Barack Obama has been elected President of the US

I'm very happy Barack Obama is the new President of the USA. The first mixed race man to become President of the USA and a true representation of a multicultural country !
I was so happy when I heard the news this morning! :D Even people at my school were happy and saying he looks like a promising guy! :D :clap:

Congrats to him :sarmoti I hope he'll live up to everyone's expectations ;)
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wonderful news. the world has some hope again

america became a great inspiration for the entire world once again
well theres along way to go before that happens but its a start

Today is a special day. I never imagined I'd find the US presidential election this moving and touching, not only interesting. I know even many of US citizens here can say the same thing. I mean, it's emotional. Earlier today I haerd the result and since then, I feel happy.

I was born and raised and been living in South Korea. I'm Asian, never lived in the US for a second. But this fact cannot stop me from feeling the emotion. I studied African-American history and literature in college. I didn't study only with my head. Had to use my imagination and put myself in their shoes and FEEL the life, the SOUL, one of the most important words for black people.
Also, one of my best friends' is a black man living in the US. We been tight for years and he taught me what it's like to be a black man and tell it like it is, without sugarcoating the reality. I've learned a lot from him. So, I think Obama's victory can be more meangful to me.

I'm sure many other members around the world here felt something about the election. Let's share! I know there's a thread for the election in general, but I think this one deserves to be a seperate one to express more personal, emotional reactions:)
I'm very happy Barack Obama is the new President of the USA. The first mixed race man to become President of the USA and a true representation of a multicultural country !

very true
My latest entry in my blog...

We DID IT!! We helped elect the 44th President of the United States!! WOO HOOO!!!Nov 5, '08 6:23 AM
for everyone

What a momentous historic occasion. It brought a flood of tears to my eyes, seeing this day in history. When I saw this, I cried like a baby - so many in my family had been exposed to the worst type of racial prejudice for such a long aunt Charlotte Tyler that lives in Daytona Beach, my late Uncle Sam Johns who used to live in Natick, MA with my aunt many of them. And now we have our FIRST Black President. OMG. I just wished Martin Luther King Jr. were watching from heaven to see this. After all, it was HIS DREAM that got us to this moment in time. I cannot tell you how proud I am to be an AMERICAN CITIZEN this morning.
We did it. Oprah, my mother, my daughter and I. By going door to door, and calling on the phone, we did it. What a sense of accomplishment I feel today. We did this through sweat, tears and hard work. We are a BLESSED NATION today because of this election. May we savor this for years to come.
I know most of you aren't American, but are so happy. You can only imagine what it must feel like for us. I was at a viewing party and every single African American was dumbfounded for the first 20-30 seconds... and then the crying and sobbing followed for both men and women.

Lets not forget the history that was made.

Like Obama said last night:
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

I am now very proud to be an American.
The rest of the world celebrating with us:

Obama's step-grandmother in Kenya.


The school he attended while in Indonesia.








Props to the Huffington Post for this set

Thank you for posting this. This was SO BEAUTIFUL, it made me cry all over again!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
OMG I'm so happy! And I'm not even American, and I don't even know much about politics! :D We are living historical times now!

I'm just soooo glad Obama won.:sparkle: This will have effect in so many countries all around the world.

Go America, God bless you! :cheers::party: :happy_dance::girl_happy:
OMG I'm so happy! And I'm not even American, and I don't even know much about politics! :D We are living historical times now!

I'm just soooo glad Obama won.:sparkle: This will have effect in so many countries all around the world.

Go America, God bless you! :cheers::party: :happy_dance::girl_happy:

I just hope it'll be good for us...
^ I believe it will :)
At least better than what Bush made :unsure:
:clapping: Congratulations America!
Congrats President Barack Obama! Yey!
Yeah! Congratulations, Obama, congratulations, US! :clapping:

God bless you all!

Now lets see some change! :kickass2:
an incredible moment to be American *waves flag* his acceptance speech was so uplifting - if we answer the call and help as he points out - he still needs us - change will come -- change for a better country - Go USA - faith restored.
I just hope that, well... people will realise that this process of change will take time. Yes, celebrate now but please... high excpectations can wear a man down :lol:

But for now, just embrace HIStory part 2 in the making.
Congratulations to all USA's citizens who voted for Mr.Obama.

Lets hope some international policy advisers that were in his team will not actually rule his office, or else the chance to change the world will be sunk amongst ignorant, self-righteous, superiority-complex hypocritical moralistic policy that would only further make the planet suffer.

So lets see, how events will unfold; which people will get into the government, what they will actually do. I still give Obama's team chance, since in the time of elections they could have to say things that necessary for public as PR-technique.

There is possibility that politics will behave different -- and, once in a life time -- better than they promised (since what Obama's international affairs department was announcing prior was rather bad, as described above).
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i figured Indianas results wouldnt come in til late and of course he won before they came in. but im proud that I, like many others who stood in line for 3 and a half hours in Indiana to change our state so personally proud of that. go liberals! go democrats. go other minorities and women who will see our selfs as presidents one day! the true america is everyone, not one race like those other guys would like you to think is the 'real america'. FINALLY minorities will be the majority. and the racists who came out of the woodwork this election, was sad to see.. they got what they deserve! Finally. :dancin:

waiting for him to get in office!!:timer:
an incredible moment to be American *waves flag* his acceptance speech was so uplifting - if we answer the call and help as he points out - he still needs us - change will come -- change for a better country - Go USA - faith restored.
What a great orator, what an inspiration. I do not like party politics, but i was overwhelmed. Congratulations America.:D
I'm speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):)
You really are fine, smart, decent people who have the ability to elect a really fine, smart, decent person to your highest office.

Thank you, Bob George for this amazing comment.

When I see the images of people from all over the world celebrating what we Americans are celebrating, it really, truly touches me. I never think that a day like this would even happen. I believe that God gives people something to do in this world and God gave Obama the gift to help people and bring people, all people, together. I went to vote yesterday morning and believed that my vote will be counted. When I saw the results, the long lines, the different kinds of people voting for this one man, I was so happy that everyone's vote counted. When I found out that he won, I was so proud and happy. This is truly one of the best days of my life.
The jornalist here in Brazil was crying when she talking about the victory of Obama!:cry:

The president from Bazil,Luis Inácio Lula da Silva was so happy to see the victory of Obama!He said "this is extraordinary!The victory of Obama represents the strong of democracy!"

All of Brazilians are happy with the victory of Obama.Really!:cheers:

God bless Obama!:)
The jornalist here in Brazil was crying when she talking about the victory of Obama!:cry:

The president from Bazil,Luis Inácio Lula da Silva was so happy to see the victory of Obama!He said "this is extraordinary!The victory of Obama represents the strong of democracy!"

All of Brazilians are happy with the victory of Obama.Really!:cheers:

God bless Obama!:)

Thats GREAT that the Brazilian President Was happy for Obama.. :) :cheers: It seems like other countries were rooting for Obama!!! :girl_dance: