Barack Obama has been elected President of the US

^ It almost sounds confirmed that Hillary will be Barack's sec of State. I was watching on CNN that she just gave a response on this latest speculation. I didn't see what the response was but the CNN panel were saying it was a typically vague, open-ended statement of someone who has been approached for the job and may have even accepted. If it's not her it'll be Bill Richardson and IMO either one would be a great choice.
Hey, I was just wondering because I'm confused, is Obama a christian or a muslim?
One says he's a muslim and other says a christian..
Hey, I was just wondering because I'm confused, is Obama a christian or a muslim?
One says he's a muslim and other says a christian..

He's a christian but does it matter? Who cares, as long as he does the right thing and most definitely keeps RELIGION SEPARATE from politics. Unlike a certain current president who believes GOD talks to him and told him he should run for president, go to war, etc. **rolls eyes** That's just moronic and kinda crazy. In W.'s case it's just plain stupid. There's a reason our founding fathers thought it might be a good idea to keep church and state separate. W. is A PERFECT example of WHY IT'S AN EXCELLENT IDEA to do just that!
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Hey, I was just wondering because I'm confused, is Obama a christian or a muslim?
One says he's a muslim and other says a christian..

He's a secularist. He believes in the separation of church and state. So does it matter what his religion is? But to answer your question, he's Christian.
funny how both mj and obama get called a muslim in order to stain them. pretty shamful and sums these ppl up who do that about their islamaphobia
AP reports Eric Holder has accepted an "informal" offer by President-elect Obama to take up the position of Attorney General in his administration. Eric Holder was Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton administration and is a top legal advisor for Barack Obama. If Holder passes the vetting process and is approved by Congress he will be the first African-American Attorney General.


Source: Holder informally offered, accepts AG job

WASHINGTON (AP) — A source close to the process of selecting Barack Obama's attorney general says the president-elect has "informally" offered the post to Washington lawyer Eric Holder, who has accepted.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity Wednesday because no announcement has been made. He said that Holder has "informally" accepted the offer, pending completion of the vetting process.

Holder would be the nation's first black attorney general. He could run into some potential political problems over a 2001 pardon of a wealthy commodities dealer by President Bill Clinton, whose administration Holder served as deputy attorney general. The trader, Marc Rich, had spent years running from tax charges.
Hillary Clinton reportedly accepts State job


"Hey Hillary, wanna be my Secretary of State?", "umm... OK."

Hillary Clinton has reportedly accepted an offer by President-elect Obama to be his Secretary of State.
Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to give up her Senate seat to become secretary of state in the Obama administration, making her the public face to the world for the man who dashed her hopes for the presidency, confidants of Clinton said Friday.

Full report:

Timothy Geithner to be named Treasury Secretary


WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama will name Timothy F. Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, to be his Treasury secretary, moving to fill a key post at a moment when the quavering financial markets are looking for reassurance about the direction of economic policy, people briefed about the decision said Friday.

Full report:
He's a christian but does it matter? Who cares, as long as he does the right thing and most definitely keeps RELIGION SEPARATE from politics. Unlike a certain current president who believes GOD talks to him and told him he should run for president, go to war, etc. **rolls eyes** That's just moronic and kinda crazy. In W.'s case it's just plain stupid. There's a reason our founding fathers thought it might be a good idea to keep church and state separate. W. is A PERFECT example of WHY IT'S AN EXCELLENT IDEA to do just that!

post of the year.
Am I the only one that thinks its hilarious that Hilliary is now working with Obama? Its always funny how these things play themselves out and then for them to work side by side in the end anyway like a team.

Ah well. If Barack feels she can do the job I'll respect that and support her.
Sec of State suits Hillary because she has a very in your face type of persona. She takes no prisoners and this particular position demands this type of person. Hillary will not kiss any of the asses of the world leaders. She is like the guy who stands next to the Mafia boss and is ready to chop your fingers off and think nothing of it. Chick is gonna be good in this position.
Am I the only one that thinks its hilarious that Hilliary is now working with Obama? Its always funny how these things play themselves out and then for them to work side by side in the end anyway like a team.

Ah well. If Barack feels she can do the job I'll respect that and support her.

