Chandler actually tried to stop HIStory....

As far as I remember it the child (Jordan was that time still a child) was under drugs when he 'lied' or said whatever interpreted by others (all adults) later as wrong done by Michael.

My opinion...
we don't know enough to really judge Jordan.

Yes he's not coming out with his story now.

He could have several reasons I would be able to understand to be honest also as a MJJfan.
The fact that he's hanging around with one other fan or several MJJfans is just a hind adding to the same assumption, that he just has understandable reasons. (This is a fact to me, cuz I do believe Kates testimony because to me she's a credible whitness here ok! lol) And I do trust other MJJfans more than tabloids or even only the media... really lol!:cheeky:
I just hope the whole system doesn't deny Jordan support against such a parent much longer.

If you've been out there with ppl in the focus of public attention... even if only for a pretty short limited time... I do understand sociophobia since... and I know some ppl think they'd not survive it if they had to go back.

I just think, me as a MJJfan, I don't even have to judge Jordan a certain way or I have to forgive Jordan Chandler anything, he has never done me wrong. I can easily leave that to Michael.
Jordan to me was a kid when it all started, used anyways... and that's what's interesting to me... used by whom who were in connection with whom? what were their true interests (cuz it's pretty clear it wasn't in the interest of the child!)?... or better who was sponsored by whom already?
Sony? catalogue? Mottola? etc. etc. etc.!!!!!!!

Maybe the whole Chandler stuff just gave some the (evil) idea how to get Michael down where they wanted him... maybe it was already the start of a conspiracy going on.

But most important of all... whatever they've tried yet to get Michael on his knees, they've all failed.
Chandler and all the others following: Eat it! Michael sold a hell lot of more records! :tease:
I'm personally sure he has only gained fans... that's where we're coming in! To me that's our part. We have Michaels back when it's needed.

The Chandler stuff... there's no Chandlers... no family anymore... the adults involved that time... they destroyed that already completely on their own... the rest what's there, that's up to Michael and/or Jordan.
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danke mechi!

ATLF....babe,he can't really get away w/doing an interview...he's not famous, there'd b nothing to talk about except how could he do an interview? now if he was seen wearing a pro mj shirt or something, or w/ known mj fans like seany or whatever, then that's diff.

but mike knows what'sup, evan knew (imo, that's y he freaked and assaulted his son), and the state of ca knows. that's y they didn't fight too damn hard to get the affidavit in and settled for june as a witness instead of evan.
Hmm, let me answer that by asking you a question, do you believe, based on everything you know, that Michael is guilty?? I don't, so therefore, Chandler "punked" Michael!

You are making a lot of assumptions. You have no clue what you are talking about because like all of us here, you really don't know how this thing went down between Michael and Jordan. I believe that we still don't know the whole story as much as we think we do.
danke mechi!

ATLF....babe,he can't really get away w/doing an interview...he's not famous, there'd b nothing to talk about except how could he do an interview? now if he was seen wearing a pro mj shirt or something, or w/ known mj fans like seany or whatever, then that's diff.

but mike knows what'sup, evan knew (imo, that's y he freaked and assaulted his son), and the state of ca knows. that's y they didn't fight too damn hard to get the affidavit in and settled for june as a witness instead of evan.

I agree with you here. It was highly assumed by the public and the media that Jordan himself would come to testify in this trial but when I saw June coming in, I just had to wonder what was Sneddon trying to do? Put suspicion in the minds of the jurors with this oh so weak testimony? He could have left her at home for what she contributed to his case. It would have made more sense to go with Evan Chandler, but he didn't. Makes you wonder why.
I agree with you here. It was highly assumed by the public and the media that Jordan himself would come to testify in this trial but when I saw June coming in, I just had to wonder what was Sneddon trying to do? Put suspicion in the minds of the jurors with this oh so weak testimony? He could have left her at home for what she contributed to his case. It would have made more sense to go with Evan Chandler, but he didn't. Makes you wonder why.

Evan Chandler would have been difficult to be presented as a credible whitness lol really I mean with a history of proven tries to blackmail?
Well Sneddon not only had no evidence obviously, he didn't even do his homework as a D.A.... wheeeeew really if that is how ppl there in office are working some of you guys should think about if the state is really worth the tax all of you are paying. But well those guys are elected over there right?!
I mean Sneddon has proven himself an egomaniac fool in all possible ways. And in his job he is an example for a failure... and that's proven perfectly by himself... that's the evidence he really brought in there!
Karma is the law of cause and effect, and it rules us all.

