Barack Obama Inauguration

I was thinking the same thing! Obama speaking about the current negative state of the nation with Bush sitting right there! :giggle: In my opinion, a delicious moment.

Oh well; whassup BOI! He singed the papers!!! He in there... WOO! I'm HYPA! :rofl:
Oh what a day what a day. I got under 6 hours of sleep personally last night.

Such a great speech by President Obama. The one older gentlemen; the Reverend that they said was I believe friends with Martin Luther King; he also had a great speech.

For those that may not know tonight on ABC at 8:00 they are going to show highlights of all the balls and such. There are going to be performances by Beyonce, Mary J Blidge, Mariah Carey, Faith Hill, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, Shakira and Stevie Wonder! Certainly do not want to miss that! It's missing Michael but still should be good ;D.
I still can't believe it,
this is such an amazing day! I will never, never forget.
But I think that many people have too high expectations about this change Obama is talking about. It's a process that lasts over time, a process which can only be done if we all stick together. It can not be made by Barack Obama alone, we all need to make the difference. So let's stand up, and do it! 'Cause yes we CAN!!!
I don't, cause I know he's only one man. The best I can do is stay in school and do what's right. I think that's what he wants from most people. It can be hard to get that mesage across, because laziness/stubborness/arrogance runs amok in people's heart and minds (I know it does for me). But slowly we'll get there...
I still can't believe it,
this is such an amazing day! I will never, never forget.
But I think that many people have too high expectations about this change Obama is talking about. It's a process that lasts over time, a process which can only be done if we all stick together. It can not be made by Barack Obama alone, we all need to make the difference. So let's stand up, and do it! 'Cause yes we CAN!!!

You speak the truth. There are a lot of people that are looking at Barack as a "savior" or something but he is only one man. He may be the man that reopened our eyes but he isn't the only man that can make change and I think more need to realize this.

He himself has stated many times that it takes all of us to make change so I'm hoping that all people will hear those words and take them to heart. Not just Obama supporters but Americans as a whole. And even people throughout the rest of the world can learn from his wise mind.
Now why did the Chief Justice forget the words to the Oath :mello: Obama looked at him like :doh:

What a great day filled with so much hope. :)
They're so gone now, Bush n' Wife... reality is really staring to set in! I'm nervous, but im gonna try to keep hope alive!
I can't help but be excited, and I DO mean EXCITED:
He's such an inspiration! That speech was like simply amazing.
He's so intelligent and well-spoken.. :wub: (
Obama is the president!!! I watched the ceremony live, it was great.
I'm so happy and full of excitement what's going to happend in USA now!
Yep, Ohio representing!

Am I the only one with goosebumps?

No you weren't. And I cried as well.

The Reverend Lowery, Charlayne Hunter-Gault, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Rael Nelson James were on The News Hour last night. The Reverend Lowery spoke about how they (he and Dr. King and their compatriots) always believed there would be a black president but just didn't know when. I have also heard that King predicted there would be one in 40 years - which would be now.
Here is the dialogue with Reverend Lowery:
GWEN IFILL: Rev. Lowery, would you use the term "transcendental" or is there anything that kind of makes people nervous about this ebullience?

REV. JOSEPH LOWERY, co-founder, Southern Christian Leadership Conference: I might use it, if I knew what it meant.

GWEN IFILL: How would you describe it?

REV. JOSEPH LOWERY: I don't know. Words are so inadequate. Martin would be 80 last Thursday. And I don't know. I can't put into words what this means to the world.

He's the first global president. If anybody is the president of the world, Barack Obama symbolically represents that.

I've never seen what CNN and some of these networks did on election night, going around the country, showing the exultation, the joy, the celebration in country after country after country, because Barack Obama had been elected president. There's something electrifying about it.

And it's not just -- when we were fighting in the '60s for the right to vote, all of us thought one day there would be a black president. And we knew there would be a day; we just didn't know the date.

And the date becomes November 4, 2008. And it's a marvelous day and a marvelous date. And it's the beginning of a new era in global politics and in human relations across the globe. It can't be the same anymore.

And yet representing this generation:
TA-NEHISI COATES, The Atlantic: The racial shift, I mean, just in all honesty. I think it's fascinating to listen to my esteemed panelists over here, who have gone through so much, and yet still had the expectation that one day there would be a black president, because I had written it off in my lifetime, which seems -- I mean, I should be the one with hope as anyone, but I had basically written it off.

I just wanted to share that. As it really struck me.

It renews hope and that has been needed. As for me, since I don't have a bunch of pundits hovering over me like Michelle Obama did, I can say that I can finally feel proud of my country again.

I love the Reverend's sense of humor by the way. It came through during the benediction today as well and was much appreciated. And I loved Obama's grin in response. I think it is good to keep us all grounded.
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^^^ You're most welcome.

Brand new presidential limo is pretty amazing. It's been described as a "heavy tank", and the secret service have nicknamed it "the beast". Window glass 2-3 inches thick, body/sides of limo are several inches of solid steel.
That's one badass vehicle. I know the heating must be perfect, and not jacked up like other raggady cars. :lol:
Barack and Michelle now out of the limo and walking down the middle of the street (Pennsylvania Ave) people screaming their lungs out. Be safe Barack, I pray.
Bidens' out walking now, too. Those Secret Service guys must be sweating bullets, the looks on some of their faces tells a story.
I'm not gonna read the entire thread, but I just want to wish all Americans congratulations with your new president :)
watching replays of it. i was working so didnt get to see it happen. *sigh* wow is all i can say. i've been watching these since Reagan came in. i've never ever seen the kind of enthusiasm ever that i'm watching on the news now. his speech really was amazing. been a long while since i felt patriotic. waving my little American flag today. really amazing. i hope they put it on video. i'd love to have this day. good luck Mr. President! God bless us all.