Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic *Update Post 68: War With Label Over Sales"

Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album & A New Summer World Tour

I just heard several songs of "Bionic" in full ("You lost me","Desnudate","Prima donna","Lift me up")and I really like them. I really hope people will give this album a fair chance because it sounds very good.
It sounds like a fun pop album with some Soul in the right places.

If people weren't so focused on the whole Lady Gaga thing and would listen to this album for what it really is, it will be a hit album. I think this album will grow. Maybe not sell record shattering amounts at first,but with more singles released it will start selling a lot more.

I had my doubts before but now I can't wait to get this album friday :)
Why they released "Not Myself Tonight" as the first single is something I don't understand there seem to be way better songs on the album...
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album & A New Summer World Tour

I just heard several songs of "Bionic" in full ("You lost me","Desnudate","Prima donna","Lift me up")and I really like them. I really hope people will give this album a fair chance because it sounds very good.
It sounds like a fun pop album with some Soul in the right places.

If people weren't so focused on the whole Lady Gaga thing and would listen to this album for what it really is, it will be a hit album. I think this album will grow. Maybe not sell record shattering amounts at first,but with more singles released it will start selling a lot more.

I had my doubts before but now I can't wait to get this album friday :)
Why they released "Not Myself Tonight" as the first single is something I don't understand there seem to be way better songs on the album...

I agree. There ARE good songs on the album, you just need to listen to them carefully and not only judge because of the first single. :)
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album & A New Summer World Tour

From what I've heard, the tour has been canceled.
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album & A New Summer World Tour

Well I just got the album and I really love it! :)
Again I'm a little surprised because I thought I wouldn't like it very much but there are definitly songs on there that are on repeat for me.
In fact it's hard to name just a few.

"Sex for Breakfast" is definitly one people should check out. It has a very Janet Jackson/90's r&b style. (Trust me,the title sounds worse than the song)
"All I need" is a very sweet song. Easy to sing along and about her son.
"Prima donna" has a hiphop flavor, also a good song imo.
"Monday morning" is like a fun summer song to me.
"Glam" is also a fun song.
"Birds of prey" is hard to compare to anything. I guess the closest thing would be Madonna's Bedtime Story or something of her Ray of Light album. Really interesting and kind of dark.
All the ballads and slower songs sound great actually.

The ones that were available to the public so far have been the weakest songs on the album.So don't let that be an indication of the album.

The real electronic songs sound nothing like Lady Gaga, they sound more.. well electronic lol. I mean more like people as Peaces, Robyn that sort of people.

A lot of the songs are on Youtube so I think people should check it out and then decide wether you like it or not.

It's like her stripped album but with a slightly different sound.
I know I'm repeating myself but it would ba crime imo if this album didn't get more regocnition because it is nothing like what some people are making it out to be.
Definitly not a failure on her part.
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Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album & A New Summer World Tour

Well I just got the album and I really love it! :)
Again I'm a little surprised because I thought I wouldn't like it very much but there are definitly songs on there that are on repeat for me.
In fact it's hard to name just a few.

"Sex for Breakfast" is definitly one people should check out. It has a very Janet Jackson/90's r&b style. (Trust me,the title sounds worse than the song)
"All I need" is a very sweet song. Easy to sing along and about her son.
"Prima donna" has a hiphop flavor, also a good song imo.
"Monday morning" is like a fun summer song to me.
"Glam" is also a fun song.
"Birds of prey" is hard to compare to anything. I guess the closest thing would be Madonna's Bedtime Story or something of her Ray of Light album. Really interesting and kind of dark.
All the ballads and slower songs sound great actually.

The ones that were available to the public so far have been the weakest songs on the album.So don't let that be an indication of the album.

The real electronic songs sound nothing like Lady Gaga, they sound more.. well electronic lol. I mean more like people as Peaces, Robyn that sort of people.

A lot of the songs are on Youtube so I think people should check it out and then decide wether you like it or not.

It's like her stripped album but with a slightly different sound.
I know I'm repeating myself but it would ba crime imo if this album didn't get more regocnition because it is nothing like what some people are making it out to be.
Definitly not a failure on her part.
wait the album's already out? i thought it was june 8th
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album & A New Summer World Tour

Yes,it was released today in several countries. ( I forgot which ones exactly though one of them is Holland)
It will be released June 8th in others (including the US)
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album & A New Summer World Tour

I got it today but i havent had the chance to hear it yet
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Boinc

Can someone please edit the title of this thread, at a minimum for the benefit of search purposes but also for the sake of propriety:
Christina Aguilera's New Album Boinc
Her CD is called "Bionic," not "Boinc," although I'm sure a lot of the tracks are about boinking.:D
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album 'Bionic'

Can someone please edit the title of this thread, at a minimum for the benefit of search purposes but also for the sake of propriety:

Her CD is called "Bionic," not "Boinc," although I'm sure a lot of the tracks are about boinking.:D

Hahahah :giggle:

I would if I could, but I don't know how to change the title of a thread, so... sorry :blush:
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Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Boinc

i got the album.. loved it. 1st cd i bought this year haha.
lift me up is hands down my fave song ... it reminds me of michael :(
and sex for breakfast is my other fave
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

Her new album is, for the most part, absolutely awful. "Not Myself Tonight" is a terrible song with absolutely no redeeming quality. The video is really cool though (so it's like the opposite of Gaga's "Alejandro"--good song, awful video.)

