to sign a confidentiality clause cuz they know that if they spill the beans, they wont be on MJs album.
Could you imagine?? All this time...we thought she was single...playin that piano...the next thing we find out they've eloped!! LOL! Just kidding..
Well, this is how I see it, the person who posted the secretive information merely did it out of pure innocence. I do not feel that smooth_criminal05 meant any harm by posting the information on a public fan forum. I personally liked what I read and I happy that he posted the information. However, MJ's privacy is very important and maybe what he should have done was not even tell people on here. He should have kept it tohimself, wait to it actually happens, then tell the fans the deal.

The bodyguard should have kept his mouth shut. If he signed some kind of confidentiality agreement not to disclosed any information, then he should get sued. I know I sound harsh, but that is the deal.

Other than that, smooth_criminal05, that is fine and next time, think about how it might look and do not post anything that was meant to be confidential.

This just proves that if someone is in the know of some things, they can tell people and those people tell people and you never know who knows who and who is a fan of who. Personally, if I did not know any better, I would have told people, then maybe edited my post. LOL.
Let's just keep this to ourselves and maybe delete the information given...I hope it happens :)
Well, I sure hope that Michael's album is better than Mariah's. I just listened to the whole thing on YouTube and the only song that impresses me is Bye Bye. And a close second and third is I Stay In Love With You and I'll Be Lovin U Long Time. The rest of the album is just.....I don't know. Her die hards are buying this one straight out the gate.

Oh, I forgot about Touch My Body. I like it, but I wouldn't buy it.'s second collab with Sergio Mendes (following the success of 2006's Timeless) has just dropped in Japan and my goodness is it beautiful lol gives me great confidence in his work with Mike.

buy it when it comes in May. greatest summer release.
Ne-Yo: R&B superstar talks about his career, the tour with Alicia Keys and a collaboration thriller


On what he can share about working on Michael Jackson's new album:

"Uh, nothing that would get me in trouble. He was very adamant about nobody knowing what's going on. No explanations, not even song titles. But we are working together and it's coming along nicely. He's being very selective."

On what it was like to get the call from the King of Pop:

"I thought they were kidding! I didn't believe it. I don't really do the starstruck thing, but when I met him and stood in front of the man, I was shaking like a leaf."

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Ne-Yo: R&B superstar talks about his career, the tour with Alicia Keys and a collaboration thriller


On what he can share about working on Michael Jackson's new album:

"Uh, nothing that would get me in trouble. He was very adamant about nobody knowing what's going on. No explanations, not even song titles. But we are working together and it's coming along nicely. He's being very selective."

On what it was like to get the call from the King of Pop:

"I thought they were kidding! I didn't believe it. I don't really do the starstruck thing, but when I met him and stood in front of the man, I was shaking like a leaf."


cheers for the addition. original post updated!
Oh thanks for the updates,its good to hear that something is happening on the new album
that was in the news section a day or 2 ago..
that was in the news section a day or 2 ago..

sure was. didnt get too much attention. i think we are getting over hearing the same old sentence "i cant say anything - he is being picky".. its only exciting the first few times, then it wears off :lol:

Just thought i'd add it to the thread here because the last mention was late Feb. This is 2 months after so it proves things are still moving forward rather than drying up:)
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Just to add to the list of continuous lack of info and standard Neyo responses we have this lol.

So you all know, this below was BEFORE the Grammys (early Feb 08), meaning that although he says working together with never came together, it may have in the past 3 months (lets hope) :)

Neyo speaks to Artisan News pre-Grammys February 2008
Asked if him and were supposed to be working together on Michael's album..
Yeah! That was a little while ago.. We been trying, but we still haven't worked together on Michael's stuff.. I mean because he ( was in the process of promoting an album and I was doing my thing so we never really got it together.. but, I have been working with Mike, doing some stuff for him, submitting some songs to him and it's coming along nicely.
Well as far as I can remember before any MJ's album there were rumors or artists saying they were working with mj. But then in the albums there were no signs of them. We will never know what is coming out or what the final product will be.
I think we will not see any album before 2009, I think that because T25 has been a great success and brought MJ on top of the world charts for while there are people making covers of his classics and so on.
It is enough for 2008, a quite year before the real album.
Well as far as I can remember before any MJ's album there were rumors or artists saying they were working with mj. But then in the albums there were no signs of them. We will never know what is coming out or what the final product will be.

