Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic *Update Post 68: War With Label Over Sales"

Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

She has a nice voice but I hate the way she dresses, she needs to put her clothes on and set an example for her kid and future ones. I'd be disgusted if I knew my mom acted like that.
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

I have been a big fan of Christina since Stripped, and was really looking forward to Bionic, but it's a total letdown. I wrote a full review here, if you fancy reading it:

I rated the album 2.5/5 because there are good songs on the disc (Monday Morning and Prima Dona stand out), they're just lost admist a cluster of OTT production, sex talk and "hardcore" swearing.

PS. Please feel free to follow me and comment on this and my other posts (I wrote a poem in tribute to MJ on 25/6/2010), I update fairly regularly and would very much appreciate any interest!
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

In this case, all the sex hasn't worked in Xtina's favor either. Makes you wonder how Madonna was/is able to use sexuality to her advantage and yet when others try it, they fall and fall hard. I know the answer to that, but it's still very interesting to ponder. Just goes to show how bloody brilliant Madonna is. Xtina needs a new image and sound, pronto, if she wants her career to survive the next go round.

The reason for this is Madonna has the songs to back it up. Like I say to people that argue that Madonna is all about sex & image that if that was true then people would have lost interest a long time ago.

Yes, Madonna uses sex to sell but when you have songs such as Music, Don't Tell Me, Hung Up, Ray Of Light, Give It 2 Me etc then it's the music that talks the loudest.

Sex/image/controversy will only get you so far but you need some sort of substance underneath it all.

It's kinda like just going out with a girl solely because she's good looking, after a short time it's going to wear thin.
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

The reason for this is Madonna has the songs to back it up. Like I say to people that argue that Madonna is all about sex & image that if that was true then people would have lost interest a long time ago.

Yes, Madonna uses sex to sell but when you have songs such as Music, Don't Tell Me, Hung Up, Ray Of Light, Give It 2 Me etc then it's the music that talks the loudest.

Sex/image/controversy will only get you so far but you need some sort of substance underneath it all.

It's kinda like just going out with a girl solely because she's good looking, after a short time it's going to wear thin.

I totally agree. That's actually what I was talking about. Madonna has the perfect blend to pull off nearly anything which explains her versatility. And yes, she definitely has the catalog to back up all her crazy antics from back in the day. Even at her wild and craziest, if you spoke to her in an interview, she would speak very passionately about whatever it was she was doing. She was driven like no other. Her music, videos, and performances weren't soulless and I think that's the problem with Xtina's new album and sound. There's no soul. It's empty sexuality. Madonna didn't simply ooze sex and shock to shock, she really had something to say and accomplish. There was a driving force behind it. A theme. Something. Not just, hey, look at me! I'm doing all sorts of naughty things in a video! All these girls today try to mimic Madonna but they forget about the most important part- the music.

This album leaves me feeling empty. It doesn't have a truly amazing track like "Like A Prayer" or "Express Yourself". Of course, no album these days have true pop classics like that anymore. MJ and Madonna are the last of the true iconic pop legends of that magnitude imho.
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

I've found even more proof of Christina's arrogance, inflated ego, and all around bad behavior. Seriously, I'm starting to think she's a real ***** and deserves the failure she's experiencing.

Watch these recent clips of Christina supporting her album, Bionic. It's unbelievable!

Christina throws gum at her fans:

Christina gets upset that someone coughed during an interview:
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Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

are any of you guys aware of this new movie she's doing with cher?
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

Everyone says Christina Aguilera copies lady gaga when is the other way around, gaga copies Christina's voice all the time, and she cant even sing the same, gaga's voice is weak while Christina's powerful, when gaga started she was a copy of Christina STILL IS, I think Christina is Much MUCH better than gaga or madonna together, even if she is a bad person (because i dont like any of these 3 anyways :) )
Christina Aguilera & Label At War?

Christina Aguilera's new album, "Bionic," is doing so poorly, music insiders say her label RCA is in "rescue mode."