Author Unknown
lemme just state that jordan CANNOT return any money to the insurance company...y it didn't dawn on me yesterday but damn, when i was in the shower i great place for inspiration, btw.

mj settled under the clause of NEGLIGENCE so if jc went to the homeowner's insurance company mj had at the time and proclaimed mj didn't molest him, they'd sit there, scratch their head,and say ok...but what does that have to do w/ the money they paid out to him and his family? they didn't pay out to fact, i don't even think that's possible.

feldman's initial claim had many lascivious sexual allegations used only for embarassment and to pressure mj into a settlement. he refused, feldman got smart, revised the allegation, thereby negating the affidavit (the one ts wanted to submit to the court), and stated mj was negligent while the boy was at the ranch.

when an insurance company hears that word, they settle. the jury in a civil trial could've awarded far more than what was settled upon so no insurance company likes to take that chance. especially w/ the plantiffs only needing to secure a 51% more likely than not believability.

*sighs* is that good enuf for some folks here or do u want more?
I think it makes sense from the point of view that he gets to obsolve himself of any blame and puts it all on his parents/father. And becuz he was a child at the time, it's easily forgiveable to some people...even MJ fans who might be friendly with him. And now that he's older, he can fall back on the old "legal reasons why I still can't say anything" excuse.

I tend to agree with Dats that altho he WAS a child back then, he's still an accomplice as an adult. I don't think any of us here believe Michael will go after Jordan for breaking the confidentiality agreement and telling the truth. However, he "might" have to fear the insurance company who helped settle the case. They "might" wanna prosecute him and/or his parents for fraud if they're having a bad day to make an example out of him. And with that, Jordan will end up losing the lifestyle to which he's become accustomed. Who here believes he's ready to give up those ski trips, etc.?

He's sort of doomed no matter what he does. However, in his day-to-day life, he CAN take the pressure off himself with his friends (who may happen to be MJ fans) by telling them he didn't want to do it and nothing happened BUT his parents made him lie....and he now has no option to correct the situation. Quite a handy excuse if I ever saw one to get thru day-to-day life...which is a big difference from going to court and setting the record straight for the world and suffering legal ramifications. For some MJ fans this excuse works and they wouldn't want to punch him in the face. They might genuinely feel bad for him. And some, like yourself, you might still want to pummel him into doing the right thing regardless.
Nevertheless, I don't think it's hard to believe he would hang out with friends who happen to be MJ fans and tell him this. He doesn't get to be the bad guy with that sort of explanation.
That's a good point of view and makes sense on some level! It still is not totally satisfactory though! I mean, if you want to obsolve yourself, then why keep company with the people who probably hold you most responsible?

You are making a lot of assumptions. You have no clue what you are talking about because like all of us here, you really don't know how this thing went down between Michael and Jordan. I believe that we still don't know the whole story as much as we think we do.
Oh, okay... so I don't have a clue! Gee, why didn't I ask you right away what I know and what I don't know? And good thing, that I'm the only one making assumptions! :smilerolleyes: Seriously I don't understand your attitude, but that doesn't matter... I don't need too!

*sighs* is that good enuf for some folks here or do u want more?
Hmm, I don't know! Was that even a question?? It certainly wasn't mine!

Let's recap... you said:

jordan has been hanging out w/ mj fans for years. if u don'tknow who he is and ubash mj, he'll defend michael. he knew his friends were potential witnesses, his friends (the mj fans) know who he is, and they understand why he cannot come forward unless in a legal venue and in the santa maria debacle, he was NOT asked.
And I wanted to know where this information did come from!

In the meantime I rewatched that Mesereau conference, now I know why I didn't remember that bit where he talked about witnesses (he didn't call them friends or fans) ready to testify against Chandler... I previously only watched Mesereau's part right up until Abrams, turned off when he was on and never got around watching the rest... also I didn't realize Mez was on again after Abrams and the Ladyspeaker....anyway....

