August 15-17, 2008: Michael Spotted in Jay-Z's 40/40 club again (3rd time)

Re: 15 - 17 August This weekends news - Battle MJ on Facebook and Myspace - Update on page 4

That last article posted was NOT talking about the singer Michael Jackson but some guy name Michael Jackson who is 52.
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Re: 15 - 17 August This weekends news - Battle MJ on Facebook and Myspace - Update on page 4

Michael will not stand tallest in history because he went "crazy".

He will stand the tallest because of his incredible talent, the longevity of his career and his impact around the world and on other artists.
Re: 15 - 17 August This weekends news - Battle MJ on Facebook and Myspace and win awesome prizes!

who is deepak chopra?

Unlike Uri Gellar, he is a REAL friend to Michael. Notice, he never comes to the media and offer his advise to Michael and about Michael. He always acknowledges their friendship, compliments the guy and moves on. I like that.

Who is he? He is renown author and speaker of spiritual and self help issues. Very wise man he is. I like him.
Re: 15 - 17 August This weekends news - Battle MJ on Facebook and Myspace and win awesome prizes!

Oh yes, the media always uses the lowest and most dated figures when estimating his wealth. They use numbers from 2003 and 2005 which was before the Sony/ATV acquired Famous Music and several other key catalogues. In reality that catalogue is worth up to 5 billion dollars! I guarentee that if Sony ever bought Michael out...they would give him anywhere between 1.5 and 2.5 billion dollars. This is one of the largest music publishing catalogues in the world. On top of that theres MIJAC music, Neverland, thousands of legendary awards, trophies, signed merchandise, famous art pieces, memorabilia, plus all the other expensive things Michael has bought over the years... A billion dollars is not out of the question!

Even after his debts of approximately 400 million, he would still have a value over 1 billion guaranteed. You will never hear the media say that though its the truth.

Unless you are Michael Jackson's financial advisor, there is absolutely no way you can say that you know what you're talking about. I'm not trying to be funny either. You don't know what this man's private financial records are. You are only taking reports that you are reading and using them against the reports that the media uses. I understand that you can use the public records that are posted. We don't know about the investments and side deals that may have fallen through over the years, yet we have people here that speak as if they know the exact penny in his checking account. Wow.
Re: 15 - 17 August This weekends news - Battle MJ on Facebook and Myspace and win awesome prizes!

Unless you are Michael Jackson's financial advisor, there is absolutely no way you can say that you know what you're talking about. I'm not trying to be funny either. You don't know what this man's private financial records are. You are only taking reports that you are reading and using them against the reports that the media uses. I understand that you can use the public records that are posted. We don't know about the investments and side deals that may have fallen through over the years, yet we have people here that speak as if they know the exact penny in his checking account. Wow.
That very argument could be used against the media, yet you didn't challenghe them, Why not? What the poster said makes perfecty sense to me. MJ has made molre money than any other celeb in the industry. He has part ownwership of the 3rd biggest publishing, which is flourishing as we speak. It is worth more than Paul McCartney's catalogue. MJ paysd paul McCartney for royalties and keeps the biggest share. he owns all his own music. Yet the media wants us to believe the MJ is broke anf Paul is a billionaire. How so? How is everybody else rich and MJ is poor when he owns so much? Please.
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mariemarie I could like to thank you so much for doing the weekend news thread for me once again while I was on vacation. :cheeky::D
lol..good ol norm clarke must be having a grand ol

good to see MJ buddy buddy with his buddies.
Wooah! :eek:
Thanks for posting lol. :lol: Miiichael.
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no matter where anyone comes down on MJ personally they can't ever take away his Music and His impact. i wish in alot of ways they would ignore him if they ain't got nothing nice to say or can't acknowledge his importance to not only american music but Music on a world scale.
no matter where anyone comes down on MJ personally they can't ever take away his Music and His impact. i wish in alot of ways they would ignore him if they ain't got nothing nice to say or can't acknowledge his importance to not only american music but Music on a world scale.

:clapping: When I see how the media has behaved towards MJ and the Jackson family on general I am convinced that RACISM is very much alive and kicking under another name. They are so clever with it that it isn't even 'politically correct now to call it by its name or we may be accused of 'playing the race card'.
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I don't get it. Why do you guys complain about these articles and NOT TAKE ACTION?

You guys should be writing these mags and their writers to express your displeasure over characterizing MJ beyond the scope of his music, which has nothing to do with nothing.

If you guys are going to rant about it, then I wanna see some letters to the editor or quit complaining.
I don't get it. Why do you guys complain about these articles and NOT TAKE ACTION?

You guys should be writing these mags and their writers to express your displeasure over characterizing MJ beyond the scope of his music, which has nothing to do with nothing.