Sales for Aguilera's fourth album have barely hit 200,000 in five weeks of release. It debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard charts and quickly fell out of the Top 10. (In comparison, Drake's "Thank Me Later" sold about 450,000 in its first week.)

The tepid sales come as Aguilera canceled her summer tour, citing inadequate rehearsal time between the album release and the tour dates. Plus, with the release of her sexually charged video for "Not Myself Tonight" -- in which she wore bondage gear and kissed women -- critics slammed her as a Lady Gaga knockoff.

Music-industry insiders said Aguilera misjudged the market.

Her early albums seemed rebellious and edgy compared with Britney Spears' and Jessica Simpson's, but she's now competing against more avant-garde acts such as Gaga, Rihanna and M.I.A.

In the four-year lag since her last album, "Back to Basics," Aguilera has had a child, Max. Now, a source said, she "wants to compete with her peers, but there is a disconnect because, over the years, she's been a mother and a wife, not a rocker."

Plus, said insiders, Aguilera has not been willing to adapt. "The label has done its part, but she's headstrong. There have been candid conversations between her and the label about connectivity, but it doesn't seem that she's been open to that dialogue."

An RCA rep denies any panic, saying Aguilera "is a pillar of the RCA Music Group and is an undeniable talent with one of the greatest voices of our time. She continues to push herself as an artist, and we are behind her efforts 100 percent."

Her manager, Irving Azoff, added, "I am the one who deals with the label, and this couldn't be further from the truth."

Read more:
Re: Christina Aguilera & Label At War?

It went #1 in the UK.

You're right. Bionic debuted at #1 in the UK and broke records. Unfortunately for Christina, she didn't break the type of records people want to have broken. Bionic made the lowest sales debut at #1 in the history of the UK charts. The next week, she broke yet another UK record by having the steepest fall from #1 all the way to #29. Ouch.
Re: Christina Aguilera & Label At War?

You're right. Bionic debuted at #1 in the UK and broke records. Unfortunately for Christina, she didn't break the type of records people want to have broken. Bionic made the lowest sales debut at #1 in the history of the UK charts. The next week, she broke yet another UK record by having the steepest fall from #1 all the way to #29. Ouch.

...I would cry if I was her...
I really still don't understand why some people want her to fail so badly or are happy that her album isn't doing that well.
The album was greeted with a hate campaing from the moment it was announced it seemed.
Public opion was not in her court therefor a lot of people haven't giving this album a chance I think.
Sure it is not her best but it is definitly not the worse album ever released like some want people to believe.
She is releasing the single "You lost me" soon so let's see how that goes. ( I would have picked a different ballad but I guess this is the one they chose)

Also I really don't think her label is going to drop her because of this one album.
She just needs to change her direction for the next one and she will be fine. Take a different genre and she can still blow people away with her talent.
I really still don't understand why some people want her to fail so badly or are happy that her album isn't doing that well.
The album was greeted with a hate campaing from the moment it was announced it seemed.
Public opion was not in her court therefor a lot of people haven't giving this album a chance I think.
Sure it is not her best but it is definitly not the worse album ever released like some want people to believe.
She is releasing the single "You lost me" soon so let's see how that goes. ( I would have picked a different ballad but I guess this is the one they chose)

Also I really don't think her label is going to drop her because of this one album.
She just needs to change her direction for the next one and she will be fine. Take a different genre and she can still blow people away with her talent.

Oh please! A hate campaign? Are you serious? People don't like it because Christina turned them off with her image and sound. Folks simply don't like what they see or hear. That's why this album hasn't even sold 200k worldwide in the 5 weeks since it debuted. How could it, really? We already have Gaga and Ke$ha and others runnin' around, having already been there and done that, and it makes Christina sound outdated and out of touch.

I've listened to the entire album and the only good tracks are the ballads imho. "Lift Me Up" and "I Am" are my favorites. The rest of the album is a mess. It's no wonder it got such poor reviews and failed so miserably. Christina really wasn't herself tonight and so people aren't buying it. It's not authentic. Not to mention I think her poor attitude has finally caught up with her (don't believe me, watch the videos I linked to).