Jerkins, B.I.G, Riley, Slash, Santana, and plenty more all claimed to be on Invincible and they ALL were.. But Mike cant fit a million names on one record. It can only fit 80mins of music. He has had to ditch songs with RunDMC, Madonna, Freddy Mercury, P. Diddy, and more because he couldnt fit their duets on his album, or the music they made together didnt fit with the sound of the record. Not coz they never happened. But there is always people working on Michael Jackson records, because he cannot make an album of MJ standards on his own. That would be impossible. Alot of the names he is working with will no doubt show up on the album in some way or another.
Yep, I also remember Gerorge Michael, Laurynn Hill, Mary J. Blige, etc... I think simply we can't be sure of every person who comes out and says: "I am working with mj!" Well, like everyone else! the question is.. are your collaboration going to be on the actual album?

Anyway I think MJ should do an album on his own, the songs he wrote and produced by himself so far are his bests! I really enjoy them all from OTW to Invy. Of course a whole selfproduced and written album maybe won't be the best solution, but a minialbum of 5-6 songs written and composed by him would be a wonderful idea!
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Yep, I also remember Gerorge Michael, Laurynn Hill, Mary J. Blige, etc... I think simply we can't be sure of every person who comes out and says: "I am working with mj!" Well, like everyone else! the question is.. are your collaboration going to be on the actual album?

Anyway I think MJ should do an album on his own, the songs he wrote and produced by himself so far are his bests! I really enjoy them all from OTW to Invy. Of course a whole selfproduced and written album maybe won't be the best solution, but a minialbum of 5-6 songs written and composed by him would be a wonderful idea!

Its unfortunate the inventor of CDs only allowed 80mins of play time haha! That we know of now, he seems to be working with alot less people than he did on Invincible. The chances of their collab/music making the cut will better. However it will only make the cut if its in the direction MJ wants the album to be and if the songs are quality enough. We know MJ ALWAYS does solo stuff. Stuff he wrties, composes and sings 100% on his own. And we also know MJ ALWAYS works with other people too. No project is ever entirely written, produced and sung by MJ and MJ alone so we can count on someone at least being on there with him lol:)
Well now that CDs are dead there is nothing stopping him from releasing a digital album with dozens and dozens of songs
Well now that CDs are dead there is nothing stopping him from releasing a digital album with dozens and dozens of songs

CDs are MJs main selling point.
Check the CD sales compared to his digital sales on Thriller25.
He was almost instantly DEAD on the digital charts.
His physical CD sales however BOOMED and kept him on the charts for a LONG time.
He is still on the worldwide album charts now thanks ONLY to his CD sales;)
CDs are NOT dead. I dont buy itunes, i buy CDs! And not just MJ, other artists too.
there is a new redone quote

Yeah, here it is:

Producer RedOne is spending a lot of time in Las Vegas these days, supposedly working on an album with Michael Jackson, which he can’t talk about.

“Honestly, I’m not allowed to talk about Michael at all,” says RedOne, who was born Nadir Khayat in Morocco and now calls Los Angeles home. “I just love him. I’m a big fan of his. There’s something going on, but I can’t talk about it.”
there is a new redone quote

Yeah, here it is:

Producer RedOne is spending a lot of time in Las Vegas these days, supposedly working on an album with Michael Jackson, which he can’t talk about.

“Honestly, I’m not allowed to talk about Michael at all,” says RedOne, who was born Nadir Khayat in Morocco and now calls Los Angeles home. “I just love him. I’m a big fan of his. There’s something going on, but I can’t talk about it.”
there is a new redone quote

Producer RedOne is spending a lot of time in Las Vegas these days, supposedly working on an album with Michael Jackson, which he can’t talk about.

“Honestly, I’m not allowed to talk about Michael at all,” says RedOne, who was born Nadir Khayat in Morocco and now calls Los Angeles home. “I just love him. I’m a big fan of his. There’s something going on, but I can’t talk about it.”