Anyway, I'm a fan of Xtina's and I thought "Back to Basics" was a great album. I was looking forward to "Bionic". Even after the "Not Myself Tonight" fiasco, I was willing to give the rest of the album a listen, so I went on YouTube and gave the tracks a listen. Almost all of them were complete, monotone crap, which is not Xtina's style at all. It's quite unfortunate that she's selling out that way, because her voice is absolutely beautiful.

When only the last track was left, I was left with a decision. After facing so much disappointment with the previous tracks, I was tempted to just give up hopes on finding a good song on the album. Curiosity got the better of me, though.

So back to YouTube I went and I listened to the album's last, titled "Little Dreamer". I'm going to be honest and say that, having no clue about what a song titled that way would sound like and judging by the rest of the album, I thought this song was going to suck.

Oh, how wrong I was. This song was absolutely amazing and heartbreaking. It was so full of emotion. The lyrics were excellent and heartfelt. It was so different from all the shallow crap out there these days. I cried while listening to it, and I usually don't cry for non-MJ songs. I was so in love with the song, I immediately went to iTunes and downloaded it.

So, if you like the rest of "Bionic", great. If you're a Xtina fan who doesn't quite like the new material (like me), I urge you to at least give the above stated song a listen.
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

i have to listen to her whole album, i think prima donna is a good uptempo, its sucks bionic is her lowest selling album to date though
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

It's official! Bionic is a bomb.

Even though I'm not a big fan anymore, I do feel bad for CA. Back in the late 90's, early 2000's, I really digged her. She was everywhere with promotion going in to this album and she still failed to debut at #1! A freakin' Glee cd took the top spot and then Eclipse came in at #2 (Twilight). That's gotta hurt! Not to mention the singles have flopped. "Not Myself Tonight" fell off the charts long ago and "Woo Hoo" peaked at #79.

I am thinking more and more that maybe the stuff said about Christina's cockiness is true and what has turned people off. This album is full of songs about how awesome she thinks she is. She even calls herself the Queen. Sure, lots of people do that stuff in song but in this case I think Christina's real life reputation has become a factor of her failure. She acts as if she is some incredible legend in interviews (if I have to hear her bragging about being in the business for a decade one more time I'm gonna scream!) and during performances. From information I've gathered, I have found that people in the business and general public seem to not like her as a person.

For instance, take a look at this:

XTINA'S DISS LIST. Wow, this is shocking. I had no idea that she had dissed SO MANY people over the years.

valerie bertinelli talks about christina's diva attitude

mary j blige talks about christina's diva attitude ... tina_music

On Lady GaGa: “You know, that’s funny that you mention that. This person was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I’m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. I just wasn’t sure. I really don’t spend any time on the Internet, so I guess I live a little under a rock in that respect.”

On Lady Gaga again: When the subject of Gaga was raised yet again, the 29-year-old replied with a chuckle “Oh the newcomer?” before adding: “I dunno I guess she can be really fun to look at”. The sharp tongued Pop starlet is no stranger to criticising her peers. Britney, Beyonce, P!nk and Mariah Carey have been victims of her cattiness in years past. It really says a lot that she stays attacking her rivals (who ALL refuse to stoop her level) when they continue to be much more successful in comparison. Shame on you Christina.

On Beyonce & Brit: “Look at people like Beyoncé or Britney. They’re desperate to come across as sweet, good little girls, but then you see them in photo shoots that are extremely sexual — tight little booty shorts, and not much else. So why do they try to be virginal in interviews?” She holds a finger to her mouth, Lolita-like, and affects a note-perfect Spears impersonation. “ ‘Oh, gosh, I haven’t even kissed a boy in I don’t know how long!’ ”

On Mariah Carey: "One time, we were at a party and I think she got really drunk, and she had just really derogatory things to say to me," Aguilera told the magazine. "But it was at that time that she had that breakdown, so she might have been very medicated."

In response to Aguilera's comments, Carey told Access Hollywood, "I had hoped that Christina was in a better place now than the last time I saw her, when she showed up uninvited at one of my parties and displayed questionable behavior.

"It is sad yet predictable that she would use my name at this time to reinvent past incidents for her promotional gain," Carey added. "It is in my heart to forgive and I will keep her in my prayers."

"I do not want any bad energy with anyone," Aguilera told Blender magazine when asked for comment. "My intentions were not to upset Mariah with any statements that were published or taken out of context. I have all the respect in the world for her."

On Pink: I ask her what she thinks about Pink's recent kissing antics with Terminator 3 actress Kristanna Loken at the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo so soon after her now infamous snog with Britney Spears and Madonna at the MTV Awards in New York.

She huffs and sighs before sharpening her claws and sniffing: "When has Pink not been copying me? In her fashion and so on, it's always like 'Gosh, I just wore that last week.'

"But I would kiss a girl again. The Madonna thing was a one-off but girls are nice to kiss, nice and soft.

"I'm sure Pink and this girl got whatever they did on camera and I'm sure that was the inspiration for it."

On Jennifer Love Hewitt: “She wants a bunch of white boys I don’t want… I would scare the sh** out of her if she came to one of my sleepovers.”

What Mary J. Blige thinks of her: Hip-hop soul diva Mary J. Blige has vowed to never record a song with pop diva Christina Aguilera because she feels that she is "rude". Recalling their first meeting Mary said that upon greeting each other Xtina extended her hand to Mary as though she wanted her to kiss it which was taken as an extreme insult by Blige.

