Chandler actually tried to stop HIStory....

MJ money is NOT cursed. Money that is taken wrong causes one DEEDS to go wrong which involves the money.
Totally agree and the truth of the matter is both of them live like fugitives on the run with blood money, if they had been credible they could live out in the open but they can't they got money through extortion and blackmail.

That is the whole point. They live like a fugitive in their own country. Imagine everytime Jordan have to say his name in public he is wondering if anyone knows who he is. Had they been honest they wouldn't have needed to hide.
Every MJ fan knows who he is and even the haters too. Yet imagine how things could have been different for him. He could have made an honest living and maybe with the help of MJ he may have made it into the industry and earn an honest living that could have been a whole lot more than the blood money that he is getting right now, and he would have had respect for doing so.
That is the whole point. They live like a fugitive in their own country. Imagine everytime Jordan have to say his name in public he is wondering if anyone knows who he is. Had they been honest they wouldn't have needed to hide.
Every MJ fan knows who he is and even the haters too. Yet imagine how things could have been different for him. He could have made an honest living and maybe with the help of MJ he may have made it into the industry and earn an honest living that could have been a whole lot more than the blood money that he is getting right now, and he would have had respect for doing so.

very true, well said..
Why do you think I find it hard to believe?? Are you insinuating, that I believe Chandler said the truth and thus believe Michael is guilty?? It is not hard to believe that he was manipulated...

...but that part is hard to believe! Why would he hang out with "MJ fans"?? Why would he admit to them (assuming those fans are his friends), of all people, that he was screwing over Michael for millions?? That doesn't make sense! Why would "MJ fans" hang out with him, knowing that he screwed over Michael for millions?? Doesn't make any sense at all... and I'd like to know where that information comes from!!

People are quick to believe things when they sound good and to dismiss things when they sound bad and rather than to believe it, because it sounds good, I'd like to know where that information comes from and if that source is somewhat reliable!

Well, I read now a few pages back but didn't see anyone mentioning that conference, but I remember watching that conference, don't remember though Mez noting that Chandler hangs out with MJ fans and that he would defend Michael against people bashing him (probably have to rewatch that conference)!

I think it makes sense from the point of view that he gets to obsolve himself of any blame and puts it all on his parents/father. And becuz he was a child at the time, it's easily forgiveable to some people...even MJ fans who might be friendly with him. And now that he's older, he can fall back on the old "legal reasons why I still can't say anything" excuse.

I tend to agree with Dats that altho he WAS a child back then, he's still an accomplice as an adult. I don't think any of us here believe Michael will go after Jordan for breaking the confidentiality agreement and telling the truth. However, he "might" have to fear the insurance company who helped settle the case. They "might" wanna prosecute him and/or his parents for fraud if they're having a bad day to make an example out of him. And with that, Jordan will end up losing the lifestyle to which he's become accustomed. Who here believes he's ready to give up those ski trips, etc.?

He's sort of doomed no matter what he does. However, in his day-to-day life, he CAN take the pressure off himself with his friends (who may happen to be MJ fans) by telling them he didn't want to do it and nothing happened BUT his parents made him lie....and he now has no option to correct the situation. Quite a handy excuse if I ever saw one to get thru day-to-day life...which is a big difference from going to court and setting the record straight for the world and suffering legal ramifications. For some MJ fans this excuse works and they wouldn't want to punch him in the face. They might genuinely feel bad for him. And some, like yourself, you might still want to pummel him into doing the right thing regardless.
Nevertheless, I don't think it's hard to believe he would hang out with friends who happen to be MJ fans and tell him this. He doesn't get to be the bad guy with that sort of explanation.
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Wendy - your explanation makes sense. I mean JC probably hasn't worked a day in his life and he doesn't seem to have much of a family anymore. I can understand how it would be difficult for a cowardly person in that situation to just keep clinging to the comfortable life instead of facing the possibility of losing his money. I am still unsympathetic however. His possible situation if he did tell the truth is nothing compared to what MJ experienced and has to live with. And I don't see how the insurance company can get Jordan to pay the money back. He didn't commit fraud, his father did. They could go after Evan. JC can't really be held accountable for fraud committed in 93. He has absolutely no excuse. He should do the right thing. Most people would believe him. This mess started with him, he should end it. I'm not holding my breath though, because he would have done it already if he really wanted to,
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Please be aware that Jordan would never lose his money. They had very clever lawyers. The claim was changed to negligence, not molestation, so even if he were to say nothing happened, it would not changed the settlement. MJ was accused of breaking up the family. That was what
J's insurance payed for and not CM.
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Chandler will get his due one day, if not in this world then he'll get it in the next as will his coward of a son. That rat isn't a little boy any more' he should be a man and admit his lies. Makes you wonder how these people sleep at night after what they did.
Please be aware that Jordan would never lose his money. They had very clever lawyers. The claim was changed to negligence, not molestation, so even if he were to say nothing happened, it would not changed the settlement. MJ was accused of breaking up the family. That was what
J's insurance payed for and not CM.
And this is even more of a reason as to why I do not understand him coming clean in some way. Breaking up a family, wow, if everyone get a settlement for doing that, there will be no money in no insurance company. I do not get that and makes me mad at MJ for setting.
Chandler will get his due one day, if not in this world then he'll get it in the next as will his coward of a son. That rat isn't a little boy any more' he should be a man and admit his lies. Makes you wonder how these people sleep at night after what they did.
I hope it bothers him. LIes aways come to the light.
Wendy - your explanation makes sense. I mean JC probably hasn't worked a day in his life and he doesn't seem to have much of a family anymore. I can understand how it would be difficult for a cowardly person in that situation to just keep clinging to the comfortable life instead of facing the possibility of losing his money. I am still unsympathetic however. His possible situation if he did tell the truth is nothing compared to what MJ experienced and has to live with. And I don't see how the insurance company can get Jordan to pay the money back. He didn't commit fraud, his father did. The could go after Evan. JC can't really be held accountable for fraud committed in 93. He has absolutely no excuse. He should do the right thing. Most people would believe him. This mess started with him, he should end it. I'm not holding my breath though, because he would have done it already if he really wanted to,