Okay, so Mez did mention that he had people willing to testify that Chandler said that nothing happened.. that I can believe (even though I can't understand why Chandler would admit to anyone that he lied, he should know it could bite him in the ass... but then again, I wouldn't go around accusing innocent people), but still I'd like to know where that specific fan part information you mentioned comes from... obviously not from Mez!

Then you went on with all kind of things and attitude, no real news and bits and pieces, which is all good and well, but really totally beside the point! You still haven't answered where that particular information comes from... so I have to assume (oh, there I go assuming again :no::smilerolleyes:) that you just don't know!
dude slow ur damn roll cuz i wasn't talking to u....when i do, i address u like i did in my prior posts to u.

my 'tude, so to speak, was directed at datsy who has filled the thread w/ fantasy in how and why he could and should come forward. the law doesn't work that way.

where did the information come from...let me go to my crystal ball, since i apparently do nothing but ASSume things, and ask miss cleo about jordan chandler.

as far as mj fans being the ones that hold this person the most responsible...that's like mj fans being unable to forgive la toya or joseph...for something that has nothing to do w/ them. we love the man but it ain't ourbattle.

jc went to nyc. nyc has a myspace type website where students and fac. can have their own pages but it's only viewable by those who go to school there. he was on that site...put his feelings up about mj on there too and the only ones who caught onto it were the ones who knew who he was.

kinda funny the pictures and news on jc were rare UNTIL zonen stands before open court and states the man is OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND CANNOT TESTIFY. then he's spotted in tahoe, cali w/ his friends and looking fine. not worried, not upset, and obviously not running from anything.

how do u think mez got ahold of the so called friends? his sources in nyc? braffman? please, braffman was there b/c katherine wanted cochran but he was unavailable, meaning didn't wanna do it again, and was sick. so he sent braffman to work w/ geragos. but that's as far as the nyc connection goes.

it was oxman who stirred the damn pot up. first leaking to media about the mom's conflicting stories and her welfare fraud, thereby tipping her off and causing her to initially plead the fifth before testifying...remember him being yelled at in the parking lot?

then it was his meddling w/ chandler. his hope that contacting him and making him testify couldhelp mj....cuz wade, mac, and brett did so well to quell the notion that mj was a pedo. just ask hultman how he feels about their testimony.

note that not one witness for the defense had ever made a statement they had to retract. no comments saying ' i was lying then but im not lying now.' yet that was all the state witnesses did EXCEPT bell, wallace, and rowe.

what's known is known. it was known by mj's defense, and it was known by mj himself. whatever evan chandler wanted to do backfired. 8 million went to jc, 8 m went to feldman, one million to each parent, and one million to the child immediately and that's it. the 8m that jc got was put into a trust where no 1 could touch it until he turned 25....craptastic for evan cuz the money he sought was beyond his reach.

he had malpractice lawsuits, back childsupport, and mounting legal fees from his evanstory/duckbutter escapades. so he came out in the negative. his son ended up staying w/ his ex, the mother and half sister are estranged, and the kid was just assaulted by his looney ass father.

karma is a big ***** but u cannot be unaccountable for your actions as a child but then seen as an accomplice once you're older. nothing more has been conspired w/ that allegation. the reason y it's kept mum and in the dark is b/c of legalities.

those suggesting an interview or a full fleged confession fail to see that feldman could be disbarred, katz would lose his license, and evan would sue. it's not michael he has to worry about, it's the three stooges, one of whom assaulted him w/ a deadly weapon and is about as stable as gloria allred's brooch.
and admitting the truth would NEVER bite jordan chandler in the ass. he never officially admitted to anything. he signed, as a minor, an affidavit written by his father . never testified in court or a grand jury, nor has he made any official on the record accusation against michael jackson. the settlement was for negligence.

you don't admit 'the truth' to someone off the street and then question how they knew it was you. who else do u think had the information from jordan that the INITIAL allegations were false? not his estranged ass family, his friends.

and he was never set to testify. the rebuttal witnesses would have been to impeach the affidavit. since u can't cross a piece of paper and if the judge let that in, it wouldn'tbe so hard pressed to ASSume the judge would let in a few hearsay witnesses to rebutt said paper.

but then again, i was just there. i don't really know anything.
When did I say the guy should come forward I thought I was the one telling fans to let him be.
Anyway. Geraldine Hughs who used to post here did say something about Jordan being friendly with fans and was about to come forward. I believe.
dude slow ur damn roll cuz i wasn't talking to u....when i do, i address u like i did in my prior posts to u.

