CNN Just aired 2 mins of MJ Rehearsals!

I didn't tape it but I did saw it though on mute. I was alittle too busy listening to Michael. To unmute my tv to hear what they were talking about. OMG was it ever so sad to that. It just made me miss him even more than I already do.
as far as miming it has to be taken into consderation that a lot of times, its gonna depend on the type of rehearsal it is. A run-through of the moves, the timing, the lighting is not necessarily designed to blow an observers socks off - different aspects have to be rehearsed over and over - and MJ is naturally going to preserve his voice and his energy until necessary to play full out - it was good to see this thanks for posting.
I could upload the clip re-played on CNN (TDCAU) but it doesn't include the other portions aired earlier.... Otherwise maybe they'll air a longer version soon that I can upload.
I so wish I could watch it but someone else is watching Wimbledon.
I saw it. Hopefully they will show it again without talking over it as they did the second time they showed it.
He looked great. Seriously. Like 1999 MJ & Friends concerts.
i really loved and still love mike

but the video shown on cnn wasnt the one i expected to see

he was miming and he looks pretty tired while moving

you know, he wouldnt be able to do 50 shows, no way

but wait to see more...
SMH,OMG, Michael looks GREAT! 2 freaking days b4 he passed , this man was looking great... That 2minute clip was awesome just imagine what the 2hr show wld've been like. Oh the insanity of it all.AEG YOU MUST RELEASE THIS FOOTAGE!! THE FANS NEED THIS
i really loved and still love mike

but the video shown on cnn wasnt the one i expected to see

he was miming and he looks pretty tired while moving

you know, he wouldnt be able to do 50 shows, no way

but wait to see more...

THIS isn't the show,

This wasn't even the final run through b4 the shows.

I can't bleev u!
He just looked healthy. The man has always been slim, and the thing with that too, if you're dancing like that of course you're gonna lose some weight, are you not? Sigh... I mean, what do we have to do to convince that to people?!?! :blink:
THIS isn't the show,

This wasn't even the final run through b4 the shows.

I can't bleev u!

yeah, i know, it was only a short clip

anyway, it is amazing to see him performing and alive again ;)

god bless our king!!!
You can tell it was just a run-through but it was so cool, that suit looked so good on him. I reckon that this video is from one of the earlier rehearsals. Its so nice to see it but also its sad too because he isn't here to be able to share his full vision with us.
I don't know what to was just so beautiful...I wish I could see it now...I had 4 almost front row tickets to four different shows including the opening....

But what I wish the most is that Michael would still be with us...don't care about the show now...:(
My baby was killing it! I really can't believe we miss out on this. I shouldn't be trying to get to la this tueday. I should be in london. *sigh* I hate this.
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