I agree, I don't feel the slightest sympathy for him, he's a grown ass man and should take responsability for what he agreed to do, Michael was good to him and if he still admires him or has any form of respect he SHOULD be a man about it and come forward with the truth.
If he does come out and say that nothing happened, doesn't that also mean that no negligence occurred? And Michael can't be accused of breaking up their family - wasn't it already broken up for Pete's sake? Either way he has virtually nothing to lose. Maybe some dignity, but the way I see it someone like JC cannot live a proper life until he sets things straight. The more time passes the worse it will be for him.
^^ Actually I don't think he would lookse any dignity, in fact he should gain it.
If he wants to be a complete wuss about it, he can blame it on his parents and say he was just a kid doing what his parents told him to. People would be sympathetic to him and he would re-gain dignity as an honest man trying to do the right thing instead of keeping life as the leach he currently is.
^^ Actually I don't think he would lookse any dignity, in fact he should gain it.
If he wants to be a complete wuss about it, he can blame it on his parents and say he was just a kid doing what his parents told him to. People would be sympathetic to him and he would re-gain dignity as an honest man trying to do the right thing instead of keeping life as the leach he currently is.

You're right, I do think most people would be sympathetic towards him. But there would be at least some people who are going to criticize him for keeping quiet all this time. And he watched a man almost go to jail without making a sound. I mean, he's not a child anymore, he's heading for 30. That's also why the longer he waits to speak up, the more difficult it will become for him to do so. If being publicly criticized is what he's scared of.
^^ I guess you are right about that, and as you said, the longer it goes the harder it will get for him to make up his mind to speak up, but it will also be harder on his conscience.
How can he sleep at night?
And this is even more of a reason as to why I do not understand him coming clean in some way. Breaking up a family, wow, if everyone get a settlement for doing that, there will be no money in no insurance company. I do not get that and makes me mad at MJ for setting.

:agree:That's rather harsh to say on Michael, the man was on drugs at the time and no telling how paranoid he'd becomed between being stirpped of his diginity literally and figuratively by Sneddon and his racist goons to having lawyers who were fighting and not even on the same page in terms of defending him and a couple of them got fired, the guy probably felt like everybody hated him he wouldn't get a fair hearing and he was also being pressued by SONY according to TMEz to settle. SONY's position was settle or you have no career, not much choice there.

i specifically said, PATRICK, that the affidavit was written by evan. jc just signed it. just like the drawing of mj's package supposedly drawn by the boy. it's laughable to think a 12 yr old could willingly participate in a scam and know and understand the magnitude of what was going on.

i also made it a point to state he was estranged from both parents, chose his stepmother/dad's ex to live w/ till he was of age instead of evan, and hangs out w/ fans who know who he is and were willing to testify for michael w/ jc's knowing.

how does anyone know the money wasn't paid back? to the insurance company that is, b/c mike didn't pay a damn dime to the family. he couldn't just hand the money back to the insurance company saying he was lying b/c doing such would involve legal hearings that would cost more money just to give back money.

i'll just ASSume that mj isn't in the dark about what was up for his defense. he knew of what mez was speaking about and obviously he's moving on w/ his life. evan kept a short chain on jordan once thepics of him in tahoe 'mysteriously' surfaced. he then assaulted his son shortly after the verdict and father and son are in a legal wrangling as we speak.

