Barack Obama has been elected President of the US

Rumours are coming out of Fox News that McCain is potential pick for Obama's Secretary of Defense. Other potential picks are Colin Powell and Wes Clark.

mccain has my respect. the way he accepted his loss has shown that he is, indeed, a true statesman and a gentleman at that! but uhhh... mccain as secretary of defense? how can that be when his policies on iraq war is very different from obama?
omg i havebeen rebuffing racist comment after racist comment, i had to delete hella people from my myspace, cussed a few out, and then posted a few blogs. i gotta work in four hrs and i ain't been to sleep yet. that' show pissed i am.

im glad he was elected and even if he didn't win, this race showed so much about the american people and im saddened that so many(that were featured on television) showed their racist undertones....
Congratilations Americans! :cheers:

I heard the good news on the radio today and I just saw the TV news. My god I saw Jesse Jackson crying.

yeah, me too. It was really emotional!

Martin Luther King, Jr's dream finally become true!!!:punk:

  • "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'"
  • "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
President-elect Obama is already putting together his administration.

He has offered the position of Chief of Staff to Rahm Emanuel according the ABC. MSNBC and AP are reporting that Emanuel has accepted the offer.


Emanuel is a Democratic member of the US Congress representing the fifth congressional district of Illinois. He is the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives. He was a senior advisor to President Clinton from 1993 to 1998.

The Washington Independent has also reported that John Kerry is a frontrunner for the position of Secretary of State. Also reported by the Huffington Post and MSNBC. John Kerry is a US Senator from Massachusetts. He ran for President of the US as the Democratic nominee in 2004.


There is also much speculation that Colin Powell, former Secretary of State for George W Bush and a retired General of the US Army is a frontrunner for Obama's Secretary of Defense. However, Gen. Powell said “I am not interested in a position in government, nor have I been approached.” When asked specifically about whether he might serve as Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense, Gen. Powell shrugged it off saying,“Why? I’ve done it.” He then went on to say, “President-elect Obama has a large number of people he could look to who could be good candidates for State, Defense, or elsewhere.”


So if Powell declines or is not even asked, then who else is there? Chuck Hagel has also been mentioned as a possibility for Obama's Secretary of Defense. Chuck Hagel is a Republican Senior Senator from Nebraska. Choosing Hagel as Secretary of Defense could be a sign of "reaching across the aisle" to the other party and having a bi-partisan administration.


Other speculated candidates for Secretary of Defense include retired General of the US army Wes Clark, who ran in the 2004 Democratic primaries, and even Barack Obama's Republican opposition in the 2008 Presidential Election, John McCain the US Senator from Arizona. Although the latter seems unlikely because McCain's positions on the Iraq war and the War on Terror differ greatly from Obama's.

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Thirty Seconds to Mars is playing in the backround - FYI. It's my daughters favorite group right now...
President-elect Obama is already putting together his administration.

He has offered the position of Chief of Staff to Rahm Emanuel according the ABC. MSNBC and AP are reporting that Emanuel has accepted the offer. However, nothing is officially confirmed yet.


Emanuel is a Democratic member of the US Congress representing the fifth congressional district of Illinois. He is the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives. He was a senior advisor to President Clinton from 1993 to 1998.

The Washington Independent has also reported that John Kerry is a frontrunner for the position of Secretary of State. Also reported by the Huffington Post and MSNBC. John Kerry is a US Senator from Massachusetts. He ran for President of the US as the Democratic nominee in 2004.


There is also much speculation that Colin Powell, former Secretary of State for George W Bush and a retired General of the US Army is a frontrunner for Obama's Secretary of Defense. However, Gen. Powell said “I am not interested in a position in government, nor have I been approached.” When asked specifically about whether he might serve as Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense, Gen. Powell shrugged it off saying,“Why? I’ve done it.” He then went on to say, “President-elect Obama has a large number of people he could look to who could be good candidates for State, Defense, or elsewhere.”


So if Powell declines or is not even asked, then who else is there? Chuck Hagel has also been mentioned as a possibility for Obama's Secretary of Defense. Chuck Hagel is a Republican Senior Senator from Nebraska. Choosing Hagel as Secretary of Defense could be a sign of "reaching across the aisle" to the other party and having a bi-partisan administration.


Other speculated candidates for Secretary of Defense include retired General of the US army Wes Clark, who ran in the 2004 Democratic primaries, and even Barack Obama's Republican opposition in the 2008 Presidential Election, John McCain the US Senator from Arizona. Although the latter seems unlikely because McCain's positions on the Iraq war and the War on Terror differ greatly from Obama's.


