Barack Obama Inauguration

UGH! can we break it up into smaller pieces next time?!?!?

He was a bit nervous at sworn in, got his words mixed a bit but it was Ok.
Good speech.
I really hope Obama gets to do all the things he wants to do.
yay! this is an incredible and inspiring speech :yes: buuuuut, I gotta go to class.....
aw at least u got to watch part of it and i'm sure it'll be played to death on the news networks over the next few days
i feel bad for this professor from yale... having to follow that wasn't easy and she was not a great speaker IMHO
It was fun to see Bush in the background when Barack Obama explained how he would build America up again! Like Bush did a terrible job.
I loved seeing them fire those rockets.... so historic wasn't it? :jump:

So when does that parade start?
It was fun to see Bush in the background when Barack Obama explained how he would build America up again! Like Bush did a terrible job.

I was thinking the same thing! Obama speaking about the current negative state of the nation with Bush sitting right there! :giggle: In my opinion, a delicious moment.
I can't believe it! I missed the speech! Oh well, it's on again in 2 hours, but I missed it live, grrr!

I am so happy, though. This is such a great day.