my 'tude, so to speak, was directed at datsy who has filled the thread w/ fantasy in how and why he could and should come forward. the law doesn't work that way.
What do I know whom you're talking too.. "folks" could be anyone... and it isn't like there wasn't a 'tude in the earlier posts directed at me as well! ;)

where did the information come from...let me go to my crystal ball, since i apparently do nothing but ASSume things, and ask miss cleo about jordan chandler.

jc went to nyc. nyc has a myspace type website where students and fac. can have their own pages but it's only viewable by those who go to school there. he was on that site...put his feelings up about mj on there too and the only ones who caught onto it were the ones who knew who he was.
See, there is the 'tude again, but at least now we are getting somewhere! Now I can kinda see how MJ fans come into the picture! Again, no knowing if that Myspace thing is true, but it seems plausible!

kinda funny the pictures and news on jc were rare UNTIL zonen stands before open court and states the man is OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND CANNOT TESTIFY. then he's spotted in tahoe, cali w/ his friends and looking fine. not worried, not upset, and obviously not running from anything
Yeah, remember hearing about that, but I think I never got around seeing those... are those the blurry ones? Or am thinking about something different? I only remember those clear pictures that showed him with one guy!

it was oxman who stirred the damn pot up. first leaking to media about the mom's conflicting stories and her welfare fraud, thereby tipping her off and causing her to initially plead the fifth before testifying...remember him being yelled at in the parking lot?
Yeah, remember the yelling.... but then again, the other stuff, is that assumption or did anyone actually hear what they were yelling about... hmm, nevermind... that is not really important anymore!

karma is a big ***** but u cannot be unaccountable for your actions as a child but then seen as an accomplice once you're older. nothing more has been conspired w/ that allegation. the reason y it's kept mum and in the dark is b/c of legalities.

those suggesting an interview or a full fleged confession fail to see that feldman could be disbarred, katz would lose his license, and evan would sue. it's not michael he has to worry about, it's the three stooges, one of whom assaulted him w/ a deadly weapon and is about as stable as gloria allred's brooch.
Hmm, that is the question... I'm no lawyer but I doubt he could be legally held accountable for what happened... with him being a child and it being 15 years ago... what about statutes of limitation or whatever it's called! Of course holding him morally accountable is a different thing!

and admitting the truth would NEVER bite jordan chandler in the ass. he never officially admitted to anything. he signed, as a minor, an affidavit written by his father . never testified in court or a grand jury, nor has he made any official on the record accusation against michael jackson. the settlement was for negligence.
Yes, but that affidavit is still something that is used instead of him personally testifying in court! So if he gets caught lying on that affidavit it won't do him good and will render that affidavit pretty useless! And his testimony or previous statements could still have been shot, by having witnesses to whom he stated, that nothing happened! And as for admitting the truth now, see above!

but then again, i was just there. i don't really know anything.
There was no need for this whole essay and I never said you don't know anything! I know that you were there, I saw you... I was there too and the stuff, for which I wasn't there, I read in the transcripts! I just wonder why it took a couple of days and essays and 'tude before you answered what I wanted to know!
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no attitude, just tired...had a baby recently,look down! lol

and im known for my essays! didn't ya know that by now? i can see if i can find the tahoe pics but it shows him w/ his friends, having a good time, not a wreck like the state made him out to be.

the affidavit is not a valid document any longer b/c the allegations and the settlement are for two different things. the affidavit became a moot issue between cochran/jackson/feldman/chandler b/c the allegations went from sexual misdeeds to simple negligence.

what that paper was was something that forced mj's camp to think twice about the seriousness of the feldman/chandler threat. that's it. jordan cannot be held in any way accountable since nothing illegal was formally filed and settled to. it was negligence. not sexual misconduct. he also can't return any money to the insurance company b/c then it would negate mj's raise in premiums and they'd lose money in the long run.

as for oxman...he has a big ass mouth. that's all ima say...CHECK UR PM PATRICK!

had melville allowed it in and mj convicted, it woul dhave been immediately thrown out on appeal. ts was trying to be sneakyand mez's counter response was jc's friends who knew the truth and if jc wouldn't show up, they would.


sodium amytal!