Mary was very candid about her dislike for Christina during a filming of a documentary for British TV even saying that the 'Dirrty' singer was not going to last in the business because she doesn't know how to treat people and that Britney will be the one to go the farthest. After having had time to consider the impact of her statements, Mary tried to have her comments on Xtina taken out of the documentary but they were included regardless.

The finger drops away, and her top lip curls into an Elvis sneer. “Come on, girls, stop contradicting yourselves! If you want to do those magazine covers and those videos, then fine, more power to you. But don’t revert to innocence afterward.” She shakes her head. “I will not hide behind anything, ever. I’m a sexually strong female, and I’m proud to be one. If anyone has a problem with that, tough".

And, of course, Christina on Britney Spears: “Actually, I was up for kissing Britney,” Aguilera says, “but Britney wasn’t. She was . . . she seemed very distant, even during rehearsals. Every time I tried to start a conversation with her — well, let’s just say she seemed nervous the whole time. I wanted to reach out to her, because I feel she needs somebody in her life right now to help guide her.”

“Well, I feel I’ve grown a lot this year, and we did used to be friends once, after all. She seems to me like a lost little girl, someone who desperately needs guidance. But who knows — maybe I’m not the right person to offer it. We’re very different people, aren’t we? In our world, there are different types of entertainers. You have your artists and you have your regular performers. I’m an artist, and, well. . . . ”

“Absolutely!” she insists. “I don’t do things based on what she does or doesn’t do, you know. And anyway, she did some kind of roller-skating thing for them. I’m not planning on doing any of that kind of s**t.”

Vin Diesel makes it known he’s no fan of Christina Aguilera recounting a bad backstage run-in with Aguilera at last year’s MTV Europe Music Awards rehearsals. “Christina [Aguilera] is a pretty girl, but she’s got a bad attitude that’s not for me. I couldn’t be around someone like that.” When asked to elaborate, he said, “We were doing rehearsals for the Europe Awards and I was filming a segment that was to be aired for the show, and [Aguilera] walks by and ruins the shot – she walked right in front of the camera. Now, this wasn’t a problem the first time, because I had no problem with reshooting, but as we were reshooting, she did it again. So, one of the directors went over and talked to her about it, and all I heard was, ‘You’re fu**ing telling me what to do!?’. It was ridiculous and completely uncalled for.”

Westlife star Kian Egan has hit out at fellow pop star Christina Aguilera, branding her the "nastiest" and "ugliest" person he has ever met.
The Irish boy band star made the remarks about the American singer in the December issue of the BBC's Live & Kicking magazine.

"She thinks she's better than everyone," he said. "I think she has a great voice, but I don't rate her personality or looks."

His comments are the latest in a series of frosty exchanges in the music world - including the on-going war of words between Robbie Williams and Liam Gallagher.

Egan's scathing attack comes after he and bandmate Mark Feehily had a run-in with the American singer.

When asked by the magazine about the nastiest person he had encountered, he replied: "Christina Aguilera. She got Mark moved out out of his seat at a club.

"She told a bouncer to go over to him and tell him to move. Christina just stood behind him giggling."

He added: "I don't know how she had the nerve. I could never do that. I'm not more important than the next person."

Kian is not the only member of Westlife to take a swipe at a fellow pop star.

Celebrity photographer Rankin Waddell has branded pint-sized powerhouse Christina Aguilera as the most nasty celebrity he has ever worked with.

Rankin, who has worked with celebs like supemodel Kate Moss and the Material Girl Madonna, says notorious diva Christina was simply a nightmare to work with.

“Christina Aguilera is a really horrible, nasty person and I would never work with her again.” Why? “Because she’s not nice. She’s just not a nice person. She was pregnant when I shot her so maybe she was having a bad day. But I don’t think so,” retorts the shutterbug once branded the bad boy of the photography world.

“…She’s very cold and quite rude. I didn’t like the way she treated people around her. I don’t care if she gets to know it either.”

“Christina was a diva from hell and pure torture to be around. She’s so self-obsessed,” Rankin adds. “She insisted her chauffeur drive
her indoors into the studio so she wasn’t papped — even though there was nobody outside. Then she crashed my after-party and her bodyguard stood outside the bathroom shouting: ‘Make sure nobody but Christina uses this toilet so we won't have any problems tonight.’”

Charlotte Church Slams Christina Aguilera

Churh slams 'Nasty, Rude' Aguilera

British singer Charlotte Church was shocked when she met pop babe Christina Aguilera at their mutual agent's office, declaring the DIRRTY hitmaker the "nastiest celebrity I've ever met". The teen soprano and Aguilera share the same agent in Los Angeles, and during Church's visit a few years ago, she was disgusted by the American singer's behaviour. Church says, "Christina really is the nastiest celebrity I ever met. "We've got the same management in LA and I saw her in the office there.
"She didn't really do anything to me, but she was quite rude to everyone in the office and was literally screaming at her manager about seating for an upcoming award show."

Kelly Osbourne: Everyone I’ve Met Hates Christina Aguilera

Kelly Osbourne has again lashed out at pop rival Christina Aguilera. “Everyone I know and have met hates Christina. She’s very nasty,” Kelly said. “I’ve known her since I was ten and it’s fair to say that she’s been horrible her whole life. If Christina offered me a white flag I’d kick her in the face. I couldn’t even be in the same room as her because I know she would probably come up to me and punch me, and then hide behind some ten-foot tall security guard like a p***y. She hates me because I point out the true things and the truth hurts. She’s so childish and superficial, and the reason she’s like that is because she was never in contact with kids of her own age when she was growing up, so she never matured.”