If you guys are going to rant about it, then I wanna see some letters to the editor or quit complaining.

some of us do. and as you know..we are a big fanbase. if you saw some of the letters i wrote to people magazine over the past five would ban me from this site for some of the aggressive language i have used. and i wasn't the only one. and apparently..People has backed down. this is why we have fans of so many measures. some are extreme in their actions..some ignore..some do other things. that's why i kinda take comfort in the vast variety of fans we have. in the end..the reaction that MJ gets when he goes out, is the biggest revenge that can be leveled against the media. and the media feels it..and they act as if its'a constant thorn in their side. so..we're winning. other than that..with the media being as vast as it is...whatever is being done, is probably the best that can be done. everything is large. and sometimes..we don't see it all.
:clapping: When I see how the media has behaved towards MJ and the Jackson family on general I am convinced that RACISM is very much alive and kicking under another name. They are so clever with it that it isn't even 'politically correct now to call it by its name or we may be accused of 'playing the race card'.

i triple-double-quad... high-five you on that....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:

this is not a dig at their fans but....Madonna and Britney being cute and blonde can get away with almost everything.....where with Michael.. its like every pundit takes a personal issue with him... even when the man is being geniune and generous...
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i triple-double-quad... high-five you on that....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:

this is not a dig at their fans but....Madonna and Britney being cute and blonde can get away with almost everything.....where with Michael.. its like every pundit takes a personal issue with him... even when the man is being geniune and generous...

very true. and this extends to athletes as well.

everybody has skeletons. but the media would have you think otherwise.

and certainly..the media pundits have THEIR skeletons.
i triple-double-quad... high-five you on that....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clapping::clapping::clapping:

this is not a dig at their fans but....Madonna and Britney being cute and blonde can get away with almost everything.....where with Michael.. its like every pundit takes a personal issue with him... even when the man is being geniune and generous...
Thank you. After 40 years of sevice and dedication to music it is a crying shame that he cannot be treated with more respect when Britney Spears can walk the streets with no panties and showing her privates and gets more respect after losing her children.
40 years in the public eye and the only thing they can throw at him are the problems they created themselves or pay others to create, and they want to behave as if the man has done nothing his hole life. MJ doesn't have to do a damn thing again if he doesn't want to He owns a big chunk of the music business. That is what is really killing them. he has gone where no black man has gone before. the exact same language that was used for jack Johnson way back when is exactly the same that has been used for MJ. It is a crying shame. Happy birthday MJ.
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some of us do. and as you know..we are a big fanbase. if you saw some of the letters i wrote to people magazine over the past five would ban me from this site for some of the aggressive language i have used. and i wasn't the only one. and apparently..People has backed down. this is why we have fans of so many measures. some are extreme in their actions..some ignore..some do other things. that's why i kinda take comfort in the vast variety of fans we have. in the end..the reaction that MJ gets when he goes out, is the biggest revenge that can be leveled against the media. and the media feels it..and they act as if its'a constant thorn in their side. so..we're winning. other than that..with the media being as vast as it is...whatever is being done, is probably the best that can be done. everything is large. and sometimes..we don't see it all.

What I see is more people complaining about it than organizing and doing.

That's what I see.
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there is an expression in Serbian, which would go :


Meaning - they can't come close to him.
What I see is more people complaining about it than organizing and doing.

That's what I see.

well..i guess we all see things differently..

i've seen fifty fifty. we getting upset at each other isn't going to change anything..

most importantly....MJ has come a long way...MJ is getting a lot of support...

and the media can do nothing about it. and that's why some of them are angry.

MJ has gone much further than many who fantasize about being in his position. that's progress. MJ has thanked fans over and over for their support. so..that must mean something. it's not a perfect world. but MJ has more influence than a lot of world leaders.

MJ has been instrumental in a lot of people averting the commission of suicide. that's more than a lot of world leaders can lay claim to. so..though you may not see can bet your bottom dollar that those people who are alive today, because of his music, are doing things for him that i am sure to bet in vegas, you cannot see being done.

MJ has been able to escape what would have been career death for many other artists...and perhaps, life ending situations as well. and many fans were instrumental in that. fans we don't see. fans in humble well as powerful postitions. sometimes..complaining is a vent..a powerful outlet...and a beginning for fans who may not feel anything but powerless.'s a drop in the water...a beginning. and as for actions speaking louder than words....words have started and ended wars. words are sometimes mightier than swords... there's plenty of evidence of that. history books say that Martin Luther King's words came first. and they had the power to move oceans of people to action.

so...everything plays a part. you remember the saying..'the squeaky wheel gets the oil?

well...apparently..that's a saying that is believed in all circles. sayings like you have not because you ask not, come to mind..

so..yeah...there's complaining...

and also...there is doing.

and yes..dangerous 88....the media is left to spit under MJ's window...and that is all.
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I'm not sure where this idea that Madonna is hipper with young people than Michael Jackson comes from, honestly. Generally kids under, like, 16 probably don't care about either one, and up from there, I think my peers would rather listen to Billie Jean/Thriller/SC/Beat It/Bad/etc. than... Madonna. Then again, I'm only talking about my own surroundings, even though I've lived in like 6 places.
I'm not sure where this idea that Madonna is hipper with young people than Michael Jackson comes from, honestly. Generally kids under, like, 16 probably don't care about either one, and up from there, I think my peers would rather listen to Billie Jean/Thriller/SC/Beat It/Bad/etc. than... Madonna. Then again, I'm only talking about my own surroundings, even though I've lived in like 6 places.

lol. well..i guess in one place..santa maria, during the trial..a whole legion of fans had to be asked to leave the courtroom when they were about to show guess they were under sixteen. lol
actually thats a good point...I used to write to these morons personally a while back but then thought I was giving them too much attention thereby feeding them more so I stopped. But, I have to start writing to them least the ones I feel are way off and really misinformed.