Barack Obama has been elected President of the US

I'm so happy! Obama didn't win the election, we ALL did! Everyone who voted for him are winners!!!

I'm so proud!
Yeah,Babe!!We are happy too!:D

I'm watching tv and I saw that THE WORLD are celebrate the victory of Obama!I saw also the people in The Times Square!!!Wonderfull!
Is there somewhere I can watch his Victory speech online?

The beautiful thing here is that it was the PEOPLE of USA who put him in office. It says a lot. But what a long and messy road ahead that he has to clean up. I would imagine this will be one of the most difficult Presidencies, but like someone mentioned above, if the people of USA answer the call to help, well... many hands make a heavy load light.

It's all very possible and I can see people wanting to help how they can now. I hope that for one, this is like a warm embrace from the whole country to all those who have been hurt by racism. That is just one part of it all but an important part I think, because it shows how far the country has come in that area. It is important to mention because of history. He is, and we all are, so much more than our shell. I think the world has begun to understand this.
Tears of joy, tears of hope, tears for change. Last night was very overwhelming and today is a new day. Thank you Lord.
Even as an Australian I feel very privileged to be alive to witness this historic moment.

George W Bush showed me how much of and influence and an effect the US President has on the rest of the world. The US President is really the leader of the free world and I'm so glad that Barack Obama is going to be that leader for the next four years and perhaps the next eight years.

I really look forward to those next four (potentially eight) years and I am positive that with President Obama as the leader of the free world he can change things around for not just Americans but everybody who is in someway influenced by the actions of the US and as the recent global economic crisis proved, nearly everybody around the world if effected by what happens in the US. After eight years of those actions taken by the US President having a negative effect on the rest of the world I really look forward to a US President whose actions will have a positive effect on the rest of the world.

I have to be honest with you Americans. You probably already know this but the rest of the world hasn't had the highest opinion of your country for the last few years. Quite frankly a lot of people from around the world thought Americans were idiot who elected the biggest idiot of the lot of you to the highest office in your country. But what this election has shown the rest of the world is that George W Bush is not the rule. He was the exception. You really are fine, smart, decent people who have the ability to elect a really fine, smart, decent person to your highest office.

Who would've thought that seven years after Islamic extremists attacked the US and six years after the US invaded Iraq to overthrow a guy named Saddam Hussein that the American people would be so great as to elect a guy named Barack Hussein Obama. An African-American with a Muslim name. No one thought it could happen. But you guys proved that America is the real deal. Good on you :)

LOL!!!!! We figured....we were talking about this in my international studies class.

I was wondering who around here voted for Bush again after the first 4 years! I mean, I can understand making a mistake the first time.....but again???

Is there somewhere I can watch his Victory speech online?
The beautiful thing here is that it was the PEOPLE of USA who put him in office. It says a lot. But what a long and messy road ahead that he has to clean up. I would imagine this will be one of the most difficult Presidencies, but like someone mentioned above, if the people of USA answer the call to help, well... many hands make a heavy load light.

It's all very possible and I can see people wanting to help how they can now. I hope that for one, this is like a warm embrace from the whole country to all those who have been hurt by racism. That is just one part of it all but an important part I think, because it shows how far the country has come in that area. It is important to mention because of history. He is, and we all are, so much more than our shell. I think the world has begun to understand this.

Here u go:

I love and respect this man sooo much!!

I am so lucky to be alive during this!!

This is not only victory for the USA but victory for the world as what is good for America is good for us!

I am so speechless and i have been so happy and have been crying all day.

This is a stand against racism and prejudice. It is a hope for a better world.

God Bless America.
I LOOOVE seeing other countries around the world celebrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for those pics!!! :yes:
I love and respect this man sooo much!!

I am so lucky to be alive during this!!

This is not only victory for the USA but victory for the world as what is good for America is good for us!

I am so speechless and i have been so happy and have been crying all day.

This is a stand against racism and prejudice. It is a hope for a better world.

God Bless America.

THE Barrack Obama acceptance Speech.

Elevating night it was. Tell yo mama, tell yo friends, tell anyone who's heart can compreheand(sp), that on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008, at 11:00 pm, Barrack Hussein Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States of America. Our Nation's first BLACK president.

I sound like a broken record but who cares? I'm celebrating! :dance:
Thank you, Bob George for this amazing comment.

When I see the images of people from all over the world celebrating what we Americans are celebrating, it really, truly touches me. I never think that a day like this would even happen. I believe that God gives people something to do in this world and God gave Obama the gift to help people and bring people, all people, together. I went to vote yesterday morning and believed that my vote will be counted. When I saw the results, the long lines, the different kinds of people voting for this one man, I was so happy that everyone's vote counted. When I found out that he won, I was so proud and happy. This is truly one of the best days of my life.

Well said, Bee. Every word you spoke is the same way I feel. :flowers:

The rest of the world celebrating with us:

Obama's step-grandmother in Kenya.


The school he attended while in Indonesia.








Props to the Huffington Post for this set

Thank you for the pix. It's amazingly beautiful to see the reactions all across the world. Bob George, lovely post. :flowers:

Thank you to everyone outside of the USA who pulled for us to make this happen. We did it for our country and yours, too. I think it's a victory for all of us as well...even those who didn't support or vote for Obama. Eventually, they'll see. I hope and pray for that. Eventually they will understand why this historic moment was a good thing for them, too. :)

Damn I'm getting emotional again. It's going to be emotional for a while, I guess. But it's freakin' beautiful!!! :D

Let's keep the prayers going (if you believe in prayer) for Obama and his team cuz they sure as heck are going to need it with the mess Bush is leaving behind. It took 8 years to muck it up this bad so we have to be patient and like Obama said in his closing speeches...we have to do our parts in this. We have to work together with him to get things back on track and make things better.

Lastly, Florida is Blue!! We are a blue State!!! And I'm not dreaminnnnnnnn'!!!! Hellz yeah! :jump:
Re: Barack ABM has been elected President of the US

I was never so happy and excited over an election in all my life
The Amercian PEOPLE have Spoken - Time for a change
It was so moving to see everyones reaction around the world
This truly is a historical moment and now is time to heal and
move forward - its gonna be a bumpy road climbing out of the
mess we are in but at least he will be climbing :) and not digging
a deeper hole _

please pray for our New president elect and our country :angel:
NOw he's gonna have a huge job these next 4 years cleaning up the mess Bush left for him
Rumours are coming out of Fox News that McCain is potential pick for Obama's Secretary of Defense. Other potential picks are Colin Powell and Wes Clark.
This is historical, and I''m so excited! I was crazy happy with this news! Maybe we're one step closer to equality for all. At the least, a change has come. BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratilations Americans! :cheers:

I heard the good news on the radio today and I just saw the TV news. My god I saw Jesse Jackson crying.

Obama, Obama, Obama.... :D
This is truly an amazing day. I was so determined to vote yesturday. I was in Florida, about 800 or so miles from where I live. And my mother drove 14 and a half hours to get back. We made it to the polling place an hour before polls closed. I was so happy to have been able to cast my vote for Obama. I think this is just a beautiful and wonderful moment, and tonight (I passed out last night because I was so tired) I am getting pissed drunk! Hehehe. I'm not a drinker, but I AM CELEBRATING tonight! I actually found out Obama won like at 2:30 AM. I had been asleep, and I dreamnt that Obama won and when I woke up for the first minute or so I honestly thought I was still dreaming and when I realized it was REALLY HAPPENING I was SO happy! I was/am VERY estatic! I turned it from MSNBC to CNN and they were saying the same thing and then I turned it on Fox and I LOVED how down and sad the guy reporting it all looked. LOL! This day, this moment has been a long time coming and will be remembered as a day when a man fought and worked his way to reach his dreams and goals and who ultimately acheived the American dream. Barack Hussein Obama IS THE AMERICAN DREAM! And I am VERY proud to have been a part of him getting into office, because like Obama said this isn't his victory it's ALL OUR VICTORY!



I love all of you guys! We have a long way to go but the light at the end of the tunnel is shinning bright and we can see the the beginning of bigger and better things to come!

I have never been as proud to be an American as I am right now..


Today is a beautiful day - justice has been done.

My heart is SO happy for all Americans, and all people that this will affect. It don't affect me direclty (living in England), but on a spiritual level, this is the best news I could have got today.

I'm not biased, I have an open mind and I listened to both speeches through. Both men were fair and admirable. Yes I know Obama is a politician and they often only say things because we want to hear them. But to me, Obama sounds like the KIND OF leader that people need, just by his attitude and common sense - and intelligence. A clear improvement. (Enough said.)

I congratulate him and wish him well in his role.

OH, and the FIRST song I put on on my mp3 player this morning was HISSSSS-TORY!!! Yesssss! :D :punk:

:cheers::angel: Thank you angels for making this happen for people.
FINALLY minorities will be the majority. and the racists who came out of the woodwork this election, was sad to see.. they got what they deserve! Finally. :dancin:

waiting for him to get in office!!:timer:

I'm not from the USA, and I agree that minorities will be and should be given full equal rights. But having minorities becoming a majority does not stop racism as it's not just white people who are racist. Different races have different ways of being racist, and one race people should not be singled out if we really want to end racism.

You Americans made the right choice in voting to Barack Obama. Regardless of race he is the right man for the job of President of the USA at a time when the world needs to change, and he has the right team to work with him. If I were American I would have voted for Obama, but I quite like John McCain and even though I don't think he ever stood a chance of winning against Obama for many reasons, he would have done better if he hadn't of chosen Sarah Palin (a very nice looking women) as his running partner because she is too right wing and hasn't got a clue what she is talking about.
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Thank GOD! A psge has turned in history tonight and I am glad I was alive to see it. I know the rocky roacky road ahead won't be easy but their is hope that change is on it's way. :) Thanks for all of the support from all the four corners of the world and the people in it.. God Bless us all!!!!
"Cause Obama Is Here. The World Is Ready For Change Cause Obama Is Here. The First Black President is Destined and its Meant To Be."

Hooray for evolution and common sense! America needed a change
in the biggest way and we all knew something had to give.
I'm thankful that we were able to do it.
Now is the time to achieve the benefits
and worth of making the change.​

President Elect Barack Obama has achieved the greatest feat
of any Black man in this country and this country realized that
it was TIME to see COLOR in the White House,
but more than that this country saw A MAN
who showed no weakness to the task of becoming
a major affluent part of this nation's history.

He stood tall, calm and very poised as if the long hard road
to get to last night was easy as the walk to the podium.
This is what I believe won him the election.
The strength that he showed along with his courage
to prevail through whatever was thrown at him.​

When God is ready to lift you and stand you up for all to see,
there's nothing to block the view.
President Elect Barack Obama had no choice but to
run for President and be positioned in History
as the First Black President of the United States of America
because it was God's will.
I believe that.

Congratulations, America and Barack Obama
for making the change.

Thank God for Democracy.​
Re: Nov.4th/Inspirational/historical

Oops sorry. Didn't know therer are 2 election threads already. So, mods, please merge this thread into either one of 'em.