Access Hollywood has a video clip of Christina Aguilera talking about her confrontation with Kelly Osbourne, who has been highly critical of the singer. “Personally I think she has a crush on me, because she seems so obsessed with talking about me,” Aguilera told Billy Bush. “I tried to confront her at a club, I think, and she just totally backed up, she was just like, ‘I don’t have anything to say about you, blah, blah, blah. That’s not me, that’s my mother.’ When I confronted her in person she really didn’t have anything to say, so I don’t know.”

Kelly Osbourne unleashed a verbal assault on Christina Aguilera to Heat magazine describing their meeting. She says Christina spoke to her in Ebonics “like she was from the ghetto”. Kelly added, “She was like ‘Yo girl, artists for artists, yo, why you been talkin’ sh**’? I didn’t understand a word she was saying. But I stopped saying things about her. Then she made out like she had started a fight with me, to make herself look cool. She’s like a fu**ing feather. I could pick her up and chuck her across the room. She’s a $*#@@. She has a mouth on her, but she’s all talk. She only does it because she always has a security guard around to punch anyone she gets in a fight with.”
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

It's official! Bionic is a bomb.

Even though I'm not a big fan anymore, I do feel bad for CA. Back in the late 90's, early 2000's, I really digged her. She was everywhere with promotion going in to this album and she still failed to debut at #1! A freakin' Glee cd took the top spot and then Eclipse came in at #2 (Twilight). That's gotta hurt! Not to mention the singles have flopped. "Not Myself Tonight" fell off the charts long ago and "Woo Hoo" peaked at #79.

I am thinking more and more that maybe the stuff said about Christina's cockiness is true and what has turned people off. This album is full of songs about how awesome she thinks she is. She even calls herself the Queen. Sure, lots of people do that stuff in song but in this case I think Christina's real life reputation has become a factor of her failure. She acts as if she is some incredible legend in interviews (if I have to hear her bragging about being in the business for a decade one more time I'm gonna scream!) and during performances. From information I've gathered, I have found that people in the business and general public seem to not like her as a person.

For instance, take a look at this:

XTINA'S DISS LIST. Wow, this is shocking. I had no idea that she had dissed SO MANY people over the years.

valerie bertinelli talks about christina's diva attitude

mary j blige talks about christina's diva attitude ... tina_music

On Lady GaGa: “You know, that’s funny that you mention that. This person was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I’m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. I just wasn’t sure. I really don’t spend any time on the Internet, so I guess I live a little under a rock in that respect.”

On Lady Gaga again: When the subject of Gaga was raised yet again, the 29-year-old replied with a chuckle “Oh the newcomer?” before adding: “I dunno I guess she can be really fun to look at”. The sharp tongued Pop starlet is no stranger to criticising her peers. Britney, Beyonce, P!nk and Mariah Carey have been victims of her cattiness in years past. It really says a lot that she stays attacking her rivals (who ALL refuse to stoop her level) when they continue to be much more successful in comparison. Shame on you Christina.

On Beyonce & Brit: “Look at people like Beyoncé or Britney. They’re desperate to come across as sweet, good little girls, but then you see them in photo shoots that are extremely sexual — tight little booty shorts, and not much else. So why do they try to be virginal in interviews?” She holds a finger to her mouth, Lolita-like, and affects a note-perfect Spears impersonation. “ ‘Oh, gosh, I haven’t even kissed a boy in I don’t know how long!’ ”

On Mariah Carey: "One time, we were at a party and I think she got really drunk, and she had just really derogatory things to say to me," Aguilera told the magazine. "But it was at that time that she had that breakdown, so she might have been very medicated."

In response to Aguilera's comments, Carey told Access Hollywood, "I had hoped that Christina was in a better place now than the last time I saw her, when she showed up uninvited at one of my parties and displayed questionable behavior.

"It is sad yet predictable that she would use my name at this time to reinvent past incidents for her promotional gain," Carey added. "It is in my heart to forgive and I will keep her in my prayers."

"I do not want any bad energy with anyone," Aguilera told Blender magazine when asked for comment. "My intentions were not to upset Mariah with any statements that were published or taken out of context. I have all the respect in the world for her."

On Pink: I ask her what she thinks about Pink's recent kissing antics with Terminator 3 actress Kristanna Loken at the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo so soon after her now infamous snog with Britney Spears and Madonna at the MTV Awards in New York.

She huffs and sighs before sharpening her claws and sniffing: "When has Pink not been copying me? In her fashion and so on, it's always like 'Gosh, I just wore that last week.'

"But I would kiss a girl again. The Madonna thing was a one-off but girls are nice to kiss, nice and soft.

"I'm sure Pink and this girl got whatever they did on camera and I'm sure that was the inspiration for it."

On Jennifer Love Hewitt: “She wants a bunch of white boys I don’t want… I would scare the sh** out of her if she came to one of my sleepovers.”

What Mary J. Blige thinks of her: Hip-hop soul diva Mary J. Blige has vowed to never record a song with pop diva Christina Aguilera because she feels that she is "rude". Recalling their first meeting Mary said that upon greeting each other Xtina extended her hand to Mary as though she wanted her to kiss it which was taken as an extreme insult by Blige.

