Barack Obama Inauguration

How do they have so much energy to do all that? 10 damn balls, dancing, walking, talking... sooner or later they gonna :yawn: on our butts... but they're doing it.
Saw a bit of it this morning....what a fantastic man obama is! :)
So glad thathe is the new us presdent!! happy for you americans :)
I stayed up til four this morning to watch it live on TV. I didn't comment right away because I was too damn tired. But now that I'm up and at them, here are my thoughts.

First of all, I'm glad I saw this historic moment live. I think everyone else who did, from all around the world, will be telling their children and grandchildren about it. It will be a day the world will never forget.

It was great to see the Obama's greet the Bush's with a gift. There seems to be absolutely no hard feelings between the two families. I would have loved to have been in that limo as it drove Obama and Bush to the ceremony. I wonder what was said, if anything.

Seeing the past Presidents arrive at the ceremony was great. It was unfortunate that Bush (43) was met with a resounding boo from the crowd. But at least that boo turned into a cheer by the time Bush walked out onto the stage to be seated.

Obama's facial expression as he walked out onto the stage was interesting. It was like he was in a dream state. And I suppose he was. It was probably all a blur to him. I wonder if even now it was all sunk in yet or not.

Not much of the ceremony did much for me except Aretha Franklin. She was amazing.

Obama's oath was kinda sloppy. But that's understandable. He made up for it with his great, fluent speech. That's where I stopped watching. Too tired to what for the motorcade. I'll watch it on YouTube later.

Anyway, it's great that Obama is official now. He's now President Obama. That's amazing. Now I'm looking forward to actually seeing what he does as President. I have a feeling he'll be an effective, centrist President. At least I hope so. Here's to hoping Obama will be remembered for more than just being the first black President. I'd rather read in the history book that being the first black president was the least of his great achievements. Time will tell.
Oh what a day what a day. I got under 6 hours of sleep personally last night.

Such a great speech by President Obama. The one older gentlemen; the Reverend that they said was I believe friends with Martin Luther King; he also had a great speech.

For those that may not know tonight on ABC at 8:00 they are going to show highlights of all the balls and such. There are going to be performances by Beyonce, Mary J Blidge, Mariah Carey, Faith Hill, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, Shakira and Stevie Wonder! Certainly do not want to miss that! It's missing Michael but still should be good ;D.

At the "Neighborhood (Inaugural) Ball", Nick Cannon is the DJ and he keeps teasin' me with Jackson 5/MJ song snippets in between segments :D
Umm im confused...what do u mean by that?:scratch:

lol balls as in parties, there are 10 official ones and a bunch more unofficial ones and prez obama and michelle go to each of them and say something and dance to a song and then off to the next one, so it's a very long night for them.

each ball has a different, well i guess theme, like there's the "neighborhood ball" the "youth ball" the "commander-in-chief ball" the "home state ball" etc. and balls for different areas of the united states so people go to the ball that fits them
I caught that too. I was like :brow:

:yes: I was like :wild:... Boy, stop playin' wit me! LOL!!! :smilerolleyes:
But at the same time I was glad he was spinnin' like that :D :clapping:
I thought Barack was nervous during his oath of office and that's why he stuffed up. But apparently it was the Chief Justice who stuffed it up. The oath is supposed to be:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,
and will to the best of my Ability,
preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
But Chief Justice Roberts read the second line as "and I will execute the Office of President of the United States faithfully". Obama picked up on the mistake and that's why he seemed to muddle his words. Although, even though Roberts corrected himself, Obama still repeated the line as "and I will execute the Office of President of the United States faithfully".

Watching the video again it's funny to see Obama's reaction to when Roberts stuffs up the oath. He repeats the first few words up until the part where Roberts stuffed up and then nodded at him as if to say "try again", lol.

Some constitutional lawyers are saying Obama should take the oath again (not necessarily in public) to get the words right.

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 at 2:15 pm
A National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation

Moments ago, in his first official act since taking the oath of office, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation, calling on Americans to serve one another and our common purpose on this National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation. Check it out below, or read it on the proclamations page.


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As I take the sacred oath of the highest office in the land, I am humbled by the responsibility placed upon my shoulders, renewed by the courage and decency of the American people, and fortified by my faith in an awesome God.

We are in the midst of a season of trial. Our Nation is being tested, and our people know great uncertainty. Yet the story of America is one of renewal in the face of adversity, reconciliation in a time of discord, and we know that there is a purpose for everything under heaven.

On this Inauguration Day, we are reminded that we are heirs to over two centuries of American democracy, and that this legacy is not simply a birthright -- it is a glorious burden. Now it falls to us to come together as a people to carry it forward once more.

So in the words of President Abraham Lincoln, let us remember that: "The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 20, 2009, a National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation, and call upon all of our citizens to serve one another and the common purpose of remaking this Nation for our new century.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.
Oh I am so proud it isn't even funny anymore. I knew that Barack Obama was special, the first second I saw him speaking at the Democratic Convention in 2004. I knew it. I just knew he would be the one that would break all racial barriers, and bring this country into a new day. I am so happy I cried. Thank you Dear God for this day!!
it makes me happy to see all the ppl from across the world watching it and happy for us ^_^ you guys are awesome.

