Christina Aguilera's New Album Bionic *Update Post 68: War With Label Over Sales"

What... the hell... are you talking about? :wtf:

now that is my point. you were so hell bent on proving a negative, that you forget where you started. you started with burying Christina Aguilera, before she had a chance to get out of the starting gate, fully, and then you traveled to fighting like an army to convince me that Michael Jackson had a low point. and i simply maintained the two truths. a ticking clock is the reason to not bury Aguilera, nor consider any points to be low in MJ's career.

what's most disturbing is for someone to see a low point in such a career as Michael's. that's way more disturbing than not even letting Aguilera breathe, career wise.

wow. look what i did. i brought this back to the main subject of this thread. by the way MJ is the best selling act of all time. he said so, in a speech where he stated that as soon as he surpassed the Beatles and Elvis in sales, he was called a child molester. i think i'll take the attacks against him, as legitimate proof he was right.
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now that is my point. you were so hell bent on proving a negative, that you forget where you started. you started with burying Christina Aguilera, before she had a chance to get out of the starting gate, fully, and then you traveled to fighting like an army to convince me that Michael Jackson had a low point. and i simply maintained the two truths. a ticking clock is the reason to not bury Aguilera, nor consider any points to be low in MJ's career.

what's most disturbing is for someone to see a low point in such a career as Michael's. that's way more disturbing than not even letting Aguilera breathe, career wise.

Calm down, collect your thoughts, and then return. All you're doing right now is spewing gibberish. I'm heading off to bed anyway.

By the way, you have contradicted yourself many times already, I'll show them to you tomorrow if I have free time.
Calm down, collect your thoughts, and then return. All you're doing right now is spewing gibberish. I'm heading off to bed anyway.

By the way, you have contradicted yourself many times already, I'll show them to you tomorrow if I have free time.

that's what you need to do. collect yours. you forgot where you started. i didn't contradict anything i said. but your 'lack of free time'(after we've spent 5 hours here) is proof that you know you are wrong. this could go on forever, and you will convince yourself you are right. but you thinking for another artist, i suppose is as offensive to that artist, as you say i was to you when you said i was thinking for you. best that we end this. you wanted to find a low point in MJ's career. you wanted to bury Aguilera, and when i didn't agree, you broke, and got personal and told me what to do with my feelings. true proof that you were wrong. doing to me what you say offends you, while contradicting yourself and making no sense. believing the MJ statements that suit you and disregarding the ones that don't.

i know we'll get reprimanded for this. but please don't get offensive when someone doesn't agree with you, legitimately, which is the case here.

once again, MJ outsold Elvis and the Beatles. check my earlier posts for my elaborations on that, if you wish. i believe his word over anything you have to offer, and since we refuse to talk about Aguilera, apparently, pls continue this in pm. i know mods will tell us this.
in fact i'm truly done here, because i know i'm not going to agree with anything else you have to say, because you left the topic of discussion, long ago and you don't acknowledge that, so your points won't be relevant. but go ahead anyway. i know you will. i'm not answering any pms on this either. i really don't like it when you try to brow beat me into turning a positive into a negative, then get personal when you fail to make me turn a positive into a negative, and then you pretend to not know what i'm talking about. i refuse to continue to deal with that kind of thing. and believe me when i say, i'm not coming back into this thread after i post this.
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Guys this thread has gone from topic > off topic > around the world somewhere > and back again! :p I'm not going to clean, just remind you to please get back on topic and somewhat stay there. :) Thankya!

Ok, let's try to get back on topic...

So, um... how 'bout that Christina?

I tried. :p
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BTW you lost me is a great song. I love it, especially that EeEeEeEe thing.. AWESOME!
OK guys, I posted asking you to get back on topic. All posts after that which weren't on topic have been deleted. Please don't make me do that again. There are threads to discuss all things about Michael please take that there or if needs be create new threads in appropriate sections. Thanks.
So glad Xtina's softcore porn tanked. I remember when she used to be sweet and sensual yes but not a total skank.