commonly thoughtback then as a truth serum now known as a wayto implant,either intentionally or not, false memories in the minds of those given the drug. evan stated he gave it to his son to pull some teeth and that's when he came out and toldhim what 'mike did to him'.....good for chandler for two reasons.

either he did give it to his son and helped to mold his memory slightly to aid in his lying and to help his claim or he did NOT give it to his son but stated he did thereby rendering any future testimony useless.

if u'll remember from the peterson trial, a witness gave a statement and then changed it once hypnotized by a state specialist to help jog her memory. she was only allowed to testify to what she stated prior to the hypnosis. prior to the sodium amytal story,jordan only stated mj was great to him. so if he wereto be put on the stand, he couldn't testify to any allegations made by his father.

furthermore,if he were to testify FOR michael, the sa would also come into play and render his testimony suspicious at best s ince he's changing what so many ASSume were his initial allegations. it's a win win for chandler and craptastic if jc ever wants to come forward in a legal setting. no proof he was given the drug but makes his 'sudden' change of heart towards mj a bit sketchy.

and im out!
no attitude, just tired...had a baby recently,look down! lol
Oh... it's still a hormones thing? :D Okay, so're excused then! ;)

and im known for my essays! didn't ya know that by now? i can see if i can find the tahoe pics but it shows him w/ his friends, having a good time, not a wreck like the state made him out to be.
Yes, that'd be nice... I would like to see them!

the affidavit is not a valid document any longer b/c the allegations and the settlement are for two different things. the affidavit became a moot issue between cochran/jackson/feldman/chandler b/c the allegations went from sexual misdeeds to simple negligence.
Yes, in terms of the settlement I believe that it's a moot issue... but probably not in terms of the first allegations!

as for oxman...he has a big ass mouth. that's all ima say...CHECK UR PM PATRICK!
Will do!

sodium amytal!

commonly thoughtback then as a truth serum now known as a wayto implant,either intentionally or not, false memories in the minds of those given the drug. evan stated he gave it to his son to pull some teeth and that's when he came out and toldhim what 'mike did to him'.....good for chandler for two reasons.

either he did give it to his son and helped to mold his memory slightly to aid in his lying and to help his claim or he did NOT give it to his son but stated he did thereby rendering any future testimony useless.
Yes, I mentioned that already... so that was one of my theories, that, due to this drug (in case he really ever was given it), he could really believe it happened... but then again, with what we seem to know now, that doesn't seem likely!
and that's y evan mentioned it in the first place. he knew it's cause a problem. cuz jordan ain't a good liar. so having him on the stand, beit in a gj or in court, would be a problem. so y not refute his cred. by starting a little rumor about meds that make your cred. sketchy?
yep. here's a father who doesn't care what happens to the boy, a stepfather who's concerned b ut realizes he can sue mj later and i think he did...for breaking up his family, and amother who went along w/ the scam so she could keepher son but lost him in the end.

it's the crazy dance they do. all involved cept feldman are living craptastically.
it was stated mj molested wade, brett, and mac yet all three came in as MEN and defended him yet a few jurors still didn't believe them. note that jordan would have been the only witness who 'was lying then but not lying now' and that type of witness had no place on mj's case.
The only person who I heard say this was the juror number one who wanted to write a book and make $$$$. SO he had an agenda to say that even though I do not believe one minute he would have voted for Michael to be free if he really believed those young men were abuse. Regardless, These young men was able to put to rest alot of stuff that was in the media overall. SO it did help and No one (with crediablity) can argue it without looking stupid.
<<<<<<<as far as mj fans being the ones that hold this person the most responsible...that's like mj fans being unable to forgive la toya or joseph...for something that has nothing to do w/ them. we love the man but it ain't ourbattle.>>>> Whether if is out battle or not, it still pisses people off when you see wrongdoing being done to someone no matter what.
yes but wrongdoing on the part of whom? a child or his parents and the da and the lawyers surrounding him.

note that rothman started it. ALLRED QUESTIONED IT....SAID IF IT WAS LEGIT, EVAN WOULDN'T DARE PREVENT JC FROM TESTIFYING....SHE QUIT SHORTLY AFTER TAKING THE CASE. feldman took over, katz joined forces, a giddy sneddon blew his load w/ the news....only garcetti gave up and moved on.

