CNN Just aired 2 mins of MJ Rehearsals!

And the thing is, he would have been so much more into it during the real concert. Every athlete knows you dont leave your best effort out on the practice field. There is practice speed and then there is full game speed
Put it on CNN they'll probably be replaying it a lot it's an exclusive video
Wow that was surreal. He was into it! Love CNN for that
he looked AMAZING, just keep watching cnn live at, they'll show it! I was able to catch they don't really care about us and the tail end of History
lol i think cnn is in trouble for showing it earlier than everyone else. but i saw! I felt so sad i wasnt going to see it it was like the history tours though, VERY similar stil very good! He wa sin the black suit and red top we've seen in that photo released and he was headbanging with the guitarist and dancing militarily to thet dont care about us, she drives me wild and history!!!! He waqs doing his best clearly and had less energy than what we;re used to seeing but i thought back to the rehearsal footage ive seen in the past and he doesnt go all out then. He did that spin around kick ur leg out red indian thing!!! and some marching. Couldnt tell if it was playback cos the reportrs talked over. Thats my review!!
O.M.G. Thank the Lord for that footage; I can't believe that that was hours before the unthinkable.
I dont think he was giving his best effort. It looked like a rehearsal but I could see where he was going with it and that the real deal was going to be awesome. You gotta remember how much a performer like Michael feeds off the energy of the crowd.
I just caught the tail end of it on MSNBC... Oh man, that hurts.... :(
he was looking great he was moving great
he was killed, there's no other possibility
I dont think he was giving his best effort. It looked like a rehearsal but I could see where he was going with it and that the real deal was going to be awesome. You gotta remember how much a performer like Michael feeds off the energy of the crowd.

He was looking this good in REHEARSAL...look how he woulda killed the stage.