I agree that a different single should have been chosen for the second single. "You Lost Me" is not radio friendly. I think they are hoping that it will be another "Beautiful" and save the album like with Stripped, but that's not going to happen. The label should have gone with "Life Me Up" or "I Am" if they wanted a ballad. Both are much more melodic. But, at this point it really doesn't matter. This album is kaput. Put a fork in it, it's done. The best thing Christina can do now is save face and move on.
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The "hate campaign" I was talking about was all those bloggers like Perez hilton creating drama over nothing before the album even came out. Saying dumb things like " she's copying Gaga!" and the people that bought in to that.
I saw the mess that that created and imo it did not help her promotion wise.

Yes, I know she did not have a great album to back her up and yes the sound maybe wasn't right, but public opion nowadays also has a lot to do with an album being succesfull. (unfortunatly)
She took a risk and sadly it did not work out in her favor. At least she is not afraid to take risks as an artist.

I know the videos that are going around and I think most of the stuff is from her "Stripped" time when she was suffering from depression behind the scenes and made some poor choices at the time.
There are also videos out there that show many artists praising her so I don't see how one video showing all these bad quotes and actions proves she is some horrible person.

I do agree in that I think her slower songs on this album are her best.
Hopefully on her next album she will do a more r&b/soul sound. I think she sounds her best when she does that, but that is just my opion.
(The interlude "morning dessert" and "sex for breakfast" are more in the direction of what I'm talking about)

Anyway, at the end of the day it is her life and her career, she needs to do what feels right to her. I just feel a little bad for her at the moment. It's like people have completely forgotten her previous accomplishments.
I'm not gonna spend all my time defending her though.
Frankly, I don't care that much to be honest ;)
I totally agree. That's actually what I was talking about. Madonna has the perfect blend to pull off nearly anything which explains her versatility. And yes, she definitely has the catalog to back up all her crazy antics from back in the day. Even at her wild and craziest, if you spoke to her in an interview, she would speak very passionately about whatever it was she was doing. She was driven like no other. Her music, videos, and performances weren't soulless and I think that's the problem with Xtina's new album and sound. There's no soul. It's empty sexuality. Madonna didn't simply ooze sex and shock to shock, she really had something to say and accomplish. There was a driving force behind it. A theme. Something. Not just, hey, look at me! I'm doing all sorts of naughty things in a video! All these girls today try to mimic Madonna but they forget about the most important part- the music.

This album leaves me feeling empty. It doesn't have a truly amazing track like "Like A Prayer" or "Express Yourself". Of course, no album these days have true pop classics like that anymore. MJ and Madonna are the last of the true iconic pop legends of that magnitude imho.

I completely agree with you. I think some people have forgotten how good Madonna's MUSIC is.

I've found even more proof of Christina's arrogance, inflated ego, and all around bad behavior. Seriously, I'm starting to think she's a real ***** and deserves the failure she's experiencing.

Watch these recent clips of Christina supporting her album, Bionic. It's unbelievable!

Christina throws gum at her fans:

Christina gets upset that someone coughed during an interview:


Her arrogances makes me sick. Arrogance can make Cinderella ugly.
Re: Christina Aguilera & Label At War?

Christina Aguilera's new album, "Bionic," is doing so poorly, music insiders say her label RCA is in "rescue mode."

Sales for Aguilera's fourth album have barely hit 200,000 in five weeks of release. It debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard charts and quickly fell out of the Top 10. (In comparison, Drake's "Thank Me Later" sold about 450,000 in its first week.)

The tepid sales come as Aguilera canceled her summer tour, citing inadequate rehearsal time between the album release and the tour dates. Plus, with the release of her sexually charged video for "Not Myself Tonight" -- in which she wore bondage gear and kissed women -- critics slammed her as a Lady Gaga knockoff.

