Barack Obama Inauguration

Obama speech censored in China

By Michael Bristow
BBC News, Beijing

China has censored parts of the new US president's inauguration speech that have appeared on a number of websites.
Live footage of the event on state television also cut away from Barack Obama when communism was mentioned.
China's leaders appear to have been upset by references to facing down communism and silencing dissent.
English-language versions of the speech have been allowed on the internet, but many of the Chinese translations have omitted sensitive sections.
Selective editing
China keeps a firm grip on the country's media outlets and censors their news reports as a matter of routine.
Like the rest of the world, it has been keenly following developments in the United States; President Obama's inauguration was front page news.
But the authorities seem not to want ordinary Chinese people to read the full, unexpurgated version of the president's speech.
In his inauguration address, President Obama said: "Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions."
That entire passage was retained for an English-language version of the speech that appeared on the website of state-run Xinhua news agency.

Xinhua did not mention the word "communism" in its Chinese version

But in the Chinese-language version, the word "communism" was taken out.
President Obama's comments addressed to world leaders who "blame their society's ills on the West" also fell foul of the censor's red pen.
"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history," the president said.

Once again, Xinhua included the passage in full in its English version, but the sentence was taken out of the Chinese translation.
Similar changes were made to versions of the speech that appeared on other websites based in China.
And websites were not the only media organisations that struggled to report some of the comments made by President Obama.
China Central Television, the country's main broadcaster, aired the speech live with a simultaneous Chinese translation.
But when the translator got to the part where President Obama talked about facing down communism, her voice suddenly faded away.
The programme suddenly cut back to the studio, where an off-guard presenter had to quickly ask a guest a question.
Censoring sensitive news reports is nothing new in China, where officials go to great lengths to cut critical material.
These officials appear a little nervous about the arrival of a new US President, who might not be as friendly to China as President George W. Bush.
As an editorial in the state-run China Daily put it: "Given the popular American eagerness for a break from the Bush years, many wonder, or worry to be precise, whether the new president would ignore the hard-earned progress in bilateral ties."

^ interesting look at our times where world politics are handled by the media. don't be fooled thinking it's only China that censor things either ;)
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i think ppl are just thankful that at last that americans have voted for someone with a brain who wont try and cause world war 3. its a shame it took the last 8 years and god knows how many deaths for that to finally happen
and why are the media so bothered about trying to re write history by calling him black when hes mixed race. i guess it makes a better story.but as normal the media get it factually wrong

lol. ya. good point. i liked him at the beginning but...yeeeah. when the war started i didnt anymore. i have respect for him only to the extent that i know he went through hell as every president does. day to day that job has gotta be one of the most painstakingly hard jobs on the planet. Good Luck to and GOD Bless Obama! hes got looong years ahead of him.

ive been so sick of the war for years! i mean you think its going to be a little thing but this is the longest war in American History right? sad :cry: I feel sorry for all those poor families who had someone give their life..I hope Obame helps to end the bloody thing..

i read he was getting ready for church thats awesome. hopefully he will look to GOD for guidence in everything he does.
I'm in Washington right now and I was at the Inaguration, in a seated section, and also at the Western States Ball last night, where Obama spoke and danced with his wife Michelle. So that's twice in one day that I saw him live! I was freezing my ass off the entire time, but oh well. He gave a powerful speech at the Inaguration and the Western states Ball, and I could actually see him. It was a trip. But my toes were just about to fall off by the end of the Inaguration, lol. Anyway, if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer them, lol.

:bugeyed: wooa! youre very lucky! I hope you felt proud to witness a piece of history first hand :) i cant imagine what it was like to see all those people!
This guy is good. Already he's off to a great start as President. He's freezing White House salaries, making the White House more transparent and he's cracking down on lobbying in Washington. Wow.

From The Australian:

US President Barack Obama today vowed to forge a new era of government openness and froze the pay of top staff earning more than $US100,000 to show Americans their leaders could also tighten their belts amid economic crisis.

"For a long time now there's been too much secrecy in this city," said Mr Obama who was elected partly on a platform of purging big-time politics of influence peddling and corruption.

"The old rules said that if there was a defensible argument for not disclosing something to the American people, then it should not be disclosed," Mr Obama said.