Mary was very candid about her dislike for Christina during a filming of a documentary for British TV even saying that the 'Dirrty' singer was not going to last in the business because she doesn't know how to treat people and that Britney will be the one to go the farthest. After having had time to consider the impact of her statements, Mary tried to have her comments on Xtina taken out of the documentary but they were included regardless.

The finger drops away, and her top lip curls into an Elvis sneer. “Come on, girls, stop contradicting yourselves! If you want to do those magazine covers and those videos, then fine, more power to you. But don’t revert to innocence afterward.” She shakes her head. “I will not hide behind anything, ever. I’m a sexually strong female, and I’m proud to be one. If anyone has a problem with that, tough".

And, of course, Christina on Britney Spears: “Actually, I was up for kissing Britney,” Aguilera says, “but Britney wasn’t. She was . . . she seemed very distant, even during rehearsals. Every time I tried to start a conversation with her — well, let’s just say she seemed nervous the whole time. I wanted to reach out to her, because I feel she needs somebody in her life right now to help guide her.”

“Well, I feel I’ve grown a lot this year, and we did used to be friends once, after all. She seems to me like a lost little girl, someone who desperately needs guidance. But who knows — maybe I’m not the right person to offer it. We’re very different people, aren’t we? In our world, there are different types of entertainers. You have your artists and you have your regular performers. I’m an artist, and, well. . . . ”

“Absolutely!” she insists. “I don’t do things based on what she does or doesn’t do, you know. And anyway, she did some kind of roller-skating thing for them. I’m not planning on doing any of that kind of s**t.”

Vin Diesel makes it known he’s no fan of Christina Aguilera recounting a bad backstage run-in with Aguilera at last year’s MTV Europe Music Awards rehearsals. “Christina [Aguilera] is a pretty girl, but she’s got a bad attitude that’s not for me. I couldn’t be around someone like that.” When asked to elaborate, he said, “We were doing rehearsals for the Europe Awards and I was filming a segment that was to be aired for the show, and [Aguilera] walks by and ruins the shot – she walked right in front of the camera. Now, this wasn’t a problem the first time, because I had no problem with reshooting, but as we were reshooting, she did it again. So, one of the directors went over and talked to her about it, and all I heard was, ‘You’re fu**ing telling me what to do!?’. It was ridiculous and completely uncalled for.”

Westlife star Kian Egan has hit out at fellow pop star Christina Aguilera, branding her the "nastiest" and "ugliest" person he has ever met.
The Irish boy band star made the remarks about the American singer in the December issue of the BBC's Live & Kicking magazine.

"She thinks she's better than everyone," he said. "I think she has a great voice, but I don't rate her personality or looks."

His comments are the latest in a series of frosty exchanges in the music world - including the on-going war of words between Robbie Williams and Liam Gallagher.

Egan's scathing attack comes after he and bandmate Mark Feehily had a run-in with the American singer.

When asked by the magazine about the nastiest person he had encountered, he replied: "Christina Aguilera. She got Mark moved out out of his seat at a club.

"She told a bouncer to go over to him and tell him to move. Christina just stood behind him giggling."

He added: "I don't know how she had the nerve. I could never do that. I'm not more important than the next person."

Kian is not the only member of Westlife to take a swipe at a fellow pop star.

Celebrity photographer Rankin Waddell has branded pint-sized powerhouse Christina Aguilera as the most nasty celebrity he has ever worked with.

Rankin, who has worked with celebs like supemodel Kate Moss and the Material Girl Madonna, says notorious diva Christina was simply a nightmare to work with.

“Christina Aguilera is a really horrible, nasty person and I would never work with her again.” Why? “Because she’s not nice. She’s just not a nice person. She was pregnant when I shot her so maybe she was having a bad day. But I don’t think so,” retorts the shutterbug once branded the bad boy of the photography world.

“…She’s very cold and quite rude. I didn’t like the way she treated people around her. I don’t care if she gets to know it either.”

“Christina was a diva from hell and pure torture to be around. She’s so self-obsessed,” Rankin adds. “She insisted her chauffeur drive
her indoors into the studio so she wasn’t papped — even though there was nobody outside. Then she crashed my after-party and her bodyguard stood outside the bathroom shouting: ‘Make sure nobody but Christina uses this toilet so we won't have any problems tonight.’”

Charlotte Church Slams Christina Aguilera

Churh slams 'Nasty, Rude' Aguilera

British singer Charlotte Church was shocked when she met pop babe Christina Aguilera at their mutual agent's office, declaring the DIRRTY hitmaker the "nastiest celebrity I've ever met". The teen soprano and Aguilera share the same agent in Los Angeles, and during Church's visit a few years ago, she was disgusted by the American singer's behaviour. Church says, "Christina really is the nastiest celebrity I ever met. "We've got the same management in LA and I saw her in the office there.
"She didn't really do anything to me, but she was quite rude to everyone in the office and was literally screaming at her manager about seating for an upcoming award show."

Kelly Osbourne: Everyone I’ve Met Hates Christina Aguilera

Kelly Osbourne has again lashed out at pop rival Christina Aguilera. “Everyone I know and have met hates Christina. She’s very nasty,” Kelly said. “I’ve known her since I was ten and it’s fair to say that she’s been horrible her whole life. If Christina offered me a white flag I’d kick her in the face. I couldn’t even be in the same room as her because I know she would probably come up to me and punch me, and then hide behind some ten-foot tall security guard like a p***y. She hates me because I point out the true things and the truth hurts. She’s so childish and superficial, and the reason she’s like that is because she was never in contact with kids of her own age when she was growing up, so she never matured.”