Music-industry insiders said Aguilera misjudged the market.

Her early albums seemed rebellious and edgy compared with Britney Spears' and Jessica Simpson's, but she's now competing against more avant-garde acts such as Gaga, Rihanna and M.I.A.

In the four-year lag since her last album, "Back to Basics," Aguilera has had a child, Max. Now, a source said, she "wants to compete with her peers, but there is a disconnect because, over the years, she's been a mother and a wife, not a rocker."

Plus, said insiders, Aguilera has not been willing to adapt. "The label has done its part, but she's headstrong. There have been candid conversations between her and the label about connectivity, but it doesn't seem that she's been open to that dialogue."

An RCA rep denies any panic, saying Aguilera "is a pillar of the RCA Music Group and is an undeniable talent with one of the greatest voices of our time. She continues to push herself as an artist, and we are behind her efforts 100 percent."

Her manager, Irving Azoff, added, "I am the one who deals with the label, and this couldn't be further from the truth."

Read more:

i'd be worried if i heard the label make such a pat statement, as they did. it usually means the opposite. it's not like it was with Michael, where you knew there was friction with the label, and the label didn't deny it, but, in the end, the label couldn't let go of him.

usually, when a label, or a company makes a statement, that makes it sound like their employee is the salt of the earth, a firing is not too far behind. or..a letting go, in this case...

it's a cutthroat industry, so you can never believe what you hear.
Okay just one last thing from me, she did not throw gum at her fans.

Some of the fans that were there have said there was an assistant standing there and she threw the gum to the assistant because she had to sing. Nothing arrogant about that.
I'm sorry but I hate seeing false rumors being spread like that. Just in general.

Also I'm sure that people like Mariah Carey and Madonna (just to name a few) have said questionable things in their lifetime that come across as arrogant as well. In fact I remember watching a Madonna interview a couple of years a go on dutch tv and when the reporter (a lifelong fan might I add) asked for a picture she flat out refused not even apologizing. You don't hear people complaining about that.
Imo that does not change the way you can enjoy their music.

Other artists may look all sweet on camera but we don't know what they are like behind closed doors.

(BTW I'm not looking to start trouble or anything by replying like this, just feel like someone has to show the other side of things. No hard feelings :))

Anyway, I saw a preview for the new video today. I think it's going to be a lot better than "Not myself tonight".
Okay just one last thing from me, she did not throw gum at her fans.

Some of the fans that were there have said there was an assistant standing there and she threw the gum to the assistant because she had to sing. Nothing arrogant about that.
I'm sorry but I hate seeing false rumors being spread like that. Just in general.

Also I'm sure that people like Mariah Carey and Madonna (just to name a few) have said questionable things in their lifetime that come across as arrogant as well. In fact I remember watching a Madonna interview a couple of years a go on dutch tv and when the reporter (a lifelong fan might I add) asked for a picture she flat out refused not even apologizing. You don't hear people complaining about that.
Imo that does not change the way you can enjoy their music.

Other artists may look all sweet on camera but we don't know what they are like behind closed doors.

(BTW I'm not looking to start trouble or anything by replying like this, just feel like someone has to show the other side of things. No hard feelings :))

Anyway, I saw a preview for the new video today. I think it's going to be a lot better than "Not myself tonight".

I posted the video so the fact can't be argued. Christina DID throw her gum or whatever it was out in to the crowd. I challenge anyone to watch that and tell me that there was an assistant out in the crowd to catch it. Don't be ridiculous! Nice try. The proof is in the video.

Also, I've never claimed Madonna, Mariah or any other artist to be an angels (nor do they) but unless you have video proof of what you claim Madonna did, I don't believe it. I'm a big fan and I've never heard about that. Also, even if it did happen, I don't know in what context it happened. Besides, Madonna isn't the one under fire here and there is a big difference between Xtina and Madonna or Mariah. Of course big stars have their quirks (liking things a certain way) but that has nothing to do with treating others around you like common garbage. Even MJ had his demands. Again, those are different things.