"That era is now over," he vowed at a swearing in ceremony for senior members of his White House staff in the Executive Office Building, across the road from the presidential mansion.

Mr Obama, who takes office amid the deepest economic crisis since the 1930s also sought to show his administration shared the sacrifice of Americans outside the US government.

"During this period of economic emergency, families are tightening their belts, and so should Washington," Mr Obama said.

"That's why I am instituting a pay freeze on the salaries of my senior White House staff.

"Some of the people in this room will be affected by the pay freeze, and I want you to know that I appreciate your willingness to agree to it," Mr Obama said.

He also pledged to hold himself accountable to "a new standard of openness" introducing new requirements from presidents to keep as much information as possible available to the Americans.

Mr Obama said that if he, or a former president, wanted to keep information secret they would have to consult the US attorney general and the White House counsel to see whether the move was permitted by law.

"Information will not be withheld just because I say so - it will be withheld because a separate authority believes my request is well grounded in the constitution."

The previous US administration of president George W. Bush was repeatedly criticised for covering up information that did not need to be withheld and for seeking to ensure some data relating to previous presidencies was covered up.

Mr Obama also banned any gifts from lobbyists to his staff and sought to lay down in the law how they could operate.

"However long we are keepers of the public trust, we should never forget that we are here as public servants, and public service is a privilege," Mr Obama said.

"It's not about advantaging yourself, it's not about advancing your friends or your corporate clients. It's not about advancing an ideological agenda or the special interests of any organisation," he said.

Therefore "as of today, lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than under any other administration in history", the new president said.

"And there will be a ban on gifts by lobbyists to anyone serving in the administration as well."
That's awesome!

I also curious to see how he goes with this:

Obama 'set to close Guantanamo'

US President Barack Obama is expected to sign an executive order to close the Guantanamo Bay prison within a year.
A draft order circulated on Wednesday also called for halting military trials in the prison, where terror suspects had been held for years without trial.
Separate orders are expected to ban abusive interrogations and review the detention of terror suspects.

Mr Obama has repeatedly promised to close the Guantanamo Bay, where some 250 inmates accused of having links to terrorism remain and 21 cases are pending.
On Wednesday, judges suspended several of the military trials of terror suspects at Guantanamo, at Mr Obama's request. One trial involved several men accused in the 11 September attacks in the US.
The legal process has been widely criticised because the US military acts as jailer, judge and jury, the BBC's Jonathan Beale reports from Guantanamo.
However, closing Guantanamo Bay will not be easy, he says. Questions remain over where those charged will be tried and where those freed can be safely sent.
On Thursday, Mr Obama is also expected to issue a separate executive order banning abusive interrogation techniques such as waterboarding - a form of simulating drowning used by the CIA.
The president is also expected to order a review of America's detention policies, a White House official said.

Here's hoping he can get rid of the torture tactics and renditions that george bush allowed to happen
the lobbying issue was always in the roots of what made me hopeful in Obama from the start (when hardly anyone else but him were speaking out against it), but after the mess that has happened in Palestine, reality quickly sets in and you realise there are things that are beyond even his control.

AIPAC > Obama.
That's awesome!

I also curious to see how he goes with this:

Obama 'set to close Guantanamo'

US President Barack Obama is expected to sign an executive order to close the Guantanamo Bay prison within a year.
A draft order circulated on Wednesday also called for halting military trials in the prison, where terror suspects had been held for years without trial.
Separate orders are expected to ban abusive interrogations and review the detention of terror suspects.

Mr Obama has repeatedly promised to close the Guantanamo Bay, where some 250 inmates accused of having links to terrorism remain and 21 cases are pending.
On Wednesday, judges suspended several of the military trials of terror suspects at Guantanamo, at Mr Obama's request. One trial involved several men accused in the 11 September attacks in the US.
The legal process has been widely criticised because the US military acts as jailer, judge and jury, the BBC's Jonathan Beale reports from Guantanamo.
However, closing Guantanamo Bay will not be easy, he says. Questions remain over where those charged will be tried and where those freed can be safely sent.
On Thursday, Mr Obama is also expected to issue a separate executive order banning abusive interrogation techniques such as waterboarding - a form of simulating drowning used by the CIA.
The president is also expected to order a review of America's detention policies, a White House official said.