I personally wanted McCain. But I know Obama is a good man, and I wish him the best. I watched most of the inaguration and liked the speech. cant wait to see what'll happen. :)
I was near tears when I saw the inauguration. It's such a great day for America and the rest of the world.
I'm in Washington right now and I was at the Inaguration, in a seated section, and also at the Western States Ball last night, where Obama spoke and danced with his wife Michelle. So that's twice in one day that I saw him live! I was freezing my ass off the entire time, but oh well. He gave a powerful speech at the Inaguration and the Western states Ball, and I could actually see him. It was a trip. But my toes were just about to fall off by the end of the Inaguration, lol. Anyway, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them, lol.
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thats so awesome u got to be there wannabe :wild:

i watched the entire thing on cnn and i must say that i cried during obama's speech. i was very touched by the whole ceremony and all the people that took part and gave a speech.
God bless America! :heart:
I had to work yesterday.. but, I recorded the entire 8.5hrs on my dvr and watched it when I went home.. minus commercials.. It was a great day yesterday. I'm so glad he is our new President. He has his work cut out for him, bless his heart..
Thats great Wannabe! I'm sure it was a trip being there first hand to witness the making of HISTORY!
But like Roxy, I watched on TV. I know its not the same energy as being there in person but I would not have missed it for the world.
I'm just thankful that I am able to say I witnessed it at all.

Cass... I agree, he surely does have a lot to deal with.
I watched for as long as I could stay up...the speech was truly inspirational's truly a proud moment for all americans and for the whole world. I know the world is expecting Obama to do miracles ...I'm sure he is perfectly capable...god bless him!
I went to bed during the inaugural balls... I couldn't stay up that damn long! But they were soilders though (Barrack n Michelle). Shoot, he's up right now gettin ready to go to church! :lol:
I'm in Washington right now and I was at the Inaguration, in a seated section, and also at the Western States Ball last night, where Obama spoke and danced with his wife Michelle. So that's twice in one day that I saw him live! I was freezing my ass off the entire time, but oh well. He gave a powerful speech at the Inaguration and the Western states Ball, and I could actually see him. It was a trip. But my toes were just about to fall off by the end of the Inaguration, lol. Anyway, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them, lol.
Wow you're so lucky to have been there! What an amazing experience it must have been to see Obama live :)

But hey, wasn't it like +1C degrees out there and you were freezing?? That's nothing, you should come Finland where it's like -15C :D
I'm in Washington right now and I was at the Inaguration, in a seated section, and also at the Western States Ball last night, where Obama spoke and danced with his wife Michelle. So that's twice in one day that I saw him live! I was freezing my ass off the entire time, but oh well. He gave a powerful speech at the Inaguration and the Western states Ball, and I could actually see him. It was a trip. But my toes were just about to fall off by the end of the Inaguration, lol. Anyway, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them, lol.

What an amazing experience that must have been for you. Wow!!! You are very lucky to have been there on this special and historic day.

I can imagine it was freezing cold. It looked cold too. Hopefully your feet is fully recovered lolol :)
it makes me happy to see all the ppl from across the world watching it and happy for us :happy: you guys are awesome.
i think ppl are just thankful that at last that americans have voted for someone with a brain who wont try and cause world war 3. its a shame it took the last 8 years and god knows how many deaths for that to finally happen
and why are the media so bothered about trying to re write history by calling him black when hes mixed race. i guess it makes a better story.but as normal the media get it factually wrong
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:yes: I was like :wild:... Boy, stop playin' wit me! LOL!!! :smilerolleyes:
But at the same time I was glad he was spinnin' like that :D :clapping:

I know! When I heard "Rock With You" I got excited and thought
we might get a special video at least or something. I was pretty mad about that for a minute lol.

Yah! I thought "Could it be? Via jumbotron?!"
Naaaaaaah! LMBO!

Nick is a fan and so is his wife. So I suppose, in the only way he knew how,
he represented in that small way.
Wow you're so lucky to have been there! What an amazing experience it must have been to see Obama live :)

But hey, wasn't it like +1C degrees out there and you were freezing?? That's nothing, you should come Finland where it's like -15C :D

Yeah, but when you're standing in line for over 2 hours to get in starting at 7:30 in the morning and then sitting there for another 3, it starts to get to you, lol. I'm okay now though! But it was great. There were SO many people there, it was insane. Millions of people, stretching all the way from the Capitol to the Washington Monument, as far as the eye could see. I was probably about 200 yards from the stage. My brother is the partner of a congressman and he was 40 feet away from Obama. Pretty nuts!
Yeah, but when you're standing in line for over 2 hours to get in starting at 7:30 in the morning and then sitting there for another 3, it starts to get to you, lol. I'm okay now though! But it was great. There were SO many people there, it was insane. Millions of people, stretching all the way from the Capitol to the Washington Monument, as far as the eye could see. I was probably about 200 yards from the stage. My brother is the partner of a congressman and he was 40 feet away from Obama. Pretty nuts!
Wow! :bugeyed He might even have the opportunity to meet Obama in person someday!
Yeah, but when you're standing in line for over 2 hours to get in starting at 7:30 in the morning and then sitting there for another 3, it starts to get to you, lol. I'm okay now though! But it was great. There were SO many people there, it was insane. Millions of people, stretching all the way from the Capitol to the Washington Monument, as far as the eye could see. I was probably about 200 yards from the stage. My brother is the partner of a congressman and he was 40 feet away from Obama. Pretty nuts!

OMG! I couldn't even imagine it!!!! :bugeyed I even thought "it's totally incredible" at a Michael Jackson concert when there were about 50.000 people.