Thriller was Mj's peak. I was a teen when it came out and nothing before or since has ever come close. There are no words to describe to you younger folks how big Mj was in the thriller, no word.

There was no magic with invincible, just a solid Cd.

It's sacreligious and just plain untrue and absurd to say otherwise.
You can kind of tell that by listening to the album, she wasnt really into it as she was with "stripped" & "back to bacis"
I've recently bought this album and listened to it, expecting to hate it from what I've heard from most people. Honestly I don't know where the criticism is coming from, I think it's a really solid record with nothing less than astonishing vocals from Christina. This album definitely deserves more credit than it's getting. It has a nice edgy feel to it.
She's planning on leaving RCA, that explains why she did little to promote bionic. That album was not what she wanted to do

That couldn't be any further from the truth and you're really fooling yourself if you believe that. Christina was promoting Bionic HARDCORE until it debuted and was a worldwide bomb. She was hitting every talk show, morning show, and even performed at the MTV Movie Awards in order to promote. It wasn't the record labels fault, it wasn't the bad publicity, it was CHRISTINA AGUILERA'S fault! She created the bad PR by making an album that sounded and looked like someone else. Had she of gone a different way in promoting it and herself, this may have not of happened. Not herself tonight, indeed. Also, Christina has addressed the situation, admitting defeat, plays it off as she doesn't care and that she's an "artist", and even prepares herself for the impending failure (this is how she makes it sound... not me) of her new musical acting gig, "Burlesque". She even furthers my belief she has an attitude problem but I digress. Judge for yourself (the quote is below)...........

Christina Aguilera has revealed that she has moved on from her latest album Bionic.

The LP - Aguilera's first in four years - peaked at number one in the UK with the lowest opening-week sales for an album ever. It dropped to number 29 the following week.

Speaking at a press conference for her new movie Burlesque, she said: "The creative process that involved Bionic is over, I did what I wanted to do and I'm satisfied with it.

"If the album sells or if the songs are a hit, I don't care and I don't need to know it, I did my part and I gave 100% while I was doing it, and I'm proud of this work."

Discussing the film, she added: "Burlesque was a different process, I'll support this project until the end, but not to find out if it was a box office hit or not - that is not what motivates me.

"The creative process is my thing, I'm an artist and once something is over, I look forward for what is next, and I don't look back."

Aguilera's new single 'You Lost Me' is out September 20.

"Bionic" has sold 228,000 copies since its release in June, according to Nielsen SoundScan. ... -over.html

Excuse me if I don't believe Christina doesn't care about her music or movie's popularity. She's a pop singer who before this album, was about pushing singles and herself. She now experiences a disaster and she's suddenly only about the creative process??? Puh-lease! Well, if that's the case then she does need to leave RCA for an indie label because I'm sure they'd appreciate her not experimenting with their budget. Christina sounds like a pouting child who didn't get her way. She's an "artist" and so above it all. Whatever! Of course failure is upsetting and even humbling in many cases (not this one I guess). This is just my take and mine alone so please don't take offense.

I'll let someone who is truly sweet and humble put Christina in her place -
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^^^lol..who is that? looks a little like Uma Thurman, but younger..
takes an arrogant looking person to put another arrogant person in their

and yes..i don't believe anybody who says they're not interested in sales. i guess, if they don't care about making a living, then, i guess they want to be on welfare, then...or worse.
^^^lol..who is that? looks a little like Uma Thurman, but younger..
takes an arrogant looking person to put another arrogant person in their

and yes..i don't believe anybody who says they're not interested in sales. i guess, if they don't care about making a living, then, i guess they want to be on welfare, then...or worse.

That's Britney Spears, who is far from arrogant. She's had her ups and downs and been treated like dirt beneath our feet but she's remained down to earth throughout.
That's Britney Spears, who is far from arrogant. She's had her ups and downs and been treated like dirt beneath our feet but she's remained down to earth throughout.

i agree. i didn't recognize her, there. she looked so different. she was a friend of Michael's too. similar spirit. obviously a great actress, because she pulled off the talk to the hand look really well, there.
Doesn't care for sales, my foot! She's saying that in a poor attempt to save face. Shut up! Just admit that it went wrong.