Access Hollywood has a video clip of Christina Aguilera talking about her confrontation with Kelly Osbourne, who has been highly critical of the singer. “Personally I think she has a crush on me, because she seems so obsessed with talking about me,” Aguilera told Billy Bush. “I tried to confront her at a club, I think, and she just totally backed up, she was just like, ‘I don’t have anything to say about you, blah, blah, blah. That’s not me, that’s my mother.’ When I confronted her in person she really didn’t have anything to say, so I don’t know.”

Kelly Osbourne unleashed a verbal assault on Christina Aguilera to Heat magazine describing their meeting. She says Christina spoke to her in Ebonics “like she was from the ghetto”. Kelly added, “She was like ‘Yo girl, artists for artists, yo, why you been talkin’ sh**’? I didn’t understand a word she was saying. But I stopped saying things about her. Then she made out like she had started a fight with me, to make herself look cool. She’s like a fu**ing feather. I could pick her up and chuck her across the room. She’s a $*#@@. She has a mouth on her, but she’s all talk. She only does it because she always has a security guard around to punch anyone she gets in a fight with.”

woah i had no clue her attitude was like that i've always her mother say she was very shy and things like that but idk do u think it the cause of the abuse from her father and when kids at her school use to bully anf harass her and her mom made her turn kind of bitter on the inside when she became famouse b/c being famous give some type of power to walk on others
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

i might be the only one but does christina aguilera's song glam song similar to madonna's vogue in a way
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

@ Travis

Yeah, her album is, overall a total bomb. It's a shame
because Xtina is so talented. I don't know why she thinks she needs to stoop to criticizing others to feel better about herself.

Xtina has said a ton of stuff about a lot of different people, who all have fans who didn't take that too well, so maybe that is part of the reason why this album isn't doing so well. I think the recent failure has more to do with the fact that almost all the songs are awful. Even the title track was horrible, and that's obviously not helping her album sales if all the current singles and the title track suck. "Little Dreamer" is the only song out of that album that's worth a damn, IMO.

Anyway, neither Britney nor Beyonce have ever really said anything about any other artist like that and neither one of them is arrogant. Mariah can be a bit arrogant sometimes, but she has never dissed the way Xtina does.

Lady Gaga is super-obnoxious and arrogant (judging by her interviews), but even she has never put others down. Her arrogance is fueled by an inflated perception of the self, not by malicious cattiness. In any case, even if she's full of herself, the girl has never done anything to Xtina and did not deserve those comments.

I think Bionic could have been more than it was. It's not even recognizable as Xtina. It's almost as if her label forced her to adopt another style to boost sales or something. I'm not claiming this is true (how would I know?). All I'm saying is that the new material sounds a bit forced and so totally not Xtina. Especially the singles. Ugh...
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

well in fact i was just hearing her, and her voice is amazing... :)
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Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

It's also obvious wich side she is.
First look at the cover, i was like aaah dude...what a shame. But she came from the micky mouse club, so it was obvious.
I liked her music before, bubblegum music, even though she didn't wright it.
In the earlier years i liked Britney's music also a lot, but i know now much more.
And the whole famous crap, with so called a-lists, is al set-up and in the making. It makes me sick...
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

Well like I said before this album isn't as great as her others but I don't think it's crap like some people feel.
There are good songs on there, especially the slower songs, unfortunatly she chose the wrong image to represent this album.
It's unfortunate because the girl can really sing.

I think she will be fine in the end though. If she comes back with a toned down image like she did with her back to basics älbum she will bounce back.
She says she has been listening to Lauryn Hill's album ""The miseducation of Lauryn hill"" lately so hopefully that sort of sound will inspire her next album. It think that would fit her better than this electropop sound.

People hate on her now but fact is, if she has a hit song behind her the hate will die down again. So I think she will bounce back from all of this.
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

Well like I said before this album isn't as great as her others but I don't think it's crap like some people feel.
There are good songs on there, especially the slower songs, unfortunatly she chose the wrong image to represent this album.
It's unfortunate because the girl can really sing.

I think she will be fine in the end though. If she comes back with a toned down image like she did with her back to basics älbum she will bounce back.
She says she has been listening to Lauryn Hill's album ""The miseducation of Lauryn hill"" lately so hopefully that sort of sound will inspire her next album. It think that would fit her better than this electropop sound.

People hate on her now but fact is, if she has a hit song behind her the hate will die down again. So I think she will bounce back from all of this.

Xtina still has a chance to bounce back. I'm in agreement. I think this album could have faired better had she of not promoted it so hyper sexually. However, keep in mind that "Back To Basics" wasn't all that successful either. Miles ahead of this album but she's been on a downward spiral ever since her last truly great album, Stripped. Plus, she takes far too long between albums and she isn't as interesting as MJ is. Not very many people can do that.

In this case, all the sex hasn't worked in Xtina's favor either. Makes you wonder how Madonna was/is able to use sexuality to her advantage and yet when others try it, they fall and fall hard. I know the answer to that, but it's still very interesting to ponder. Just goes to show how bloody brilliant Madonna is. Xtina needs a new image and sound, pronto, if she wants her career to survive the next go round.
Re: Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic

i haven't listened to all songs yet.i have to say i love"little dreamer" and "sex for breakfast" so far.
"sex for breakfast" is a sexy yet relaxing song. it kind of reminds me of "loving me 4 me" in stripped.
listening to "little dreamer" makes me think of babies.i guess it's a song about her son?the lyrics are reminds me of michael too...