so who, at age 13 could he have gone to, if he didn't want to go through w/ it then? not saying that was his mindset then but if all theplayers are in places of power, you're s. outta luck.

and it wasn't just hultman, terrell....two other jurors, AND the media questioned it.

think about this....wade pretty much has a career b/c of mj. he brought him, liz, and chantal to the us, got them visas, gave him sure he would've been a phenom w/o mj but mj in his life didn't hurt.

mac is a coming out w/ info that he was abused would seemingly hurt his career....

brett still travels w/ mj and hangs out w/ him. in fact, during lwmj, he and his mother were w/ mj while they were shopping. just weren't shown. so the media could state he's still benefitting from having mj in his life.

so there are various ways to descredit the testimony of the three men. and note that he wasn't on trial for allegedly abusingthem. so it didn't matter what the jurors felt his conduct w/ those three were, it was what they felt his conduct was w/ gavin, jason, and jordan.
yes but wrongdoing on the part of whom? a child or his parents and the da and the lawyers surrounding him.

note that rothman started it. ALLRED QUESTIONED IT....SAID IF IT WAS LEGIT, EVAN WOULDN'T DARE PREVENT JC FROM TESTIFYING....SHE QUIT SHORTLY AFTER TAKING THE CASE. feldman took over, katz joined forces, a giddy sneddon blew his load w/ the news....only garcetti gave up and moved on.

so who, at age 13 could he have gone to, if he didn't want to go through w/ it then? not saying that was his mindset then but if all theplayers are in places of power, you're s. outta luck.

and it wasn't just hultman, terrell....two other jurors, AND the media questioned it.

think about this....wade pretty much has a career b/c of mj. he brought him, liz, and chantal to the us, got them visas, gave him sure he would've been a phenom w/o mj but mj in his life didn't hurt.

mac is a coming out w/ info that he was abused would seemingly hurt his career....

brett still travels w/ mj and hangs out w/ him. in fact, during lwmj, he and his mother were w/ mj while they were shopping. just weren't shown. so the media could state he's still benefitting from having mj in his life.

so there are various ways to descredit the testimony of the three men. and note that he wasn't on trial for allegedly abusingthem. so it didn't matter what the jurors felt his conduct w/ those three were, it was what they felt his conduct was w/ gavin, jason, and jordan.
Of course those idoits are going to questioned it because they wanted this mess to keep them employed on tv and the jurors to make money. Still I do not think the average person believe for one moment if Michael abuse these boys that these now young men would come to his defense. Yes, some will want to believe otherwise and that is because they just want MIchael to be guilty (if God came down and told these kind of people that Michael was innocent, these people would call God a lier). I understand everything you are saying on paper but when it comes to "doing the right thing", Jordan could have done it as an ADULT during the trial by sitting on Michael's side or even saying "leave Michael alone" or any other kind of statement. I remember DD trying to talk to him for a comment as an adult when he was spotted. JOrdan just shock his head in jest to say "no" and keep on walking in the building. He could have told DD to get the @#$ on, he could have said Michael is being done wrong, he could have something without going into the detail of the agreement. I look at Jason now, I notice the media does NOT even bring him up after they saw him on the stand. If finally was clear that this boy was full of it. The settlement was NOT about the abuse, so I do not see Jordan having any problem making settle messages. Body language can be more powerful than words.
And yes, I agree it may not erase all of what people think but it will erase most of it. Even as bad as 2005 trial was on Michael, I do believe that changed the minds of some who thought was guilty in 1993. Geraldo Rivera was proof that one's view can change. Geraldo said his daughter loved Michael after she saw him and wanted his cd. Now if Geraldo still thought Michael abuse anyone, I doubt he would have let his oldest daughter purchase Michael's cd. Geraldo finally met Michael due to that trail.
terrell....he couldn't sit on mj's side if he didn't have permission. if mez chose not to use him, then the message was simple . we don't need u...and they didn't. june's testimony couldn't sink the titanic...

francia, mcmanus, abdool, chacon...allof them made no sense and were severely impeached so y bring jordan in? it's just like mj's witness list..he had liz and his own would've been overkill to bring them in to state what a great person he is just like witnesses impeaching the defense....that's y the trial took so long. the state had ten witnesses to prove each point and teh defense knocked each one of them down.

they very well could've called three witnesses to impeach each state witness but what's the point?