w/ all the stalling in the case, one could think that maybe evan's trying to prolong it as much as he can b/c there is a posibility that '93 will come up as a possible reason for the inital conflict. since jordan was not called in the trial and he cannot divulge of any information outside a court setting ,this could very well be his only chance to speak the truth and instead of worrying about how preposterous it sounds that he's hanging w/ mj fans, shouldn't we be wondering y the judge refuses to allow the case to proceed in a timely fashion?

i specifically said, PATRICK, that the affidavit was written by evan. jc just signed it. just like the drawing of mj's package supposedly drawn by the boy. it's laughable to think a 12 yr old could willingly participate in a scam and know and understand the magnitude of what was going on.

i also made it a point to state he was estranged from both parents, chose his stepmother/dad's ex to live w/ till he was of age instead of evan, and hangs out w/ fans who know who he is and were willing to testify for michael w/ jc's knowing.

how does anyone know the money wasn't paid back? to the insurance company that is, b/c mike didn't pay a damn dime to the family. he couldn't just hand the money back to the insurance company saying he was lying b/c doing such would involve legal hearings that would cost more money just to give back money.

i'll just ASSume that mj isn't in the dark about what was up for his defense. he knew of what mez was speaking about and obviously he's moving on w/ his life. evan kept a short chain on jordan once thepics of him in tahoe 'mysteriously' surfaced. he then assaulted his son shortly after the verdict and father and son are in a legal wrangling as we speak.

w/ all the stalling in the case, one could think that maybe evan's trying to prolong it as much as he can b/c there is a posibility that '93 will come up as a possible reason for the inital conflict. since jordan was not called in the trial and he cannot divulge of any information outside a court setting ,this could very well be his only chance to speak the truth and instead of worrying about how preposterous it sounds that he's hanging w/ mj fans, shouldn't we be wondering y the judge refuses to allow the case to proceed in a timely fashion?

Katie, do you know if the case is stalled or are you assuming as much? maybe Jordon decided to drop the charges against his daddy and they've kissed and made up.
nope. he requested a ppo against his father and was denied by the judge b/c he said the assault wasn't extensive enough....a 12 lb weight to the back of the head? so right now it's at a standstill....

and honestly, im not hoping for anything. it's everyone else that seems to hold on to the animosity from something that doesn't even directly deal w/ them. like fans mad at joseph for 'what he did to mj' or fans who refuse to 'forgive' la not trying to be a biitch but how many times must these things be posted before fans remember and acknowledge them? u got fans who can quote things mez or raymone or geragos have said YET they can'tremember him going to a convention at a university w/ DAN ABRAMS where he said he had jordan's friends ready to testify?

sounds like some fans want to forget in order to excuse their lingering anger.
nope. he requested a ppo against his father and was denied by the judge b/c he said the assault wasn't extensive enough....a 12 lb weight to the back of the head? so right now it's at a standstill....

and honestly, im not hoping for anything. it's everyone else that seems to hold on to the animosity from something that doesn't even directly deal w/ them. like fans mad at joseph for 'what he did to mj' or fans who refuse to 'forgive' la not trying to be a biitch but how many times must these things be posted before fans remember and acknowledge them? u got fans who can quote things mez or raymone or geragos have said YET they can'tremember him going to a convention at a university w/ DAN ABRAMS where he said he had jordan's friends ready to testify?

sounds like some fans want to forget in order to excuse their lingering anger.

okay, congrats on your new baby by the way; he's a real cutie :flowers:
And then, if he told you... would you want to continue to be friends with him? Knowing that he punked Michael?? I certainly wouldn't... I probably would punch him... so that's why I find it hard to believe that he would admit that to anyone... especially to MJ Fans!

How do you know that Jordan "punked" Michael?
Totally agree and the truth of the matter is both of them live like fugitives on the run with blood money, if they had been credible they could live out in the open but they can't they got money through extortion and blackmail.

You are so right. I have always said to myself that the reason this family stays in hiding and never comes out is because they know they did Michael wrong for that money.

Some may say it is because of the confidentiality agreement, but they still could have given an interview or something without violating the agreement.
What a real dupe, that Chandler kid. He lies, then tries to extort more money from MJ?

^ Exactly. :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:
What a real dupe, that Chandler kid. He lies, then tries to extort more money from MJ?


Jordan was more of a pawn in his father, Evan, and his lawyer and whoever else was in the scheme to extort money from MJ. IMO, Jordan wasn't a 100% willing participant.

He told Anthony Pelicano that MJ didn't molest him, when Pelicano interviewed him. After the allegations, he ended up living with his stepmother instead of either of his biological parents. He has MJ friends and defends MJ...I wouldn't be so quick to put the blame on Jordan.

if you haven't already, read "Redemption" from Geraldine Hughes. She worked in the office of Chandler's lawyer that set it all in motion.