It's official! Bionic is a bomb.

Even though I'm not a big fan anymore, I do feel bad for CA. Back in the late 90's, early 2000's, I really digged her. She was everywhere with promotion going in to this album and she still failed to debut at #1! A freakin' Glee cd took the top spot and then Eclipse came in at #2 (Twilight). That's gotta hurt! Not to mention the singles have flopped. "Not Myself Tonight" fell off the charts long ago and "Woo Hoo" peaked at #79.

I am thinking more and more that maybe the stuff said about Christina's cockiness is true and what has turned people off. This album is full of songs about how awesome she thinks she is. She even calls herself the Queen. Sure, lots of people do that stuff in song but in this case I think Christina's real life reputation has become a factor of her failure. She acts as if she is some incredible legend in interviews (if I have to hear her bragging about being in the business for a decade one more time I'm gonna scream!) and during performances. From information I've gathered, I have found that people in the business and general public seem to not like her as a person.

For instance, take a look at this:

XTINA'S DISS LIST. Wow, this is shocking. I had no idea that she had dissed SO MANY people over the years.

valerie bertinelli talks about christina's diva attitude

mary j blige talks about christina's diva attitude ... tina_music

On Lady GaGa: “You know, that’s funny that you mention that. This person was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I’m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. I just wasn’t sure. I really don’t spend any time on the Internet, so I guess I live a little under a rock in that respect.”

On Lady Gaga again: When the subject of Gaga was raised yet again, the 29-year-old replied with a chuckle “Oh the newcomer?” before adding: “I dunno I guess she can be really fun to look at”. The sharp tongued Pop starlet is no stranger to criticising her peers. Britney, Beyonce, P!nk and Mariah Carey have been victims of her cattiness in years past. It really says a lot that she stays attacking her rivals (who ALL refuse to stoop her level) when they continue to be much more successful in comparison. Shame on you Christina.

On Beyonce & Brit: “Look at people like Beyoncé or Britney. They’re desperate to come across as sweet, good little girls, but then you see them in photo shoots that are extremely sexual — tight little booty shorts, and not much else. So why do they try to be virginal in interviews?” She holds a finger to her mouth, Lolita-like, and affects a note-perfect Spears impersonation. “ ‘Oh, gosh, I haven’t even kissed a boy in I don’t know how long!’ ”

On Mariah Carey: "One time, we were at a party and I think she got really drunk, and she had just really derogatory things to say to me," Aguilera told the magazine. "But it was at that time that she had that breakdown, so she might have been very medicated."

In response to Aguilera's comments, Carey told Access Hollywood, "I had hoped that Christina was in a better place now than the last time I saw her, when she showed up uninvited at one of my parties and displayed questionable behavior.

"It is sad yet predictable that she would use my name at this time to reinvent past incidents for her promotional gain," Carey added. "It is in my heart to forgive and I will keep her in my prayers."

"I do not want any bad energy with anyone," Aguilera told Blender magazine when asked for comment. "My intentions were not to upset Mariah with any statements that were published or taken out of context. I have all the respect in the world for her."

On Pink: I ask her what she thinks about Pink's recent kissing antics with Terminator 3 actress Kristanna Loken at the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo so soon after her now infamous snog with Britney Spears and Madonna at the MTV Awards in New York.

She huffs and sighs before sharpening her claws and sniffing: "When has Pink not been copying me? In her fashion and so on, it's always like 'Gosh, I just wore that last week.'

"But I would kiss a girl again. The Madonna thing was a one-off but girls are nice to kiss, nice and soft.

"I'm sure Pink and this girl got whatever they did on camera and I'm sure that was the inspiration for it."

On Jennifer Love Hewitt: “She wants a bunch of white boys I don’t want… I would scare the sh** out of her if she came to one of my sleepovers.”

What Mary J. Blige thinks of her: Hip-hop soul diva Mary J. Blige has vowed to never record a song with pop diva Christina Aguilera because she feels that she is "rude". Recalling their first meeting Mary said that upon greeting each other Xtina extended her hand to Mary as though she wanted her to kiss it which was taken as an extreme insult by Blige.

Mary was very candid about her dislike for Christina during a filming of a documentary for British TV even saying that the 'Dirrty' singer was not going to last in the business because she doesn't know how to treat people and that Britney will be the one to go the farthest. After having had time to consider the impact of her statements, Mary tried to have her comments on Xtina taken out of the documentary but they were included regardless.

The finger drops away, and her top lip curls into an Elvis sneer. “Come on, girls, stop contradicting yourselves! If you want to do those magazine covers and those videos, then fine, more power to you. But don’t revert to innocence afterward.” She shakes her head. “I will not hide behind anything, ever. I’m a sexually strong female, and I’m proud to be one. If anyone has a problem with that, tough".

And, of course, Christina on Britney Spears: “Actually, I was up for kissing Britney,” Aguilera says, “but Britney wasn’t. She was . . . she seemed very distant, even during rehearsals. Every time I tried to start a conversation with her — well, let’s just say she seemed nervous the whole time. I wanted to reach out to her, because I feel she needs somebody in her life right now to help guide her.”

“Well, I feel I’ve grown a lot this year, and we did used to be friends once, after all. She seems to me like a lost little girl, someone who desperately needs guidance. But who knows — maybe I’m not the right person to offer it. We’re very different people, aren’t we? In our world, there are different types of entertainers. You have your artists and you have your regular performers. I’m an artist, and, well. . . . ”

“Absolutely!” she insists. “I don’t do things based on what she does or doesn’t do, you know. And anyway, she did some kind of roller-skating thing for them. I’m not planning on doing any of that kind of s**t.”