Here's hoping he can get rid of the torture tactics and renditions that george bush allowed to happen

YES! thats what im talking about! I hope the torture tactics are gone! that made me soo angry when i heard about it
All hail the Chief - The President and First Lady



Walking in front of his brand new Limo named 'The Beast'




First Daughters





We are tired

Inaugural Ball



VP and Wife

Inauguration brought tears to my eyes.

God Bless America!

Thank you all for the pics :flowers:
Those photos are great. The Obama girls are so cute and Barack and Michelle are such a cute couple together. They're just a cute family. You've gotta love 'em. Obama looks so regal in those photos too.

and btw, congratulations Secretary Clinton

Yes Congrats to Hilary as well she'll be a formidable ally

and Obama gets to keep his blackberry

Obama allowed to keep BlackBerry

Barack Obama is an avid user of his BlackBerry

Barack Obama is to keep his BlackBerry, becoming the first US president to have access to e-mail in the White House.
Spokesman Robert Gibbs said a "compromise" would allow the president to stay in touch with senior staff and personal friends.
There had been security concerns about who might be able to see the president's e-mails.
But Mr Obama had repeatedly said he would have been reluctant to part with the device on becoming president.
"The president has a BlackBerry through a compromise that allows him to stay in touch with senior staff and a small group of personal friends in a way that use will be limited," said Mr Gibbs.
"The security is enhanced to ensure his ability to communicate, to do so effectively and to do so in a way that is protected."
Presidential 'bubble'
It is good news for President Obama, who was often seen thumbing the jog wheel on his BlackBerry to check his e-mail during the campaign, the BBC's Rajini Vaidyanathan reports from Washington.
After winning the election he said that if officials wanted him to give it up they would have to "pry it out of my hands".
"It's just one tool among a number of tools that I'm trying to use, to break out of the bubble, to make sure that people can still reach me," he told CNN.
"If I'm doing something stupid, somebody in Chicago can send me an e-mail and say, 'What are you doing?'"
Under the post-Watergate Presidential Records Act, most correspondence from the White House apart from that classed as "strictly personal" is recorded in the national archives.
Neither George W Bush nor Bill Clinton used e-mail during their presidencies.
and now more progressive work that is yet again essentially the undoing of 'Bush blunders'

Green light for US stem cell work

Friday, 23 January 2009

US regulators have cleared the way for the world's first study on human embryonic stem cell therapy.

The move comes three days after the inauguration of President Barack Obama who has been a strong supporter of embryonic stem cell research.

Since 2001 there have been limits on federal funding for stem cells.

i'm so happy about the stem cell research funding

Bl00dyphynix, even though we disagree i'm glad that you still respect others' stances. and i respect yours :)
Bl00dyphynix, even though we disagree i'm glad that you still respect others' stances. and i respect yours :)
i ditto that, because unfortunately it's quite rare from either side.
I am so late stating my views about the new adminstration and the Inauguration. Words cannot describe my feelings and emotions when I saw that great man taking his oath. The whole thing was AMAZING. It was like the whole country, heck, maybe the whole world watched as Barack was sworn in. It was awesome.

His speech was great and on the point. I really was not expecting anything from it. Aretha Franklin was amazing. The pastors prayers were on point. I know a lot of people did not want Rick Warren there, but Barack did and I am glad that he sticked to his guns and put him there. Michelle and their precious daughters were just the definition of wonderful. Malia and Sasha were just too cute and Michelle was looking good. Speaking of the girls, the Bush Twins letter to the girls was really sweet and geniune. That was very nice of them.

When Bush left, I waved, "bye Bush. BYE!" LOL. It was GREAT to see him go. When it came to the Inauguration Ball, it was pretty good. I really did not understand Beyonce being there singing "At Last" but anything to promotion herself, she will do. I thought it was funny when she stated that Barack made her more "smarter". LOL. I laughed when she stated that. LOL. The neighborhood bashed that happened was good. I like Alicia Keys performance. Stevie, as usual, was amazing. I was shocked that Shakira played the harmonica and was pretty good at it. Ray Romano was very funny to me. Mariah...... However, the best thing about that show was Barack and Michelle's first dance: WOW! They are my couple, so far, of the year. Oh yeah, Barack cannot dance. LOL. Awwwww. Me and him have something in common.