I can't wait to see the Dream Team he puts together. But I'm not too sure about McCain either. He agreed with Bush the majority of the time about defense issues so that's gotta be a sick rumor. :lol: I do hope there's a spot for Hillary somewhere. Heck, if we could get Bill Clinton anywhere back in the mix that would be great. lol!! I heard a couple of Kennedys are being considered as well.

So exciting!
I can't wait to see the Dream Team he puts together. But I'm not too sure about McCain either. He agreed with Bush the majority of the time about defense issues so that's gotta be a sick rumor. :lol: I do hope there's a spot for Hillary somewhere. Heck, if we could get Bill Clinton anywhere back in the mix that would be great. lol!! I heard a couple of Kennedys are being considered as well.

So exciting!
I don't know about Hillary. She seems pretty keen on remaining in the Senate and putting together some good legislation that will have a better chance of getting passed now that the Democrats have more seats in the Senate and a President in the White House. But she could be considered for Secretary of Health because health-care is her big issue.

I definitely don't think Bill Clinton will be apart of the Obama administration. He's over it. He doesn't want to be in government in anymore. He's stressed that many, many times. He seems to even like the career he's had since he left office more than when he was in office.

As you mentioned, some of the Kennedys are apparently being considered for positions in the Obama administration. Robert Kennedy Jr (son of Robert F Kennedy) is rumoured to be in the running for Secretary of Energy or head of the EPA. Caroline Kennedy (daughter of John F Kennedy) is rumoured to be in the running for Secretary of Education.
Shizz, I know what I AM all about now: The Inauguration Ball(s) :dance:
Since Colin Powell apparently does not desire a position such as Sec. of Defense, Wesley Clark certainly comes to my mind. As for McCain reaching across the aisle is a possibility, but not in the Defense category imo, not exactly good mesh there.

Hillary should probably stay in the Senate or else a position where she does have influence on health care and her other pet projects. Bill has a presence about him that seems to bring people in, an Ambassadorship or something similar but not quite as political as alot of other positions out there might be a possibility. Bill and George Bush the elder have had success in recent years crossing boundaries when needed in sticky situations, or traveling to areas of concern post disasters.

And I don't know where I've been but the name Rahm Emanuel just doesn't ring a bell with me at all although he's apparently been around since the Clinton admin in several capacities. Sounds like he is definitely qualified for some position.

Caroline Kennedy has been out and about and more active over the last few years, so a position for her in some capacity would certainly be appealing to many.

This should be very interesting to see how things progress, looking forward to following it as it develops.:yes:
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It was a fantastic night for me on Tuesday night. I was hoping...PRAYING that Barack and the Democrats reclaimed total control of Washington DC...and that is exactly what they did.

The American people have spoken. We are tired of the lies and BS from Bush & The Republican party. We are tired of congress bailing out big oil companies, and outsourcing our jobs's because of this practice, I lost my job on Monday afternoon. We're tired of this stupid and unwanted war that should have been done with YEARS ago.

With Mr. Obama in charge, things are about to get done. The bleeding is about to stop. We're slowly but surely going to get our economy back on the right track, we're going to get our jobs back, and most important of all, all of our boys and girls are coming home soon. This God awful f*cking war is about to end, and our troops are going to be getting out of harms way...FINALLY!

God Bless Barack Obama! and God Bless the American public who stood up and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!
it's not surprising he'd look to Clintonites when facing a bad economy.

hopefully though he'll turn elsewhere for foreign policy matters. Clinton maintained the damage done to Iraq by Bush sr. (also intensifying the failed Iran-Iraq containment policy) and i witnessed all the side-effects at first hand. his work between Israel and Palestine also took on the same bias as his Bush predecessor and successor. if Obama keeps his promise of change, then he needs to try and do just that.
I trust his jugement in the team.. who ever he picks.. I think McCain or Powell would be good too!

They both have good understanding of the military and how to use it.. I know McCain voted with Bush so much, but as a sec. of state, he would not the full power but would have a good say.. McCain as president would go too far crazy, but his military understanding will give him a good mix, UNDER Obama..

But I would prefer Powell.. Though I did hear he was not looking for the position.
yeeeeeeeeeesssssss!! it was my fist time voted and my vote went towards the 1 who won! yayyyyy!! we did it!
omg i havebeen rebuffing racist comment after racist comment, i had to delete hella people from my myspace, cussed a few out, and then posted a few blogs. i gotta work in four hrs and i ain't been to sleep yet. that' show pissed i am.

im glad he was elected and even if he didn't win, this race showed so much about the american people and im saddened that so many(that were featured on television) showed their racist undertones....

Yeah I think the vast majority of us are going through it. I too have found my fair share of friends on myspace that have one heck of an opinion apparently. Well there are only three of them actually. One says "F-Obama Im keeping my guns"...too bad hes not taking them. Another says "We Better Start Praying" and well the third really hasn't said anything but she was a heavy Obama hater leading up till Election Night.