That's Britney Spears, who is far from arrogant. She's had her ups and downs and been treated like dirt beneath our feet but she's remained down to earth throughout.

I love Britney Spears.
I find it difficult to believe how Britney Spears can be considered 'down to earth' in comparison to Christina.

'Down to earth' in my opinion does not mean losing custody of your children because you'd rather spend your time socializing and going out on the town commando-style. It does not mean pumping out two albums of impersonal material in nearly the same year.

Christina took time with her family and with the album. Fair enough, her pride may have been hurt by sales and claims that she's copying Lady Gaga (which I find ludicrous considering how unoriginal Gaga is), and she's not expressing her disappointment well but at least she has actual raw talent and vision, belief and input in her own work from start to finish.
I find it difficult to believe how Britney Spears can be considered 'down to earth' in comparison to Christina.

'Down to earth' in my opinion does not mean losing custody of your children because you'd rather spend your time socializing and going out on the town commando-style. It does not mean pumping out two albums of impersonal material in nearly the same year.

Christina took time with her family and with the album. Fair enough, her pride may have been hurt by sales and claims that she's copying Lady Gaga (which I find ludicrous considering how unoriginal Gaga is), and she's not expressing her disappointment well but at least she has actual raw talent and vision, belief and input in her own work from start to finish.

First of all, what does Britney's personal problems have to do with anything?

Everyone has their moments and meltdowns. Britney's was unfortunately in public for everyone to see and judge. She wasn't healthy, nor in her right state of mind (the extent is still not known to this day), and had shady people using and influencing her. Now, with the proper care, she's on the road to recovery and all seems to be going well. Again, I have no idea what someone's personal misfortune has to do with the topic at hand. I don't see how it affects ones spirit.

You're right though, Christina has taken her time and done most things differently from Britney, but that doesn't make her any less mean spirited (you've seen the videos and disses) or any less a failure (Bionic). Actually, I think it makes a stronger case for the opposite. But again, what does this have to do with anything?

A troubled star doesn't make for a bad person. I think MJ fans can attest to that.
OMG this thread is supossed to be bout christina and yet we are still goin on bout other artists! :doh:
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First of all, what does Britney's personal problems have to do with anything?

You are the one claiming that she's remained "down to earth throughout her ups and downs'". I think I'd be right if I assumed you were referring to her personal problems when you said this, so it looks like they do have to do with something.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that Britney is only human, and her problems are not unique only to her. However, I think it's a very brave claim to say that she isn't arrogant. I have seen plenty of clips of her making snide remarks when she thinks the microphone isn't on. Why shouldn't she? She's a big star, this is her profession, she needs some kind of relief. I don't condemn her for it, yet you seem to be condemning Christina for the exact same thing - I would say, even less.

The bottom line is that there's always going to be videos available of stars acting funny, things they do caught from a certain angle, things they say that can be interpreted in any number of ways. It's all speculation. To make high-and-mighty judgements of character based on speculation, and to use those judgements against the artists' actual talents, like some people do, is really not fair.
You are the one claiming that she's remained "down to earth throughout her ups and downs'". I think I'd be right if I assumed you were referring to her personal problems when you said this, so it looks like they do have to do with something.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that Britney is only human, and her problems are not unique only to her. However, I think it's a very brave claim to say that she isn't arrogant. I have seen plenty of clips of her making snide remarks when she thinks the microphone isn't on. Why shouldn't she? She's a big star, this is her profession, she needs some kind of relief. I don't condemn her for it, yet you seem to be condemning Christina for the exact same thing - I would say, even less.

The bottom line is that there's always going to be videos available of stars acting funny, things they do caught from a certain angle, things they say that can be interpreted in any number of ways. It's all speculation. To make high-and-mighty judgements of character based on speculation, and to use those judgements against the artists' actual talents, like some people do, is really not fair.

I do understand what you are saying and while I do agree to an extent, it isn't my fault that it's what Christina Aguilera is known for, that there is staggering evidence against her, or that it all finally caught up with her.