The greatness surrounding that day was awesome and I will never forget it for as long as I live. That day was one of the best days of my life. I witnessed, like so many of you guys, HISTORY and I witnessed a man that will become one of the greatest leaders of all time. Oh yeah, I went there. LOL.




Here's The Soup's recap of the inauguration coverage and when you reach 4:52 watch for the setup by Joel McHale and then watch Dr. Terri Orbuch who appeared on Detroit's FOX 2 News telling us how much Barack and Michelle love each other and how much do they love each other? Well.... I'll just let her explain so be warned.
Bl00dyphynix, even though we disagree i'm glad that you still respect others' stances. and i respect yours :)

:hug: thank you much! :)

i ditto that, because unfortunately it's quite rare from either side.

yeah. its really sad how ppl can try to put someone down on the internet just because they have different views.

I find it pathetic and annoying...:huh:

Im loving the pictures! everyone looks lovely! ^_^ his kids are soo cute!

im sure the inauguration is on youtube right? I missed a lot of it and want to see it :/
Here's The Soup's recap of the inauguration coverage and when you reach 4:52 watch for the setup by Joel McHale and then watch Dr. Terri Orbuch who appeared on Detroit's FOX 2 News telling us how much Barack and Michelle love each other and how much do they love each other? Well.... I'll just let her explain so be warned.
LOL the fk?!

that's gonna get me all day....
See, this is one of those times where it's a terrible thing to have an active imagination.
man who calls fist-bumps that, come on lol which is the more interesting act to deserve the term? people need to get their priorities straight,,,,
Obama's first job-approval rating as President: 68%

12% disapprove of President Obama thus far and 21% are undecided.

President Obama has performed better in his first job-approval than some past Presidents have in their first days. George W. Bush started his Presidency with a 57% approval rating. 58% of Americans approved of Bill Clinton's first days as President. Bush Sr. and his predecessor, Ronald Reagan, both received a 51% approval rating in their first days of office. Carter was received more warmly then the aforementioned former Presidents receiving a 66% approval rating in his first days (two points lower than Obama's first approval rating). 59% of Americans approved of Nixon's first days as President. Obama first approval rating equals Eisenhower's who's first approval rating was also 68%. Source
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Here's The Soup's recap of the inauguration coverage and when you reach 4:52 watch for the setup by Joel McHale and then watch Dr. Terri Orbuch who appeared on Detroit's FOX 2 News telling us how much Barack and Michelle love each other and how much do they love each other? Well.... I'll just let her explain so be warned.

wah? she say fisting? mkay...
babies' lives are wasted in the name of science. great.

I respect the fact that some of you are for it but..i dont agree with it.

hopefully it will save other lives somehow.

When I read your statement I wanted to comment based on my understanding of where the controversial embrionic stem cells were supposed to come. I wasn't sure if my memory was correct but I came across this article in the news today that confirms my memory. You may be fully aware of what this article states and still feel it is babies lives wasted (and as someone else stated, I will respect your right to feel that way) but I thought I would post this in case you were not aware and to also let others who read your comment know where the cells will come from. I think it may set some peoples minds more at ease.
What has traditionally made embryonic stem cells such a hot-button issue is the fact that, in order to obtain them, researchers must destroy human embryos -- a step that some say violates the sanctity of human life.

But Geron's research uses discarded embryos from in-vitro fertilization procedures, which in all likelihood would have been destroyed anyway.

The article speaks about some of the tests that will now go forward. The primary one is their use in treatment of spinal cord injuries but other things mentioned are:

"I am in favor of anything that will bring us closer to a cure for diseases like Alzheimer's and diabetes," said former first lady Nancy Reagan in a statement issued Friday in response to news of the study. Reagan emerged as a prominent supporter of stem cell research after her husband, President Ronald Reagan, passed away in 1994 after a 10-year battle with Alzheimer's disease.

"I am very pleased to hear that human trials of embryonic stem cell therapy will begin soon and am very hopeful that it will be successful so that further trials can move forward," the statement reads.

And where proponents were hopeful, some stem cells researchers were ecstatic. One such researcher is Dr. Robert Lanza of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Lanza is also chief scientific officer for Advanced Cell Technology, which is planning its own FDA-approved study this summer which would test a technique using embryonic stem cells to prevent blindness.