Theres the typical "oh Obama is racist" or "Obama isn't American" or something like that. Which if they cared enough to educate themselves there are "rednecks" out there that did vote for Obama. I saw them on tv with signs that read "Rednecks For Obama". And for anyone to say hes racist or not mix or not American...well their ignorance speaks for themselves.

Right now people are just trying to find excuses to hide their obvious racist feelings. Some have gone to saying "oh the Market crashed 500pts lets blame the guy that isn't in office yet". I have had many conversations with these people on message boards and myspace and I have offered them the opportunity to discuss issues with me so I can understand them. And well to see if they are in fact racist. However, every opportunity I've laid out there has been denied and ignored.

But its whatever to me now. The vast majority of my friends are ecstatic that Obama was elected. And there is nothing that can be said that will take me off my high right now.
yeeeeeeeeeesssssss!! it was my fist time voted and my vote went towards the 1 who won! yayyyyy!! we did it!

It feels great doesn't it? I first voted in 1996 and the same thing happened to me to. I was a big Clinton supporter..and still am. I don't give a rats ass what the man does in his private life. Yes he cheated on his wife...Ok he lied about it, but he admitted his mistake and that should have been the end of it. All I care about is what is being done for our country. I don't care if some unattactive bimbo is giving the commander and chief, some head in the oval office. The way the Republicans dragged it out was not right.

"why u guys so excited ? do u know what obama will do ?"

"no but we know what bush did" :wild:
It feels great doesn't it? I first voted in 1996 and the same thing happened to me to. I was a big Clinton supporter..and still am. I don't give a rats ass what the man does in his private life. Yes he cheated on his wife...Ok he lied about it, but he admitted his mistake and that should have been the end of it. All I care about is what is being done for our country. I don't care if some unattactive bimbo is giving the commander and chief, some head in the oval office. The way the Republicans dragged it out was not right.

no matter what people say about clinton, dude left us w/ the biggest budget surplus ever and bush turned it into the biggest budget deficit ever.
Yeah I think the vast majority of us are going through it. I too have found my fair share of friends on myspace that have one heck of an opinion apparently. Well there are only three of them actually. One says "F-Obama Im keeping my guns"...too bad hes not taking them. Another says "We Better Start Praying" and well the third really hasn't said anything but she was a heavy Obama hater leading up till Election Night.

Theres the typical "oh Obama is racist" or "Obama isn't American" or something like that. Which if they cared enough to educate themselves there are "rednecks" out there that did vote for Obama. I saw them on tv with signs that read "Rednecks For Obama". And for anyone to say hes racist or not mix or not American...well their ignorance speaks for themselves.

Right now people are just trying to find excuses to hide their obvious racist feelings. Some have gone to saying "oh the Market crashed 500pts lets blame the guy that isn't in office yet". I have had many conversations with these people on message boards and myspace and I have offered them the opportunity to discuss issues with me so I can understand them. And well to see if they are in fact racist. However, every opportunity I've laid out there has been denied and ignored.

But its whatever to me now. The vast majority of my friends are ecstatic that Obama was elected. And there is nothing that can be said that will take me off my high right now.

i deleted several people and i was so let down. i mean, i only slept fifteen minutes last night cuz i was stressed. it's a shame people's true colours come out in this way.

if only they could embrace change and realize that we deserve better. the rest of teh world suffered w/ bush as OUR president. he felt like he could rule the world and has left destruction in his path...and it's a shame that he'll forever be associated w/ us.
Dude, I hope ya'll don't think that Obama is the Messiah or something LOL

I was afraid of this. :p Just because Obama is in office doesn't mean the war is gonna end immediately. Doesn't mean America is gonna turn into a fantasy Disney animation with woodland creatures jumping around with flutes playing in the background (yes i got that from Colbert/Stewart LOL). I mean, Obama is only one man. He can only do so much in the circumstances passed on to him. Listen to Obama. Don't expect stuff to happen right when he sits his butt down in the oval office. "Change" might not happen in 3 years or 4 years. He's not a miracle worker. lol

I'm just afraid that when he gets in office and America doesn't start looking like heaven on earth by a certain amount of time, then people are gonna label him a bad president or something.
Dude, I hope ya'll don't think that Obama is the Messiah or something LOL

I was afraid of this. :p Just because Obama is in office doesn't mean the war is gonna end immediately. Doesn't mean America is gonna turn into a fantasy Disney animation with woodland creatures jumping around with flutes playing in the background (yes i got that from Colbert/Stewart LOL). I mean, Obama is only one man. He can only do so much in the circumstances passed on to him. Listen to Obama. Don't expect stuff to happen right when he sits his butt down in the oval office. "Change" might not happen in 3 years or 4 years. He's not a miracle worker. lol

I'm just afraid that when he gets in office and America doesn't start looking like heaven on earth by a certain amount of time, then people are gonna label him a bad president or something.