Hillary has always liked Obama and she campaigned a lot to get him elected. Obama also has a lot of respect for her. You can just tell. Things got heated during the primaries. But that's politics. They were both running for the nomination of their party. They both wanted it. So you've got to excuse any ill remarks they made about each other. Because this they were great friends. So there's no reason why they shouldn't remain great friends now that the election is over. I personally can't think of a better team than Hillary and Obama.

Sec of State suits Hillary because she has a very in your face type of persona. She takes no prisoners and this particular position demands this type of person. Hillary will not kiss any of the asses of the world leaders. She is like the guy who stands next to the Mafia boss and is ready to chop your fingers off and think nothing of it. Chick is gonna be good in this position.

I agree. She's a tough chick who demands respect. I found it funny on The View when they were talking about the time when Palin (back when she was a VP candidate) met with world leaders and one of the reportedly called her cute. Joy said something to the extent of if Hillary was called cute by a world leader she'd probably tell them to watch their mouth. lol, she so would.
His grandfather was muslim. Obama mentions it in his first book Dreams from my Father.

Hey, I was just wondering because I'm confused, is Obama a christian or a muslim?
One says he's a muslim and other says a christian..
I was on a plane from Newark, NJ to Shannon, Ireland when the results came in. As the plane was touching down they announced that Obama won. Alot of us were clapping. When I got out into the airport everybody was talking about it and very happy for him too. I voted for him myself. It was my first time voting in the US.
Republican Robert Gates to stay on as Secretary of Defense


With the US currently involved in two wars, talk of Obama keeping Robert Gates in the position of Secretary of Defense to maintain stability and ease the transition has been going on for weeks. Now some officials are saying it's a done deal. Robert Gates will stay on as Secretary of Defense for Barack Obama. This could be an effort on Obama's part to reach across the aisle and put together a bipartisan administration. It's not clear if Gates will stay on as Defense secretary indefinitely or if Obama plans to replace him when he is well into his first year in office. It has been suggested that Gates is staying on only to ease the transition and when Obama is settled into office he will replace Gates with a defense secretary who is more aligned with his foreign policy.

Full story:

Barack Obama is really getting his administration together quite quickly. But don't think his fast decisions translate to poor ones. He's been praised on both sides for his cabinet picks so far, save for some like his offer to Eric Holder to be Attorney General. But apart from some minor criticism from those who have always opposed him and will always oppose him no matter what, Obama's cabinet is shaping up nicely. This is the Obama cabinet so far (not all of these have been officially announced by Obama nor have they been approved by Congress)....

President - Barack Obama
Vice President - Joe Biden
Chief of Staff - Rahm Emanuel
Attorney General - Eric Holder
Secretary of State - Hillary Clinton
Secretary of Defense - Robert Gates
Secretary of Treasury - Timothy Geithner
Secretary of Commerce - Bill Richardson
Secretary of Homeland Security - Janet Napolitano
Secretary of Health and Human Services - Tim Daschle
Director of the Office of Management & Budget - Peter Orszag
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Barrack Obama's Inauguration: Anyone Going?

I was gonna start a new thread some time ago, but I just decided to bump this thread up (if anyone will notice). So is anybody planning to go there, or just watch it on tv at your job, home, public place, etc? Since it's the school season, we can't go (we were never gonna anyway) but just like most, we'll be watching CNN (which I'll note starts around 5:00 A.M., so u better be UP lol).

There's already been talk that Barrack has chosen the performers to participate during the celebrations:
Presidential Inauguration Performers
Written by: Christina Miralla

A list of performers is revealed for the 44th President’s Inauguration.

It’s no doubt that the Presidential Inauguration that will be taking place next week is a monumental event. Now, according to People, the event has some confirmed performers.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee announced that the Jonas Brothers will be the headliners performing live in concert for the Kids’ Inaugural: We Are the Future concert airing on the Disney Channel Jan. 19 at the Verizon Center. The Jonas Brothers are one of Malia and Sasha Obama’s favorite bands. Also performing are Miley Cyrus alongside father Billy Ray Cyrus, Bow-Wow and Demi Lovato, with appearances by Rihanna, Usher, and Shaquille O’Neal. Michelle Obama and Jill Biden will be hosting the show.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee also confirmed who will be on stage during the Neighborhood Ball: An Inaugural Celebration, taking place on Jan. 20. Stevie Wonder will be performing along with Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, Faith Hill, Shakira, Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Alicia Keys. The inauguration will air live on ABC at 8 p.m.