I have provided substantial proof of Xtina's bad reputation and behavior both in writing and in video.

No hard feelings here either.
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Re: Christina Aguilera & Label At War?

Christina Aguilera's new album, "Bionic," is doing so poorly, music insiders say her label RCA is in "rescue mode."

Her early albums seemed rebellious and edgy compared with Britney Spears' and Jessica Simpson's, but she's now competing against more avant-garde acts such as Gaga, Rihanna and M.I.A.

In the four-year lag since her last album, "Back to Basics," Aguilera has had a child, Max. Now, a source said, she "wants to compete with her peers, but there is a disconnect because, over the years, she's been a mother and a wife, not a rocker."

If true, this shows how sexist & ageist the music buying public is. Having said that I don't believe it is true, if the music was strong enough it wouldn't matter if she had become a Grandmother since Back To Basics it would still sell.

Madonna had one of her biggest album successes (and her most critical success) when she came back from 'maternity leave' with 'Ray Of Light' so marriage/kids shouldn't matter IF the music is good enough.
Re: Christina Aguilera & Label At War?

If true, this shows how sexist & ageist the music buying public is. Having said that I don't believe it is true, if the music was strong enough it wouldn't matter if she had become a Grandmother since Back To Basics it would still sell.

Madonna had one of her biggest album successes (and her most critical success) when she came back from 'maternity leave' with 'Ray Of Light' so marriage/kids shouldn't matter IF the music is good enough.

i know people don't like hearing this but critics having opinions can't determine success, or how good music is. and it may not bw fair but a lot of 'ist' people determine their purchasing habits that way.
I posted the video so the fact can't be argued. Christina DID throw her gum or whatever it was out in to the crowd. I challenge anyone to watch that and tell me that there was an assistant out in the crowd to catch it. Don't be ridiculous! Nice try. The proof is in the video.

Also, I've never claimed Madonna, Mariah or any other artist to be an angels (nor do they) but unless you have video proof of what you claim Madonna did, I don't believe it. I'm a big fan and I've never heard about that. Also, even if it did happen, I don't know in what context it happened. Besides, Madonna isn't the one under fire here and there is a big difference between Xtina and Madonna or Mariah. Of course big stars have their quirks (liking things a certain way) but that has nothing to do with treating others around you like common garbage. Even MJ had his demands. Again, those are different things.

I have provided substantial proof of Xtina's bad reputation and behavior both in writing and in video.

No hard feelings here either.

where is ur video proof of MJ making demands, since we are bringing him back into all this?

you might wanna dig up madonna on mtv 10. tenth anniversary celebration of mtv. you might not like it. anyway we really can't determine what's going on with xtina, here.

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where is ur video proof of MJ making demands, since we are bringing him back into all this?

you might wanna dig up madonna on mtv 10. tenth anniversary celebration of mtv. you might not like it. anyway we really can't determine what's going on with xtina, here.

LOL@that video. Madonna was being silly and ironic. I understand the point you're trying to make but again, this isn't about Madonna and we all know she was very different 10-15 years ago. Just because you don't like what I've presented about Christina Aguilera doesn't mean you have to try and change the subject and dig up decade old videos. It's irrelevant to the discussion. Madonna used to be quite the button pusher and we all know that and that's the image she wanted to project. Strong, provocative, and defiant. Madonna has grown up a lot since then and changed for the better and I thank God above for that.

As for MJ- I'm saying that ALL artists like things a certain way (whether it be lighting, no air conditioning, whatever...). You'd be very foolish to think that Michael didn't have a very specific way of doing things in his life and on camera. He was a perfectionist. I'm not at all suggesting he was rude or mean. Not at all. I'm sorry you took offense and I apologize to anyone else who may as well. We all know MJ was a sweetheart but he still wanted things a certain way. That doesn't make him or anyone else a bad guy.