That's what I'm afraid of. He's got this image about him as though he's a rock star or some sort of miracle worker. People forget that he's just a politician, like any other, he's working within a system, and can only do so much and in a certain amount of time. People are placing too heavy expectations on him already I feel.
don't forget that ANY good that he could've done willbe drastically reduced b/c of all the crap bushy left for him.

he's not the messiah but he sure as hell ain't thinking the same thing as mccain or bush....those two voted the same most of the time so how could we get out of this funk w/ him in office?
Dude, I hope ya'll don't think that Obama is the Messiah or something LOL

I was afraid of this. :p Just because Obama is in office doesn't mean the war is gonna end immediately. Doesn't mean America is gonna turn into a fantasy Disney animation with woodland creatures jumping around with flutes playing in the background (yes i got that from Colbert/Stewart LOL).

There's nothing wrong with being excited, but a lot of the Obama supporters remind me of yesterday's episode of South Park, lol.

"Flip the cop car! YES WE CAN!"
He's better then McCain, obviously. Any democrat would be, I would think. But the way some act, it's as though he's going to change the world and he won't. It doesn't work like that. I'm sure he'll make a fine president, but people are already going on about him being the best president ever and he hasn't even gotten in to office yet. If he doesn't deliver on their expectations, you know how people are, a lot of his fanatics right now might turn on him, which would be total bs.
On that website you can submit your ideas about how to solve the problems facing America and the world.

LOL. I know he promised to listen to the people, but come on, that's a bit over-the-top. I'm not really complaining; it's just funny.
He's better then McCain, obviously. Any democrat would be, I would think. But the way some act, it's as though he's going to change the world and he won't. It doesn't work like that. I'm sure he'll make a fine president, but people are already going on about him being the best president ever and he hasn't even gotten in to office yet. If he doesn't deliver on their expectations, you know how people are, a lot of his fanatics right now might turn on him, which would be total bs.

Dude, I hope ya'll don't think that Obama is the Messiah or something LOL

barack obama came at a time when people are in need of a saviour. remember, these are desperate, hard times. but i also think that it i unfair to think that he holds the solution to all problems that the u.s. is facing. that is definitely too much to ask from him! he is not God who descended from heaven and will deliver the u.s. from all the troubles it is up with.

i am sure he will do his best but certainly, the road is hard and long. yes, i hope people will have the tolerance bec. he cannot just turn the economy around in one snap. after all, he may have the best intentions but he is, after all, human
Another update on Obama's administration.

Rahm Emanuel has already been confirmed as Obama's Chief of Staff, the highest ranking position of the Executive Office of the President. Now another post in the Obama administration has been confirmed. The Obama '08 campaign's Chief of Communications, Robert Gibbs has been confirmed as Obama's Press Secretary.


Earlier I mentioned possible candidates for Secretaries of State and Defense. Those position haven't been officially filled yet but some other names are now being mentioned as candidates for the positions of Treasury Secretary and Attorney General. Although those posts haven't been confirmed yet either. Those names being mentioned are....

Lawrence Summers (former Treasury Secretary for President Clinton) and Tim Geithner (President of the NY Federal Reserve Bank) for the position of Secretary of Treasury.


Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder (former Deputy Attorney General and senior legal advisor to Barack Obama) for the position of Attorney General.

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Dude, I hope ya'll don't think that Obama is the Messiah or something LOL

I was afraid of this. :p Just because Obama is in office doesn't mean the war is gonna end immediately. Doesn't mean America is gonna turn into a fantasy Disney animation with woodland creatures jumping around with flutes playing in the background (yes i got that from Colbert/Stewart LOL). I mean, Obama is only one man. He can only do so much in the circumstances passed on to him. Listen to Obama. Don't expect stuff to happen right when he sits his butt down in the oval office. "Change" might not happen in 3 years or 4 years. He's not a miracle worker. lol

I'm just afraid that when he gets in office and America doesn't start looking like heaven on earth by a certain amount of time, then people are gonna label him a bad president or something.

You have expressed my thoughts perfectly.

I do hope he will be able to live up to the expectations that have been thrust upon his shoulders, though it's going to be very tough.

I was also very happy when the news came in, but seeing all those millions of people across the world crying with joy did frighten me a was as if their saviour had just arrived and that along with him would come the biggest changes in the world. It's not that I don't understand their joy, I really do, cause I feel it myself. But the world of politics is so complex and running a state is such an immense responsibility that one cannot possibly know what lies ahead of us. I think it's best to keep a level of cautiousness in all situations.

I pray he will prove worthy of all this excitement, it would be best for everyone.