Vin Diesel makes it known he’s no fan of Christina Aguilera recounting a bad backstage run-in with Aguilera at last year’s MTV Europe Music Awards rehearsals. “Christina [Aguilera] is a pretty girl, but she’s got a bad attitude that’s not for me. I couldn’t be around someone like that.” When asked to elaborate, he said, “We were doing rehearsals for the Europe Awards and I was filming a segment that was to be aired for the show, and [Aguilera] walks by and ruins the shot – she walked right in front of the camera. Now, this wasn’t a problem the first time, because I had no problem with reshooting, but as we were reshooting, she did it again. So, one of the directors went over and talked to her about it, and all I heard was, ‘You’re fu**ing telling me what to do!?’. It was ridiculous and completely uncalled for.”

Westlife star Kian Egan has hit out at fellow pop star Christina Aguilera, branding her the "nastiest" and "ugliest" person he has ever met.
The Irish boy band star made the remarks about the American singer in the December issue of the BBC's Live & Kicking magazine.

"She thinks she's better than everyone," he said. "I think she has a great voice, but I don't rate her personality or looks."

His comments are the latest in a series of frosty exchanges in the music world - including the on-going war of words between Robbie Williams and Liam Gallagher.

Egan's scathing attack comes after he and bandmate Mark Feehily had a run-in with the American singer.

When asked by the magazine about the nastiest person he had encountered, he replied: "Christina Aguilera. She got Mark moved out out of his seat at a club.

"She told a bouncer to go over to him and tell him to move. Christina just stood behind him giggling."

He added: "I don't know how she had the nerve. I could never do that. I'm not more important than the next person."

Kian is not the only member of Westlife to take a swipe at a fellow pop star.

Celebrity photographer Rankin Waddell has branded pint-sized powerhouse Christina Aguilera as the most nasty celebrity he has ever worked with.

Rankin, who has worked with celebs like supemodel Kate Moss and the Material Girl Madonna, says notorious diva Christina was simply a nightmare to work with.

“Christina Aguilera is a really horrible, nasty person and I would never work with her again.” Why? “Because she’s not nice. She’s just not a nice person. She was pregnant when I shot her so maybe she was having a bad day. But I don’t think so,” retorts the shutterbug once branded the bad boy of the photography world.

“…She’s very cold and quite rude. I didn’t like the way she treated people around her. I don’t care if she gets to know it either.”

“Christina was a diva from hell and pure torture to be around. She’s so self-obsessed,” Rankin adds. “She insisted her chauffeur drive
her indoors into the studio so she wasn’t papped — even though there was nobody outside. Then she crashed my after-party and her bodyguard stood outside the bathroom shouting: ‘Make sure nobody but Christina uses this toilet so we won't have any problems tonight.’”

Charlotte Church Slams Christina Aguilera

Churh slams 'Nasty, Rude' Aguilera

British singer Charlotte Church was shocked when she met pop babe Christina Aguilera at their mutual agent's office, declaring the DIRRTY hitmaker the "nastiest celebrity I've ever met". The teen soprano and Aguilera share the same agent in Los Angeles, and during Church's visit a few years ago, she was disgusted by the American singer's behaviour. Church says, "Christina really is the nastiest celebrity I ever met. "We've got the same management in LA and I saw her in the office there.
"She didn't really do anything to me, but she was quite rude to everyone in the office and was literally screaming at her manager about seating for an upcoming award show."

Kelly Osbourne: Everyone I’ve Met Hates Christina Aguilera

Kelly Osbourne has again lashed out at pop rival Christina Aguilera. “Everyone I know and have met hates Christina. She’s very nasty,” Kelly said. “I’ve known her since I was ten and it’s fair to say that she’s been horrible her whole life. If Christina offered me a white flag I’d kick her in the face. I couldn’t even be in the same room as her because I know she would probably come up to me and punch me, and then hide behind some ten-foot tall security guard like a p***y. She hates me because I point out the true things and the truth hurts. She’s so childish and superficial, and the reason she’s like that is because she was never in contact with kids of her own age when she was growing up, so she never matured.”

Access Hollywood has a video clip of Christina Aguilera talking about her confrontation with Kelly Osbourne, who has been highly critical of the singer. “Personally I think she has a crush on me, because she seems so obsessed with talking about me,” Aguilera told Billy Bush. “I tried to confront her at a club, I think, and she just totally backed up, she was just like, ‘I don’t have anything to say about you, blah, blah, blah. That’s not me, that’s my mother.’ When I confronted her in person she really didn’t have anything to say, so I don’t know.”

Kelly Osbourne unleashed a verbal assault on Christina Aguilera to Heat magazine describing their meeting. She says Christina spoke to her in Ebonics “like she was from the ghetto”. Kelly added, “She was like ‘Yo girl, artists for artists, yo, why you been talkin’ sh**’? I didn’t understand a word she was saying. But I stopped saying things about her. Then she made out like she had started a fight with me, to make herself look cool. She’s like a fu**ing feather. I could pick her up and chuck her across the room. She’s a $*#@@. She has a mouth on her, but she’s all talk. She only does it because she always has a security guard around to punch anyone she gets in a fight with.”
i've always heard ppl say she's arrogant but i didn't know why. now i know