I was trying to make a point that there is a difference between having certain standards as to how you treat the other people around you.
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LOL@that video. Madonna is being silly. I understand the point you're trying to make but again, this isn't about Madonna and we all know she was very different 10-15 years ago. Just because you don't like what I've presented about Christina Aguilera doesn't mean you have to try and change the subject and dig up decade old videos. It's irrelevant to the discussion. Madonna used to be quite the button pusher and we all know that. She's changed and thank God above for that.
i realize that. and i never said i didn't like what u presented about xtina. my point is, we don't need to be bringing up other artists, since we are discussing xtina, here. i'm hearing mariah, and MJ, and others being brought up, and i'm illustrating where that gets us..and that is...on each others' nerves. lol
i realize that. and i never said i didn't like what u presented about xtina. my point is, we don't need to be bringing up other artists, since we are discussing xtina, here. i'm hearing mariah, and MJ, and others being brought up, and i'm illustrating where that gets us..and that is...on each others' nerves. lol

If you look at all the posts you will see I wasn't the one who brought other artists in to this. Someone else did. They didn't like what they read or saw and so they reciprocated by name dropping. I only mentioned the given names because someone else did first. I was addressing that person. I do get your point and I agree. I wouldn't have brought anyone up otherwise.
Travis, I send you a PM.

Other than that, sorry if I got off topic. I got carried away I guess.
Let's put the focus back on her music instead of artists personalities.
The music is what this thread was intented for. :)
I love her new album. It sucks that it's selling so little. I hope You Lost Me will help her out a bit. The new music video is gorgeous

I've found even more proof of Christina's arrogance, inflated ego, and all around bad behavior. Seriously, I'm starting to think she's a real ***** and deserves the failure she's experiencing.

Watch these recent clips of Christina supporting her album, Bionic. It's unbelievable!

Christina throws gum at her fans:

Christina gets upset that someone coughed during an interview:


I knew about Xtina's arrogance and divae behavior. FOR YEARS she has treated fans like crap. Those two clips are just small example. Still, I support her music because I love her voice. I love every album she has released. The girl has raw talent. But is she a bitch? Yes. Yes. Yes. I still think Bionic is an incredible album though.

Michael, Madonna or Lady Gaga would never treat fans like that. Never.

Maybe all this happening to Christina is bad karma. What goes around comes around.
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Both Christina and RCA need to scrap the rest of the promotion, singles and videos for this album. It's not gonna go anywhere. If it hasn't sold 200K yet, chances are, it's gonna be a LONG time before it sells a million.

Best thing for Christina to do is to regroup, re-invent herself.....something totally original and not copied, and come out with new and better music.
wow....i just watched the vids where aguilera throws gum at fans who say they love her. she won't even say she loves them back. and then...the cough during interview statement.. as phillinganes said, you only go as far, musically, as you go, as a human being. i'm beginning to see why she isn't selling well. i don't care how talented you are, you lose something if you have a crap personality. that's really real.

edit.. i did give some of the songs a listen, those that sony would let earlier poster is right about monday morning channeling billie jean at the beginning, and throughout in some ways, percussion wise... other songs on there weren't likable to me...(although i'm sure others have different opinions) not myself tonight channels a lot of people...Michael with her yell(dstyge style) at the beginning, even justin timberlake, with beat...ala sexyback....and of course Michael at the beginning of her video with line dancing, and channeling madonna and gaga with the rest of the video.

another song on there...woo hoo, sounds like a hit, but appeals to the lowest common denominator..but i'm guessing program directors are going to like that..but to me, the music on that one is the strongest of the songs i was allowed to hear on that album. and the guest rapper, nicki minaj
really added strong hook quality to that song, but again, it appeals to the lowest common denominator. lift me up is a beautiful ballad. i still think a lot of people aren't buying this album cus they saw her bad personality moments, live and on video, or experienced them, personally. the added bolded on this post is an didn't know how to disable it. i didn't mean to bold anything.
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This epic failure proves that it doesn't matter how talented you are, people won't give a damn if you aren't well mannered!